mirror of https://github.com/tomahawk-player/tomahawk.git synced 2025-03-20 15:59:42 +01:00

more work

This commit is contained in:
Leo Franchi 2012-02-02 10:54:13 -05:00
parent 21cfb96b1e
commit daa6b7b841
4 changed files with 126 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -41,8 +41,10 @@
#define ICONSIZE 40
#define WRENCH_SIZE 24
using namespace Tomahawk;
using namespace Accounts;
@ -58,12 +60,14 @@ AccountDelegate::AccountDelegate( QObject* parent )
m_onHoverStar.load( RESPATH "images/star-hover.png" );
m_onlineIcon.load( RESPATH "images/sipplugin-online.png" );
m_offlineIcon.load( RESPATH "images/sipplugin-offline.png" );
m_removeIcon.load( RESPATH "images/list-remove.png" );
m_ratingStarPositive = m_ratingStarPositive.scaled( STAR_SIZE, STAR_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_ratingStarNegative = m_ratingStarNegative.scaled( STAR_SIZE, STAR_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_onlineIcon = m_onlineIcon.scaled( STATUS_ICON_SIZE, STATUS_ICON_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_offlineIcon = m_offlineIcon.scaled( STATUS_ICON_SIZE, STATUS_ICON_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_onHoverStar = m_onHoverStar.scaled( STAR_SIZE, STAR_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_removeIcon = m_removeIcon.scaled( REMOVE_ICON_SIZE, REMOVE_ICON_SIZE, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_defaultCover = m_defaultCover.scaled( w, w, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
@ -262,6 +266,9 @@ AccountDelegate::paintTopLevel( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4&
QFont authorFont = opt.font;
authorFont.setItalic( true );
authorFont.setPointSize( authorFont.pointSize() - 1 );
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
authorFont.setPointSize( authorFont.pointSize() - 1 );
const QFontMetrics authorMetrics( authorFont );
QFont descFont = authorFont;
@ -354,66 +361,71 @@ AccountDelegate::paintTopLevel( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4&
painter->setPen( saved );
// rating stars
const int rating = index.data( AccountModel::RatingRole ).toInt();
const int ratingWidth = 5 * ( m_ratingStarPositive.width() + PADDING_BETWEEN_STARS );
int runningEdge = ( btnRect.right() - btnRect.width() / 2 ) - ratingWidth / 2;
for ( int i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
int edgeOfRightExtras = btnRect.x();
if ( rowType == AccountModel::TopLevelAccount )
QRect r( runningEdge, btnRect.top() - m_ratingStarPositive.height() - PADDING, m_ratingStarPositive.width(), m_ratingStarPositive.height() );
if ( i == 1 )
m_cachedStarRects[ index ] = r;
// rating stars
const int rating = index.data( AccountModel::RatingRole ).toInt();
const int ratingWidth = 5 * ( m_ratingStarPositive.width() + PADDING_BETWEEN_STARS );
int runningEdge = ( btnRect.right() - btnRect.width() / 2 ) - ratingWidth / 2;
for ( int i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
QRect r( runningEdge, btnRect.top() - m_ratingStarPositive.height() - PADDING, m_ratingStarPositive.width(), m_ratingStarPositive.height() );
if ( i == 1 )
m_cachedStarRects[ index ] = r;
const bool userHasRated = index.data( AccountModel::UserHasRatedRole ).toBool();
if ( !userHasRated && // Show on-hover animation if the user hasn't rated it yet, and is hovering over it
m_hoveringOver > -1 &&
m_hoveringItem == index )
if ( i <= m_hoveringOver ) // positive star
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_onHoverStar );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarNegative );
if ( i <= rating ) // positive or rated star
const bool userHasRated = index.data( AccountModel::UserHasRatedRole ).toBool();
if ( !userHasRated && // Show on-hover animation if the user hasn't rated it yet, and is hovering over it
m_hoveringOver > -1 &&
m_hoveringItem == index )
if ( userHasRated )
if ( i <= m_hoveringOver ) // positive star
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_onHoverStar );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarPositive );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarNegative );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarNegative );
if ( i <= rating ) // positive or rated star
if ( userHasRated )
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_onHoverStar );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarPositive );
painter->drawPixmap( r, m_ratingStarNegative );
runningEdge += m_ratingStarPositive.width() + PADDING_BETWEEN_STARS;
runningEdge += m_ratingStarPositive.width() + PADDING_BETWEEN_STARS;
// downloaded num times, underneath button
QString count = tr( "%1 downloads" ).arg( index.data( AccountModel::DownloadCounterRole ).toInt() );
const QRect countRect( btnRect.left(), btnRect.bottom() + PADDING, btnRect.width(), opt.rect.bottom() - PADDING - btnRect.bottom() );
QFont countFont = descFont;
countFont.setPointSize( countFont.pointSize() - 2 );
countFont.setBold( true );
painter->setFont( countFont );
painter->drawText( countRect, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap, count );
// author and version
QString author = index.data( AccountModel::AuthorRole ).toString();
const int authorWidth = authorMetrics.width( author );
const int topTextLine = opt.rect.top() + PADDING;
const QRect authorRect( btnRect.x() - 3*PADDING - authorWidth, topTextLine, authorWidth + 6, authorMetrics.height() );
painter->setFont( authorFont );
painter->drawText( authorRect, Qt::AlignCenter, author );
