- It supports saving the archive to a file, outputting the archive to the browser, or outputting it as a string without saving it to a file.
- Archival comments and comments of individual entry are supported.
- Get information about each entry in the archive.
- Only the following compression methods are supported:
+ No compressed (Stored).
+ Deflate compression.
+ BZIP2 compression with the extension `php-bz2`.
- Support for `ZIP64` (file size is more than 4 GB or the number of entries in the archive is more than 65535).
- Built-in support for aligning the archive to optimize Android packages (APK) [`zipalign`](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/zipalign.html).
- Working with passwords for PHP 5.5
+ Set the password to read the archive for all entries or only for some.
+ Change the password for the archive, including for individual entries.
+ Delete the archive password for all or individual entries.
+ Set the password and/or the encryption method, both for all, and for individual entries in the archive.
+ Set different passwords and encryption methods for different entries.
+ Delete the password for all or some entries.
+ Support `Traditional PKWARE Encryption (ZipCrypto)` and `WinZIP AES Encryption` encryption methods.
+ Set the encryption method for all or individual entries in the archive.
**Zip Entry** - file or folder in a ZIP-archive. Each entry in the archive has certain properties, for example: file name, compression method, encryption method, file size before compression, file size after compression, CRC32 and others.
#### <a name="Documentation-Overview"></a> Overview of methods of the class `\PhpZip\ZipFile`
- [ZipFile::__construct](#Documentation-ZipFile-__construct) - initializes the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addAll](#Documentation-ZipFile-addAll) - adds all entries from an array.
- [ZipFile::addDir](#Documentation-ZipFile-addDir) - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addDirRecursive](#Documentation-ZipFile-addDirRecursive) - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addEmptyDir](#Documentation-ZipFile-addEmptyDir) - add a new directory.
- [ZipFile::addFile](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFile) - adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromIterator](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromIterator) - adds files from the iterator of directories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromGlob](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromGlob) - adds files from a directory by glob pattern without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromGlobRecursive](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromGlobRecursive) - adds files from a directory by glob pattern with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromRegex](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromRegex) - adds files from a directory by PCRE pattern without subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFilesFromRegexRecursive](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromRegexRecursive) - adds files from a directory by PCRE pattern with subdirectories.
- [ZipFile::addFromStream](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFromStream) - adds a entry from the stream to the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::addFromString](#Documentation-ZipFile-addFromString) - adds a file to a ZIP archive using its contents.
- [ZipFile::close](#Documentation-ZipFile-close) - close the archive.
- [ZipFile::count](#Documentation-ZipFile-count) - returns the number of entries in the archive.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromName](#Documentation-ZipFile-deleteFromName) - deletes an entry in the archive using its name.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromGlob](#Documentation-ZipFile-deleteFromGlob) - deletes a entries in the archive using glob pattern.
- [ZipFile::deleteFromRegex](#Documentation-ZipFile-deleteFromRegex) - deletes a entries in the archive using PCRE pattern.
- [ZipFile::deleteAll](#Documentation-ZipFile-deleteAll) - deletes all entries in the ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::extractTo](#Documentation-ZipFile-extractTo) - extract the archive contents.
- [ZipFile::getAllInfo](#Documentation-ZipFile-getAllInfo) - returns detailed information about all entries in the archive.
- [ZipFile::getArchiveComment](#Documentation-ZipFile-getArchiveComment) - returns the Zip archive comment.
- [ZipFile::getEntryComment](#Documentation-ZipFile-getEntryComment) - returns the comment of an entry using the entry name.
- [ZipFile::getEntryContent](#Documentation-ZipFile-getEntryContent) - returns the entry contents using its name.
- [ZipFile::getEntryInfo](#Documentation-ZipFile-getEntryInfo) - returns detailed information about the entry in the archive.
- [ZipFile::getListFiles](#Documentation-ZipFile-getListFiles) - returns list of archive files.
- [ZipFile::hasEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-hasEntry) - checks if there is an entry in the archive.
- [ZipFile::isDirectory](#Documentation-ZipFile-isDirectory) - checks that the entry in the archive is a directory.
- [ZipFile::matcher](#Documentation-ZipFile-matcher) - selecting entries in the archive to perform operations on them.
- [ZipFile::openFile](#Documentation-ZipFile-openFile) - opens a zip-archive from a file.
- [ZipFile::openFromString](#Documentation-ZipFile-openFromString) - opens a zip-archive from a string.
- [ZipFile::openFromStream](#Documentation-ZipFile-openFromStream) - opens a zip-archive from the stream.
- [ZipFile::outputAsAttachment](#Documentation-ZipFile-outputAsAttachment) - outputs a ZIP-archive to the browser.
- [ZipFile::outputAsResponse](#Documentation-ZipFile-outputAsResponse) - outputs a ZIP-archive as PSR-7 Response.
- [ZipFile::outputAsString](#Documentation-ZipFile-outputAsString) - outputs a ZIP-archive as string.
- [ZipFile::removePassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-removePassword) - removes the password from all files in the archive.
- [ZipFile::removePasswordEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-removePasswordEntry) - removes password from one entry in the archive.
- [ZipFile::rename](#Documentation-ZipFile-rename) - renames an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::rewrite](#Documentation-ZipFile-rewrite) - save changes and re-open the changed archive.
