mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 17:23:07 +01:00
720 lines
18 KiB
720 lines
18 KiB
import Base64 from '../serializers/base-64'
import Debug from 'debug'
import Node from './node'
import OffsetKey from '../utils/offset-key'
import React from 'react'
import Selection from '../models/selection'
import Transfer from '../utils/transfer'
import TYPES from '../constants/types'
import getWindow from 'get-window'
import includes from 'lodash/includes'
import keycode from 'keycode'
import { IS_FIREFOX, IS_MAC } from '../constants/environment'
* Debug.
* @type {Function}
const debug = Debug('slate:content')
* Noop.
* @type {Function}
function noop() {}
* Content.
* @type {Component}
class Content extends React.Component {
* Property types.
* @type {Object}
static propTypes = {
className: React.PropTypes.string,
editor: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
onBeforeInput: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onBlur: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onCopy: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onCut: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onDrop: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onKeyDown: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onPaste: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onSelect: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
readOnly: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
schema: React.PropTypes.object,
spellCheck: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
state: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
style: React.PropTypes.object
* Default properties.
* @type {Object}
static defaultProps = {
style: {}
* Constructor.
* @param {Object} props
constructor(props) {
this.tmp = {}
this.tmp.compositions = 0
this.forces = 0
* Should the component update?
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Object} state
* @return {Boolean} shouldUpdate
shouldComponentUpdate = (props, state) => {
// If the state has been transformed natively, never re-render, or else we
// will end up duplicating content.
if (props.state.isNative) return false
return (
props.className != this.props.className ||
props.readOnly != this.props.readOnly ||
props.schema != this.props.schema ||
props.spellCheck != this.props.spellCheck ||
props.state != this.props.state ||
props.style != this.props.style
* While rendering, set the `isRendering` flag.
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Object} state
componentWillUpdate = (props, state) => {
this.tmp.isRendering = true
* When finished rendering, move the `isRendering` flag on next tick.
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Object} state
componentDidUpdate = (props, state) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.tmp.isRendering = false
}, 1)
* Get a point from a native selection's DOM `element` and `offset`.
* @param {Element} element
* @param {Number} offset
* @return {Object}
getPoint(element, offset) {
const { state, editor } = this.props
const { document } = state
const schema = editor.getSchema()
const offsetKey = OffsetKey.findKey(element, offset)
const { key } = offsetKey
const node = document.getDescendant(key)
const decorators = document.getDescendantDecorators(key, schema)
const ranges = node.getRanges(decorators)
const point = OffsetKey.findPoint(offsetKey, ranges)
return point
* On before input, bubble up.
* @param {Event} e
onBeforeInput = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const data = {}
debug('onBeforeInput', data)
this.props.onBeforeInput(e, data)
* On blur, update the selection to be not focused.
* @param {Event} e
onBlur = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (this.tmp.isCopying) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const data = {}
debug('onBlur', data)
this.props.onBlur(e, data)
* On change, bubble up.
* @param {State} state
onChange = (state) => {
debug('onChange', state)
* On composition start, set the `isComposing` flag.
* @param {Event} e
onCompositionStart = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
this.tmp.isComposing = true
* On composition end, remove the `isComposing` flag on the next tick. Also
* increment the `forces` key, which will force the contenteditable element
* to completely re-render, since IME puts React in an unreconcilable state.
* @param {Event} e
onCompositionEnd = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const count = this.tmp.compositions
// The `count` check here ensures that if another composition starts
// before the timeout has closed out this one, we will abort unsetting the
// `isComposing` flag, since a composition in still in affect.
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.tmp.compositions > count) return
this.tmp.isComposing = false
* On copy, defer to `onCutCopy`, then bubble up.
* @param {Event} e
onCopy = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const window = getWindow(e.target)
this.tmp.isCopying = true
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.tmp.isCopying = false
const { state } = this.props
const data = {}
data.type = 'fragment'
data.fragment = state.fragment
debug('onCopy', data)
this.props.onCopy(e, data)
* On cut, defer to `onCutCopy`, then bubble up.
* @param {Event} e
onCut = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const window = getWindow(e.target)
this.tmp.isCopying = true
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.tmp.isCopying = false
const { state } = this.props
const data = {}
data.type = 'fragment'
data.fragment = state.fragment
debug('onCut', data)
this.props.onCut(e, data)
* On drag end, unset the `isDragging` flag.
