{ "document": { "nodes": [ { "object": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "object": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "These two editors are kept " }, { "text": "in sync", "marks": [ { "type": "bold" } ] }, { "text": " with one another as you type!" } ] } ] }, { "object": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "object": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "They achieve this by sending any document-altering operations to each other whenever a change occurs, and then applying them locally with " }, { "text": "change.applyOperations()", "marks": [ { "type": "code" } ] }, { "text": "." } ] } ] }, { "object": "block", "type": "paragraph", "nodes": [ { "object": "text", "leaves": [ { "text": "Note: ", "marks": [ { "type": "italic" } ] }, { "text": "this example doesn't showcase operational transforms or network communication, which are required for realtime editing with multiple people at once." } ] } ] } ] } }