mirror of https://github.com/RipMeApp/ripme.git synced 2025-03-18 18:59:39 +01:00

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"currentHash": "689d4a5b270b62be7defbdbb696de79c8a223ab7497391e1d610eaf1cb860510",
"changeList": [
"1.7.50: Ripme now checks file hash before running update; fixed update bug which cased ripme to report every update as new",
"1.7.49: Fixed -n flag; Added ability to change locale at runtime and from gui; Update kr_KR translation; Removed support for tnbtu.com; No longer writes url to url_history file is save urls only is checked",
2018-05-25 16:16:05 -04:00
"1.7.48: Fixed instagram ripper; Added Korean translation; Added quickQueue support to nhentairipper; Rewrote nhentairipper to be faster; myhentaicomics ripper now requests proper url when downloading images; Can now include comments in url files; Added the ability to blacklist tags on e-hentai.org",
"1.7.47: Added quick queue support for hentai2read ripper; Fixed instagram ripper; SankakuComplexRipper can now download from different subdomains; Added ripper for bato.to; Added quick queue support for 8muses.download; ",
"1.7.46: Fixed hentai2read ripper; Rewrote the myhentaicomics ripper to use the new getAlbumsToQueue func; Can now blacklist nhentai tags; SinnercomicsRipper no longer adds -page-01 to folder names; EightmusesRipper now adds file extension to filename; disbaled test for twitch ripper",
"1.7.45: Fixed hentai2read ripper; ImageBam album fixed; Added various translations; TsuminoRipper no longer requires album name to download",
2018-05-10 07:30:05 -04:00
"1.7.44: Fixed instagram ripper regex",
"1.7.43: Fixed queryId regex in instagram ripper",
"1.7.42: Added user support to SmuttyRipper; Removed vine ripper; Fixed NudeGalsRipper; addURLToDownload improvments; Fixed Instagram ripper",
"1.7.41: Added support for spyingwithlana.com; Added ManganeloRipper; Added support for dynasty-scans.com",
"1.7.40: Added hypnohub.net ripper; Fixed rule34.xxx ripper; Tsumino Ripper now add .png to filenames",
2018-04-26 12:54:17 -04:00
"1.7.39: Added rule34.xxx ripper; Added Gfycatporntube.com ripper; Fixed AbstractRipper subdir bug; Added AbstractRipper unit tests",
"1.7.38: Added http and socks proxy support; Extended some unit tests to include getGid; Added HitomiRipper; hentaifoundry ripper now can rip all images from accounts",
"1.7.37: MInor code clean up; Added socks proxy support; Added support for 8muses.download; Hentaifoundry no longer errors when there are no more pages; Fix bug that causes tumblr to replace https with httpss when downloading resized images",
"1.7.36: Fixed Instagram ripper; Fixed hentai2read ripper test; Fixed tnbtu.com ripper",
"1.7.35: Fixed instagram ripper; hentai2read ripper now properly names folders",
"1.7.34: Added Blackbrickroadofoz Ripper; Fixed webtoons regex",
"1.7.33: Instagram ripper no longer errors out when downloading from more than 1 page",
"1.7.32: Instagram ripper update to use new enpoints",
"1.7.31: InstaGram ripper no longer errors out when getting next page",
"1.7.30: Fixed usage of command-line on non-headless systems",
"1.7.29: Cano now download single images from imgur; Improved handling of headless mode & OS-specific config; Added modelx ripper; Fixed eroshae ripper",
"1.7.28: IG ripper now uses display_url when downloading images; Reddit ripper now gets erome links; Hentaifoundry Ripper no longer errors out when there is no next page",
"1.7.27: IG ripper can now rip from tags; fixed json parsing issues",
2018-03-15 13:40:11 -04:00
"1.7.26: fixed instagram ripper",
"1.7.25: Fixed instagram ripper; Added an option to use short names for 8muses; Added tsuminoRipper; Added support for incase.buttsmithy.com",
"1.7.24: Added sta.sh ripper; Added sinfest.com ripper; Added femjoyhunter.com ripper; Disabled flaky unit tests",
"1.7.23: Fixed xvideos ripper; InstagramRipper now works with lastseenfeature",
