mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:39:57 +01:00
Some tomahawk-side fixes to playlist syncing. Removing works, adding not yet.
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,9 +95,6 @@ SpotifyAccount::init()
msg[ "_msgtype" ] = "getCredentials";
m_spotifyResolver.data()->sendMessage( msg );
// TODO add caching
@ -144,7 +141,7 @@ SpotifyAccount::resolverMessage( const QString &msgType, const QVariantMap &msg
const QString name = plMap.value( "name" ).toString();
const QString plid = plMap.value( "id" ).toString();
const QString revid = plMap.value( "revid" ).toString();
const bool sync = plMap.value( "map" ).toBool();
const bool sync = plMap.value( "sync" ).toBool();
if ( name.isNull() || plid.isNull() || revid.isNull() )
@ -216,24 +213,6 @@ SpotifyAccount::resolverMessage( const QString &msgType, const QVariantMap &msg
updater->spotifyTracksMoved( tracksList, newRev, oldRev );
else if ( msgType == "playlists" )
// QList< Tomahawk::query_ptr > tracks;
// const QString qid = m.value( "qid" ).toString();
// const QString title = m.value( "identifier" ).toString();
// const QVariantList reslist = m.value( "playlist" ).toList();
// if( !reslist.isEmpty() )
// {
// foreach( const QVariant& rv, reslist )
// {
// QVariantMap m = rv.toMap();
// qDebug() << "Found playlist result:" << m;
// Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( m.value( "artist" ).toString() , m.value( "track" ).toString() , QString(), uuid(), false );
// tracks << q;
// }
// }
@ -293,6 +272,7 @@ SpotifyAccount::saveConfig()
foreach ( SpotifyPlaylistInfo* pl, m_allSpotifyPlaylists )
qDebug() << "Checking changed state:" << pl->changed << pl->name << pl->sync;
if ( pl->changed )
pl->changed = false;
@ -359,59 +339,6 @@ SpotifyAccount::startPlaylistSyncWithPlaylist( const QString& msgType, const QVa
SpotifyAccount::addPlaylist( const QString &qid, const QString& title, QList< Tomahawk::query_ptr > tracks )
/* Sync sync;
sync.id_ = qid;
int index = m_syncPlaylists.indexOf( sync );
if( !m_syncPlaylists.contains( sync ) )
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Adding playlist to sync" << qid;
playlist_ptr pl;
pl = Tomahawk::Playlist::create( SourceList::instance()->getLocal(),
tracks );
sync.playlist = pl;
sync.uuid = pl->guid();
m_syncPlaylists.append( sync );
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Found playlist";
if ( index != -1 && !tracks.isEmpty())
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Got pl" << m_syncPlaylists[ index ].playlist->guid();
QList< query_ptr > currTracks;
foreach ( const plentry_ptr ple, m_syncPlaylists[ index ].playlist->entries() )
currTracks << ple->query();
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "tracks" << currTracks;
bool changed = false;
QList< query_ptr > mergedTracks = TomahawkUtils::mergePlaylistChanges( currTracks, tracks, changed );
if ( changed )
QList<Tomahawk::plentry_ptr> el = m_syncPlaylists[ index ].playlist->entriesFromQueries( mergedTracks, true );
m_syncPlaylists[ index ].playlist->createNewRevision( uuid(), m_syncPlaylists[ index ].playlist->currentrevision(), el );
SpotifyAccount::sendMessage( const QVariantMap &m, QObject* obj, const QString& slot )
@ -442,7 +369,11 @@ SpotifyAccount::fetchFullPlaylist( SpotifyPlaylistInfo* playlist )
SpotifyAccount::stopPlaylistSync( SpotifyPlaylistInfo* playlist )
QVariantMap msg;
msg[ "_msgtype" ] = "removeFromSyncList";
msg[ "playlistid" ] = playlist->plid;
m_spotifyResolver.data()->sendMessage( msg );
@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ public:
