# About TYPEMILL TYPEMILL is a small flat file cms designed for writers. It creates websites based on markdown files and can be used for manuals, documentations, web-books and similar publications. The website http://typemill.net itself is an example-website for TYPEMILL. ![TYPEMILL Screenshot](/themes/typemill/typemill.jpg) ## Features * Creates a website based on markdown files. * Ships with a fully responsive standard theme. * Works with a natural folder and file structure (like on your file-system). * Creates a navigation, a breadcrumb and a pagination based on your file structure. * Creates chapter numbers. * Creates SEO-friendly urls. * Supports configurable themes and plugins. * Provides an author panel to configure the system, the themes and the plugins. * Creates and manages users. * Provides a basic online editing (only for existing files so far, in development). * Markdown supports table of contents (TOC), tables, footnotes, abbreviations and definition lists. * Supports MathJax and KaTeX (plugin). * Supports code highlighting (plugin). * Supports Matomo/Piwik and Google Analytics (plugin). * Supports Cookie Consent (plugin). ## Installation Download TYPEMILL from the [TYPEMILL website](http://typemill.net), unzip the files and you are done. If you are a developer, you can also clone this repository. To do so, open your git command line (e.g. gitbash), go to your project folder (e.g. htdocs) and type: git clone git://github.com/trendschau/typemill.git The GitHub-version has no vendor-folder, so you have to update and include all libraries and dependencies with composer. To do so, open your command line, go to your TYPEMILL folder and type: composer update If you did not use composer before, please go to the [composer website](http://getcomposer.org) and start to learn. To run TYPEMILL on a **live** system, simply upload the files to your server. ## Setup Please go to `your-typemill-website.com/setup`, create an initial user and then setup your system in the author panel. ## Login You can find your login screen under `/tm/login` or simply go to `/setup` and you will be redirected to the login-page. ## Requirements Your server should run with PHP 5.6 or newer. No database is required. ## Documentation You can read the full documentation for writers, for theme developers and for plugin developers on the [TYPEMILL website](http://typemill.net). ## Contribute Typemill is still in an early stage and contributions are highly welcome. Here are some ideas for non-coder: * Find bugs and errors (open a new issue on github for it). * Improve the documentation. * Describe some missing features and explain, why they are important for other users. Some ideas for devs (please fork this repository make your changes and create a pull request): * Fix a bug. * Create a nice theme. * Create a new plugin. * Improve the CSS-code with BEM and make it modular. * Rebuild the theme with css-grid. * Improve accessibility of html and css. * Help to establish autotests with selenium or cypress. * Write unit-tests. For hints, questions, problems and support, please open up a new issue on GitHub. ## Licence TYPEMILL is published under MIT licence. Please check the licence of the included libraries, too.