mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 00:09:47 +01:00
initial work on a menu for drag and drop
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ SET( tomahawkSourcesGui ${tomahawkSourcesGui}
@ -138,6 +138,12 @@ PlaylistItem::willAcceptDrag( const QMimeData* data ) const
return !m_playlist.isNull() && m_playlist->author()->isLocal();
PlaylistItem::supportedDropTypes() const
return DropTypeAllItems | DropTypeLocalItems | DropTypeTop10;
PlaylistItem::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action )
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ public:
virtual Qt::ItemFlags flags() const;
virtual void activate();
virtual bool willAcceptDrag( const QMimeData* data ) const;
virtual DropTypes supportedDropTypes() const;
virtual bool dropMimeData( const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action );
virtual QIcon icon() const;
virtual bool setData(const QVariant& v, bool role);
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ private:
bool m_loaded;
Tomahawk::playlist_ptr m_playlist;
// can be a station or an auto playlist
class DynamicPlaylistItem : public PlaylistItem
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ SourceTreeItem::SourceTreeItem( SourcesModel* model, SourceTreeItem* parent, Sou
, m_type( thisType )
, m_parent( parent )
, m_model( model )
//, m_dropHovering( false )
connect( this, SIGNAL( beginChildRowsAdded( int,int ) ), m_model, SLOT( onItemRowsAddedBegin( int,int ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( beginChildRowsRemoved( int,int ) ), m_model, SLOT( onItemRowsRemovedBegin( int,int ) ) );
@ -32,6 +32,16 @@ class SourceTreeItem : public QObject
enum DropType
DropTypesNone = 0x00,
DropTypeAllItems = 0x01,
DropTypeLocalItems = 0x02,
DropTypeTop10 = 0x04,
DropTypesAllTypes = 0xff
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( DropTypes, DropType )
SourceTreeItem() : m_type( SourcesModel::Invalid ), m_parent( 0 ), m_model( 0 ) {}
SourceTreeItem( SourcesModel* model, SourceTreeItem* parent, SourcesModel::RowType thisType, int index = -1 ); // if index is -1, append at end of parent's child list
virtual ~SourceTreeItem();
@ -56,6 +66,10 @@ public:
virtual bool setData( const QVariant&, bool ) { return false; }
virtual int peerSortValue() const { return 0; } // How to sort relative to peers in the tree.
virtual int IDValue() const { return 0; }
// virtual bool dropHovering() const { return m_dropHovering; }
// virtual void setDropHovering( bool dropHovering ) { m_dropHovering = dropHovering; emit updated(); }
virtual DropTypes supportedDropTypes() const { return DropTypesNone; }
virtual void setDropType( DropType type ) { m_dropType = type; }
/// don't call me unless you are a sourcetreeitem. i prefer this to making everyone a friend
void beginRowsAdded( int from, int to ) { emit beginChildRowsAdded( from, to ); }
@ -83,6 +97,8 @@ private:
SourceTreeItem* m_parent;
QList< SourceTreeItem* > m_children;
SourcesModel* m_model;
DropType m_dropType;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( SourceTreeItem* );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
#include "sourcedelegate.h"
#include "items/sourcetreeitem.h"
#include "items/collectionitem.h"
#include "items/playlistitems.h"
#include "utils/tomahawkutils.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPainter>
SourceDelegate::sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
SourceTreeItem *item = index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
if ( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() == SourcesModel::Collection )
return QSize( option.rect.width(), 44 );
else if ( index == m_dropHoverIndex )
QSize originalSize = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint( option, index );
return originalSize + QSize( 0, originalSize.height() * dropTypeCount( item ) );
return QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint( option, index );
SourceDelegate::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
QStyleOptionViewItem o = option;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
QFont savedFont = painter->font();
QFont smaller = savedFont;
smaller.setPointSize( smaller.pointSize() - 2 );
painter->setFont( smaller );
o.font = smaller;
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ) == QStyle::State_Enabled )
o.state = QStyle::State_Enabled;
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected )
o.palette.setColor( QPalette::Text, o.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
SourcesModel::RowType type = static_cast< SourcesModel::RowType >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
SourceTreeItem* item = index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
Q_ASSERT( item );
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 o3 = option;
if ( type != SourcesModel::Collection && type != SourcesModel::Category )