* @param {Event} e
onDragEnd = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
this.tmp.isDragging = false
this.tmp.isInternalDrag = null
* On drag over, set the `isDragging` flag and the `isInternalDrag` flag.
* @param {Event} e
onDragOver = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const { dataTransfer } = e.nativeEvent
const transfer = new Transfer(dataTransfer)
// Prevent default when nodes are dragged to allow dropping.
if (transfer.getType() == 'node') {
if (this.tmp.isDragging) return
this.tmp.isDragging = true
this.tmp.isInternalDrag = false
* On drag start, set the `isDragging` flag and the `isInternalDrag` flag.
* @param {Event} e
onDragStart = (e) => {
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
this.tmp.isDragging = true
this.tmp.isInternalDrag = true
const { dataTransfer } = e.nativeEvent
const transfer = new Transfer(dataTransfer)
// If it's a node being dragged, the data type is already set.
if (transfer.getType() == 'node') return
const { state } = this.props
const { fragment } = state
const encoded = Base64.serializeNode(fragment)
dataTransfer.setData(TYPES.FRAGMENT, encoded)
* On drop.
* @param {Event} e
onDrop = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const window = getWindow(e.target)
const { state } = this.props
const { selection } = state
const { dataTransfer, x, y } = e.nativeEvent
const transfer = new Transfer(dataTransfer)
const data = transfer.getData()
// Resolve the point where the drop occured.
let range
// COMPAT: In Firefox, `caretRangeFromPoint` doesn't exist. (2016/07/25)
if (window.document.caretRangeFromPoint) {
range = window.document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y)
} else {
range = window.document.createRange()
range.setStart(e.nativeEvent.rangeParent, e.nativeEvent.rangeOffset)
const startNode = range.startContainer
const startOffset = range.startOffset
const point = this.getPoint(startNode, startOffset)
const target = Selection.create({
anchorKey: point.key,
anchorOffset: point.offset,
focusKey: point.key,
focusOffset: point.offset,
isFocused: true
// If the target is inside a void node, abort.
if (state.document.hasVoidParent(point.key)) return
// Add drop-specific information to the data.
data.target = target
data.effect = dataTransfer.dropEffect
if (data.type == 'fragment' || data.type == 'node') {
data.isInternal = this.tmp.isInternalDrag
debug('onDrop', data)
this.props.onDrop(e, data)
* On input, handle spellcheck and other similar edits that don't go trigger
* the `onBeforeInput` and instead update the DOM directly.
* @param {Event} e
onInput = (e) => {
if (this.tmp.isRendering) return
if (this.tmp.isComposing) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const window = getWindow(e.target)
// Get the selection point.
const native = window.getSelection()
const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusOffset } = native
const point = this.getPoint(anchorNode, anchorOffset)
const { key, index, start, end } = point
// Get the range in question.
const { state, editor } = this.props
const { document, selection } = state
const schema = editor.getSchema()
const decorators = document.getDescendantDecorators(key, schema)
const node = document.getDescendant(key)
const ranges = node.getRanges(decorators)
const range = ranges.get(index)
// Get the text information.
const isLast = index == ranges.size - 1
const { text, marks } = range
let { textContent } = anchorNode
const lastChar = textContent.charAt(textContent.length - 1)
// If we're dealing with the last leaf, and the DOM text ends in a new line,
// we will have added another new line in <Leaf>'s render method to account
// for browsers collapsing a single trailing new lines, so remove it.
if (isLast && lastChar == '\n') {
textContent = textContent.slice(0, -1)
// If the text is no different, abort.
if (textContent == text) return
// Determine what the selection should be after changing the text.
const delta = textContent.length - text.length
const after = selection.collapseToEnd().moveForward(delta)
// Create an updated state with the text replaced.
const next = state
anchorKey: key,
anchorOffset: start,
focusKey: key,
focusOffset: end
.insertText(textContent, marks)
// Change the current state.
* On key down, prevent the default behavior of certain commands that will
* leave the editor in an out-of-sync state, then bubble up.
