mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:59:42 +01:00
* Query class uses and exposes Track objects.
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,45 +40,6 @@
using namespace Tomahawk;
SocialAction::SocialAction() {}
SocialAction::~SocialAction() {}
SocialAction& SocialAction::operator=( const SocialAction& other )
action = other.action;
value = other.value;
timestamp = other.timestamp;
source = other.source;
return *this;
SocialAction::SocialAction( const SocialAction& other )
*this = other;
PlaybackLog::PlaybackLog() {}
PlaybackLog::~PlaybackLog() {}
PlaybackLog& PlaybackLog::operator=( const PlaybackLog& other )
source = other.source;
timestamp = other.timestamp;
secsPlayed = other.secsPlayed;
return *this;
PlaybackLog::PlaybackLog( const PlaybackLog& other )
*this = other;
Query::get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid, bool autoResolve )
@ -88,7 +49,7 @@ Query::get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, c
if ( qid.isEmpty() )
autoResolve = false;
query_ptr q = query_ptr( new Query( artist, track, album, qid, autoResolve ), &QObject::deleteLater );
query_ptr q = query_ptr( new Query( Track::get( artist, track, album ), qid, autoResolve ), &QObject::deleteLater );
q->setWeakRef( q.toWeakRef() );
if ( autoResolve )
@ -98,6 +59,16 @@ Query::get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, c
Query::get( const Tomahawk::track_ptr& track, const QID& qid )
query_ptr q = query_ptr( new Query( track, qid, false ), &QObject::deleteLater );
q->setWeakRef( q.toWeakRef() );
return q;
Query::get( const QString& query, const QID& qid )
@ -113,15 +84,9 @@ Query::get( const QString& query, const QID& qid )
Query::Query( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid, bool autoResolve )
Query::Query( const track_ptr& track, const QID& qid, bool autoResolve )
: m_qid( qid )
, m_artist( artist )
, m_album( album )
, m_track( track )
, m_socialActionsLoaded( false )
, m_simTracksLoaded( false )
, m_lyricsLoaded( false )
, m_infoJobs( 0 )
, m_queryTrack( track )
@ -149,6 +114,8 @@ Query::Query( const QString& query, const QID& qid )
tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << toString();
QMutexLocker lock( &m_mutex );
@ -161,42 +128,24 @@ Query::init()
m_resolveFinished = false;
m_solved = false;
m_playable = false;
m_duration = -1;
m_albumpos = 0;
m_discnumber = 0;
m_saveResultHint = false;
Query::queryTrack() const
if ( isFullTextQuery() )
m_artistSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_fullTextQuery, true );
m_composerSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_composer, true );
m_albumSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_fullTextQuery );
m_trackSortname = m_albumSortname;
m_artistSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_artist, true );
m_composerSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_composer, true );
m_albumSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_album );
m_trackSortname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_track );
return m_queryTrack;
Query::displayQuery() const
Query::track() const
if ( !results().isEmpty() )
return results().first()->toQuery();
return results().first()->track();
return m_ownRef.toStrongRef();
return m_queryTrack;
@ -350,14 +299,6 @@ Query::id() const
Query::setPlayedBy( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, unsigned int playtime )
m_playedBy.first = source;
m_playedBy.second = playtime;
Query::resultSorter( const result_ptr& left, const result_ptr& right )
@ -403,7 +344,7 @@ Query::currentResolver() const
foreach( const result_ptr& rp, m_results )
foreach( const result_ptr& rp, results() )
removeResult( rp );
@ -422,14 +363,8 @@ Query::checkResults()
// hook up signals, and check solved status
foreach( const result_ptr& rp, m_results )
if ( rp->score() > 0.0 && rp->collection().isNull() )
if ( rp->playable() )
playable = true;
else if ( !rp->collection().isNull() && rp->collection()->source()->isOnline() )
playable = true;
if ( rp->score() > 0.99 )
@ -445,7 +380,6 @@ Query::checkResults()
if ( m_playable != playable )
m_playable = playable;
@ -466,13 +400,13 @@ Query::equals( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& other, bool ignoreCase ) const
return false;
if ( ignoreCase )
return ( artist().toLower() == other->artist().toLower() &&
