diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ar.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ar.ts
index ca5c2046d..d854ac44c 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ar.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ar.ts
@@ -3849,157 +3849,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Backإلى الوراء
+ Go back one pageالعودة صفحة واحدة إلى الوراء
+ Forwardتقدم
+ Go forward one pageتقدم صفحة واحدة
+ Hide Menu Barإخفي شريط القائمة
+ Show Menu Barأظهر شريط القائمة
+ Search for any artist, album or song...ابحث عن أي ألبوم، فنان أو أغنية...
+ &Main Menuال&قائمة الرئيسية
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screenالخروج من وضع ملء الشاشة
+ Enter Full Screenالدخول إلى وضع ملء الشاشة
+ XSPF Errorخطأ XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.قائمة الأغاني XSPF هذه ليست صالحة.
+ Failed to save tracksفشل في حفظ الأغاني
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.بعض الأغاني في قائمة الأغاني لا تحتوي على إسم الفنان أو إسم الأغنية. هذه الأغاني سوف تتجاهل.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.عذرا، هناك مشكلة في الوصول إلى جهاز الصوت أو الأغنية المطلوب، سوف يتم تخطي الأغنية الحالية. تأكد أن لديك خلفية فونون المناسبة والإضافات المطلوبة مثبتة.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.عذرا، هناك مشكلة في الوصول إلى جهاز الصوت أو الأغنية المطلوب، سوف يتم تخطي الأغنية الحالية.
+ Stationإذاعة
+ Create New Stationإنشاء قائمة أغاني جديدة
+ Name:الاسم:
+ Playlistقائمة الأغاني
+ Create New Playlistإنشاء قائمة أغاني جديدة
+ Pauseتعليق
+ &Play&إستمع
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 من قبل %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013حق النشر ٢٠١٠ - ٢٠١٣
+ Thanks to:شكر لكل من:
+ About Tomahawkعن توماهوك
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_bg.ts b/lang/tomahawk_bg.ts
index 0c1bf3e2b..9ab81ae18 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_bg.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_bg.ts
@@ -3855,160 +3855,186 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackНазад
+ Go back one pageЕдна страница назад
+ ForwardНапред
+ Go forward one pageЕдна страница напред
+ Hide Menu BarСкрий лентата с менюто
+ Show Menu BarПокажи лентата с менюто
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Търси всеки изпълнител, албум или песен...
+ &Main Menu&Основно меню
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenИзлез от режим на цял екран
+ Enter Full ScreenПревключи в режим на цял екран
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF Грешка
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Това не е валиден XSPF списък
+ Failed to save tracksНе успях да запазя селектираните изпълнения
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Някои от изпълнения в този списък нямат изпълнител и заглавие.
Те ще бъдат игнорирани.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Съжалявам. Има проблем с достъпа до твоето аудио-устройство или до избраната песен - тя ще бъде прескочена.
Моля, увери се, че са инсталирани подходящ Phonon и приставки.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Съжалявам.
Има проблем с достъпа до твоето аудио устройство или избраната песен. Тя ще бъде пропусната.
+ StationСтанция
+ Create New StationСъздай нова станция
+ Name:Име:
+ PlaylistСписък
+ Create New PlaylistСъздай нов списък
+ PauseПауза
+ &Play&Възпроизвеждане
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 от %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Всички права - запазени 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Благодарности на:
+ About TomahawkОтносно Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_bn_IN.ts b/lang/tomahawk_bn_IN.ts
index 0db0beca6..9774f28fa 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_bn_IN.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_bn_IN.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ca.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ca.ts
index 89c0f997c..7207d9f32 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ca.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ca.ts
@@ -3848,157 +3848,183 @@ Intenteu ajustar els filtres per reproduir noves cançons.
+ BackEnrere
+ Go back one pageRetrocedeix una pàgina
+ ForwardEndavant
+ Go forward one pageAvança una pàgina
+ Hide Menu BarAmaga la barra del menú
+ Show Menu BarMostra la barra del menú
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Cerca per qualsevol artista, àlbum o cançó...
+ &Main Menu&Menú principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenSurt de la pantalla completa
+ Enter Full ScreenEntra en mode de pantalla completa
+ XSPF ErrorError XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.No és una llista XSPF vàlida.
+ Failed to save tracksError en desar les cançons
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Algunes cançons de la llista no contenen ni artista ni titol i s'han ignorat.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Hi ha un problema per accedir al dispositiu de so o a la cançó. La cançó actual s'ha saltat. Assegureu-vos que teniu un back.end de Phonon adequant i els plugins necessaris instal·lats.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Hi ha un problema per accedir al dispositiu de so o a la cançó, la cançó actual s'ha saltat.
