mirror of https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate.git synced 2025-03-13 17:59:42 +01:00
Sergei Dedkov 9635b992a0
Compare only decorations offsets in MemoizedText. Code highlighting example improvements. (#5271)
* add basePath prop to Range inside slate-react custom types, calculate absolute ranges on passing them into TextComponent

* code highlighting example improvements, minor markdown preview refactoring

* changeset added

* Revert "add basePath prop to Range inside slate-react custom types, calculate absolute ranges on passing them into TextComponent"

This reverts commit afa085c289bc67ce3d27dd33b1f074ab8153efe8.

* add basePath prop to Point inside slate-react custom types, resolve relative ranges on passing them to TextComponent

* Update changeset

* linter fixes

* remove redundant checks inside renderElement function

* custom types fixes for Range and Point in examples

* wrap intervals and ranges extractors in useMemo hook for running them only if editor.children is changed

* revert basePath changes, compare only offsets for MemoizedText decorations

* use an element as a key in decorations ranges map instead of id

* simplify code highlighting implementation, make code block nested

* fix code-highlighting example, add toolbar code block button

* remove redundant code

* fix code highlighting playwright integration test
2023-02-09 11:53:21 -07:00

128 lines
4.9 KiB

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