album().toLower() == other->album().toLower() &&
track().toLower() == other->track().toLower() );
return ( queryTrack()->artist().toLower() == other->queryTrack()->artist().toLower() &&
queryTrack()->album().toLower() == other->queryTrack()->album().toLower() &&
queryTrack()->track().toLower() == other->queryTrack()->track().toLower() );
return ( artist() == other->artist() &&
album() == other->album() &&
track() == other->track() );
return ( queryTrack()->artist() == other->queryTrack()->artist() &&
queryTrack()->album() == other->queryTrack()->album() &&
queryTrack()->track() == other->queryTrack()->track() );
@ -480,10 +414,10 @@ QVariant
Query::toVariant() const
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "artist", artist() );
m.insert( "album", album() );
m.insert( "track", track() );
m.insert( "duration", duration() );
m.insert( "artist", queryTrack()->artist() );
m.insert( "album", queryTrack()->album() );
m.insert( "track", queryTrack()->track() );
m.insert( "duration", queryTrack()->duration() );
m.insert( "qid", id() );
return m;
@ -497,9 +431,9 @@ Query::toString() const
return QString( "Query(%1, %2 - %3%4)" )
.arg( id() )
.arg( artist() )
.arg( track() )
.arg( album().isEmpty() ? "" : QString( " on %1" ).arg( album() ) );
.arg( queryTrack()->artist() )
.arg( queryTrack()->track() )
.arg( queryTrack()->album().isEmpty() ? "" : QString( " on %1" ).arg( queryTrack()->album() ) );
@ -514,25 +448,37 @@ Query::toString() const
Query::howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
Q_ASSERT( !r->artist().isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( !r->album().isNull() );
if ( r->artist().isNull() || r->album().isNull() )
return 0.0;
// result values
const QString rArtistname = r->artist()->sortname();
const QString rAlbumname = r->album()->sortname();
const QString rTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->track() );
const QString rArtistname = r->track()->artistSortname();
const QString rAlbumname = r->track()->albumSortname();
const QString rTrackname = r->track()->trackSortname();
QString qArtistname;
QString qAlbumname;
QString qTrackname;
if ( isFullTextQuery() )
qArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_fullTextQuery, true );
qAlbumname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( m_fullTextQuery );
qTrackname = qAlbumname;
qArtistname = queryTrack()->artistSortname();
qAlbumname = queryTrack()->albumSortname();
qTrackname = queryTrack()->trackSortname();
// normal edit distance
int artdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( m_artistSortname, rArtistname );
int albdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( m_albumSortname, rAlbumname );
int trkdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( m_trackSortname, rTrackname );
int artdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( qArtistname, rArtistname );
int albdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( qAlbumname, rAlbumname );
int trkdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( qTrackname, rTrackname );
// max length of name
int mlart = qMax( m_artistSortname.length(), rArtistname.length() );
int mlalb = qMax( m_albumSortname.length(), rAlbumname.length() );
int mltrk = qMax( m_trackSortname.length(), rTrackname.length() );
int mlart = qMax( qArtistname.length(), rArtistname.length() );
int mlalb = qMax( qAlbumname.length(), rAlbumname.length() );
int mltrk = qMax( qTrackname.length(), rTrackname.length() );
// distance scores
float dcart = (float)( mlart - artdist ) / mlart;
@ -542,7 +488,7 @@ Query::howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
if ( isFullTextQuery() )
const QString artistTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( fullTextQuery() );
const QString rArtistTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->artist()->name() + " " + r->track() );
const QString rArtistTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->track()->artist() + " " + r->track()->track() );
int atrdist = TomahawkUtils::levenshtein( artistTrackname, rArtistTrackname );
int mlatr = qMax( artistTrackname.length(), rArtistTrackname.length() );
@ -555,7 +501,7 @@ Query::howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
// don't penalize for missing album name
if ( m_albumSortname.isEmpty() )
if ( queryTrack()->albumSortname().isEmpty() )
dcalb = 1.0;
// weighted, so album match is worth less than track title
