2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
< ? php
class ItakuBridge extends BridgeAbstract
const NAME = 'Itaku.ee Bridge' ;
const URI = 'https://itaku.ee' ;
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 900 ; // 15mn
const MAINTAINER = 'mruac' ;
const DESCRIPTION = 'Bridges for Itaku.ee' ;
const PARAMETERS = [
'Image Search' => [
'text' => [
'name' => 'Text to search' ,
'title' => 'Search includes title, description and tags.' ,
'type' => 'text' ,
'exampleValue' => 'Text (incl. tags)'
'tags' => [
'name' => 'Tags to search' ,
'title' => 'Space seperated tags to include in search. Prepend with "-" to exclude, "~" for optional.' ,
'type' => 'text' ,
'exampleValue' => 'tag1 -tag2 ~tag3'
'order' => [
'name' => 'Sort by' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Trending' => '-hotness_score' ,
'Newest' => '-date_added' ,
'Oldest' => 'date_added' ,
'Top' => '-num_likes' ,
'Bottom' => 'num_likes'
'defaultValue' => '-date_added'
'range' => [
'name' => 'Date range' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Today' => 'today' ,
'Yesterday' => 'yesterday' ,
'Past 3 days' => '3_days' ,
'Past week' => 'week' ,
'Past month' => '30_days' ,
'Past year' => '365_days' ,
'All time' => ''
'defaultValue' => 'All time'
'video_only' => [
'name' => 'Video only?' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_s' => [
'name' => 'Include SFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_q' => [
'name' => 'Include Questionable' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_e' => [
'name' => 'Include NSFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'Post Search' => [
'tags' => [
'name' => 'Tags to search' ,
'title' => 'Space seperated tags to include in search. Prepend with "-" to exclude, "~" for optional.' ,
'type' => 'text' ,
'exampleValue' => 'tag1 -tag2 ~tag3'
'order' => [
'name' => 'Sort by' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Trending' => '-hotness_score' ,
'Newest' => '-date_added' ,
'Oldest' => 'date_added' ,
'Top' => '-num_likes' ,
'Bottom' => 'num_likes'
'defaultValue' => '-date_added'
'range' => [
'name' => 'Date range' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Today' => 'today' ,
'Yesterday' => 'yesterday' ,
'Past 3 days' => '3_days' ,
'Past week' => 'week' ,
'Past month' => '30_days' ,
'Past year' => '365_days' ,
'All time' => ''
'defaultValue' => 'All time'
'text_only' => [
'name' => 'Only include posts with text?' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_s' => [
'name' => 'Include SFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_q' => [
'name' => 'Include Questionable' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_e' => [
'name' => 'Include NSFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'User profile' => [
'user' => [
'name' => 'Username' ,
'type' => 'text' ,
'required' => true
'user_id' => [
'name' => 'User ID' ,
'type' => 'number' ,
'title' => 'User ID, if known.'
