# `Transform`
import { Transform } from 'slate'
A transform allows you to define a series of changes you'd like to make to the current [`Document`](./document.md) or [`Selection`](./selection.md) in a [`State`](./state.md).
All changes are performed through `Transform` objects, so that a history of changes can be preserved for use in undo/redo operations, and to make collaborative editing possible.
Transform methods can either operate on the [`Document`](./document.md), the [`Selection`](./selection.md), or both at once.
- [Methods](#methods)
- [`apply`](#apply)
- [Current State Transforms](#current-state-transforms)
- [`deleteBackward`](#deletebackward)
- [`deleteForward`](#deleteforward)
- [`delete`](#delete)
- [`insertBlock`](#insertblock)
- [`insertFragment`](#insertfragment)
- [`insertInline`](#insertinline)
- [`insertText`](#inserttext)
- [`addMark`](#addmark)
- [`setBlock`](#setblock)
- [`setInline`](#setinline)
- [`splitBlock`](#splitblock)
- [`splitInline`](#splitinline)
- [`removeMark`](#removemark)
- [`toggleMark`](#togglemark)
- [`unwrapBlock`](#unwrapblock)
- [`unwrapInline`](#unwrapinline)
- [`wrapBlock`](#wrapblock)
- [`wrapInline`](#wrapinline)
- [`wrapText`](#wraptext)
- [Selection Transforms](#selection-transforms)
- [`blur`](#blur)
- [`collapseTo{Edge}Of`](#collapsetoedgeof)
- [`collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Block`](#collapsetoedgeofdirectionblock)
- [`collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Text`](#collapsetoedgeofdirectiontext)
- [`collapseTo{Edge}`](#collapsetoedge)
- [`extendTo{Edge}Of`](#extendtoedgeof)
- [`extend{Direction}`](#extenddirection)
- [`focus`](#focus)
- [`moveToOffsets`](#movetooffsets)
- [`moveToRangeOf`](#movetorangeof)
- [`moveTo`](#moveto)
- [`move{Direction}`](#movedirection)
- [Node Transforms](#node-transforms)
- [`addMarkByKey`](#addmarkbykey)
- [`insertNodeByKey`](#insertnodebykey)
- [`insertTextByKey`](#inserttextbykey)
- [`moveNodeByKey`](#movenodebykey)
- [`removeMarkByKey`](#removemarkbykey)
- [`removeNodeByKey`](#removenodebykey)
- [`removeTextByKey`](#removetextbykey)
- [`setMarkByKey`](#setmarkbykey)
- [`setNodeByKey`](#setnodebykey)
- [`splitNodeByKey`](#splitnodebykey)
- [`unwrapInlineByKey`](#unwrapinlinebykey)
- [`unwrapBlockByKey`](#unwrapblockbykey)
- [Document Transforms](#document-transforms)
- [`deleteAtRange`](#deleteatrange)
- [`deleteBackwardAtRange`](#deletebackwardatrange)
- [`deleteForwardAtRange`](#deleteforwardatrange)
- [`insertBlockAtRange`](#insertblockatrange)
- [`insertFragmentAtRange`](#insertfragmentatrange)
- [`insertInlineAtRange`](#insertinlineatrange)
- [`insertTextAtRange`](#inserttextatrange)
- [`addMarkAtRange`](#addmarkatrange)
- [`setBlockAtRange`](#setblockatrange)
- [`setInlineAtRange`](#setinlineatrange)
- [`splitBlockAtRange`](#splitblockatrange)
- [`splitInlineAtRange`](#splitinlineatrange)
- [`removeMarkAtRange`](#removemarkatrange)
- [`toggleMarkAtRange`](#togglemarkatrange)
- [`unwrapBlockAtRange`](#unwrapblockatrange)
- [`unwrapInlineAtRange`](#unwrapinlineatrange)
- [`wrapBlockAtRange`](#wrapblockatrange)
- [`wrapInlineAtRange`](#wrapinlineatrange)
- [`wrapTextAtRange`](#wraptextatrange)
- [History Transforms](#history-transforms)
- [`redo`](#redo)
- [`undo`](#undo)
## Methods
### `apply`
`apply(options: Object) => State`
Applies all of the current transform steps, returning the newly transformed [`State`](./state.md). An `options` object is optional, containing values of:
- `save: Boolean` — override the editor's built-in logic of whether to create a new snapshot in the history, that can be reverted to later.
## Current State Transforms
### `deleteBackward`
`deleteBackward(n: Number) => Transform`
Delete backward `n` characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular [`delete()`](#delete). `n` defaults to `1`.
### `deleteForward`
`deleteForward(n: Number) => Transform`
Delete forward `n` characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular [`delete()`](#delete). `n` defaults to `1`.
### `delete`
`delete() => Transform`
Delete everything in the current selection.
