{ "nodes": [ { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "The editor gives you full control over the logic you can add. For example, it's fairly common to want to add markdown-like shortcuts to editors. So that, when you start a line with \"> \" you get a blockquote that looks like this:" } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "block-quote", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "A wise quote." } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "Order when you start a line with \"## \" you get a level-two heading, like this:" } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "heading-two", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "Try it out!" } ] } ] }, { "kind": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "kind": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "Try it out for yourself! Try starting a new line with \">\", \"-\", or \"#\"s." } ] } ] } ] }