'reshares' => [
'name' => 'Include reshares' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_s' => [
'name' => 'Include SFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_q' => [
'name' => 'Include Questionable' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_e' => [
'name' => 'Include NSFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'Home feed' => [
'order' => [
'name' => 'Sort by' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Trending' => '-hotness_score' ,
'Newest' => '-date_added'
'defaultValue' => '-date_added'
'range' => [
'name' => 'Date range' ,
'type' => 'list' ,
'values' => [
'Today' => 'today' ,
'Yesterday' => 'yesterday' ,
'Past 3 days' => '3_days' ,
'Past week' => 'week' ,
'Past month' => '30_days' ,
'Past year' => '365_days' ,
'All time' => ''
'defaultValue' => 'All time'
'reshares' => [
'name' => 'Include reshares' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_s' => [
'name' => 'Include SFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_q' => [
'name' => 'Include Questionable' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
'rating_e' => [
'name' => 'Include NSFW' ,
'type' => 'checkbox'
public function collectData ()
if ( $this -> queriedContext === 'Image Search' ) {
$opt = [
'text' => $this -> getInput ( 'text' ),
'optional_tags' => [],
'negative_tags' => [],
'required_tags' => [],
'order' => $this -> getInput ( 'order' ),
'range' => $this -> getInput ( 'range' ),
'video_only' => $this -> getInput ( 'video_only' ),
'rating_s' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_s' ),
'rating_q' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_q' ),
'rating_e' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_e' )
2023-10-21 20:24:50 +10:30
$tag_arr = explode ( ' ' , $this -> getInput ( 'tags' ) ? ? '' );
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
foreach ( $tag_arr as $str ) {
switch ( $str [ 0 ]) {
case '-' :
$opt [ 'negative_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
case '~' :
$opt [ 'optional_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
default :
$opt [ 'required_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
$data = $this -> getImagesSearch ( $opt );
foreach ( $data [ 'results' ] as $record ) {
$item = $this -> getImage ( $record [ 'id' ]);
$this -> addItem ( $item );
if ( $this -> queriedContext === 'Post Search' ) {
$opt = [
'optional_tags' => [],
'negative_tags' => [],
'required_tags' => [],
'order' => $this -> getInput ( 'order' ),
'range' => $this -> getInput ( 'range' ),
'text_only' => $this -> getInput ( 'text_only' ),
'rating_s' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_s' ),
'rating_q' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_q' ),
'rating_e' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_e' )
$tag_arr = explode ( ' ' , $this -> getInput ( 'tags' ));
foreach ( $tag_arr as $str ) {
switch ( $str [ 0 ]) {
case '-' :
$opt [ 'negative_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
case '~' :
$opt [ 'optional_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
default :
$opt [ 'required_tags' ][] = substr ( $str , 1 );
break ;
$data = $this -> getPostsSearch ( $opt );
foreach ( $data [ 'results' ] as $record ) {
$item = $this -> getPost ( $record [ 'id' ], $record );
$this -> addItem ( $item );
if (
$this -> queriedContext === 'User profile'
|| $this -> queriedContext === 'Home feed'
) {
$opt = [
'reshares' => $this -> getInput ( 'reshares' ),
'rating_s' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_s' ),
'rating_q' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_q' ),
'rating_e' => $this -> getInput ( 'rating_e' )
if ( $this -> queriedContext === 'User profile' ) {
$opt [ 'order' ] = '-date_added' ;
$opt [ 'range' ] = '' ;
$user_id = $this -> getInput ( 'user_id' ) ? ? $this -> getOwnerID ( $this -> getInput ( 'user' ));
2024-01-09 20:18:33 +01:00
$data = $this -> getFeedData (
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
$opt ,
if ( $this -> queriedContext === 'Home feed' ) {
$opt [ 'order' ] = $this -> getInput ( 'order' );
$opt [ 'range' ] = $this -> getInput ( 'range' );
2024-01-09 20:18:33 +01:00
$data = $this -> getFeedData ( $opt );
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
foreach ( $data [ 'results' ] as $record ) {
switch ( $record [ 'content_type' ]) {
case 'reshare' :
//get type of reshare and its id
$id = $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'content_object' ][ 'id' ];
switch ( $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'content_type' ]) {
case 'galleryimage' :
$item = $this -> getImage ( $id );
$item [ 'title' ] = " { $record [ 'owner_username' ] } shared: { $item [ 'title' ] } " ;
break ;
case 'commission' :
$item = $this -> getCommission ( $id , $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'content_object' ]);
$item [ 'title' ] = " { $record [ 'owner_username' ] } shared: { $item [ 'title' ] } " ;
break ;
case 'post' :
