{ "document": { "nodes": [ { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "ranges": [ { "text": "In addition to nodes that contain editable text, you can also create other types of nodes, like images or videos." } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "image", "isVoid": true, "data": { "src": "https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2015/10/as12-49-7278-1024x1024.jpg&w=1484" } }, { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "ranges": [ { "text": "This example shows images in action. It features two ways to add images. You can either add an image via the toolbar icon above, or if you want in on a little secret, copy an image URL to your keyboard and paste it anywhere in the editor!" } ] } ] } ] } }