mirror of https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb.git synced 2025-02-22 02:50:00 +01:00
Nils Adermann 6e31ce8573 Do not store email templates in database. [Bug #54505]
To explain what this is about, first a short phpBB code history lesson: ;-)

r9823 originally introduced the usage of our template class for emails. The
messenger class uses set_custom_template() to initialise the template object
which neither disables storedb nor inheritance. These two values are set in
$user->theme rather than inside a particular template instance (quite a design
failure if I may add). Thus the html page that is displayed to the user also
determines these settings for the email templates. This obviously causes
problems because both emails and other custom templates can quite simply not
be stored in the database because the db table only stores the filename, not
the path and requires a template id.

r9839 then generally disabled storedb and template inheritance for custom
templates to fix Bug #40515. This works for custom templates, but not for
emails where lots of template objects are created. In such a situation the
last call to set(_custom)_template() would now determine the values of storedb
and inheritance in _tpl_load. So any page sending emails would neither load
its template from the database nor use template inheritance. The same revision
also introduced orig_tpl_* variables in set_template() which on their own are
very much pointless, but could allow resetting the storedb and inheritance
values if they were used to reset $user->theme just before template execution
in _tpl_load.

In r10150 these orig_tpl_* variables are correctly used to access information
about the template of the page being displayed - contrary to the last template
used - from within the bbcode, fixing Bug #51285. However r10150 also introduces
a pointless $template_mode parameter for set_custom_template(). $template_mode
is really just a boolean flag (value you can be 'template' or an arbitrary other
value) that if it set circumvents the unsetting of storedb and template
inheritance. The very code that had been added to prevent issues with emails and
custom templates. Fixing the problem introduced by r8839 but at the same time
reintroducing the much greater problem from the original implementation of email

And now an explanation of what I did:

Based on this I have now changed the set_custom_template method to always
disable storedb. It can now properly use inheritance, you simply tell it the
path where the parent template can be found, by default the path is false which
will turn inheritance off. To make this work the template class now always
overwrites $user->theme storedb and inheritance variabbles with orig_tpl_* just
before rendering a template in _tpl_load. This way they are guaranteed to always
contain the value they had at the time set_template/set_custom_template were
called. This fixes [Bug #54505].

In summary, using global state is simply a horrible idea in object oriented
programming. Always Pass values, that an object depends on, as parameters - never
through magic global variables. Following this principle will safe you from a lot
of headaches.

Please test this patch as much as possible to make sure templates still work
properly for you, focus on multiple languages, missing language files, and
custom templates in systems that make use of the template class outside of
phpBB itself.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/branches/phpBB-3_0_0@10460 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
2010-01-26 16:52:46 +00:00