o3.rect.setX( 0 );
QApplication::style()->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &o3, painter );
if ( type == SourcesModel::Collection )
QFont normal = painter->font();
QFont bold = painter->font();
bold.setBold( true );
CollectionItem* colItem = qobject_cast< CollectionItem* >( item );
Q_ASSERT( colItem );
bool status = !( !colItem || colItem->source().isNull() || !colItem->source()->isOnline() );
QString tracks;
QString name = index.data().toString();
int figWidth = 0;
if ( status && colItem && !colItem->source().isNull() )
tracks = QString::number( colItem->source()->trackCount() );
figWidth = painter->fontMetrics().width( tracks );
name = colItem->source()->friendlyName();
QRect iconRect = option.rect.adjusted( 4, 6, -option.rect.width() + option.rect.height() - 12 + 4, -6 );
QPixmap avatar = colItem->icon().pixmap( iconRect.size() );
painter->drawPixmap( iconRect, avatar.scaledToHeight( iconRect.height(), Qt::SmoothTransformation ) );
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected )
painter->setPen( o.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
QRect textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 6, -figWidth - 24, 0 );
if ( status || colItem->source().isNull() )
painter->setFont( bold );
QString text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( name, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
QString desc = status ? colItem->source()->textStatus() : tr( "Offline" );
if ( colItem->source().isNull() )
desc = tr( "All available tracks" );
if ( status && desc.isEmpty() && !colItem->source()->currentTrack().isNull() )
desc = colItem->source()->currentTrack()->artist() + " - " + colItem->source()->currentTrack()->track();
if ( desc.isEmpty() )
desc = tr( "Online" );
textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, painter->fontMetrics().height() + 6, -figWidth - 24, -4 );
painter->setFont( normal );
text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( desc, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
QTextOption to( Qt::AlignBottom );
painter->drawText( textRect, text, to );
if ( status )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QRect figRect = o.rect.adjusted( o.rect.width() - figWidth - 8, 0, -13, -o.rect.height() + 16 );
int hd = ( option.rect.height() - figRect.height() ) / 2;
figRect.adjust( 0, hd, 0, hd );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
figRect.adjust( -3, 0, 3, 0 );
painter->setFont( bold );
QColor figColor( 167, 183, 211 );
painter->setPen( figColor );
painter->setBrush( figColor );
TomahawkUtils::drawBackgroundAndNumbers( painter, tracks, figRect );
else if ( type == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist )
QFont normal = painter->font();
QFont bold = painter->font();
bold.setBold( true );
PlaylistItem* plItem = qobject_cast< PlaylistItem* >( item );
Q_ASSERT( plItem );
// QString tracks;
QString name = index.data().toString();
// int figWidth = 0;
if ( plItem && !plItem->playlist().isNull() )
// tracks = QString::number( plItem->source()->trackCount() );
// figWidth = painter->fontMetrics().width( tracks );
name = plItem->playlist()->title();
int height = option.rect.height();
if ( index == m_dropHoverIndex )
height /= ( dropTypeCount( item ) + 1 );
QRect iconRect = option.rect.adjusted( 4, 1, -option.rect.width() + height - 2 + 4, -option.rect.height() + height -1 );
QPixmap avatar = index.data( Qt::DecorationRole ).value< QIcon >().pixmap( iconRect.width(), iconRect.height() );
painter->drawPixmap( iconRect, avatar.scaledToHeight( iconRect.height(), Qt::SmoothTransformation ) );
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected )
painter->setPen( o.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
QRect textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 2, /*-figWidth - 24*/ 0, 0 );
QString text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( name, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
if ( index == m_dropHoverIndex )
QPoint cursorPos = m_parent->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() );
qDebug() << "cursorpos is" << cursorPos;
int hoveredDropTypeIndex = ( cursorPos.y() - o.rect.y() ) / height;
int verticalOffset = height * hoveredDropTypeIndex;
QRect selectionRect = o.rect.adjusted( 0, verticalOffset, 0, -o.rect.height() + height + verticalOffset );
painter->drawRoundedRect( selectionRect, 5, 5 );
int count = 1;
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeAllItems ) )
text = "All items";
textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 2 + ( count * height ), 0, 0 );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
if ( count == hoveredDropTypeIndex )
m_hoveredDropType = SourceTreeItem::DropTypeAllItems;
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeLocalItems ) )
text = "Local items";
textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 2 + ( count * height ), 0, 0 );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
if ( count == hoveredDropTypeIndex )
m_hoveredDropType = SourceTreeItem::DropTypeLocalItems;
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeTop10 ) )
text = "Top 10";
textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 2 + ( count * height ), 0, 0 );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
if ( count == hoveredDropTypeIndex )
m_hoveredDropType = SourceTreeItem::DropTypeTop10;
qDebug() << "***************+ verticaloffset:" << hoveredDropTypeIndex << count;
// QString desc = status ? colItem->source()->textStatus() : tr( "Offline" );
// if ( colItem->source().isNull() )
// desc = tr( "All available tracks" );
// if ( status && desc.isEmpty() && !colItem->source()->currentTrack().isNull() )
// desc = colItem->source()->currentTrack()->artist() + " - " + colItem->source()->currentTrack()->track();
// if ( desc.isEmpty() )
// desc = tr( "Online" );
// textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, painter->fontMetrics().height() + 6, -figWidth - 24, -4 );
// painter->setFont( normal );
// text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( desc, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
// QTextOption to( Qt::AlignBottom );
// painter->drawText( textRect, text, to );
// if ( status )
// {
// painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
// QRect figRect = o.rect.adjusted( o.rect.width() - figWidth - 8, 0, -13, -o.rect.height() + 16 );
// int hd = ( option.rect.height() - figRect.height() ) / 2;
// figRect.adjust( 0, hd, 0, hd );
//#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// figRect.adjust( -3, 0, 3, 0 );
// painter->setFont( bold );
// QColor figColor( 167, 183, 211 );
// painter->setPen( figColor );
// painter->setBrush( figColor );
// TomahawkUtils::drawBackgroundAndNumbers( painter, tracks, figRect );
// }
QStyledItemDelegate::paint( painter, o, index );
/*QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = o;
initStyleOption( &opt, index );
// shrink the indentations. count how indented this item is and remove it
int indentMult = 0;
QModelIndex counter = index;
while ( counter.parent().isValid() )
counter = counter.parent();
int realX = opt.rect.x() + indentMult * TREEVIEW_INDENT_ADD;
opt.rect.setX( realX );
const QWidget *widget = opt.widget;
QStyle *style = widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style();
style->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, widget ); */
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
painter->setFont( savedFont );
SourceDelegate::updateEditorGeometry( QWidget* editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
if ( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist )
editor->setGeometry( option.rect.adjusted( 20, 0, 0, 0 ) );
QStyledItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry( editor, option, index );
editor->setGeometry( editor->geometry().adjusted( 2*TREEVIEW_INDENT_ADD, 0, 0, 0 ) );
SourceDelegate::dropTypeCount( SourceTreeItem* item ) const
int menuCount = 0;
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeAllItems ) )
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeLocalItems ) )
if ( item->supportedDropTypes().testFlag( SourceTreeItem::DropTypeTop10 ) )
return menuCount;
SourceDelegate::hoveredDropType() const
return m_hoveredDropType;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include "sourcetreeview.h"
#include "items/sourcetreeitem.h"
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
class SourceDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
SourceDelegate( QAbstractItemView* parent = 0 ) : QStyledItemDelegate( parent ), m_parent( parent ) {}
void setDropHoverIndex( const QModelIndex &index ) { m_dropHoverIndex = index; }
SourceTreeItem::DropType hoveredDropType() const;
virtual QSize sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
virtual void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
virtual void updateEditorGeometry( QWidget* editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
virtual int dropTypeCount( SourceTreeItem* item ) const;
QAbstractItemView* m_parent;
QModelIndex m_dropHoverIndex;
mutable SourceTreeItem::DropType m_hoveredDropType; // Hack to keep easily track of the current highlighted DropType in paint()
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "viewmanager.h"
#include "sourcesproxymodel.h"
#include "sourcelist.h"
#include "sourcedelegate.h"
#include "sourcetree/items/playlistitems.h"
#include "sourcetree/items/collectionitem.h"
#include "audio/audioengine.h"
@ -46,33 +47,6 @@
using namespace Tomahawk;
class SourceDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
SourceDelegate( QAbstractItemView* parent = 0 ) : QStyledItemDelegate( parent ), m_parent( parent ) {}
virtual QSize sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