@ -565,403 +511,8 @@ Query::howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
QPair< Tomahawk::source_ptr, unsigned int >
Query::playedBy() const
return m_playedBy;
query_ptr q = m_ownRef.toStrongRef();
DatabaseCommand_TrackStats* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_TrackStats( q );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) );
QList< Tomahawk::PlaybackLog >
Query::playbackHistory( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source ) const
QList< Tomahawk::PlaybackLog > history;
foreach ( const PlaybackLog& log, m_playbackHistory )
if ( source.isNull() || log.source == source )
history << log;
return history;
Query::setPlaybackHistory( const QList< Tomahawk::PlaybackLog >& playbackData )
m_playbackHistory = playbackData;
emit statsLoaded();
unsigned int
Query::playbackCount( const source_ptr& source )
unsigned int count = 0;
foreach ( const PlaybackLog& log, m_playbackHistory )
if ( source.isNull() || log.source == source )
return count;
if ( m_socialActionsLoaded )
m_socialActionsLoaded = true;
query_ptr q = m_ownRef.toStrongRef();
DatabaseCommand_LoadSocialActions* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_LoadSocialActions( q );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) );
Query::setAllSocialActions( const QList< SocialAction >& socialActions )
m_allSocialActions = socialActions;
emit socialActionsLoaded();
QList< SocialAction >
Query::allSocialActions() const
return m_allSocialActions;
QListIterator< Tomahawk::SocialAction > it( m_allSocialActions );
unsigned int highestTimestamp = 0;
while ( it.hasNext() )
Tomahawk::SocialAction socialAction;
socialAction = it.next();
if ( socialAction.timestamp.toUInt() > highestTimestamp && socialAction.source->isLocal() )
m_currentSocialActions[ socialAction.action.toString() ] = socialAction.value.toBool();
if ( m_socialActionsLoaded )
return m_currentSocialActions[ "Love" ].toBool();
return false;
Query::setLoved( bool loved )
query_ptr q = m_ownRef.toStrongRef();
if ( q )
m_currentSocialActions[ "Love" ] = loved;
QVariantMap loveInfo;
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash trackInfo;
trackInfo["title"] = track();
trackInfo["artist"] = artist();
trackInfo["album"] = album();
loveInfo[ "trackinfo" ] = QVariant::fromValue< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >( trackInfo );
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoPushData pushData ( id(),
( loved ? Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoLove : Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoUnLove ),
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::PushShortUrlFlag );
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance()->pushInfo( pushData );
DatabaseCommand_SocialAction* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_SocialAction( q, QString( "Love" ), loved ? QString( "true" ) : QString( "false" ) );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) );
emit socialActionsLoaded();
Query::socialActionDescription( const QString& action, DescriptionMode mode ) const
QString desc;
QList< Tomahawk::SocialAction > socialActions = allSocialActions();
QStringList actionSources;
int loveTotal = 0;
foreach ( const Tomahawk::SocialAction& sa, socialActions )
if ( sa.action == action )
if ( actionSources.contains( sa.source->friendlyName() ) )
actionSources << sa.source->friendlyName();
QDateTime earliestTimestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
int loveCounter = 0;
foreach ( const Tomahawk::SocialAction& sa, socialActions )
if ( sa.action == action )
if ( actionSources.contains( sa.source->friendlyName() ) )
actionSources << sa.source->friendlyName();
if ( ++loveCounter > 3 )
else if ( loveCounter > 1 )
if ( loveCounter == loveTotal )
desc += tr( " and " );
desc += ", ";
if ( sa.source->isLocal() )
if ( loveCounter == 1 )
desc += "<b>" + tr( "You" ) + "</b>";
desc += "<b>" + tr( "you" ) + "</b>";
desc += "<b>" + sa.source->friendlyName() + "</b>";
QDateTime saTimestamp = QDateTime::fromTime_t( sa.timestamp.toInt() );
if ( saTimestamp < earliestTimestamp && saTimestamp.toTime_t() > 0 )
earliestTimestamp = saTimestamp;
if ( loveCounter > 0 )
if ( loveCounter > 3 )
desc += " " + tr( "and" ) + " <b>" + tr( "%n other(s)", "", loveCounter - 3 ) + "</b>";
if ( mode == Short )
desc = "<b>" + tr( "%n people", "", loveCounter ) + "</b>";