$item = $this -> getPost ( $id , $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'content_object' ]);
$item [ 'title' ] = " { $record [ 'owner_username' ] } shared: { $item [ 'title' ] } " ;
break ;
break ;
case 'galleryimage' :
$item = $this -> getImage ( $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'id' ]);
break ;
case 'commission' :
$item = $this -> getCommission ( $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'id' ], $record [ 'content_object' ]);
break ;
case 'post' :
$item = $this -> getPost ( $record [ 'content_object' ][ 'id' ], $record [ 'content_object' ]);
break ;
$this -> addItem ( $item );
public function getName ()
return self :: NAME ;
public function getURI ()
return self :: URI ;
private function getImagesSearch ( array $opt )
$url = self :: URI . " /api/galleries/images/?by_following=false&date_range= { $opt [ 'range' ] } &ordering= { $opt [ 'order' ] } &is_video= { $opt [ 'video_only' ] } " ;
$url .= " &text= { $opt [ 'text' ] } &visibility=PUBLIC&visibility=PROFILE_ONLY&page=1&page_size=30&format=json " ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'optional_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'optional_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &optional_tags= $tag " ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'negative_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'negative_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &negative_tags= $tag " ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'required_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'required_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &required_tags= $tag " ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_s' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=SFW' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_q' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=Questionable' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_e' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=NSFW' ;
return $this -> getData ( $url , false , true );
private function getPostsSearch ( array $opt )
$url = self :: URI . " /api/posts/?by_following=false&date_range= { $opt [ 'range' ] } &ordering= { $opt [ 'order' ] } " ;
$url .= '&visibility=PUBLIC&visibility=PROFILE_ONLY&page=1&page_size=30&format=json' ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'optional_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'optional_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &optional_tags= $tag " ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'negative_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'negative_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &negative_tags= $tag " ;
if ( sizeof ( $opt [ 'required_tags' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $opt [ 'required_tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url .= " &required_tags= $tag " ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_s' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=SFW' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_q' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=Questionable' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_e' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=NSFW' ;
return $this -> getData ( $url , false , true );
2024-01-09 20:18:33 +01:00
private function getFeedData ( array $opt , $ownerID = null )
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
$url = self :: URI . " /api/feed/?date_range= { $opt [ 'range' ] } &ordering= { $opt [ 'order' ] } &page=1&page_size=30&format=json " ;
if ( is_null ( $ownerID )) {
$url .= '&visibility=PUBLIC&by_following=false' ;
} else {
$url .= " &owner= { $ownerID } " ;
if ( ! $opt [ 'reshares' ]) {
$url .= '&hide_reshares=true' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_s' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=SFW' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_q' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=Questionable' ;
if ( $opt [ 'rating_e' ]) {
$url .= '&maturity_rating=NSFW' ;
return $this -> getData ( $url , false , true );
private function getOwnerID ( $username )
$url = self :: URI . " /api/user_profiles/ { $username } /?format=json " ;
$data = $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
return $data [ 'owner' ];
private function getPost ( $id , array $metadata = null )
2023-10-21 20:24:50 +10:30
if ( isset ( $metadata ) && sizeof ( $metadata [ 'gallery_images' ]) < $metadata [ 'num_images' ]) {
$metadata = null ; //force re-fetch of metadata
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
$uri = self :: URI . '/posts/' . $id ;
$url = self :: URI . '/api/posts/' . $id . '/?format=json' ;
$data = $metadata ? ? $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content_str = nl2br ( $data [ 'content' ]);
$content = " <p> { $content_str } </p><br/> " ; //TODO: Add link and itaku user mention detection and convert into links.