"1.7.22: Added func to normalize urls before reading from/writing to url history file; last seen feature now works with instagram",
2018-02-25 21:23:31 -05:00
"1.7.21: Fixed last seen feature",
"1.7.20: Fixed 8muses ripper; Added last seen feature; disabled 500px test",
"1.7.19: imgurRipper no longer tries to add ?1 to file names",
"1.7.18: AlbumRipper now removes bad chars from file names",
"1.7.17: Fixed hentai.cafe autorip from clipboard",
"1.7.16: Eightmuses now supports pages containing both images and subpages",
"1.7.15: Eigthmuses ripper now uses ASAP ripping; Remove ripper and tests for gwarchives.com and hushpix.com; Remove ripper and tests for imagearn.com; Fixed pornhub video downloader",
"1.7.14: Tumblr API Key Choosing Fix; Make webtoons ripper download maximum quality images; Added twitch ripper; Added VSCO ripper; Fixed pornhub video ripper",
"1.7.13: disabled FuskatorRipperTest; Fixes xhamster.com video ripper; Add yuvutu.com ripper",
"1.7.12: Instagram ripper no longer 403s on certain images",
"1.7.11: Added gwarchives support to the cheveretoRipper; Gfycat Tests & Fix for bad reddit submissions; instagram ripper can now be made to skip videos",
"1.7.10: Added basic pornpics.com ripper; Fixed hentai.cafe regex",
"1.7.9: FuraffinityRipper can now rip non-public albums; Added 2 new api keys, ripper can now download raw images from tumblr; Erome ripper now matchs links without the www; Tumblr ripper now tells the user if it hits the rate limit",
"1.7.8: Forced https for tumblr image links; Fixed imgur album filenames; SankakuComplexRipper now downloads full sized images; Added dribbble.com ripper; Added comfirm button for clearing history",
"1.7.7: Fixed E621 Ripper; Added unit test for zizki.com; Added unit test for Xbooru.com; Updated reddit useragent",
2017-12-01 11:17:24 -08:00
"1.7.6: Added OglafRipper",
"1.7.5: Improve WordpressComicRipper; update to a modern User Agent",
"1.7.4: Fix WordpressComicRipper konradokonski.com/wiory; Fix CheveretoRipper hushpix.com by adding consent cookie",
2017-11-29 02:03:10 -08:00
"1.7.3: Improved Aerisdies and Imagearn folders; fixed tapas.io; XhamsterRipper now uses mobile site; InstagramRipper slideshows under user profiles",
"1.7.2: InstagramRipper: Added support for ripping individual posts",
"1.7.1: Fix WordpressComicRipper's ripper for freeadultcomix.com; FuraffinityRipper can now rip public albums",
"1.7.0: Improved Webtoons folders; Added code coverage with Coveralls.io and improved unit tests; removed rippers for dead sites",
"1.6.13: Added Instagram tags; improved Instagram and Pichunter regexes",
"1.6.12: Fix InstagramRipper with timestamps; Pichunter galleries support; logging improvements",
"1.6.11: Added pichunter.com ripper; Improved Instagram filenames; added tehyiffgallery ripper; Fixed xchan ripper; Fixed chanRipper folders",
"1.6.10: Added viewcomic ripper; Fixed webtoons malformed url error message; Fixed chan ripper thread title; Fixed Modelmayhem ripper",
"1.6.9: Added support for imgur /t/ albums; Added portable mode; Unit tests no longer fail if run twice; Formating fixes",
"1.6.8: code clean up; ripme can now remeber and skip already downloaded images",
2017-11-08 00:26:10 -05:00
"1.6.7: Fixed instagram ripper",
2017-11-07 21:11:34 -05:00
"1.6.6: Fixed 8muses ripper",
"1.6.5: Imgbox ripper now downloads full sized image from galleries",
2017-11-03 00:33:33 -04:00
"1.6.4: Added webtoons ripper",
"1.6.3: Window is now resizable; Added Porncomix.info ripper; Fixed imgbox ripper; Added hentai2read ripper",
"1.6.2: Fixed shesfreaky.com ripper; Fixed imgbox ripper; Fixed Xhamster video ripping",
"1.6.1: Rolled E621Ripper back from 1.6.0 to the 1.5.15 version",
2017-10-25 14:38:22 -04:00
"1.6.0: Updated to java 8; Some code cleanup",
"1.5.15: Added Hbrowse.com ripper; 8muses ripper now can rip from all album types",
