Hello World!

` becomes `Hello World!`). * @return object A simplehtmldom object of the remaining contents. * * @todo Check if this implementation is still necessary, because simplehtmldom * already removes some of the tags (search for `remove_noise` in simple_html_dom.php). */ function sanitize( $html, $tags_to_remove = ['script', 'iframe', 'input', 'form'], $attributes_to_keep = ['title', 'href', 'src'], $text_to_keep = [] ) { $htmlContent = str_get_html($html); foreach ($htmlContent->find('*') as $element) { if (in_array($element->tag, $text_to_keep)) { $element->outertext = $element->plaintext; } elseif (in_array($element->tag, $tags_to_remove)) { $element->outertext = ''; } else { foreach ($element->getAllAttributes() as $attributeName => $attribute) { if (!in_array($attributeName, $attributes_to_keep)) { $element->removeAttribute($attributeName); } } } } return $htmlContent; } function sanitize_html(string $html): string { $html = str_replace('` tags. * * For example: * * ```HTML * * *

Hello world!

* * * ``` * * results in this output: * * ```HTML * * * * ``` * * @param string $htmlContent The HTML content * @return string The HTML content with all ocurrences replaced */ function backgroundToImg($htmlContent) { $regex = '/background-image[ ]{0,}:[ ]{0,}url\([\'"]{0,}(.*?)[\'"]{0,}\)/'; $htmlContent = str_get_html($htmlContent); foreach ($htmlContent->find('*') as $element) { if (preg_match($regex, $element->style, $matches) > 0) { $element->outertext = ''; } } return $htmlContent; } /** * Convert relative links in HTML into absolute links * * This function is based on `php-urljoin`. * * @link https://github.com/plaidfluff/php-urljoin php-urljoin * * @param string|object $dom The HTML content. Supports HTML objects or string objects * @param string $url Fully qualified URL to the page containing relative links * @return string|object Content with fixed URLs. */ function defaultLinkTo($dom, $url) { if ($dom === '') { return $url; } $string_convert = false; if (is_string($dom)) { $string_convert = true; $dom = str_get_html($dom); } foreach ($dom->find('img') as $image) { $image->src = urljoin($url, $image->src); } foreach ($dom->find('a') as $anchor) { $anchor->href = urljoin($url, $anchor->href); } if ($string_convert) { $dom = $dom->outertext; } return $dom; } /** * Convert lazy-loading images and frames (video embeds) into static elements * * This function looks for lazy-loading attributes such as 'data-src' and converts * them back to regular ones such as 'src', making them loadable in RSS readers. * It also converts elements to plain elements. * * @param string|object $content The HTML content. Supports HTML objects or string objects * @return string|object Content with fixed image/frame URLs (same type as input). */ function convertLazyLoading($dom) { $string_convert = false; if (is_string($dom)) { $string_convert = true; $dom = str_get_html($dom); } // Process standalone images, embeds and picture sources foreach ($dom->find('img, iframe, source') as $img) { if (!empty($img->getAttribute('data-src'))) { $img->src = $img->getAttribute('data-src'); } elseif (!empty($img->getAttribute('data-srcset'))) { $img->src = explode(' ', $img->getAttribute('data-srcset'))[0]; } elseif (!empty($img->getAttribute('data-lazy-src'))) { $img->src = $img->getAttribute('data-lazy-src'); } elseif (!empty($img->getAttribute('srcset'))) { $img->src = explode(' ', $img->getAttribute('srcset'))[0]; } else { continue; // Proceed to next element without removing attributes } foreach (['loading', 'decoding', 'srcset', 'data-src', 'data-srcset'] as $attr) { if ($img->hasAttribute($attr)) { $img->removeAttribute($attr); } } } // Convert complex HTML5 pictures to plain, standalone images // and tags already have their "src" attribute set at this point, // so we replace the whole with a standalone from within the foreach ($dom->find('picture') as $picture) { $img = $picture->find('img, source', 0); if (!empty($img)) { if ($img->tag == 'source') { $img->tag = 'img'; } // Adding/removing node would change its position inside the parent element, // So instead we rewrite the node in-place though the outertext attribute $picture->outertext = $img->outertext; } } // If the expected return type is object, reload the DOM to make sure // all $picture->outertext rewritten above are converted back to objects $dom = $dom->outertext; if (!$string_convert) { $dom = str_get_html($dom); } return $dom; } /** * Extract the first part of a string matching the specified start and end delimiters * * @param string $string Input string, e.g. `
Post author: John Doe
` * @param string $start Start delimiter, e.g. `author: ` * @param string $end End delimiter, e.g. `<` * @return string|bool Extracted string, e.g. `John Doe`, or false if the * delimiters were not found. */ function extractFromDelimiters($string, $start, $end) { if (strpos($string, $start) !== false) { $section_retrieved = substr($string, strpos($string, $start) + strlen($start)); $section_retrieved = substr($section_retrieved, 0, strpos($section_retrieved, $end)); return $section_retrieved; } return false; } /** * Remove one or more part(s) of a string using a start and end delmiters * * @param string $string Input string, e.g. `foobar` * @param string $start Start delimiter, e.g. `` * @return string Cleaned string, e.g. `foobar` */ function stripWithDelimiters($string, $start, $end) { while (strpos($string, $start) !== false) { $section_to_remove = substr($string, strpos($string, $start)); $section_to_remove = substr($section_to_remove, 0, strpos($section_to_remove, $end) + strlen($end)); $string = str_replace($section_to_remove, '', $string); } return $string; } /** * Remove HTML sections containing one or more sections using the same HTML tag * * @param string $string Input string, e.g. `foo
bar` * @param string $tag_name Name of the HTML tag, e.g. `div` * @param string $tag_start Start of the HTML tag to remove, e.g. `
` * @return string Cleaned String, e.g. `foobar` * * This function works by locating the desired tag start, then finding the appropriate * end by counting opening and ending tags until the amount of open tags reaches zero: * * ``` * Amount of open tags: * 1 2 1 0 * |---------------||---| |----| |----| *
bar * | <-------- Section to remove -------> | * ``` */ function stripRecursiveHTMLSection($string, $tag_name, $tag_start) { $open_tag = '<' . $tag_name; $close_tag = ''; $close_tag_length = strlen($close_tag); // Make sure the provided $tag_start argument matches the provided $tag_name argument if (strpos($tag_start, $open_tag) === 0) { // While tag_start is present, there is at least one remaining section to remove while (strpos($string, $tag_start) !== false) { // In order to locate the end of the section, we attempt each closing tag until we find the right one // We know we found the right one when the amount of " $close_tag_count && $max_recursion > 0); // We exited the loop, let's remove the section $string = str_replace($section_to_remove, '', $string); } } return $string; } /** * Convert Markdown into HTML with Parsedown. * * @link https://parsedown.org/ Parsedown * * @param string $string Input string in Markdown format * @param array $config Parsedown options to control output * @return string output string in HTML format */ function markdownToHtml($string, $config = []) { $Parsedown = new Parsedown(); foreach ($config as $option => $value) { if ($option === 'breaksEnabled') { $Parsedown->setBreaksEnabled($value); } elseif ($option === 'markupEscaped') { $Parsedown->setMarkupEscaped($value); } elseif ($option === 'urlsLinked') { $Parsedown->setUrlsLinked($value); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid Parsedown option \"$option\""); } } return $Parsedown->text($string); }