//FIXME: more action descs required
if ( action == "Love" )
desc += " " + tr( "loved this track" );
else if ( action == "Inbox" )
desc += " " + tr( "sent you this track %1" )
.arg( TomahawkUtils::ageToString( earliestTimestamp, true ) );
return desc;
Query::setSaveHTTPResultHint( bool saveResultHint )
m_saveResultHint = saveResultHint;
Query::cover( const QSize& size, bool forceLoad ) const
if ( m_albumPtr.isNull() )
m_artistPtr = Artist::get( artist(), false );
m_albumPtr = Album::get( m_artistPtr, album(), false );
connect( m_artistPtr.data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SIGNAL( updated() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( m_artistPtr.data(), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( m_albumPtr.data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SIGNAL( updated() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( m_albumPtr.data(), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
m_albumPtr->cover( size, forceLoad );
if ( m_albumPtr->coverLoaded() )
if ( !m_albumPtr->cover( size ).isNull() )
return m_albumPtr->cover( size );
return m_artistPtr->cover( size, forceLoad );
return QPixmap();
Query::coverLoaded() const
if ( m_albumPtr.isNull() )
return false;
if ( m_albumPtr->coverLoaded() && !m_albumPtr->cover( QSize( 0, 0 ) ).isNull() )
return true;
return m_artistPtr->coverLoaded();
Query::similarTracks() const
if ( !m_simTracksLoaded )
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash trackInfo;
trackInfo["artist"] = artist();
trackInfo["track"] = track();
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData;
requestData.caller = id();
requestData.customData = QVariantMap();
requestData.input = QVariant::fromValue< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >( trackInfo );
requestData.type = Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoTrackSimilars;
requestData.requestId = TomahawkUtils::infosystemRequestId();
connect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(),
SIGNAL( info( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ),
SLOT( infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(),
SIGNAL( finished( QString ) ),
SLOT( infoSystemFinished( QString ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance()->getInfo( requestData );
return m_similarTracks;
Query::lyrics() const
if ( !m_lyricsLoaded )
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash trackInfo;
trackInfo["artist"] = artist();
trackInfo["track"] = track();
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData;
requestData.caller = id();
requestData.customData = QVariantMap();
requestData.input = QVariant::fromValue< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >( trackInfo );
requestData.type = Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoTrackLyrics;
requestData.requestId = TomahawkUtils::infosystemRequestId();
connect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(),
SIGNAL( info( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ),
SLOT( infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(),
SIGNAL( finished( QString ) ),
SLOT( infoSystemFinished( QString ) ), Qt::UniqueConnection );
Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance()->getInfo( requestData );
return m_lyrics;
Query::infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData, QVariant output )
if ( requestData.caller != id() )
QVariantMap returnedData = output.value< QVariantMap >();
switch ( requestData.type )
case InfoSystem::InfoTrackLyrics:
m_lyrics = output.value< QVariant >().toString().split( "\n" );
m_lyricsLoaded = true;
emit lyricsLoaded();
case InfoSystem::InfoTrackSimilars:
const QStringList artists = returnedData["artists"].toStringList();
const QStringList tracks = returnedData["tracks"].toStringList();
for ( int i = 0; i < tracks.count() && i < 50; i++ )
m_similarTracks << Query::get( artists.at( i ), tracks.at( i ), QString(), uuid(), false );
Pipeline::instance()->resolve( m_similarTracks );
m_simTracksLoaded = true;
emit similarTracksLoaded();
Q_ASSERT( false );
Query::infoSystemFinished( QString target )
if ( target != id() )
if ( --m_infoJobs == 0 )
disconnect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(), SIGNAL( info( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ),
this, SLOT( infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData, QVariant ) ) );
