baseUrl = $baseUrl; $this->JS = array(); $this->CSS = array(); $this->inlineJS = array(); $this->inlineCSS = array(); $this->editorJS = array(); $this->editorCSS = array(); $this->editorInlineJS = array(); $this->svgSymbols = array(); $this->imageUrl = false; $this->imageFolder = 'original'; } public function setUri($uri) { $this->uri = $uri; } public function setBaseUrl($baseUrl) { $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; } public function image($url) { $this->imageUrl = $url; return $this; } public function resize($width,$height) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->imageUrl); $extension = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']); $imageName = $pathinfo['filename']; $desiredSizes = ['custom' => []]; $resize = '-'; if(is_int($width) && $width < 10000) { $resize .= $width; $desiredSizes['custom']['width'] = $width; } $resize .= 'x'; if(is_int($height) && $height < 10000) { $resize .= $height; $desiredSizes['custom']['height'] = $height; } $processImage = new ProcessImage($desiredSizes); $processImage->checkFolders('images'); $imageNameResized = $imageName . $resize; $imagePathResized = $processImage->customFolder . $imageNameResized . '.' . $extension; $imageUrlResized = 'media/custom/' . $imageNameResized . '.' . $extension; if(!file_exists( $imagePathResized )) { # if custom version does not exist, use original version for resizing $imageFolder = ($this->imageFolder == 'original') ? $processImage->originalFolder : $processImage->customFolder; $imagePath = $imageFolder . $pathinfo['basename']; $resizedImage = $processImage->generateSizesFromImageFile($imageUrlResized, $imagePath); $savedImage = $processImage->saveImage($processImage->customFolder, $resizedImage['custom'], $imageNameResized, $extension); if(!$savedImage) { # return old image url without resize return $this; } } # set folder to custom, so that the next method uses the correct (resized) version $this->imageFolder = 'custom'; $this->imageUrl = $imageUrlResized; return $this; } public function grayscale() { $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->imageUrl); $extension = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']); $imageName = $pathinfo['filename']; $processImage = new ProcessImage([]); $processImage->checkFolders('images'); $imageNameGrayscale = $imageName . '-grayscale'; $imagePathGrayscale = $processImage->customFolder . $imageNameGrayscale . '.' . $extension; $imageUrlGrayscale = 'media/custom/' . $imageNameGrayscale . '.' . $extension; if(!file_exists( $imagePathGrayscale )) { # if custom-version does not exist, use live-version for grayscale-manipulation. $imageFolder = ($this->imageFolder == 'original') ? $processImage->liveFolder : $processImage->customFolder; $imagePath = $imageFolder . $pathinfo['basename']; $grayscaleImage = $processImage->grayscale($imagePath, $extension); $savedImage = $processImage->saveImage($processImage->customFolder, $grayscaleImage, $imageNameGrayscale, $extension); if(!$savedImage) { # return old image url without resize return $this; } } # set folder to custom, so that the next method uses the correct (resized) version $this->imageFolder = 'custom'; $this->imageUrl = $imageUrlGrayscale; return $this; } public function src() { return $this->baseUrl . '/' . $this->imageUrl; } public function addCSS($CSS) { $CSSfile = $this->getFileUrl($CSS); if($CSSfile) { $this->CSS[] = ''; } } public function addInlineCSS($CSS) { $this->inlineCSS[] = ''; } public function addJS($JS) { $JSfile = $this->getFileUrl($JS); if($JSfile) { $this->JS[] = ''; } # print_r($this->JS); } public function addInlineJS($JS) { $this->inlineJS[] = ''; } public function activateVue() { $vueUrl = ''; if(!in_array($vueUrl, $this->JS)) { $this->JS[] = $vueUrl; } } public function activateAxios() { $axiosUrl = ''; if(!in_array($axiosUrl, $this->JS)) { $this->JS[] = $axiosUrl; $axios = ''; $this->JS[] = $axios; } } public function activateTachyons() { $tachyonsUrl = ''; if(!in_array($tachyonsUrl, $this->CSS)) { $this->CSS[] = $tachyonsUrl; } } public function addSvgSymbol($symbol) { $this->svgSymbols[] = $symbol; } public function renderCSS() { return implode("\n", $this->CSS) . implode("\n", $this->inlineCSS); } public function renderJS() { return implode("\n", $this->JS) . implode("\n", $this->inlineJS); } public function renderSvg() { return implode('', $this->svgSymbols); } # add JS to enhance the blox-editor in author area public function addEditorJS($JS) { $JSfile = $this->getFileUrl($JS); if($JSfile) { $this->editorJS[] = ''; } } public function addEditorInlineJS($JS) { $this->editorInlineJS[] = ''; } public function addEditorCSS($CSS) { $CSSfile = $this->getFileUrl($CSS); if($CSSfile) { $this->editorCSS[] = ''; } } public function renderEditorJS() { return implode("\n", $this->editorJS) . implode("\n", $this->editorInlineJS); } public function renderEditorCSS() { return implode("\n", $this->editorCSS); } /** * Checks, if a string is a valid internal or external ressource like js-file or css-file * @params $path string * @return string or false */ public function getFileUrl($path) { $internalFile = __DIR__ . '/../plugins' . $path; if(file_exists($internalFile)) { return $this->baseUrl . '/plugins' . $path; } return $path; if(fopen($path, "r")) { return $path; } return false; } }