mirror of https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate.git synced 2025-03-15 18:59:41 +01:00
Sunny Hirai 08275f68f3
Custom TypeScript Types (#3835)
This PR adds better TypeScript types into Slate and is based on the proposal here: https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate/issues/3725

* Extend Slate's types like Element and Text

* Supports type discrimination (ie. if an element has type === "table" then we get a reduced set of properties)

* added custom types

* files

* more extensions

* files

* changed fixtures

* changes eslint file

* changed element.children to descendant

* updated types

* more type changes

* changed a lot of typing, still getting building errors

* extended text type in slate-react

* removed type assertions

* Clean up of custom types and a couple uneeded comments.

* Rename headingElement-true.tsx.tsx to headingElement-true.tsx

* moved basetext and baselement

* Update packages/slate/src/interfaces/text.ts

Co-authored-by: Brent Farese <25846953+BrentFarese@users.noreply.github.com>

* Fix some type issues with core functions.

* Clean up text and element files.

* Convert other types to extended types.

* Change the type of editor.marks to the appropriate type.

* Add version 100.0.0 to package.json

* Revert "Add version 100.0.0 to package.json"

This reverts commit 329e44e43d968700655b1c46f968bfd3147e7339.

* added custom types

* files

* more extensions

* files

* changed fixtures

* changes eslint file

* changed element.children to descendant

* updated types

* more type changes

* changed a lot of typing, still getting building errors

* extended text type in slate-react

* removed type assertions

* Clean up of custom types and a couple uneeded comments.

* Rename headingElement-true.tsx.tsx to headingElement-true.tsx

* moved basetext and baselement

* Update packages/slate/src/interfaces/text.ts

Co-authored-by: Brent Farese <25846953+BrentFarese@users.noreply.github.com>

* Fix some type issues with core functions.

* Clean up text and element files.

* Convert other types to extended types.

* Change the type of editor.marks to the appropriate type.

* Run linter.

* Remove key:string uknown from the base types.

* Clean up types after removing key:string unknown.

* Lint and prettier fixes.

* Implement custom-types

Co-authored-by: mdmjg <mdj308@nyu.edu>

* added custom types to examples

* reset yarn lock

* added ts to fixtures

* examples custom types

* Working fix

* ts-thesunny-try

* Extract interface types.

* Fix minor return type in create-editor.

* Fix the typing issue with Location having compile time CustomTypes

* Extract types for Transforms.

* Update README.

* Fix dependency on slate-history in slate-react

Co-authored-by: mdmjg <mdj308@nyu.edu>
Co-authored-by: Brent Farese <brentfarese@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brent Farese <25846953+BrentFarese@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Tim Buckley <timothypbuckley@gmail.com>
2020-11-24 12:30:06 -08:00

182 lines
4.2 KiB

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