import Selection from './selection' import Node from './node' import Text from './text' import convertRangesToCharacters from '../utils/convert-ranges-to-characters' import toCamel from 'to-camel-case' import { OrderedMap, Record } from 'immutable' /** * Record. */ const StateRecord = new Record({ nodes: new OrderedMap(), selection: new Selection() }) /** * Node-like methods, that should be mixed into the `State` prototype. */ const NODE_LIKE_METHODS = [ 'filterNodes', 'findNode', 'getNextNode', 'getNode', 'getParentNode', 'getPreviousNode', 'hasNode', 'pushNode', 'removeNode', 'updateNode' ] /** * Selection-like methods, that should be mixed into the `State` prototype. */ const SELECTION_LIKE_METHODS = [ 'moveTo', 'moveToAnchor', 'moveToEnd', 'moveToFocus', 'moveToStart', 'moveToStartOf', 'moveToEndOf', 'moveToRangeOf', 'moveForward', 'moveBackward', 'extendForward', 'extendBackward' ] /** * State. */ class State extends StateRecord { /** * Create a new `State` from `attrs`. * * @return {State} state */ static create(attrs) { return new State({ nodes: Node.createMap(attrs.nodes), selection: Selection.create(attrs.selection) }) } /** * Node-like getters. */ get length() { return this.text.length } get text() { return this.nodes .map(node => node.text) .join('') } get type() { return 'state' } /** * Selection-like getters. */ get isCollapsed() { return this.selection.isCollapsed } get isExpanded() { return this.selection.isExpanded } get isExtended() { return this.selection.isExtended } get anchorKey() { return this.selection.anchorKey } get anchorOffset() { return this.selection.anchorOffset } get focusKey() { return this.selection.focusKey } get focusOffset() { return this.selection.focusOffset } get startKey() { return this.selection.startKey } get startOffset() { return this.selection.startOffset } get endKey() { return this.selection.endKey } get endOffset() { return this.selection.endOffset } /** * Get the current anchor node. * * @return {Node} node */ get anchorNode() { return this.getNode(this.anchorKey) } /** * Get the current focus node. * * @return {Node} node */ get focusNode() { return this.getNode(this.focusKey) } /** * Get the current start node. * * @return {Node} node */ get startNode() { return this.getNode(this.startKey) } /** * Get the current end node. * * @return {Node} node */ get endNode() { return this.getNode(this.endKey) } /** * Is the selection at the start of `node`? * * @param {Node} node * @return {Boolean} isAtStart */ isAtStartOf(node) { return this.selection.isAtStartOf(node) } /** * Is the selection at the end of `node`? * * @param {Node} node * @return {Boolean} isAtEnd */ isAtEndOf(node) { return this.selection.isAtEndOf(node) } /** * Delete a single character. * * @return {State} state */ delete() { let state = this // When collapsed, there's nothing to do. if (state.isCollapsed) return state // Otherwise, delete and update the selection. state = state.deleteAtRange(state.selection) state = state.moveToStart() return state } /** * Delete everything in a `range`. * * @param {Selection} range * @return {State} state */ deleteAtRange(range) { let state = this // If the range is collapsed, there's nothing to do. if (range.isCollapsed) return state const { startKey, startOffset, endKey, endOffset } = range let startNode = state.getNode(startKey) // If the start and end nodes are the same, remove the matching characters. if (startKey == endKey) { let { characters } = startNode characters = characters.filterNot((char, i) => { return startOffset <= i && i < endOffset }) startNode = startNode.merge({ characters }) state = state.updateNode(startNode) return state } // Otherwise, remove the text from the first and last nodes... const startRange = Selection.create({ anchorKey: startKey, anchorOffset: startOffset, focusKey: startKey, focusOffset: startNode.length }) const endRange = Selection.create({ anchorKey: endKey, anchorOffset: 0, focusKey: endKey, focusOffset: endOffset }) state = state.deleteAtRange(startRange) state = state.deleteAtRange(endRange) // Then remove any nodes in between the top-most start and end nodes... let startParent = state.getParentNode(startKey) let endParent = state.getParentNode(endKey) const startGrandestParent = state.nodes.find((node) => { return node == startParent || node.hasNode(startParent) }) const endGrandestParent = state.nodes.find((node) => { return node == endParent || node.hasNode(endParent) }) const nodes = state.nodes .takeUntil(node => node == startGrandestParent) .set(startGrandestParent.key, startGrandestParent) .concat(state.nodes.skipUntil(node => node == endGrandestParent)) state = state.merge({ nodes }) // Then bring the end text node into the start node. let endText = state.getNode(endKey) startParent = startParent.pushNode(endText) endParent = endParent.removeNode(endText) state = state.updateNode(startParent) state = state.updateNode(endParent) return state } /** * Delete backward `n` characters at the current selection. * * @param {Number} n (optional) * @return {State} state */ deleteBackward(n = 1) { let state = this let selection = state.selection // Determine what the selection should be after deleting. const startNode = state.startNode if (state.isCollapsed && state.isAtStartOf(startNode)) { const parent = state.getParentNode(startNode) const previous = state.getPreviousNode(parent).nodes.first() selection = selection.moveToEndOf(previous) } else if (state.isCollapsed && !state.isAtEndOf(state)) { selection = selection.moveBackward(n) } // Delete backward and then update the selection. state = state.deleteBackwardAtRange(state.selection) state = state.merge({ selection }) return state } /** * Delete backward `n` characters at a `range`. * * @param {Selection} range * @param {Number} n (optional) * @return {State} state */ deleteBackwardAtRange(range, n = 1) { let state = this // When collapsed at the end of the document, there's nothing to do. if (range.isCollapsed && range.isAtEndOf(state)) return state // When the range is still expanded, just do a