scanPluginFolder(); $classNames = array(); /* iterate over plugin folders */ foreach($pluginFolder as $plugin) { $className = '\\Plugins\\' . $plugin . '\\' . $plugin; /* if plugin-class and subscribe-method exists, add classname to array */ if(class_exists($className) /* && method_exists($className, 'getSubscribedEvents') */) { $classNames[] = array('className' => $className, 'name' => $plugin); } } return $classNames; } public function getNewRoutes($className, $routes) { /* if route-method exists in plugin-class */ if(method_exists($className, 'addNewRoutes')) { /* add the routes */ $pluginRoutes = $className::addNewRoutes(); /* multi-dimensional or simple array of routes */ if(isset($pluginRoutes[0])) { /* if they are properly formatted, add them to routes array */ foreach($pluginRoutes as $pluginRoute) { if($this->checkRouteArray($routes,$pluginRoute)) { $pluginRoute['route'] = strtolower($pluginRoute['route']); $routes[] = $pluginRoute; } } } elseif(is_array($routes)) { if($this->checkRouteArray($routes,$pluginRoutes)) { $pluginRoutes['route'] = strtolower($pluginRoutes['route']); $routes[] = $pluginRoutes; } } } return $routes; } public function getNewMiddleware($className, $middleware) { if(method_exists($className, 'addNewMiddleware')) { $pluginMiddleware = $className::addNewMiddleware(); if($pluginMiddleware) { $middleware[] = $pluginMiddleware; } } return $middleware; } private function checkRouteArray($routes,$route) { if( isset($route['httpMethod']) AND in_array($route['httpMethod'], array('get','post','put','delete','head','patch','options')) AND isset($route['route']) AND is_string($route['route']) AND isset($route['class']) AND is_string($route['class']) AND !$this->in_array_r(strtolower($route['route']),$routes)) { return true; } return false; } private function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) { foreach ($haystack as $item) { if (($strict ? $item === $needle : $item == $needle) || (is_array($item) && $this->in_array_r($needle, $item, $strict))) { return true; } } return false; } private function scanPluginFolder() { $pluginsDir = __DIR__ . '/../plugins'; /* check if plugins directory exists */ if(!is_dir($pluginsDir)){ return array(); } /* get all plugins folder */ $plugins = array_diff(scandir($pluginsDir), array('..', '.')); return $plugins; } }