692 lines
18 KiB

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group, sections (c) 2001 ispi of Lincoln Inc
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @ignore
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
* Base Template class.
* @package phpBB3
class template
/** variable that holds all the data we'll be substituting into
* the compiled templates. Takes form:
* --> $this->_tpldata[block][iteration#][child][iteration#][child2][iteration#][variablename] == value
* if it's a root-level variable, it'll be like this:
* --> $this->_tpldata[.][0][varname] == value
var $_tpldata = array('.' => array(0 => array()));
var $_rootref;
// Root dir and hash of filenames for each template handle.
var $root = '';
var $cachepath = '';
var $files = array();
var $filename = array();
var $files_inherit = array();
var $files_template = array();
var $inherit_root = '';
var $orig_tpl_storedb;
var $orig_tpl_inherits_id;
// this will hash handle names to the compiled/uncompiled code for that handle.
var $compiled_code = array();
* Set template location
* @access public
function set_template()
global $phpbb_root_path, $user;
if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['template_path'] . '/template'))
$this->root = $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['template_path'] . '/template';
$this->cachepath = $phpbb_root_path . 'cache/tpl_' . str_replace('_', '-', $user->theme['template_path']) . '_';
if ($this->orig_tpl_storedb === null)
$this->orig_tpl_storedb = $user->theme['template_storedb'];
if ($this->orig_tpl_inherits_id === null)
$this->orig_tpl_inherits_id = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
$user->theme['template_storedb'] = $this->orig_tpl_storedb;
$user->theme['template_inherits_id'] = $this->orig_tpl_inherits_id;
if ($user->theme['template_inherits_id'])
$this->inherit_root = $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['template_inherit_path'] . '/template';
trigger_error('Template path could not be found: styles/' . $user->theme['template_path'] . '/template', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->_rootref = &$this->_tpldata['.'][0];
return true;
* Set custom template location (able to use directory outside of phpBB)
* @access public
function set_custom_template($template_path, $template_name, $fallback_template_path = false)
global $phpbb_root_path, $user;
// Make sure $template_path has no ending slash
if (substr($template_path, -1) == '/')
$template_path = substr($template_path, 0, -1);
$this->root = $template_path;
$this->cachepath = $phpbb_root_path . 'cache/ctpl_' . str_replace('_', '-', $template_name) . '_';
if ($fallback_template_path !== false)
if (substr($fallback_template_path, -1) == '/')
$fallback_template_path = substr($fallback_template_path, 0, -1);
$this->inherit_root = $fallback_template_path;
$this->orig_tpl_inherits_id = true;
$this->orig_tpl_inherits_id = false;
// the database does not store the path or name of a custom template
// so there is no way we can properly store custom templates there
$this->orig_tpl_storedb = false;
$this->_rootref = &$this->_tpldata['.'][0];
return true;
* Sets the template filenames for handles. $filename_array
* should be a hash of handle => filename pairs.
* @access public
function set_filenames($filename_array)
if (!is_array($filename_array))
return false;
foreach ($filename_array as $handle => $filename)
if (empty($filename))
trigger_error("template->set_filenames: Empty filename specified for $handle", E_USER_ERROR);
$this->filename[$handle] = $filename;
$this->files[$handle] = $this->root . '/' . $filename;
if ($this->inherit_root)
$this->files_inherit[$handle] = $this->inherit_root . '/' . $filename;
return true;
* Destroy template data set
* @access public
function destroy()
$this->_tpldata = array('.' => array(0 => array()));
$this->_rootref = &$this->_tpldata['.'][0];
* Reset/empty complete block
* @access public
function destroy_block_vars($blockname)
if (strpos($blockname, '.') !== false)
// Nested block.
$blocks = explode('.', $blockname);
$blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
$str = &$this->_tpldata;
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
$str = &$str[$blocks[$i]];
$str = &$str[sizeof($str) - 1];
// Top-level block.
return true;
* Display handle
* @access public
function display($handle, $include_once = true)
global $user, $phpbb_hook;
if (!empty($phpbb_hook) && $phpbb_hook->call_hook(array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__), $handle, $include_once))
if ($phpbb_hook->hook_return(array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)))
return $phpbb_hook->hook_return_result(array(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
if (defined('IN_ERROR_HANDLER'))
if ((E_NOTICE & error_reporting()) == E_NOTICE)
error_reporting(error_reporting() ^ E_NOTICE);
if ($filename = $this->_tpl_load($handle))
($include_once) ? include_once($filename) : include($filename);
eval(' ?>' . $this->compiled_code[$handle] . '<?php ');
return true;
* Display the handle and assign the output to a template variable or return the compiled result.
* @access public
function assign_display($handle, $template_var = '', $return_content = true, $include_once = false)
$this->display($handle, $include_once);
$contents = ob_get_clean();
if ($return_content)
return $contents;
$this->assign_var($template_var, $contents);
return true;
* Load a compiled template if possible, if not, recompile it
* @access private
function _tpl_load(&$handle)
