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synced 2025-02-01 05:16:10 +01:00
#### Is this adding or improving a _feature_ or fixing a _bug_? _bug_ #### What's the new behavior? Fix behavior for <kbd>shift + left</kbd> and <kbd>shift + right</kbd>. Now they will correctly move forward / backward. #### How does this change work? turns out that the hotkey `'left'` would also pick up with a modifier key `'shift+left'` so checking for `Hotkeys.isExtendForward()` needs to come before `Hotkeys.isMoveForward()` and it needs to short circuit with `return true`. Likewise for backward. #### Have you checked that...? <!-- Please run through this checklist for your pull request: --> * [x] The new code matches the existing patterns and styles. * [x] The tests pass with `yarn test`. * [x] The linter passes with `yarn lint`. (Fix errors with `yarn prettier`.) * [x] The relevant examples still work. (Run examples with `yarn watch`.) #### Does this fix any issues or need any specific reviewers? Fixes: #2307 Reviewers: @ianstormtaylor
114 lines
4.2 KiB
114 lines
4.2 KiB
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