### `insertBlock`
`insertBlock(block: Block) => Transform`
`insertBlock(properties: Object) => Transform`
`insertBlock(type: String) => Transform`
Insert a new block at the same level as the current block, splitting the current block to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertFragment`
`insertFragment(fragment: Document) => Transform`
Insert a [`fragment`](./document.md) at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertInline`
`insertInline(inline: Inline) => Transform`
`insertInline(properties: Object) => Transform`
Insert a new inline at the current cursor position, splitting the text to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertText`
`insertText(text: String) => Transform`
Insert a string of `text` at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `addMark`
`addMark(mark: Mark) => Transform`
`addMark(properties: Object) => Transform`
`addMark(type: String) => Transform`
Add a [`mark`](./mark.md) to the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `setBlock`
`setBlock(properties: Object) => Transform`
`setBlock(type: String) => Transform`
Set the `properties` of the [`Block`](./block.md) in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string to set the blocks's type only.
### `setInline`
`setInline(properties: Object) => Transform`
`setInline(type: String) => Transform`
Set the `properties` of the [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string to set the inline's type only.
### `splitBlock`
`splitBlock(depth: Number) => Transform`
Split the [`Block`](./block.md) in the current selection by `depth` levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. `depth` defaults to `1`.
### `splitInline`
`splitInline(depth: Number) => Transform`
Split the [`Inline`](./inline.md) node in the current selection by `depth` levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. `depth` defaults to `Infinity`.
### `removeMark`
`removeMark(mark: Mark) => Transform`
`removeMark(properties: Object) => Transform`
`removeMark(type: String) => Transform`
Remove a [`mark`](./mark.md) from the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `toggleMark`
`toggleMark(mark: Mark) => Transform`
`toggleMark(properties: Object) => Transform`
`toggleMark(type: String) => Transform`
Add or remove a [`mark`](./mark.md) from the characters in the current selection, depending on it already exists on any or not. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `unwrapBlock`
`unwrapBlock([type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform`
Unwrap all [`Block`](./block.md) nodes in the current selection that match a `type` and/or `data`.
### `unwrapInline`
`unwrapInline([type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform`
Unwrap all [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in the current selection that match a `type` and/or `data`.
### `wrapBlock`
`wrapBlock(type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform`
Wrap the [`Block`](./block.md) nodes in the current selection with a new [`Block`](./block.md) node of `type`, with optional `data`.
### `wrapInline`
`wrapInline(type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform`
Wrap the [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in the current selection with a new [`Inline`](./inline.md) node of `type`, with optional `data`.
### `wrapText`
`wrapText(prefix: String, [suffix: String]) => Transform`
Surround the text in the current selection with `prefix` and `suffix` strings. If the `suffix` is ommitted, the `prefix` will be used instead.
## Selection Transforms
### `blur`
`blur() => Transform`
Blur the current selection.
### `collapseTo{Edge}`
`collapseTo{Edge}() => Transform`
Collapse the current selection to its `{Edge}`. Where `{Edge}` is either `Anchor`, `Focus`, `Start` or `End`.
### `collapseTo{Edge}Of`
`collapseTo{Edge}Of(node: Node) => Transform`
Collapse the current selection to the `{Edge}` of `node`. Where `{Edge}` is either `Start` or `End`.
### `collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Block`
`collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Block() => Transform`
Collapse the current selection to the `{Edge}` of the next [`Block`](./block.md) node in `{Direction}`. Where `{Edge}` is either `{Start}` or `{End}` and `{Direction}` is either `Next` or `Previous`.
### `collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Text`
`collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Text() => Transform`
Collapse the current selection to the `{Edge}` of the next [`Text`](./text.md) node in `{Direction}`. Where `{Edge}` is either `{Start}` or `{End}` and `{Direction}` is either `Next` or `Previous`.
### `extend{Direction}`
`extend{Direction}(n: Number) => Transform`
Extend the current selection's points `n` characters in `{Direction}`. Where `{Direction}` is either `Backward` or `Forward`.
### `extendTo{Edge}Of`
`extendTo{Edge}Of(node: Node) => Transform`
Extend the current selection to the `{Edge}` of a `node`. Where `{Edge}` is either `Start` or `End`.
### `focus`
`focus() => Transform`
Focus the current selection.
### `move{Direction}`
`move{Direction}(n: Number) => Transform`
Move the current selection's points `n` characters in `{Direction}`. Where `{Direction}` is either `Backward` or `Forward`.
### `moveToOffsets`
`moveToOffsets(anchorOffset: Number, focusOffset: Number) => Transform`
Move the current selection's offsets to a new `anchorOffset` and `focusOffset`.
### `moveToRangeOf`
`moveToRangeOf(node: Node) => Transform`
Move the current selection's anchor point to the start of a `node` and its focus point to the end of the `node`.
### `moveTo`
`moveTo(properties: Selection || Object) => Transform`
Move the current selection to a selection with merged `properties`. The `properties` can either be a [`Selection`](./selection.md) object or a plain Javascript object of selection properties.
## Node Transforms
### `addMarkByKey`
`addMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Transform`
Add a `mark` to `length` characters starting at an `offset` in a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`.
### `insertNodeByKey`
`insertNodeByKey(key: String, index: Number, node: Node) => Transform`
Insert a `node` at `index` inside a parent [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`.
### `insertTextByKey`
`insertTextByKey(key: String, offset: Number, text: String, [marks: Set]) => Transform`
Insert `text` at an `offset` in a [`Node`](./node.md) with optional `marks`.
