mirror of https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate.git synced 2025-03-06 13:59:47 +01:00
Jinxuan Zhu e4ff1972d7 Ensure multi-line expressions are padded by eslint (#1924)
* Fix eslint rule and upgrade eslint

* Fix for switch case

* Linting files
2018-06-21 19:27:10 -07:00

210 lines
6.1 KiB

import Plain from 'slate-plain-serializer'
import { Editor } from 'slate-react'
import Prism from 'prismjs'
import React from 'react'
* Add the markdown syntax to Prism.
// eslint-disable-next-line
;Prism.languages.markdown=Prism.languages.extend("markup",{}),Prism.languages.insertBefore("markdown","prolog",{blockquote:{pattern:/^>(?:[\t ]*>)*/m,alias:"punctuation"},code:[{pattern:/^(?: {4}|\t).+/m,alias:"keyword"},{pattern:/``.+?``|`[^`\n]+`/,alias:"keyword"}],title:[{pattern:/\w+.*(?:\r?\n|\r)(?:==+|--+)/,alias:"important",inside:{punctuation:/==+$|--+$/}},{pattern:/(^\s*)#+.+/m,lookbehind:!0,alias:"important",inside:{punctuation:/^#+|#+$/}}],hr:{pattern:/(^\s*)([*-])([\t ]*\2){2,}(?=\s*$)/m,lookbehind:!0,alias:"punctuation"},list:{pattern:/(^\s*)(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)(?=[\t ].)/m,lookbehind:!0,alias:"punctuation"},"url-reference":{pattern:/!?\[[^\]]+\]:[\t ]+(?:\S+|<(?:\\.|[^>\\])+>)(?:[\t ]+(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\)))?/,inside:{variable:{pattern:/^(!?\[)[^\]]+/,lookbehind:!0},string:/(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\))$/,punctuation:/^[\[\]!:]|[<>]/},alias:"url"},bold:{pattern:/(^|[^\\])(\*\*|__)(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)(?!\r?\n|\r)|.)+?\2/,lookbehind:!0,inside:{punctuation:/^\*\*|^__|\*\*$|__$/}},italic:{pattern:/(^|[^\\])([*_])(?:(?:\r?\n|\r)(?!\r?\n|\r)|.)+?\2/,lookbehind:!0,inside:{punctuation:/^[*_]|[*_]$/}},url:{pattern:/!?\[[^\]]+\](?:\([^\s)]+(?:[\t ]+"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*")?\)| ?\[[^\]\n]*\])/,inside:{variable:{pattern:/(!?\[)[^\]]+(?=\]$)/,lookbehind:!0},string:{pattern:/"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"(?=\)$)/}}}}),Prism.languages.markdown.bold.inside.url=Prism.util.clone(Prism.languages.markdown.url),Prism.languages.markdown.italic.inside.url=Prism.util.clone(Prism.languages.markdown.url),Prism.languages.markdown.bold.inside.italic=Prism.util.clone(Prism.languages.markdown.italic),Prism.languages.markdown.italic.inside.bold=Prism.util.clone(Prism.languages.markdown.bold); // prettier-ignore
* The markdown preview example.
* @type {Component}
class MarkdownPreview extends React.Component {
* Deserialize the initial editor value.
* @type {Object}
state = {
value: Plain.deserialize(
'Slate is flexible enough to add **decorators** that can format text based on its content. For example, this editor has **Markdown** preview decorators on it, to make it _dead_ simple to make an editor with built-in Markdown previewing.\n## Try it out!\nTry it out for yourself!'
* On change.
* @param {Change} change
onChange = ({ value }) => {
this.setState({ value })
* Render the example.
* @return {Component} component
render() {
return (
<div className="editor">
placeholder="Write some markdown..."
* Render a Slate mark.
* @param {Object} props
* @return {Element}
renderMark = props => {
const { children, mark, attributes } = props
switch (mark.type) {
case 'bold':
return <strong {...attributes}>{children}</strong>
case 'code':
return <code {...attributes}>{children}</code>
case 'italic':
return <em {...attributes}>{children}</em>
case 'underlined':
return <u {...attributes}>{children}</u>
case 'title': {
return (
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '20px',
margin: '20px 0 10px 0',
display: 'inline-block',
case 'punctuation': {
return (
<span {...attributes} style={{ opacity: 0.2 }}>
case 'list': {
return (
paddingLeft: '10px',
lineHeight: '10px',
fontSize: '20px',
case 'hr': {
return (
borderBottom: '2px solid #000',
display: 'block',
opacity: 0.2,
* Define a decorator for markdown styles.
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Array}
decorateNode(node) {
if (node.object != 'block') return
const string = node.text
const texts = node.getTexts().toArray()
const grammar = Prism.languages.markdown
const tokens = Prism.tokenize(string, grammar)
const decorations = []
let startText = texts.shift()
let endText = startText
let startOffset = 0
let endOffset = 0
let start = 0
function getLength(token) {
if (typeof token == 'string') {
return token.length
} else if (typeof token.content == 'string') {
return token.content.length
} else {
return token.content.reduce((l, t) => l + getLength(t), 0)
for (const token of tokens) {
startText = endText
startOffset = endOffset
const length = getLength(token)
const end = start + length
let available = startText.text.length - startOffset
let remaining = length
endOffset = startOffset + remaining
while (available < remaining) {
endText = texts.shift()
remaining = length - available
available = endText.text.length
endOffset = remaining
if (typeof token != 'string') {
const range = {
anchorKey: startText.key,
anchorOffset: startOffset,
focusKey: endText.key,
focusOffset: endOffset,
marks: [{ type: token.type }],
start = end
return decorations
* Export.
export default MarkdownPreview