From ddafbdafee942e7e92f2b84decb1dbd4c64c007b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick von Reth <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 12:10:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fixed invalid icons for windows thumbbottons crashing

 src/TomahawkWindow.cpp | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 src/TomahawkWindow.h   |  1 +
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/TomahawkWindow.cpp b/src/TomahawkWindow.cpp
index b4e143523..d74bceed6 100644
--- a/src/TomahawkWindow.cpp
+++ b/src/TomahawkWindow.cpp
@@ -116,6 +116,18 @@ TomahawkWindow::TomahawkWindow( QWidget* parent )
     connect( APP, SIGNAL( tomahawkLoaded() ), vm, SLOT( setTomahawkLoaded() ) ); // Pass loaded signal into libtomahawk so components in there can connect to ViewManager
 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    QList<TomahawkUtils::ImageType> list;
+    list<<TomahawkUtils::PauseButton<<TomahawkUtils::PlayButton<<TomahawkUtils::PrevButton<<TomahawkUtils::NextButton<<TomahawkUtils::NotLoved<<TomahawkUtils::Loved;
+    foreach(TomahawkUtils::ImageType type,list)
+    {
+        QPixmap pix ( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap(type , TomahawkUtils::Original, QSize( 20, 20 ) ) );
+        if( pix.isNull() )
+        {
+            qFatal("One of thumbbar icons is null, this would lead to explorer.exe crashes, aborting tomahawk");
+        }
+        m_thumbIcons[type] = pix.toWinHICON();
+    }
     connect( AudioEngine::instance(), SIGNAL( stateChanged( AudioState, AudioState) ), SLOT( audioStateChanged( AudioState, AudioState) ) );
     ui->setupUi( this );
@@ -446,30 +458,22 @@ TomahawkWindow::setupWindowsButtons()
     const GUID IID_ITaskbarList3 = { 0xea1afb91,0x9e28,0x4b86, { 0x90,0xe9,0x9e,0x9f,0x8a,0x5e,0xef,0xaf } };
     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    QPixmap play( RESPATH "images/play-rest.png" );
-    QPixmap back( RESPATH "images/back-rest.png" );
-    QPixmap love( RESPATH "images/not-loved.png" );
-    QTransform transform;
-    transform.rotate( 180 );
-    QPixmap next( back.transformed( transform ) );
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].dwMask = dwMask;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].iId = TP_PREVIOUS;
-    m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].hIcon = back.toWinHICON();
+    m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::PrevButton];
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].szTip[ tr( "Back" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PREVIOUS].szTip ) ] = 0;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].dwMask = dwMask;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].iId = TP_PLAY_PAUSE;
-    m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = play.toWinHICON();
+    m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::PlayButton];
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Play" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].dwMask = dwMask;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].iId = TP_NEXT;
-    m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].hIcon = next.toWinHICON();
+    m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::NextButton];
     m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].dwFlags = THBF_ENABLED;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].szTip[ tr( "Next" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_NEXT].szTip ) ] = 0;
@@ -481,7 +485,7 @@ TomahawkWindow::setupWindowsButtons()
     m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].dwMask = dwMask;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].iId = TP_LOVE;
-    m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = love.toWinHICON();
+    m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::NotLoved];
     m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].dwFlags = THBF_DISABLED;
     m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip[ tr( "Love" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip ) ] = 0;
@@ -723,46 +727,41 @@ TomahawkWindow::audioStateChanged( AudioState newState, AudioState oldState )
     if ( m_taskbarList == 0 )
     switch ( newState )
-        case AudioEngine::Playing:
-        {
-            QPixmap pause( RESPATH "images/pause-rest.png" );
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = pause.toWinHICON();
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Pause" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
-            updateWindowsLoveButton();
+    case AudioEngine::Playing:
+    {
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::PauseButton];
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Pause" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
+        updateWindowsLoveButton();
-        }
+    }
-        case AudioEngine::Paused:
-        {
-            QPixmap play( RESPATH "images/play-rest.png" );
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = play.toWinHICON();
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Play" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
-        }
+    case AudioEngine::Paused:
+    {
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::PlayButton];
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Play" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
+    }
-        case AudioEngine::Stopped:
+    case AudioEngine::Stopped:
+    {
+        if ( !AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack().isNull() )
-            if ( !AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack().isNull() )
-            {
-                disconnect( AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack()->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( updateWindowsLoveButton() ) );
-            }
-            QPixmap play( RESPATH "images/play-rest.png" );
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = play.toWinHICON();
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Play" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
-            QPixmap not_loved( RESPATH "images/not-loved.png" );
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = not_loved.toWinHICON();
-            m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].dwFlags = THBF_DISABLED;
+            disconnect( AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack()->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( updateWindowsLoveButton() ) );
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::PlayButton];
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip[ tr( "Play" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_PLAY_PAUSE].szTip ) ] = 0;
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::NotLoved];
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].dwFlags = THBF_DISABLED;
+    }
-        default:
-            return;
+    default:
+        return;
     m_taskbarList->ThumbBarUpdateButtons( winId(), ARRAYSIZE( m_thumbButtons ), m_thumbButtons );
@@ -776,14 +775,12 @@ TomahawkWindow::updateWindowsLoveButton()
     if ( !AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack().isNull() && AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrack()->toQuery()->loved() )
-        QPixmap loved( RESPATH "images/loved.png" );
-        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = loved.toWinHICON();
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::Loved];
         m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip[ tr( "Unlove" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip ) ] = 0;
-        QPixmap not_loved( RESPATH "images/not-loved.png" );
-        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = not_loved.toWinHICON();
+        m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].hIcon = m_thumbIcons[TomahawkUtils::NotLoved];
         m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip[ tr( "Love" ).toWCharArray( m_thumbButtons[TP_LOVE].szTip ) ] = 0;
diff --git a/src/TomahawkWindow.h b/src/TomahawkWindow.h
index 9a836a5a0..1b9f722cf 100644
--- a/src/TomahawkWindow.h
+++ b/src/TomahawkWindow.h
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ private:
 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
     bool setupWindowsButtons();
     const unsigned int m_buttonCreatedID;
+    QMap<TomahawkUtils::ImageType,HICON> m_thumbIcons;
     ITaskbarList3* m_taskbarList;
     THUMBBUTTON m_thumbButtons[5];