global $user, $phpEx, $config;
if (!isset($this->filename[$handle]))
trigger_error("template->_tpl_load(): No file specified for handle $handle", E_USER_ERROR);
// reload these settings to have the values they had when this object was initialised
// using set_template or set_custom_template, they might otherwise have been overwritten
// by other template class instances in between.
$user->theme['template_storedb'] = $this->orig_tpl_storedb;
$user->theme['template_inherits_id'] = $this->orig_tpl_inherits_id;
$filename = $this->cachepath . str_replace('/', '.', $this->filename[$handle]) . '.' . $phpEx;
$this->files_template[$handle] = (isset($user->theme['template_id'])) ? $user->theme['template_id'] : 0;
$recompile = false;
if (!file_exists($filename) || @filesize($filename) === 0)
$recompile = true;
else if ($config['load_tplcompile'])
// No way around it: we need to check inheritance here
if ($user->theme['template_inherits_id'] && !file_exists($this->files[$handle]))
$this->files[$handle] = $this->files_inherit[$handle];
$this->files_template[$handle] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
$recompile = (@filemtime($filename) < filemtime($this->files[$handle])) ? true : false;
// Recompile page if the original template is newer, otherwise load the compiled version
if (!$recompile)
return $filename;
global $db, $phpbb_root_path;
if (!class_exists('template_compile'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_template.' . $phpEx);
// Inheritance - we point to another template file for this one. Equality is also used for store_db
if (isset($user->theme['template_inherits_id']) && $user->theme['template_inherits_id'] && !file_exists($this->files[$handle]))
$this->files[$handle] = $this->files_inherit[$handle];
$this->files_template[$handle] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
$compile = new template_compile($this);
// If we don't have a file assigned to this handle, die.
if (!isset($this->files[$handle]))
trigger_error("template->_tpl_load(): No file specified for handle $handle", E_USER_ERROR);
// Just compile if no user object is present (happens within the installer)
if (!$user)
return false;
if (isset($user->theme['template_storedb']) && $user->theme['template_storedb'])
$rows = array();
$ids = array();
// Inheritance
if (isset($user->theme['template_inherits_id']) && $user->theme['template_inherits_id'])
$ids[] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
$ids[] = $user->theme['template_id'];
foreach ($ids as $id)
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE template_id = ' . $id . "
AND (template_filename = '" . $db->sql_escape($this->filename[$handle]) . "'
OR template_included " . $db->sql_like_expression($db->any_char . $this->filename[$handle] . ':' . $db->any_char) . ')';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$rows[$row['template_filename']] = $row;
if (sizeof($rows))
foreach ($rows as $row)
$file = $this->root . '/' . $row['template_filename'];
$force_reload = false;
if ($row['template_id'] != $user->theme['template_id'])
// make sure that we are not overlooking a file not in the db yet
if (isset($user->theme['template_inherits_id']) && $user->theme['template_inherits_id'] && !file_exists($file))
$file = $this->inherit_root . '/' . $row['template_filename'];
$this->files[$row['template_filename']] = $file;
$this->files_inherit[$row['template_filename']] = $file;
$this->files_template[$row['template_filename']] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
else if (isset($user->theme['template_inherits_id']) && $user->theme['template_inherits_id'])
// Ok, we have a situation. There is a file in the subtemplate, but nothing in the DB. We have to fix that.
$force_reload = true;
$this->files_template[$row['template_filename']] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
$this->files_template[$row['template_filename']] = $user->theme['template_id'];
if ($force_reload || $row['template_mtime'] < filemtime($file))
if ($row['template_filename'] == $this->filename[$handle])
$compile->_tpl_load_file($handle, true);
$this->files[$row['template_filename']] = $file;
$this->filename[$row['template_filename']] = $row['template_filename'];
$compile->_tpl_load_file($row['template_filename'], true);
if ($row['template_filename'] == $this->filename[$handle])
$this->compiled_code[$handle] = $compile->compile(trim($row['template_data']));
$compile->compile_write($handle, $this->compiled_code[$handle]);
// Only bother compiling if it doesn't already exist
if (!file_exists($this->cachepath . str_replace('/', '.', $row['template_filename']) . '.' . $phpEx))
$this->filename[$row['template_filename']] = $row['template_filename'];
$compile->compile_write($row['template_filename'], $compile->compile(trim($row['template_data'])));
$file = $this->root . '/' . $row['template_filename'];
if (isset($user->theme['template_inherits_id']) && $user->theme['template_inherits_id'] && !file_exists($file))
$file = $this->inherit_root . '/' . $row['template_filename'];
$this->files[$row['template_filename']] = $file;
$this->files_inherit[$row['template_filename']] = $file;
$this->files_template[$row['template_filename']] = $user->theme['template_inherits_id'];
// Try to load from filesystem and instruct to insert into the styles table...
$compile->_tpl_load_file($handle, true);
return false;
return false;
return false;
* Assign key variable pairs from an array
* @access public
function assign_vars($vararray)
foreach ($vararray as $key => $val)
