TYPEMILL is a small flat file cms designed for writers. It creates websites based on markdown files and can be used for manuals, documentations, web-books and similar publications. The website http://typemill.net itself is an example-website for TYPEMILL.
Download TYPEMILL from the [TYPEMILL website](http://typemill.net) or clone this repository with git. Open your git command line (e.g. gitbash), go to your project folder (e.g. htdocs) and type:
The GitHub-version has no vendor-folder, so you have to update and include all libraries and dependencies with composer. To do so, open your command line, go to your TYPEMILL folder and type:
If you want to contribute to TYPEMILL, please fork this GitHub repository first. Then make your changes and create a pull request. I will review all request as soon as possible.
For hints, questions, problems and support, please open up a new issue on GitHub.