virtual QWidget* aclWidget() { return 0; }
virtual InfoSystem::InfoPlugin* infoPlugin() { return 0; }
virtual SipPlugin* sipPlugin() { return 0; }
void addPlaylist( const QString &qid, const QString& title, QList< Tomahawk::query_ptr > tracks );
struct Sync {
QString id_;
@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ SpotifyAccountConfig::saveSettings()
for( int i = 0; i < m_ui->playlistList->count(); i++ )
const QListWidgetItem* item = m_ui->playlistList->itemAt( i, 0 );
const QListWidgetItem* item = m_ui->playlistList->item( i );
SpotifyPlaylistInfo* pl = item->data( Qt::UserRole ).value< SpotifyPlaylistInfo* >();
const bool toSync = ( item->checkState() == Qt::Checked );
if ( pl->sync != toSync )
@ -171,6 +171,13 @@
<widget class="QListWidget" name="playlistList"/>
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="deleteOnUnsync">
<property name="text">
<string>Delete Tomahawk playlist when removing Spotify sync</string>
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ SpotifyPlaylistUpdater::tomahawkTracksRemoved( const QList< query_ptr >& tracks
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "updating spotify resolver with removed tracks:" << tracks;
QVariantMap msg;
msg[ "_msgtype" ] = "removeTracksFromPlaylist";
msg[ "playlistid" ] = m_spotifyId;
msg[ "oldrev" ] = m_latestRev;
msg[ "tracks" ] = queriesToVariant( tracks );
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ PlaylistModel::PlaylistModel( QObject* parent )
: TrackModel( parent )
, m_isTemporary( false )
, m_changesOngoing( false )
, m_isLoading( false )
, m_savedInsertPos( -1 )
m_dropStorage.parent = QPersistentModelIndex();
@ -65,6 +66,8 @@ PlaylistModel::loadPlaylist( const Tomahawk::playlist_ptr& playlist, bool loadEn
disconnect( m_playlist.data(), SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SIGNAL( playlistChanged() ) );
m_isLoading = true;
if ( loadEntries )
@ -80,11 +83,17 @@ PlaylistModel::loadPlaylist( const Tomahawk::playlist_ptr& playlist, bool loadEn
.arg( TomahawkUtils::ageToString( QDateTime::fromTime_t( playlist->createdOn() ), true ) ) );
m_isTemporary = false;
if ( !loadEntries )
m_isLoading = false;
QList<plentry_ptr> entries = playlist->entries();
append( entries );
m_isLoading = false;
@ -204,8 +213,11 @@ PlaylistModel::insert( const QList< Tomahawk::plentry_ptr >& entries, int row )
crows.first = c;
crows.second = c + entries.count() - 1;
m_savedInsertPos = row;
m_savedInsertTracks = entries;
if ( !m_isLoading )
m_savedInsertPos = row;
m_savedInsertTracks = entries;
emit beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), crows.first, crows.second );
@ -463,7 +475,7 @@ PlaylistModel::remove( const QModelIndex& index, bool moreToCome )
if ( !m_changesOngoing )
if ( item )
if ( item && !m_isLoading )
m_savedRemoveTracks << item->query();
TrackModel::remove( index, moreToCome );
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ private:
Tomahawk::playlist_ptr m_playlist;
bool m_isTemporary;
bool m_changesOngoing;
bool m_isLoading;
QList< Tomahawk::Query* > m_waitingForResolved;
QStringList m_waitForRevision;
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@ XSPFLoader::gotBody()
m_entries );
// 10 minute default---for now, no way to change it
connect( m_playlist.data(), SIGNAL( revisionLoaded( Tomahawk::PlaylistRevision ) ), this, SLOT( playlistCreated() ) );
new Tomahawk::XspfUpdater( m_playlist, 6000000, m_autoUpdate, m_url.toString() );
emit ok( m_playlist );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user