virtual void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
virtual void updateEditorGeometry( QWidget* editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
if ( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() == SourcesModel::StaticPlaylist )
editor->setGeometry( option.rect.adjusted( 20, 0, 0, 0 ) );
QStyledItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry( editor, option, index );
editor->setGeometry( editor->geometry().adjusted( 2*TREEVIEW_INDENT_ADD, 0, 0, 0 ) );
virtual bool editorEvent( QEvent* event, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index );
QAbstractItemView* m_parent;
mutable int m_iconHeight;
SourceTreeView::SourceTreeView( QWidget* parent )
: QTreeView( parent )
@ -105,7 +79,8 @@ SourceTreeView::SourceTreeView( QWidget* parent )
// so investigate
// setAnimated( true );
setItemDelegate( new SourceDelegate( this ) );
m_delegate = new SourceDelegate( this );
setItemDelegate( m_delegate );
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( this, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), SLOT( onCustomContextMenu( QPoint ) ) );
@ -464,6 +439,13 @@ SourceTreeView::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent* event )
m_dragging = false;
setDirtyRegion( m_dropRect );
// SourceTreeItem* oldItem = m_dropIndex.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
// if ( oldItem )
// {
// oldItem->setDropHovering( false );
// }
m_delegate->setDropHoverIndex( QModelIndex() );
dataChanged(m_dropIndex, m_dropIndex);
m_dropIndex = QPersistentModelIndex();
@ -479,6 +461,13 @@ SourceTreeView::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event )
setDirtyRegion( m_dropRect );
const QPoint pos = event->pos();
const QModelIndex index = indexAt( pos );
// SourceTreeItem* oldItem = m_dropIndex.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
// if ( oldItem )
// {
// oldItem->setDropHovering( false );
// }
m_delegate->setDropHoverIndex( QModelIndex() );
dataChanged(m_dropIndex, m_dropIndex);
m_dropIndex = QPersistentModelIndex( index );
if ( index.isValid() )
@ -486,9 +475,14 @@ SourceTreeView::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event )
const QRect rect = visualRect( index );
m_dropRect = rect;
const SourceTreeItem* item = itemFromIndex< SourceTreeItem >( index );
SourceTreeItem* item = itemFromIndex< SourceTreeItem >( index );
if( item->willAcceptDrag( event->mimeData() ) )
accept = true;
// item->setDropHovering( true );
m_delegate->setDropHoverIndex( index );
dataChanged(index, index);
@ -511,6 +505,15 @@ SourceTreeView::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* event )
SourceTreeView::dropEvent( QDropEvent* event )
const QPoint pos = event->pos();
const QModelIndex index = indexAt( pos );
PlaylistItem* item = itemFromIndex< PlaylistItem >( index );
Q_ASSERT( item );
item->setDropType( m_delegate->hoveredDropType() );
qDebug() << "dropType is " << m_delegate->hoveredDropType();
m_delegate->setDropHoverIndex( QModelIndex() );
dataChanged( index, index );
QTreeView::dropEvent( event );
m_dragging = false;
m_dropIndex = QPersistentModelIndex();
@ -576,190 +579,3 @@ SourceTreeView::itemFromIndex( const QModelIndex& index ) const
return item;
SourceDelegate::sizeHint( const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
if ( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() == SourcesModel::Collection )
return QSize( option.rect.width(), 44 );
return QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint( option, index );
SourceDelegate::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const
QStyleOptionViewItem o = option;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
QFont savedFont = painter->font();
QFont smaller = savedFont;
smaller.setPointSize( smaller.pointSize() - 2 );
painter->setFont( smaller );
o.font = smaller;
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ) == QStyle::State_Enabled )
o.state = QStyle::State_Enabled;
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected )
o.palette.setColor( QPalette::Text, o.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
SourcesModel::RowType type = static_cast< SourcesModel::RowType >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
SourceTreeItem* item = index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >();
Q_ASSERT( item );
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 o3 = option;
if ( type != SourcesModel::Collection && type != SourcesModel::Category )
o3.rect.setX( 0 );
QApplication::style()->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &o3, painter );
if ( type == SourcesModel::Collection )
QFont normal = painter->font();
QFont bold = painter->font();
bold.setBold( true );
CollectionItem* colItem = qobject_cast< CollectionItem* >( item );
Q_ASSERT( colItem );
bool status = !( !colItem || colItem->source().isNull() || !colItem->source()->isOnline() );
