* [`is-hotkey`](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/is-hotkey) is a simple way to check whether an `onKeyDown` handler should fire for a given hotkey, handling cross-platform concerns like <kbd>cmd</kbd> vs. <kbd>ctrl</kbd> keys for you automatically.
* [`react-broadcast`](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-broadcast) works well when you need to have your custom node components re-render based on state that lives outside the `document`. It's the same pattern that `react-router` uses to update `<Link>` components.
* [Immutable.js Console Extension](https://github.com/mattzeunert/immutable-object-formatter-extension) greatly improves the `console.log` output when working with [Immutable.js](https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/) objects, which Slate's data model is based on.