// Disable version for now, that space is used
// const QRect versionRect = authorRect.translated( 0, authorRect.height() );
// QString version = index.data( AccountModel::VersionRole ).toString();
// painter->drawText( versionRect, Qt::AlignCenter, version );
edgeOfRightExtras = authorRect.x();
// downloaded num times, underneath button
QString count = tr( "%1 downloads" ).arg( index.data( AccountModel::DownloadCounterRole ).toInt() );
const QRect countRect( btnRect.left(), btnRect.bottom() + PADDING, btnRect.width(), opt.rect.bottom() - PADDING - btnRect.bottom() );
QFont countFont = descFont;
countFont.setPointSize( countFont.pointSize() - 2 );
countFont.setBold( true );
painter->setFont( countFont );
painter->drawText( countRect, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap, count );
// author and version
QString author = index.data( AccountModel::AuthorRole ).toString();
const int authorWidth = authorMetrics.width( author );
const int topTextLine = opt.rect.top() + PADDING;
const QRect authorRect( btnRect.x() - 3*PADDING - authorWidth, topTextLine, authorWidth + 6, authorMetrics.height() );
painter->setFont( authorFont );
painter->drawText( authorRect, Qt::AlignCenter, author );
// Disable version for now, that space is used
// const QRect versionRect = authorRect.translated( 0, authorRect.height() );
// QString version = index.data( AccountModel::VersionRole ).toString();
// painter->drawText( versionRect, Qt::AlignCenter, version );
// if this is a real resolver, show config wrench, state/status, and string
int edgeOfRightExtras = btnRect.x();
edgeOfRightExtras = btnRect.x();
if ( rowType == AccountModel::TopLevelAccount )
const QRect confRect = QRect( btnRect.x() - 2*PADDING - WRENCH_SIZE, center - WRENCH_SIZE / 2, WRENCH_SIZE, WRENCH_SIZE );
@ -424,20 +436,21 @@ AccountDelegate::paintTopLevel( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4&
topt.pos = confRect.topLeft();
drawConfigWrench( painter, opt, topt );
edgeOfRightExtras = confRect.left();
painter->setFont( installFont );
edgeOfRightExtras = drawStatus( painter, QPointF( confRect.x() - PADDING, center ), index );
edgeOfRightExtras = drawStatus( painter, QPointF( edgeOfRightExtras - PADDING, center ), index );
// Title and description!
// title
QString title = index.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
const int rightTitleEdge = authorRect.x() - PADDING;
const int rightTitleEdge = edgeOfRightExtras - PADDING;
const int leftTitleEdge = pixmapRect.right() + PADDING;
const QRect textRect( leftTitleEdge, topTextLine, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, center - opt.rect.top() - PADDING );
const QRect textRect( leftTitleEdge, opt.rect.top() + PADDING, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, center - opt.rect.top() - PADDING );
painter->setFont( titleFont );
painter->drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, title );
@ -448,6 +461,7 @@ AccountDelegate::paintTopLevel( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4&
painter->setFont( descFont );
painter->drawText( descRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextWordWrap, desc );
painter->setRenderHints( QPainter::RenderHints() );
painter->drawLine( opt.rect.bottomLeft(), opt.rect.bottomRight() );
@ -457,14 +471,16 @@ AccountDelegate::paintChild( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4& op
const int radius = 6;
const int top = option.rect.top();
const int center = top + option.rect.height() / 2;
QPainterPath outline;
outline.moveTo( option.rect.topLeft() );
const int rightPadding = 2;
outline.lineTo( option.rect.left(), option.rect.bottom() - radius );
outline.quadTo( option.rect.bottomLeft(), QPointF( option.rect.left() + radius, option.rect.bottom() ) );
outline.lineTo( option.rect.right() - radius, option.rect.bottom() );
outline.quadTo( option.rect.bottomRight(), QPointF( option.rect.right() - 1, top ) );
outline.lineTo( option.rect.right(), top );
outline.lineTo( option.rect.right() - radius - rightPadding, option.rect.bottom() );
outline.quadTo( QPointF( option.rect.right() - rightPadding, option.rect.bottom() ), QPointF( option.rect.right() - rightPadding, option.rect.bottom() - radius ) );
outline.lineTo( option.rect.right() - 2, top );
painter->drawPath( outline );
@ -482,7 +498,32 @@ AccountDelegate::paintChild( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItemV4& op
painter->setFont( f );
painter->drawText( option.rect.adjusted( PADDING + checkRect.right(), 0, 0, 0 ), Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, username );
// draw remove icon, config wrench, and then status from right edge
const QRect removeRect( option.rect.right() - rightPadding - PADDING - REMOVE_ICON_SIZE, center - REMOVE_ICON_SIZE/2, REMOVE_ICON_SIZE, REMOVE_ICON_SIZE );
painter->drawPixmap( removeRect, m_removeIcon );
int edgeOfRightExtras = removeRect.left();
if ( index.data( AccountModel::HasConfig ).toBool() )
const QRect confRect = QRect( removeRect.x() - PADDING - SMALL_WRENCH_SIZE, center - SMALL_WRENCH_SIZE / 2, SMALL_WRENCH_SIZE, SMALL_WRENCH_SIZE );
QStyleOptionToolButton topt;
topt.rect = confRect;
topt.pos = confRect.topLeft();
QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt3 = option;
drawConfigWrench( painter, opt3, topt );
edgeOfRightExtras = confRect.left();
QFont smallFont = option.font;
smallFont.setPointSize( smallFont.pointSize() - 2 );
painter->setFont( smallFont );
drawStatus( painter, QPointF( edgeOfRightExtras - PADDING, center ), index );