"1.5.14: Myhentaicomics ripper no longer tries to download ads; Added hentai.cafe ripper; Fixed sankakucomplex ripper",
"1.5.13: InstagramRipper: fixed minor bug",
"1.5.12: Make tray icon optional; work around window positioning bug on Windows.",
2017-10-12 02:02:39 -07:00
"1.5.11: Added -v, --version flag",
"1.5.10: Added ripper for cfake.com; Fixed nhentai album naming",
"1.5.9: InstagramRipper now downloads full sized images; ImagefapRipper Now adds GID to folder name",
"1.5.8: Fixed 8muses ripper",
"1.5.7: Added EromeRipper",
"1.5.6: Fixed ImagearnRipper; Fixed SmuttyRipper",
"1.5.5: Wordpress comic ripper Updates",
"1.5.4: Added Luscious.net ripper",
"1.5.3: Eroshare links redirect to Eroshae; add AerisdiesRipper",
"1.5.2: Fix Imgur titles; fix xhamster (new URL format); fixed Instagram ripping cropped pictures",
"1.5.1: Ensure update mechanism is working correctly.",
"1.5.0: Change 'home' repo from 4pr0n/RipMe to RipMeApp/RipMe",
"1.4.21: Added Chevereto ripper (hushpix.com, tag-fox.com)",
"1.4.20: EroshareRipper can now rip user profiles",
"1.4.19: WordpressComicRipper supports more rippers; improvements to Instagram and code quality",
"1.4.18: Fix video rippers (broken in 1.4.14)",
"1.4.17: MyHentaiComics improvements",
"1.4.16: Fix Eightmuses; Add Instagram album support",
"1.4.15: Fixed DeviantArt Ripper",
"1.4.14: Improvements to ChanRipper (rip external links), MyHentaiComics, and Twitter (video and albums)",
"1.4.13: Fixed furaffinity ripper.",
"1.4.12: Fixed Crash on Win10 CU; Fixed SSL error on xHamster.",
"1.4.11: Instagram: fixed cropped images issue.",
"1.4.10: Add WordPressComicRipper (various sites supported)",
"1.4.9: Fixed HentaiFoundry ripper",
"1.4.8: Added Jagodibuja comics ripper",
"1.4.7: Fixed NewsFilter, XHamster; added TheChiveRipper",
"1.4.6: Eroshare: get album names; Imgur: improve grabbing album name.",
"1.4.5: SinnerComics: Added work around for naming bug",
"1.4.4: Added SinnerComics, MyHentaiComics rippers; improve E621 ripper.",
"1.4.3: Add missing subdomain for 4chan; fix ehentai, 8muses; add zizki ripper.",
"1.4.2: Added nhentai ripper.",
"1.4.1: Fixed Imgbox: correctly downloads full-size images.",
"1.4.0: Fixed update mechanism. Some improvements to Imgur, etc.",
"1.3.0: Fix Instagram, Tumblr, xHamster, 4chan, 8muses. Some new features.",
"1.2.13: Hotfix for imgur album rips",
"1.2.12: 500px gallery/subgallery support",
"1.2.11: Deviant fav subfolders, and reddituploads support",
"1.2.10: Imgur /gallery/ images fix",
"1.2.9: Imgur 10-image fix, original twitter sizes",
"1.2.8: Option to prefer MP4 over GIF for imgur",
"1.2.7: Fix 500px ripper to fetch NSFW images",
"1.2.6: Fix 500px ripper",
"1.2.5: Descriptions are optional, minor imgur fixes",
"1.2.4: Fix instagram ripper",
"1.2.3: Fix xhamster videos, option to remove/clear Queue",
"1.2.2: Fix imagefap ripper",
"1.2.1: Gfycat Fix, lots of changes pushed",
"1.2.0: Fix imagebam, 8muses. Remember queue items",
"1.1.9: Hotfix for new imgur album layout",
"1.1.8: Fix for failed reddit rips",
"1.1.7: Imagefap fix, corrupt history crash fix, deviantart 403 fix",
"1.1.6: History error handling and drawchan support",
"1.1.5: Fix imagefap and 8muses rippers",
"1.1.4: Fix DeviantArt 403 errors",
"1.1.3: Fix Check Selected in History",
"1.1.2: Check/Uncheck history by right-clicking the history",
"1.1.1: Gfycat/Reddit fix",
"1.1.0: Revamped History, Cheeby fix",
"1.0.93: Reddit fix, gfycat fix, video download fix",
"1.0.92: Anon-ib fix, cheeby fix, vid.me ripper",
"1.0.91: Fix for anon-ib, minus rippers",
"1.0.90: Hide error message when ripping valid album",
"1.0.89: Fix fapproved ripper",
"1.0.88: Fix imgbox ripper",
"1.0.87: Chan ripper update, Finebox update, Motherless video ripper",
"1.0.86: Fix for imagefap albums larger than 1k images",
"1.0.85: Fix Modelmayhem ripper",
"1.0.84: Ripper can resume after being stopped",
"1.0.83: Fix 2dgalleries ripper",