disconnect( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance(), SIGNAL( finished( QString ) ),
this, SLOT( infoSystemFinished( QString ) ) );
emit updated();
@ -27,12 +27,11 @@
#include "Typedefs.h"
#include "Result.h"
#include "Track.h"
#include "infosystem/InfoSystem.h"
#include "DllMacro.h"
class DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback;
class DatabaseCommand_PlaybackHistory;
class DatabaseCommand_LoadPlaylistEntries;
namespace Tomahawk
@ -40,139 +39,63 @@ namespace Tomahawk
class Resolver;
struct SocialAction
QVariant action;
QVariant value;
QVariant timestamp;
Tomahawk::source_ptr source;
// Make explicit so compiler won't auto-generate, since destructor of
// source_ptr is not defined yet (only typedef included in header)
SocialAction& operator=( const SocialAction& other );
SocialAction( const SocialAction& other );
struct PlaybackLog
Tomahawk::source_ptr source;
unsigned int timestamp;
unsigned int secsPlayed;
// Make explicit so compiler won't auto-generate, since destructor of
// source_ptr is not defined yet (only typedef included in header)
PlaybackLog& operator=( const PlaybackLog& other );
PlaybackLog( const PlaybackLog& other );
class DLLEXPORT Query : public QObject
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_PlaybackHistory;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_LoadPlaylistEntries;
friend class Pipeline;
enum DescriptionMode
{ Detailed = 0, Short = 1 };
static query_ptr get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid = QString(), bool autoResolve = true );
static query_ptr get( const QString& artist, const QString& title, const QString& album, const QID& qid = QString(), bool autoResolve = true );
static query_ptr get( const Tomahawk::track_ptr& track, const QID& qid = QString() );
static query_ptr get( const QString& query, const QID& qid );
virtual ~Query();
bool equals( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& other, bool ignoreCase = false ) const;
float howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r );
QVariant toVariant() const;
QString toString() const;
QID id() const;
track_ptr queryTrack() const;
track_ptr track() const;
/// returns list of all results so far
QList< result_ptr > results() const;
/// how many results found so far?
unsigned int numResults() const;
QID id() const;
/// sorter for list of results
static bool resultSorter( const result_ptr& left, const result_ptr& right );
bool resolvingFinished() const { return m_resolveFinished; }
/// true when a perfect result has been found (score of 1.0)
bool solved() const { return m_solved; }
/// true when any result has been found (score may be less than 1.0)
bool playable() const { return m_playable; }
QString fullTextQuery() const { return m_fullTextQuery; }
bool isFullTextQuery() const { return !m_fullTextQuery.isEmpty(); }
bool resolvingFinished() const { return m_resolveFinished; }
float howSimilar( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r );
QPair< Tomahawk::source_ptr, unsigned int > playedBy() const;
Tomahawk::Resolver* currentResolver() const;
QList< QPointer< Tomahawk::Resolver > > resolvedBy() const { return m_resolvers; }
void setArtist( const QString& artist ) { m_artist = artist; updateSortNames(); }
void setComposer( const QString& composer ) { m_composer = composer; updateSortNames(); }
void setAlbum( const QString& album ) { m_album = album; updateSortNames(); }
void setTrack( const QString& track ) { m_track = track; updateSortNames(); }
void setResultHint( const QString& resultHint ) { m_resultHint = resultHint; }
void setDuration( int duration ) { m_duration = duration; }
void setAlbumPos( unsigned int albumpos ) { m_albumpos = albumpos; }
void setDiscNumber( unsigned int discnumber ) { m_discnumber = discnumber; }
bool equals( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& other, bool ignoreCase = false ) const;
QVariant toVariant() const;
QString toString() const;
QString resultHint() const { return m_resultHint; }
QString artistSortname() const { return m_artistSortname; }
QString composerSortname() const { return m_composerSortname; }
QString albumSortname() const { return m_albumSortname; }
QString trackSortname() const { return m_trackSortname; }
QString artist() const { return m_artist; }
QString composer() const { return m_composer; }
