# RipMe [](https://github.com/RipMeApp/ripme/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) [](https://gitter.im/RipMeApp/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [](https://www.reddit.com/r/ripme/)
RipMe is maintained with ♥️ and in our limited free time by **[@MetaPrime](https://github.com/metaprime)**, **[@cyian-1756](https://github.com/cyian-1756)** and **[@kevin51jiang](https://github.com/kevin51jiang)**. If you'd like to contribute but aren't good with code, help keep us happy with a small contribution!
**Note: If you're currently using version 1.2.x, 1.3.x or 1.7.49, you will not automatically get updates to the newest versions. We recommend downloading the latest version from the link above.**
* Can rip images from tumblr in the size they were uploaded in [See here for how to enable](https://github.com/RipMeApp/ripme/wiki/Config-options#tumblrget_raw_image)
* Can auto skip e-hentai and nhentai albums containing certain tags [See here for how to enable](https://github.com/RipMeApp/ripme/wiki/Config-options#nhentaiblacklisttags)