"1.0.82: Photobucket ripper fix, Clipboard Autorip toggle",
"1.0.81: Tumblr/seenive fixes, queue system, better history",
"1.0.80: Fix Butttoucher ripper",
"1.0.79: Fix cheeby to rip all images",
"1.0.78: BCFakes ripper",
"1.0.77: Cheeby ripper, status in title, various fixes",
"1.0.76: Option to only save URLs, Taptastic ripper",
"1.0.75: 500px ripper",
"1.0.74: Videarn video ripper",
"1.0.73: Datw.in ripper",
"1.0.72: Support for DeviantArt favourites",
"1.0.71: Fuskator ripper",
"1.0.70: Various improvements. Xhamster, Cliphunter video rippers",
"1.0.69: Gfycat video ripper, instgram username fix",
"1.0.68: Imagevenue and hentai-foundry rippers",
"1.0.67: Support for external tumblr domains",
"1.0.66: GirlsOfDesire ripper",
"1.0.65: Vidd.me video ripper",
"1.0.64: Imagebam ripper",
"1.0.63: Hopefully fixing freezing issue while re-ripping all albums",
"1.0.62: Imgur album directories named after album title",
"1.0.61: Logs are optional, defaults to not save logs",
"1.0.60: Fix for crazy directory creation bug",
"1.0.59: Show when albums can be ripped immediately",
"1.0.58: Logs are saved to album directory, ehentai fix",
"1.0.57: Nfsfw ripper",
"1.0.56: Fix for imgur rips",
"1.0.55: Ehentai ripper bypasses content warning",
"1.0.54: Mediacru.sh ripper, may require a Java update",
"1.0.53: 8Muses ripper fix, can rip subalbums",
"1.0.52: Imgbox ripper, popup notifications are optional",
"1.0.51: Deviantart rips full-size NSFW images",
"1.0.50: Smutty.com ripper",
"1.0.49: More Ehentai ripper fixes",
"1.0.48: Imagestash.org /tag/ ripper, ehentai fixes",
"1.0.47: Vidble ripper, right-click popupmenu on text",
"1.0.46: Auto-indexing filenames (001_, 002_, etc) is now optional",
"1.0.45: Imagefap /gallery/, Motherless search terms, reddit ripper fix",
"1.0.44: Deviantart rips full-size images",
"1.0.43: Added Modelmayhem ripper",
"1.0.42: Added Drawcrowd ripper, bug fix for large albums",
"1.0.41: Fix for multi-page Deviantart galleries, secure Flickr URLs",
"1.0.40: Flickr bug fix and groups support",
"1.0.39: Various fixes for Ehentai and Motherless",
"1.0.38: Ehentai ripper, 4chan .webm support, optional audio confirmations",
"1.0.37: Added Vine.co and Supertangas rippers",
"1.0.36: Added semi-working Gifyo ripper",
"1.0.35: Fixed i.rarchives ripper, delete empty directories",
"1.0.34: Added fapproved and anonib rippers",
"1.0.33: Imgur ripper fixes",
"1.0.32: Fix for directories with special characters",
"1.0.31: Fix for large imgur albums",
"1.0.30: Added Minus ripper",
"1.0.29: Various fixes for tumblr, flickr, 4chan",
"1.0.28: Added vk.com video ripper(s)",
"1.0.27: Added flickr ripper",
"1.0.26: Ability to rerip history from command-line",
"1.0.25: Added photobucket ripper",
"1.0.24: Fixed possible deadlock issue while re-ripping albums",
"1.0.23: Added teenplanet, irarchives, and butttoucher support",
"1.0.22: Fixed huge bug where ripper did not work at all for any sites",
"1.0.21: Ability to rip user account images on imgur",
"1.0.20: Video ripper support: pornhub, youporn, beeg, xvideos",
"1.0.19: Fix imgur account ripper",
"1.0.18: Button icons, kinkyshare.com ripper",
"1.0.17: *chan ripper, imgur titles in filenames",
"1.0.16: Fix bug with instagram usernames containing _ or -",
"1.0.15: Auto-updater should be compatible with Windows",
"1.0.14: Fix twitter account names with _ or -",
"1.0.13: Auto-updater is more verbose, hopefully works",
"1.0.12: Fixed clipboard autorip bug",
"1.0.11: 404 images are markead as errored",
"1.0.10: Taskbar notifications when rips start",
"1.0.9: More-verbose completion, UI tweaks",
"1.0.8: Auto-update functionality",
"1.0.7: Clipboard Autorip and tray icons",
"1.0.6: Support imgur.com/r/subreddit albums",
"1.0.5: Persistent configuration, small bug fixes",
"1.0.4: Fixed spaces-in-directory bug",
"1.0.3: Added VK.com ripper",
"1.0.1: Added auto-update functionality"
"latestVersion": "1.7.50"