Arbitrary data associated with the node. Defaults to an empty `Map`.
### `isVoid`
Whether the node is a "void" node, meaning that it has no child content (eg. emoji, icons, etc.). Defaults to `false`.
Note that even though a node may be "void", it will still contain a single, empty [`Text`](./ node for consistency across other operations. However, when rendered by Slate that single [`Text`](./ node will not be visible.
### `key`
A unique identifier for the node.
### `nodes`
A list of child nodes. Defaults to a list with a single text node child.
### `type`
The custom type of the node (eg. `link` or `hashtag`).
## Computed Properties
### `kind`
An immutable string value of `'inline'` for easily separating this node from [`Block`](./ or [`Text`](./ nodes.
### `length`
The sum of the lengths of all of the descendant [`Text`](./ nodes of this node.
### `text`
A concatenated string of all of the descendant [`Text`](./ nodes of this node.