if ( array_key_exists ( 'tags' , $data ) && sizeof ( $data [ 'tags' ]) > 0 ) {
$tag_types = [
'ARTIST' => '' ,
'COPYRIGHT' => '' ,
'CHARACTER' => '' ,
'SPECIES' => '' ,
'GENERAL' => '' ,
'META' => ''
foreach ( $data [ 'tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/tags/' . $tag [ 'id' ];
$str = " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $tag [ 'name' ] } </a> " ;
$tag_types [ $tag [ 'tag_type' ]] .= $str ;
foreach ( $tag_types as $type => $str ) {
if ( strlen ( $str ) > 0 ) {
$content .= " 🏷 <b> { $type } :</b> { $str } <br/> " ;
if ( sizeof ( $data [ 'folders' ]) > 0 ) {
$content .= '📁 In Folder(s): ' ;
foreach ( $data [ 'folders' ] as $folder ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/profile/' . $data [ 'owner_username' ] . '/posts/' . $folder [ 'id' ];
$content .= " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $folder [ 'title' ] } </a> " ;
$content .= '<hr/>' ;
if ( sizeof ( $data [ 'gallery_images' ]) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $data [ 'gallery_images' ] as $media ) {
$title = $media [ 'title' ];
$url = self :: URI . '/images/' . $media [ 'id' ];
$src = $media [ 'image_xl' ];
$content .= '<p>' ;
$content .= " <a href= \" { $url } \" ><b> { $title } </b></a><br/> " ;
if ( $media [ 'is_thumbnail_for_video' ]) {
$url = self :: URI . '/api/galleries/images/' . $media [ 'id' ] . '/?format=json' ;
$media_data = $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content .= " <video controls src= \" { $media_data [ 'video' ][ 'video' ] } \" poster= \" { $media [ 'image_xl' ] } \" /> " ;
} else {
$content .= " <a href= \" { $url } \" ><img src= \" { $src } \" ></a> " ;
$content .= '</p><br/>' ;
return [
'uri' => $uri ,
'title' => $data [ 'title' ],
'timestamp' => $data [ 'date_added' ],
'author' => $data [ 'owner_username' ],
'content' => $content ,
'categories' => [ 'post' ],
'uid' => $uri
private function getCommission ( $id , array $metadata = null )
$url = self :: URI . '/api/commissions/' . $id . '/?format=json' ;
$uri = self :: URI . '/commissions/' . $id ;
// Debug::log(var_dump($metadata));
$data = $metadata ? ? $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content_str = nl2br ( $data [ 'description' ]);
$content = " <p> { $content_str } </p><br> " ; //TODO: Add link and itaku user mention detection and convert into links.
if ( array_key_exists ( 'tags' , $data ) && sizeof ( $data [ 'tags' ]) > 0 ) {
// $content .= "🏷 Tag(s): ";
$tag_types = [
'ARTIST' => '' ,
'COPYRIGHT' => '' ,
'CHARACTER' => '' ,
'SPECIES' => '' ,
'GENERAL' => '' ,
'META' => ''
foreach ( $data [ 'tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/tags/' . $tag [ 'id' ];
$str = " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $tag [ 'name' ] } </a> " ;
$tag_types [ $tag [ 'tag_type' ]] .= $str ;
foreach ( $tag_types as $type => $str ) {
if ( strlen ( $str ) > 0 ) {
$content .= " 🏷 <b> { $type } :</b> { $str } <br/> " ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'reference_gallery_sections' , $data ) && sizeof ( $data [ 'reference_gallery_sections' ]) > 0 ) {
$content .= '📁 Example folder(s): ' ;
foreach ( $data [ 'folders' ] as $folder ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/profile/' . $data [ 'owner_username' ] . '/gallery/' . $folder [ 'id' ];
$folder_name = $folder [ 'title' ];
if ( ! is_null ( $folder [ 'group' ])) {
$folder_name = $folder [ 'group' ][ 'title' ] . '/' . $folder_name ;
$content .= " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $folder_name } </a> " ;
$content .= '<hr/>' ;
if ( ! is_null ( $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ])) {
$content .= '<p>' ;
$content .= " <a href= \" { $uri } \" ><b> { $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ][ 'title' ] } </b></a><br/> " ;
if ( $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ][ 'is_thumbnail_for_video' ]) {
$url = self :: URI . '/api/galleries/images/' . $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ][ 'id' ] . '/?format=json' ;
$media_data = $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content .= " <video controls src= \" { $media_data [ 'video' ][ 'video' ] } \" poster= \" { $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ][ 'image_lg' ] } \" /> " ;
} else {
$content .= " <a href= \" { $uri } \" ><img src= \" { $data [ 'thumbnail_detail' ][ 'image_lg' ] } \" ></a> " ;
$content .= '</p>' ;
return [
'uri' => $uri ,
'title' => " { $data [ 'comm_type' ] } : { $data [ 'title' ] } " ,
'timestamp' => $data [ 'date_added' ],
'author' => $data [ 'owner_username' ],
'content' => $content ,
'categories' => [ 'commission' , $data [ 'comm_type' ]],
'uid' => $uri
private function getImage ( $id /* array $metadata = null */ ) //$metadata disabled due to no essential information available in ./api/feed/ or ./api/galleries/images/ results.