- [ZipFile::saveAsFile](#Documentation-ZipFile-saveAsFile) - saves the archive to a file.
- [ZipFile::saveAsStream](#Documentation-ZipFile-saveAsStream) - writes the archive to the stream.
- [ZipFile::setArchiveComment](#Documentation-ZipFile-setArchiveComment) - set the comment of a ZIP archive.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionLevel](#Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionLevel) - set the compression level for all files in the archive.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionLevelEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionLevelEntry) - sets the compression level for the entry by its name.
- [ZipFile::setCompressionMethodEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionMethodEntry) - sets the compression method for the entry by its name.
- [ZipFile::setEntryComment](#Documentation-ZipFile-setEntryComment) - set the comment of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::setReadPassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-setReadPassword) - set the password for the open archive.
- [ZipFile::setReadPasswordEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-setReadPasswordEntry) - sets a password for reading of an entry defined by its name.
- ~~ZipFile::withNewPassword~~ - is an deprecated method, use the [ZipFile::setPassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-setPassword) method.
- [ZipFile::setPassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-setPassword) - sets a new password for all files in the archive.
- [ZipFile::setPasswordEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-setPasswordEntry) - sets a new password of an entry defined by its name.
- [ZipFile::setZipAlign](#Documentation-ZipFile-setZipAlign) - sets the alignment of the archive to optimize APK files (Android packages).
- [ZipFile::unchangeAll](#Documentation-ZipFile-unchangeAll) - undo all changes done in the archive.
- [ZipFile::unchangeArchiveComment](#Documentation-ZipFile-unchangeArchiveComment) - undo changes to the archive comment.
- [ZipFile::unchangeEntry](#Documentation-ZipFile-unchangeEntry) - undo changes of an entry defined by its name.
- ~~ZipFile::withoutPassword~~ - is an deprecated method, use the [ZipFile::removePassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-removePassword) method.
- ~~ZipFile::withReadPassword~~ - is an deprecated method, use the [ZipFile::setReadPassword](#Documentation-ZipFile-setReadPassword) method.
#### <a name="Documentation-Open-Zip-Archive"></a> Creation/Opening of ZIP-archive
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-__construct"></a>**ZipFile::__construct** - initializes the ZIP archive.
$zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile();
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-openFile"></a>**ZipFile::openFile** - opens a zip-archive from a file.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addDir"></a>**ZipFile::addDir** - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path without subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addDirRecursive"></a>**ZipFile::addDirRecursive** - adds files to the archive from the directory on the specified path with subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromGlob"></a>**ZipFile::addFilesFromGlob** - adds files from a directory by [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)) without subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromGlobRecursive"></a>**ZipFile::addFilesFromGlobRecursive** - adds files from a directory by [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)) with subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromRegex"></a>**ZipFile::addFilesFromRegex** - adds files from a directory by [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) without subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-addFilesFromRegexRecursive"></a>**ZipFile::addFilesFromRegexRecursive** - adds files from a directory by [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) with subdirectories.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-deleteFromGlob"></a>**ZipFile::deleteFromGlob** - deletes a entries in the archive using [glob pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)).
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-deleteFromRegex"></a>**ZipFile::deleteFromRegex** - deletes a entries in the archive using [PCRE pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression).
#### <a name="Documentation-Entries"></a> Working with entries and archive
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-rename"></a>**ZipFile::rename** - renames an entry defined by its name.
$zipFile->rename($oldName, $newName);
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionLevel"></a>**ZipFile::setCompressionLevel** - set the compression level for all files in the archive.
> _Note that this method does not apply to entries that were added after this method was run._
By default, the compression level is -1 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION`) or the compression level specified in the archive for Deflate compression.
The values -1 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION`) and the range from 1 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_BEST_SPEED`) to 9 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION`) are supported. The higher the number, the better and longer the compression.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionLevelEntry"></a>**ZipFile::setCompressionLevelEntry** - sets the compression level for the entry by its name.
The values -1 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION`) and the range from 1 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_BEST_SPEED`) to 9 (`\PhpZip\ZipFile::LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION`) are supported. The higher the number, the better and longer the compression.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setCompressionMethodEntry"></a>**ZipFile::setCompressionMethodEntry** - sets the compression method for the entry by its name.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setReadPassword"></a>**ZipFile::setReadPassword** - set the password for the open archive.
> _Setting a password is not required for adding new entries or deleting existing ones, but if you want to extract the content or change the method / compression level, the encryption method, or change the password, in this case the password must be specified._
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setReadPasswordEntry"></a>**ZipFile::setReadPasswordEntry** - gets a password for reading of an entry defined by its name.
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-setZipAlign"></a>**ZipFile::setZipAlign** - sets the alignment of the archive to optimize APK files (Android packages).
This method adds padding to unencrypted and not compressed entries, to optimize memory consumption in the Android system. It is recommended to use for `APK` files. The file may grow slightly.
This method is an alternative to executing the `zipalign -f -v 4 filename.zip`.
More details can be found on the [link](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/zipalign.html).
<aname="Documentation-ZipFile-outputAsResponse"></a>**ZipFile::outputAsResponse** - outputs a ZIP-archive as [PSR-7 Response](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/).
The output method can be used in any PSR-7 compatible framework.