Slate's editor is very unopinionated. The only logic it handles by default is logic associated with the `contenteditable` functionality itself—managing text, selections, etc. That logic in contained in a single plugin, called the "core" plugin.
When the editor is blurred, the core plugin updates the selection in Slate's internal data model without re-rendering.
### `onCopy`
When the user copies part of the document, the core plugin adds the copied text to the clipboard with a serialized version of the document intact, so that it can be deserialized and inserted on paste, preserving formatting.
### `onCut`
When the user cuts part of the document, the core plugin runs the same logic it runs for `onCopy`, but it also delete's the content in the current selection.
When the user drops content into the editor, the core plugin handles drops of type `text` and `html` as plain text, and does nothing for drops of type `files`.
When a key is pressed, the core plugin handles performing some of the "native" behavior that `contenteditable` elements must do. For example it splits blocks on `enter`, removes characters `backspace`, triggers an undo state from the history on `cmd-z`, etc.
When the user pastes content into the editor, the core plugin handles all pastes of type `text` and `html` as plain text, and does nothing for pastes of type `files`.
### `onSelect`
When the user makes a new selection in the DOM, the core plugin updates that selection in Slate's internal data model, re-rendering if it needs to.
The core plugin defines a schema that enforces a few constraints on the content and defines default block and inline node renderer components—wrapping in a `<div>` and `<span>`, respectively. Each of these components contains `shouldComponentUpdate` logic that prevents unnecessary re-renders.
The default block component also controls its own placeholder logic, which is controlled via the [`<Editor>`](../components/'s placeholder options.
However, sometimes you might want to disable the logic of the core plugin without actually adding any logic yourself. For example, you might want to prevent the `enter` key from performing any action. In those cases, you'll need to define a "noop" handler.
A noop `onBeforeInput` handler looks like:
function onBeforeInput(event, state, editor) {
return state
Notice that is calls `event.preventDefault()` to prevent the default browser behavior, and it returns the current `state` to prevent the editor from continuing to resolve its plugins stack.