View File

@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ private:
int drawStatus( QPainter* painter, const QPointF& rightCenterEdge, const QModelIndex& index ) const;
QMap< QString, QPixmap > m_cachedIcons;
QPixmap m_offlineIcon, m_onlineIcon, m_defaultCover, m_onHoverStar, m_ratingStarPositive, m_ratingStarNegative;
QPixmap m_offlineIcon, m_onlineIcon, m_defaultCover, m_onHoverStar, m_ratingStarPositive, m_ratingStarNegative, m_removeIcon;
int m_widestTextWidth;
int m_hoveringOver;
QPersistentModelIndex m_hoveringItem;

View File

@ -104,8 +104,6 @@ AccountModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
return ShippedWithTomahawk;
case DescriptionRole:
return fac->description();
case AuthorRole:
return "Tomahawk Team";
case RowTypeRole:
return TopLevelFactory;
@ -172,16 +170,38 @@ AccountModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
else if ( node->type == AccountModelNode::UniqueFactoryType )
acct = node->account;
Q_ASSERT( acct );
switch ( role )
// If there's no account*, then it means it's a unique factory that hasn't been created
if ( !acct )
Q_ASSERT( node->type == AccountModelNode::UniqueFactoryType );
Q_ASSERT( node->factory );
switch( role )
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return node->factory->prettyName();
case Qt::DecorationRole:
return node->factory->icon();
case DescriptionRole:
return node->factory->description();
case RowTypeRole:
return TopLevelFactory;
case StateRole:
return Uninstalled;
return QVariant();
switch ( role )
case Qt::DisplayRole:
return acct->accountFriendlyName();
case Qt::DecorationRole:
return acct->icon();
case DescriptionRole:
return QString();
return node->type == AccountModelNode::ManualResolverType ? QString() : node->factory->description();
case Qt::CheckStateRole:
return acct->enabled() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
case AccountData:
@ -193,9 +213,10 @@ AccountModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
case HasConfig:
return acct->configurationWidget() != 0;
case StateRole:
return node->type == AccountModelNode::ManualResolverType ? Installed : UniqueFactory;
return Installed;
return QVariant();
case AccountModelNode::AccountType:

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ main( int argc, char *argv[] )
new BreakPad( QDir::tempPath(), TomahawkSettings::instance()->crashReporterEnabled() );
// new BreakPad( QDir::tempPath(), TomahawkSettings::instance()->crashReporterEnabled() );
KDSingleApplicationGuard guard( &a, KDSingleApplicationGuard::AutoKillOtherInstances );