QString album() const { return m_album; }
QString track() const { return m_track; }
int duration() const { return m_duration; }
unsigned int albumpos() const { return m_albumpos; }
unsigned int discnumber() const { return m_discnumber; }
query_ptr displayQuery() const;
QPixmap cover( const QSize& size, bool forceLoad = true ) const;
bool coverLoaded() const;
QString fullTextQuery() const { return m_fullTextQuery; }
bool isFullTextQuery() const { return !m_fullTextQuery.isEmpty(); }
void setResolveFinished( bool resolved ) { m_resolveFinished = resolved; }
void setPlayedBy( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, unsigned int playtime );
void setLoved( bool loved );
bool loved();
void loadStats();
QList< Tomahawk::PlaybackLog > playbackHistory( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source = Tomahawk::source_ptr() ) const;
void setPlaybackHistory( const QList< Tomahawk::PlaybackLog >& playbackData );
unsigned int playbackCount( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source = Tomahawk::source_ptr() );
void loadSocialActions();
QList< Tomahawk::SocialAction > allSocialActions() const;
void setAllSocialActions( const QList< Tomahawk::SocialAction >& socialActions );
QString socialActionDescription( const QString& action, DescriptionMode mode ) const;
void setSaveHTTPResultHint( bool saveResultHint );
bool saveHTTPResultHint() const { return m_saveResultHint; }
QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr> similarTracks() const;
QStringList lyrics() const;
QString resultHint() const { return m_resultHint; }
void setResultHint( const QString& resultHint ) { m_resultHint = resultHint; }
QWeakPointer< Tomahawk::Query > weakRef() { return m_ownRef; }
void setWeakRef( QWeakPointer< Tomahawk::Query > weakRef ) { m_ownRef = weakRef; }
/// sorter for list of results
static bool resultSorter( const result_ptr& left, const result_ptr& right );
void resultsAdded( const QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr>& );
void resultsRemoved( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& );
@ -185,15 +108,6 @@ signals:
void playableStateChanged( bool state );
void resolvingFinished( bool hasResults );
void coverChanged();
void socialActionsLoaded();
void statsLoaded();
void similarTracksLoaded();
void lyricsLoaded();
void updated();
public slots:
/// (indirectly) called by resolver plugins when results are found
void addResults( const QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr >& );
@ -206,15 +120,12 @@ public slots:
void onResolverAdded();
private slots:
void infoSystemInfo( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData, QVariant output );
void infoSystemFinished( QString target );
void onResultStatusChanged();
void refreshResults();
explicit Query( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid, bool autoResolve );
explicit Query( const track_ptr& track, const QID& qid, bool autoResolve );
explicit Query( const QString& query, const QID& qid );
void init();
@ -223,10 +134,6 @@ private:
void clearResults();
void checkResults();
void updateSortNames();
void parseSocialActions();
QList< Tomahawk::artist_ptr > m_artists;
QList< Tomahawk::album_ptr > m_albums;
QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > m_results;
@ -235,47 +142,17 @@ private:
bool m_resolveFinished;
mutable QID m_qid;
QString m_artistSortname;
QString m_composerSortname;
QString m_albumSortname;
QString m_trackSortname;
QString m_artist;
QString m_composer;
QString m_album;
QString m_track;
QString m_fullTextQuery;
int m_duration;
unsigned int m_albumpos;
unsigned int m_discnumber;
QString m_resultHint;
bool m_saveResultHint;
mutable Tomahawk::artist_ptr m_artistPtr;
mutable Tomahawk::album_ptr m_albumPtr;
QPair< Tomahawk::source_ptr, unsigned int > m_playedBy;
QList< QPointer< Tomahawk::Resolver > > m_resolvers;
bool m_saveResultHint;
track_ptr m_queryTrack;
mutable QMutex m_mutex;
QWeakPointer< Tomahawk::Query > m_ownRef;
bool m_playbackHistoryLoaded;
QList< PlaybackLog > m_playbackHistory;
bool m_socialActionsLoaded;
QHash< QString, QVariant > m_currentSocialActions;
QList< SocialAction > m_allSocialActions;
bool m_simTracksLoaded;
QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr> m_similarTracks;
bool m_lyricsLoaded;
QStringList m_lyrics;
mutable int m_infoJobs;
}; //ns
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