QString tracks;
QString name = index.data().toString();
int figWidth = 0;
if ( status && colItem && !colItem->source().isNull() )
tracks = QString::number( colItem->source()->trackCount() );
figWidth = painter->fontMetrics().width( tracks );
name = colItem->source()->friendlyName();
QRect iconRect = option.rect.adjusted( 4, 6, -option.rect.width() + option.rect.height() - 12 + 4, -6 );
QPixmap avatar = colItem->icon().pixmap( iconRect.size() );
painter->drawPixmap( iconRect, avatar.scaledToHeight( iconRect.height(), Qt::SmoothTransformation ) );
if ( ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) == QStyle::State_Selected )
painter->setPen( o.palette.color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) );
QRect textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, 6, -figWidth - 24, 0 );
if ( status || colItem->source().isNull() )
painter->setFont( bold );
QString text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( name, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
painter->drawText( textRect, text );
QString desc = status ? colItem->source()->textStatus() : tr( "Offline" );
if ( colItem->source().isNull() )
desc = tr( "All available tracks" );
if ( status && desc.isEmpty() && !colItem->source()->currentTrack().isNull() )
desc = colItem->source()->currentTrack()->artist() + " - " + colItem->source()->currentTrack()->track();
if ( desc.isEmpty() )
desc = tr( "Online" );
textRect = option.rect.adjusted( iconRect.width() + 8, painter->fontMetrics().height() + 6, -figWidth - 24, -4 );
painter->setFont( normal );
text = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText( desc, Qt::ElideRight, textRect.width() );
QTextOption to( Qt::AlignBottom );
painter->drawText( textRect, text, to );
if ( status )
painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
QRect figRect = o.rect.adjusted( o.rect.width() - figWidth - 8, 0, -13, -o.rect.height() + 16 );
int hd = ( option.rect.height() - figRect.height() ) / 2;
figRect.adjust( 0, hd, 0, hd );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
figRect.adjust( -3, 0, 3, 0 );
painter->setFont( bold );
QColor figColor( 167, 183, 211 );
painter->setPen( figColor );
painter->setBrush( figColor );
TomahawkUtils::drawBackgroundAndNumbers( painter, tracks, figRect );
QStyledItemDelegate::paint( painter, o, index );
if ( type == SourcesModel::TemporaryPage )
TemporaryPageItem* gpi = qobject_cast< TemporaryPageItem* >( item );
Q_ASSERT( gpi );
if ( gpi && o3.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver )
// draw close icon
int padding = 3;
m_iconHeight = ( o3.rect.height() - 2*padding );
QPixmap p( RESPATH "images/list-remove.png" );
p = p.scaledToHeight( m_iconHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
QRect r ( o3.rect.right() - padding - m_iconHeight, padding + o3.rect.y(), m_iconHeight, m_iconHeight );
painter->drawPixmap( r, p );
/*QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = o;
// shrink the indentations. count how indented this item is and remove it
int indentMult = 0;
QModelIndex counter = index;
while ( counter.parent().isValid() )
counter = counter.parent();
int realX = opt.rect.x() + indentMult * TREEVIEW_INDENT_ADD;
opt.rect.setX( realX );
const QWidget *widget = opt.widget;
QStyle *style = widget ? widget->style() : QApplication::style();
style->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, widget ); */
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
painter->setFont( savedFont );
SourceDelegate::editorEvent ( QEvent* event, QAbstractItemModel* model, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index )
if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
SourcesModel::RowType type = static_cast< SourcesModel::RowType >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemTypeRole ).toInt() );
if ( type == SourcesModel::TemporaryPage )
TemporaryPageItem* gpi = qobject_cast< TemporaryPageItem* >( index.data( SourcesModel::SourceTreeItemRole ).value< SourceTreeItem* >() );
Q_ASSERT( gpi );
QMouseEvent* ev = static_cast< QMouseEvent* >( event );
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 o = option;
initStyleOption( &o, index );
int padding = 3;
QRect r ( o.rect.right() - padding - m_iconHeight, padding + o.rect.y(), m_iconHeight, m_iconHeight );
if ( r.contains( ev->pos() ) )
return QStyledItemDelegate::editorEvent ( event, model, option, index );
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class CollectionModel;
class PlaylistModel;
class SourcesModel;
class SourcesProxyModel;
class SourceDelegate;
class SourceTreeView : public QTreeView
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ private:
SourcesModel* m_model;
SourcesProxyModel* m_proxyModel;
QModelIndex m_contextMenuIndex;
SourceDelegate* m_delegate;
QMenu m_playlistMenu;
QMenu m_roPlaylistMenu;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user