### `moveNodeByKey`
`moveNodeByKey(key: String, newKey: String, newIndex: Number) => Transform`
Move a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key` to a new parent node with its `newKey` and at a `newIndex`.
### `removeMarkByKey`
`removeMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark) => Transform`
Remove a `mark` from `length` characters starting at an `offset` in a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`.
### `removeNodeByKey`
`removeNodeByKey(key: String) => Transform`
Remove a [`Node`](./node.md) from the document by its `key`.
### `removeTextByKey`
`removeTextByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number) => Transform`
Remove `length` characters of text starting at an `offset` in a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`.
### `setMarkByKey`
`setMarkByKey(key: String, offset: Number, length: Number, mark: Mark, properties: Object) => Transform`
Set a dictionary of `properties` on a [`mark`](./mark.md) on a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`.
### `setNodeByKey`
`setNodeByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Transform`
`setNodeByKey(key: String, type: String) => Transform`
Set a dictionary of `properties` on a [`Node`](./node.md) by its `key`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `splitNodeByKey`
`splitNodeByKey(key: String, offset: Number) => Transform`
Split a node by its `key` at an `offset`.
### `unwrapInlineByKey`
`unwrapInlineByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Transform`
`unwrapInlineByKey(key: String, type: String) => Transform`
Unwrap all inner content of an [`Inline`](./inline.md) node that match `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `unwrapBlockByKey`
`unwrapBlockByKey(key: String, properties: Object) => Transform`
`unwrapBlockByKey(key: String, type: String) => Transform`
Unwrap all inner content of a [`Block`](./block.md) node that match `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
## Document Transforms
### `deleteBackwardAtRange`
`deleteBackwardAtRange(range: Selection, n: Number) => Transform`
Delete backward `n` characters at a `range`. If the `range` is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular [`delete()`](#delete). `n` defaults to `1`.
### `deleteForwardAtRange`
`deleteForwardAtRange(range: Selection, n: Number) => Transform`
Delete forward `n` characters at a `range`. If the `range` is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular [`delete()`](#delete). `n` defaults to `1`.
### `deleteAtRange`
`deleteAtRange(range: Selection, ) => Transform`
Delete everything in a `range`.
### `insertBlockAtRange`
`insertBlockAtRange(range: Selection, block: Block) => Transform`
`insertBlockAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`insertBlockAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Insert a new block at the same level as the leaf block at a `range`, splitting the current block to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertFragmentAtRange`
`insertFragmentAtRange(range: Selection, fragment: Document) => Transform`
Insert a [`fragment`](./document.md) at a `range`. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertInlineAtRange`
`insertInlineAtRange(range: Selection, inline: Inline) => Transform`
`insertInlineAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
Insert a new inline at a `range`, splitting the text to make room if it is non-empty. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `insertTextAtRange`
`insertTextAtRange(range: Selection, text: String) => Transform`
Insert a string of `text` at a `range`. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.
### `addMarkAtRange`
`addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform`
`addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Add a [`mark`](./mark.md) to the characters in a `range`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `setBlockAtRange`
`setBlockAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`setBlock(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Set the `properties` of the [`Block`](./block.md) in a `range`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string to set the blocks's type only.
### `setInlineAtRange`
`setInlineAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`setInline(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Set the `properties` of the [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in a `range`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string to set the inline's type only.
### `splitBlockAtRange`
`splitBlockAtRange(range: Selection, depth: Number) => Transform`
Split the [`Block`](./block.md) in a `range` by `depth` levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. `depth` defaults to `1`.
### `splitInlineAtRange`
`splitInlineAtRange(range: Selection, depth: Number) => Transform`
Split the [`Inline`](./inline.md) node in a `range` by `depth` levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. `depth` defaults to `Infinity`.
### `removeMarkAtRange`
`removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform`
`removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Remove a [`mark`](./mark.md) from the characters in a `range`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `toggleMarkAtRange`
`toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform`
`toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Add or remove a [`mark`](./mark.md) from the characters in a `range`, depending on whether any of them already have the mark. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object to implicitly create a [`Mark`](./mark.md) of that type.
### `unwrapBlockAtRange`
`unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Unwrap all [`Block`](./block.md) nodes in a `range` that match `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `unwrapInlineAtRange`
`unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Unwrap all [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in a `range` that match `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `wrapBlockAtRange`
`wrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`wrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Wrap the [`Block`](./block.md) nodes in a `range` with a new [`Block`](./block.md) node with `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `wrapInlineAtRange`
`wrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform`
`wrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform`
Wrap the [`Inline`](./inline.md) nodes in a `range` with a new [`Inline`](./inline.md) node with `properties`. For convenience, you can pass a `type` string or `properties` object.
### `wrapTextAtRange`
`wrapTextAtRange(range: Selection, prefix: String, [suffix: String]) => Transform`
Surround the text in a `range` with `prefix` and `suffix` strings. If the `suffix` is ommitted, the `prefix` will be used instead.
## History Transforms
### `redo`
`redo() => Transform`
Move forward one step in the history.
### `undo`
`undo() => Transform`
Move backward one step in the history.