* @param {Event} e
onKeyDown = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const key = keycode(e.which)
const data = {}
// When composing, these characters commit the composition but also move the
// selection before we're able to handle it, so prevent their default,
// selection-moving behavior.
if (
this.tmp.isComposing &&
(key == 'left' || key == 'right' || key == 'up' || key == 'down')
) {
// Add helpful properties for handling hotkeys to the data object.
data.code = e.which
data.key = key
data.isAlt = e.altKey
data.isCmd = IS_MAC ? e.metaKey && !e.altKey : false
data.isCtrl = e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey
data.isLine = IS_MAC ? e.metaKey : false
data.isMeta = e.metaKey
data.isMod = IS_MAC ? e.metaKey && !e.altKey : e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey
data.isModAlt = IS_MAC ? e.metaKey && e.altKey : e.ctrlKey && e.altKey
data.isShift = e.shiftKey
data.isWord = IS_MAC ? e.altKey : e.ctrlKey
// These key commands have native behavior in contenteditable elements which
// will cause our state to be out of sync, so prevent them.
if (
(key == 'enter') ||
(key == 'backspace') ||
(key == 'delete') ||
(key == 'b' && data.isMod) ||
(key == 'i' && data.isMod) ||
(key == 'y' && data.isMod) ||
(key == 'z' && data.isMod)
) {
debug('onKeyDown', data)
this.props.onKeyDown(e, data)
* On paste, determine the type and bubble up.
* @param {Event} e
onPaste = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const transfer = new Transfer(e.clipboardData)
const data = transfer.getData()
debug('onPaste', data)
this.props.onPaste(e, data)
* On select, update the current state's selection.
* @param {Event} e
onSelect = (e) => {
if (this.props.readOnly) return
if (this.tmp.isRendering) return
if (this.tmp.isCopying) return
if (this.tmp.isComposing) return
if (isNonEditable(e)) return
const window = getWindow(e.target)
const { state } = this.props
let { document, selection } = state
const native = window.getSelection()
const data = {}
// If there are no ranges, the editor was blurred natively.
if (!native.rangeCount) {
data.selection = selection.merge({ isFocused: false })
data.isNative = true
// Otherwise, determine the Slate selection from the native one.
else {
const { anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset } = native
const anchor = this.getPoint(anchorNode, anchorOffset)
const focus = this.getPoint(focusNode, focusOffset)
// There are valid situations where a select event will fire when we're
// already at that position (for example when entering a character), since
// our `insertText` transform already updates the selection. In those
// cases we can safely ignore the event.
if (
anchor.key == selection.anchorKey &&
anchor.offset == selection.anchorOffset &&
focus.key == selection.focusKey &&
focus.offset == selection.focusOffset &&
) {
const properties = {
anchorKey: anchor.key,
anchorOffset: anchor.offset,
focusKey: focus.key,
focusOffset: focus.offset,
isFocused: true,
isBackward: null
data.selection = selection
debug('onSelect', { data, selection: data.selection.toJS() })
this.props.onSelect(e, data)
* Render the editor content.
* @return {Element} element
render = () => {
const { className, readOnly, state } = this.props
const { document } = state
const children = document.nodes
.map(node => this.renderNode(node))
let style = {
// Prevent the default outline styles.
outline: 'none',
// Preserve adjacent whitespace and new lines.
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
// Allow words to break if they are too long.
wordWrap: 'break-word',
// COMPAT: In iOS, a formatting menu with bold, italic and underline
// buttons is shown which causes our internal state to get out of sync in
// weird ways. This hides that. (2016/06/21)
...(readOnly ? {} : { WebkitUserModify: 'read-write-plaintext-only' }),
// Allow for passed-in styles to override anything.
// COMPAT: In Firefox, spellchecking can remove entire wrapping elements
// including inline ones like `<a>`, which is jarring for the user but also
// causes the DOM to get into an irreconilable state.
const spellCheck = IS_FIREFOX ? false : this.props.spellCheck
return (
* Render a `node`.
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Element} element
renderNode = (node) => {
const { editor, schema, state } = this.props
return (
* Check if an `event` is being fired from inside a non-contentediable child
* element, in which case we'll want to ignore it.
* @param {Event} event
* @return {Boolean}
function isNonEditable(event) {
const { target, currentTarget } = event
const nonEditable = target.closest('[contenteditable="false"]')
const isContained = currentTarget.contains(nonEditable)
return isContained
* Export.
export default Content