#While we distribute our own liblastfm2, don't need to look for it
#macro_optional_find_package(LibLastFm 0.3.3)
#macro_log_feature(LIBLASTFM_FOUND "LastFm" "Qt library for the Last.fm webservices" "https://github.com/mxcl/liblastfm" FALSE "" "liblastfm is needed for scrobbling tracks to Last.fm and fetching cover artwork")
macro_log_feature(LIBECHONEST_FOUND"Echonest""Qt library for communicating with The Echo Nest""http://projects.kde.org/libechonest"TRUE"""libechonest is needed for dynamic playlists and the infosystem")
macro_log_feature(CLucene_FOUND"CLucene""The open-source, C++ search engine""http://clucene.sf.net"TRUE"""CLucene is used for indexing the collection")
macro_log_feature(QJSON_FOUND"QJson""Qt library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects""http://qjson.sf.net"TRUE"""libqjson is used for encoding communication between Tomahawk instances")
macro_log_feature(TAGLIB_FOUND"TagLib""Audio Meta-Data Library""http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.html"TRUE"""taglib is needed for reading meta data from audio files")
macro_log_feature(LIBJREEN_FOUND"Jreen""Qt XMPP Library""http://gitorious.org/jreen/jreen"FALSE"""Jreen is needed for the Jabber SIP plugin. \n\n Use -DINTERNAL_JREEN=ON to build the git submodule inside Tomahawk \n Be aware this installs a full jreen with headers and everything!\n")
# this installs headers and such and should really be handled in a separate package by packagers
macro_log_feature(QTWEETLIB_FOUND"QTweetLib""Qt Twitter Library""https://github.com/minimoog/QTweetLib"FALSE"""QTweetLib is needed for the Twitter SIP plugin. \n\n Use -DINTERNAL_QTWEETLIB=ON to build the git submodule inside Tomahawk \n")