regular delete. if (range.isExpanded) return state.deleteAtRange(range) // When at start of a text node, merge forwards into the next text node. const { startKey } = range const startNode = state.getNode(startKey) if (range.isAtStartOf(startNode)) { const parent = state.getParentNode(startNode) const previous = state.getPreviousNode(parent).nodes.first() range = range.extendBackwardToEndOf(previous) state = state.deleteAtRange(range) return state } // Otherwise, remove `n` characters behind of the cursor. range = range.extendBackward(n) state = state.deleteAtRange(range) return state } /** * Delete forward `n` characters at the current selection. * * @param {Number} n (optional) * @return {State} state */ deleteForward(n = 1) { let state = this state = state.deleteForwardAtRange(state.selection) return state } /** * Delete forward `n` characters at a `range`. * * @param {Selection} range * @param {Number} n (optional) * @return {State} state */ deleteForwardAtRange(range, n = 1) { let state = this // When collapsed at the end of the document, there's nothing to do. if (range.isCollapsed && range.isAtEndOf(state)) return state // When the range is still expanded, just do a regular delete. if (range.isExpanded) return state.deleteAtRange(range) // When at end of a text node, merge forwards into the next text node. const { startKey } = range const startNode = state.getNode(startKey) if (range.isAtEndOf(startNode)) { const parent = state.getParentNode(startNode) const next = state.getNextNode(parent).nodes.first() range = range.extendForwardToStartOf(next) state = state.deleteAtRange(range) return state } // Otherwise, remove `n` characters ahead of the cursor. range = range.extendForward(n) state = state.deleteAtRange(range) return state } /** * Insert a `text` string at the current cursor position. * * @param {String or Node or OrderedMap} data * @return {State} state */ insert(data) { let state = this state = state.insertAtRange(state.selection, data) // When the data is a string of characters... if (typeof data == 'string') { state = state.moveForward(data.length) } return state } /** * Insert `data` at a `range`. * * @param {Selection} range * @param {String or Node or OrderedMap} data * @return {State} state */ insertAtRange(range, data) { let state = this // When still expanded, remove the current range first. if (range.isExpanded) { state = state.deleteAtRange(range) range = range.moveToStart() } // When the data is a string of characters... if (typeof data == 'string') { // Insert text at the current cursor. const ranges = [{ text: data }] let { startNode, startOffset } = state let { characters } = startNode let newCharacters = convertRangesToCharacters(ranges) const { size } = newCharacters // Splice in the new characters. characters = characters.slice(0, startOffset) .concat(newCharacters) .concat(characters.slice(startOffset + size - 1, Infinity)) // Update the existing text node. startNode = startNode.merge({ characters }) state = state.updateNode(startNode) return state } return state } /** * Normalize all nodes, ensuring that no two text nodes are adjacent. * * @return {State} state */ normalize() { // TODO } /** * Remove characters from a node by `key` between offsets. * * @param {String} key * @param {Number} startOffset * @param {Number} endOffset * @return {State} state */ removeCharacters(key, startOffset, endOffset) { let state = this let node = state.getNode(key) const characters = node.characters.filterNot((char, i) => { return startOffset <= i && i < endOffset }) node = node.merge({ characters }) state = state.updateNode(node) return state } /** * Split at a `selection`. * * @return {State} state */ split() { let state = this state = state.splitAtRange(state.selection) const parent = state.getParentNode(state.startNode) const next = state.getNextNode(parent) const text = next.nodes.first() state = state.moveToStartOf(text) // const next = state.getNextTextNode(state.startNode) // state = state.moveToStartOf(next) return state } /** * Split the nodes at a `range`. * * @param {Selection} range * @return {State} state */ splitAtRange(range) { let state = this // If the range is expanded, remove it first. if (range.isExpanded) { state = state.deleteAtRange(range) range = range.moveToStart() } const { startKey, startOffset } = range const startNode = state.getNode(startKey) // Split the text node's characters. const { characters, length } = startNode const firstCharacters = characters.take(startOffset) const secondCharacters = characters.takeLast(length - startOffset) // Create a new first node with only the first set of characters. const parent = state.getParentNode(startNode) const firstText = startNode.set('characters', firstCharacters) const firstNode = parent.updateNode(firstText) // Create a brand new second node with the second set of characters. let secondText = Text.create({}) let secondNode = Node.create({ type: firstNode.type, data: }) secondText = secondText.set('characters', secondCharacters) secondNode = secondNode.pushNode(secondText) // Replace the old parent node in the grandparent with the two new ones. let grandparent = state.getParentNode(parent) const befores = grandparent.nodes.takeUntil(node => node.key == parent.key) const afters = grandparent.nodes.skipUntil(node => node.key == parent.key).rest() const nodes = befores .set(firstNode.key, firstNode) .set(secondNode.key, secondNode) .concat(afters) // If the state is the grandparent, just merge, otherwise deep merge. if (grandparent == state) { state = state.merge({ nodes }) } else { grandparent = grandparent.merge({ nodes }) state = state.updateNode(grandparent) } return state } } /** * Mix in node-like methods. */ NODE_LIKE_METHODS.forEach((method) => { State.prototype[method] = Node.prototype[method] }) /** * Mix in selection-like methods. */ SELECTION_LIKE_METHODS.forEach((method) => { State.prototype[method] = function (...args) { let selection = this.selection[method](...args) return this.merge({ selection }) } }) /** * Export. */ export default State