mirror of https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate.git synced 2025-03-14 10:19:43 +01:00
Dominic Amato 3dce916074 Use strict equality except for null/undefined for improved performance and behavior (#2514)
* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* undo strict null checking

* remove added semicolons

* Prettier Formatting Changes

* Update .eslintrc

add smart strict equality rule

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert Non-strict to strict equality checking
Convert non-strict equality checking, using `==`, to the strict version, using `===`.

* Convert files to use strict equality

* fix prettier eslint errors

* fix remaining prettier complaints

* use strict null equality in serializer
2019-03-06 16:48:41 -05:00

170 lines
5.2 KiB

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