$this->_rootref[$key] = $val;
return true;
* Assign a single variable to a single key
* @access public
function assign_var($varname, $varval)
$this->_rootref[$varname] = $varval;
return true;
* Assign key variable pairs from an array to a specified block
* @access public
function assign_block_vars($blockname, $vararray)
if (strpos($blockname, '.') !== false)
// Nested block.
$blocks = explode('.', $blockname);
$blockcount = sizeof($blocks) - 1;
$str = &$this->_tpldata;
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockcount; $i++)
$str = &$str[$blocks[$i]];
$str = &$str[sizeof($str) - 1];
$s_row_count = isset($str[$blocks[$blockcount]]) ? sizeof($str[$blocks[$blockcount]]) : 0;
$vararray['S_ROW_COUNT'] = $s_row_count;
// Assign S_FIRST_ROW
if (!$s_row_count)
$vararray['S_FIRST_ROW'] = true;
// Now the tricky part, we always assign S_LAST_ROW and remove the entry before
// This is much more clever than going through the complete template data on display (phew)
$vararray['S_LAST_ROW'] = true;
if ($s_row_count > 0)
unset($str[$blocks[$blockcount]][($s_row_count - 1)]['S_LAST_ROW']);
// Now we add the block that we're actually assigning to.
// We're adding a new iteration to this block with the given
// variable assignments.
$str[$blocks[$blockcount]][] = $vararray;
// Top-level block.
$s_row_count = (isset($this->_tpldata[$blockname])) ? sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]) : 0;
$vararray['S_ROW_COUNT'] = $s_row_count;
// Assign S_FIRST_ROW
if (!$s_row_count)
$vararray['S_FIRST_ROW'] = true;
// We always assign S_LAST_ROW and remove the entry before
$vararray['S_LAST_ROW'] = true;
if ($s_row_count > 0)
unset($this->_tpldata[$blockname][($s_row_count - 1)]['S_LAST_ROW']);
// Add a new iteration to this block with the variable assignments we were given.
$this->_tpldata[$blockname][] = $vararray;
return true;
* Change already assigned key variable pair (one-dimensional - single loop entry)
* An example of how to use this function:
* {@example alter_block_array.php}
* @param string $blockname the blockname, for example 'loop'
* @param array $vararray the var array to insert/add or merge
* @param mixed $key Key to search for
* array: KEY => VALUE [the key/value pair to search for within the loop to determine the correct position]
* int: Position [the position to change or insert at directly given]
* If key is false the position is set to 0
* If key is true the position is set to the last entry
* @param string $mode Mode to execute (valid modes are 'insert' and 'change')
* If insert, the vararray is inserted at the given position (position counting from zero).
* If change, the current block gets merged with the vararray (resulting in new key/value pairs be added and existing keys be replaced by the new value).
* Since counting begins by zero, inserting at the last position will result in this array: array(vararray, last positioned array)
* and inserting at position 1 will result in this array: array(first positioned array, vararray, following vars)
* @return bool false on error, true on success
* @access public
function alter_block_array($blockname, $vararray, $key = false, $mode = 'insert')
if (strpos($blockname, '.') !== false)
// Nested blocks are not supported
return false;
// Change key to zero (change first position) if false and to last position if true
if ($key === false || $key === true)
$key = ($key === false) ? 0 : sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]);
// Get correct position if array given
if (is_array($key))
// Search array to get correct position
list($search_key, $search_value) = @each($key);
$key = NULL;
foreach ($this->_tpldata[$blockname] as $i => $val_ary)
if ($val_ary[$search_key] === $search_value)
$key = $i;
// key/value pair not found
if ($key === NULL)
return false;
// Insert Block
if ($mode == 'insert')
// Make sure we are not exceeding the last iteration
if ($key >= sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]))
$key = sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]);
unset($this->_tpldata[$blockname][($key - 1)]['S_LAST_ROW']);
$vararray['S_LAST_ROW'] = true;
else if ($key === 0)
$vararray['S_FIRST_ROW'] = true;
// Re-position template blocks
for ($i = sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]); $i > $key; $i--)
$this->_tpldata[$blockname][$i] = $this->_tpldata[$blockname][$i-1];
$this->_tpldata[$blockname][$i]['S_ROW_COUNT'] = $i;
// Insert vararray at given position
$vararray['S_ROW_COUNT'] = $key;
$this->_tpldata[$blockname][$key] = $vararray;
return true;
// Which block to change?
if ($mode == 'change')
if ($key == sizeof($this->_tpldata[$blockname]))
$this->_tpldata[$blockname][$key] = array_merge($this->_tpldata[$blockname][$key], $vararray);
return true;
return false;
* Include a separate template
* @access private
function _tpl_include($filename, $include = true)
$handle = $filename;
$this->filename[$handle] = $filename;
$this->files[$handle] = $this->root . '/' . $filename;
if ($this->inherit_root)
$this->files_inherit[$handle] = $this->inherit_root . '/' . $filename;
$filename = $this->_tpl_load($handle);
if ($include)
global $user;
if ($filename)
eval(' ?>' . $this->compiled_code[$handle] . '<?php ');
* Include a php-file
* @access private
function _php_include($filename)
global $phpbb_root_path;
$file = $phpbb_root_path . $filename;
if (!file_exists($file))
// trigger_error cannot be used here, as the output already started
echo 'template->_php_include(): File ' . htmlspecialchars($file) . ' does not exist or is empty';