$uri = self :: URI . '/images/' . $id ;
$url = self :: URI . '/api/galleries/images/' . $id . '/?format=json' ;
$data = /* $metadata ?? */ $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content_str = nl2br ( $data [ 'description' ]);
$content = " <p> { $content_str } </p><br/> " ; //TODO: Add link and itaku user mention detection and convert into links.
if ( array_key_exists ( 'tags' , $data ) && sizeof ( $data [ 'tags' ]) > 0 ) {
// $content .= "🏷 Tag(s): ";
$tag_types = [
'ARTIST' => '' ,
'COPYRIGHT' => '' ,
'CHARACTER' => '' ,
'SPECIES' => '' ,
'GENERAL' => '' ,
'META' => ''
foreach ( $data [ 'tags' ] as $tag ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/tags/' . $tag [ 'id' ];
$str = " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $tag [ 'name' ] } </a> " ;
$tag_types [ $tag [ 'tag_type' ]] .= $str ;
foreach ( $tag_types as $type => $str ) {
if ( strlen ( $str ) > 0 ) {
$content .= " 🏷 <b> { $type } :</b> { $str } <br/> " ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'sections' , $data ) && sizeof ( $data [ 'sections' ]) > 0 ) {
$content .= '📁 In Folder(s): ' ;
foreach ( $data [ 'sections' ] as $folder ) {
$url = self :: URI . '/profile/' . $data [ 'owner_username' ] . '/gallery/' . $folder [ 'id' ];
$folder_name = $folder [ 'title' ];
if ( ! is_null ( $folder [ 'group' ])) {
$folder_name = $folder [ 'group' ][ 'title' ] . '/' . $folder_name ;
$content .= " <a href= \" { $url } \" ># { $folder_name } </a> " ;
$content .= '<hr/>' ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'is_thumbnail_for_video' , $data )) {
$url = self :: URI . '/api/galleries/images/' . $data [ 'id' ] . '/?format=json' ;
$media_data = $this -> getData ( $url , true , true )
or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$content .= " <video controls src= \" { $media_data [ 'video' ][ 'video' ] } \" poster= \" { $data [ 'image_xl' ] } \" /> " ;
} else {
if ( array_key_exists ( 'video' , $data ) && is_null ( $data [ 'video' ])) {
$content .= " <a href= \" { $uri } \" ><img src= \" { $data [ 'image_xl' ] } \" ></a> " ;
} else {
$content .= " <video controls src= \" { $data [ 'video' ][ 'video' ] } \" poster= \" { $data [ 'image_xl' ] } \" /> " ;
return [
'uri' => $uri ,
'title' => $data [ 'title' ],
'timestamp' => $data [ 'date_added' ],
'author' => $data [ 'owner_username' ],
'content' => $content ,
'categories' => [ 'image' ],
'uid' => $uri
private function getData ( string $url , bool $cache = false , bool $getJSON = false , array $httpHeaders = [], array $curlOptions = [])
// Debug::log($url);
if ( $getJSON ) { //get JSON object
if ( $cache ) {
2023-09-10 23:35:40 +02:00
$data = $this -> loadCacheValue ( $url );
2023-08-15 23:32:58 +09:30
if ( is_null ( $data )) {
$data = getContents ( $url , $httpHeaders , $curlOptions ) or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
$this -> saveCacheValue ( $url , $data );
} else {
$data = getContents ( $url , $httpHeaders , $curlOptions ) or returnServerError ( " Could not load $url " );
return json_decode ( $data , true );
} else { //get simpleHTMLDOM object
if ( $cache ) {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached ( $url , 86400 ); // 24 hours
} else {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM ( $url );
$html = defaultLinkTo ( $html , $url );
return $html ;
private function addItem ( $item )
if ( is_null ( $item )) {
return ;
if ( is_array ( $item ) || is_object ( $item )) {
$this -> items [] = $item ;
} else {
returnServerError ( " Incorrectly parsed item. Check the code! \n Type: " . gettype ( $item ) . " \n print_r(item:) \n " . var_dump ( $item ));