{ "document": { "nodes": [ { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "In addition to block nodes, you can create inline nodes, like " } ] }, { "kind": "inline", "type": "link", "data": { "href": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext" }, "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "hyperlinks" } ] } ] }, { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "!" } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "This example shows hyperlinks in action. It features two ways to add links. You can either add a link via the toolbar icon above, or if you want in on a little secret, copy a URL to your keyboard and paste it while a range of text is selected." } ] } ] } ] } }