+ StationEmissora
+ Create New StationCrea una Nova Emissora
+ Name:Nom:
+ PlaylistLlista
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePausa
+ &Play&Reprodueix
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 de %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Gràcies a:
+ About TomahawkQuant a Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ca@valencia.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ca@valencia.ts
index 93bc1c29b..9ccaf4344 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ca@valencia.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ca@valencia.ts
@@ -3848,157 +3848,183 @@ Intenteu ajustar els filtres per reproduir noves cançons.
+ BackArrere
+ Go back one pageRetrocedeix una pàgina
+ ForwardAvant
+ Go forward one pageAvança una pàgina
+ Hide Menu BarAmaga la barra del menú
+ Show Menu BarMostra la barra del menú
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Cerca per qualsevol artista, àlbum o cançó...
+ &Main Menu&Menú principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenIx de la pantalla completa
+ Enter Full ScreenEntra en mode de pantalla completa
+ XSPF ErrorError XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.No és una llista XSPF vàlida.
+ Failed to save tracksError en alçar les cançons
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Algunes cançons de la llista no contenen ni artista ni titol i s'han ignorat.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Hi ha un problema per accedir al dispositiu de so o a la cançó. La cançó actual s'ha saltat. Assegureu-vos que teniu un back.end de Phonon adequant i els plugins necessaris instal·lats.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Hi ha un problema per accedir al dispositiu de so o a la cançó, la cançó actual s'ha saltat.
+ StationEmissora
+ Create New StationCrea una Nova Emissora
+ Name:Nom:
+ PlaylistLlista
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePausa
+ &Play&Reprodueix
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 de %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Gràcies a:
+ About TomahawkQuant a Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_cs.ts b/lang/tomahawk_cs.ts
index 6da261665..c7b3847bd 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_cs.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_cs.ts
@@ -3850,157 +3850,183 @@ Zkuste vyladit filtry pro nové písně.
+ BackZpět
+ Go back one pageJít o jednu stranu zpět
+ ForwardVpřed
+ Go forward one pageJít o jednu stranu vpřed
+ Hide Menu BarSkrýt pruh s hlavní nabídkou
+ Show Menu BarUkázat pruh s hlavní nabídkou
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Hledat umělce, album nebo píseň...
+ &Main MenuHlavní &nabídka
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenUkončit režim na celou obrazovku
+ Enter Full ScreenVstoupit do režimu na celou obrazovku
+ XSPF ErrorChyba XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Toto není platný seznam skladeb XSPF.
+ Failed to save tracksNepodařilo se uložit skladby
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Některé skladby v seznamu skladeb neobsahují ani umělce ani název. Tyto budou přehlíženy.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Je nám to líto, ale Tomahawk nemůže přistupovat k vašemu zvukovému zařízení nebo k žádané skladbě, a proto se nynější skladba přeskakuje. Ujistěte se, že máte nainstalováno vhodné jádro Phonona potřebné přídavné moduly.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Je nám to líto, ale Tomahawk nemůže přistupovat k vašemu zvukovému zařízení nebo k žádané skladbě, a proto se nynější skladba přeskakuje.
+ StationStanice
+ Create New StationVytvořit novou stanici
+ Name:Název:
+ PlaylistSeznam skladeb
+ Create New PlaylistVytvořit nový seznam skladeb
+ PausePozastavit
+ &Play&Přehrát
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 od %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Autorské právo 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Poděkování:
+ About TomahawkO Tomahawku
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_da.ts b/lang/tomahawk_da.ts
index 7de685d31..3a2f0f829 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_da.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_da.ts
@@ -3838,157 +3838,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF Fejl
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Dette er ikke en gyldig XSPF spilleliste
+ Failed to save tracksFejlede i at gemme numrene
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New StationLav Ny Station
+ Name:Navn:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 af %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_de.ts b/lang/tomahawk_de.ts
index d4a00ce6c..3ca454065 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_de.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_de.ts
@@ -3844,157 +3844,183 @@ Versuch die Filter anzupassen für neue Lieder.
+ BackZurück
+ Go back one pageGehe eine Seite zurück
+ ForwardVorwärts
+ Go forward one pageGehe eine Seite vorwärts
+ Hide Menu BarMenüleiste ausblenden
+ Show Menu BarMenüleiste einblenden
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Suche nach Künstler, Album oder Lied...
+ &Main MenuHaupt&menü
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenVollbildmodus deaktivieren
+ Enter Full ScreenVollbildmodus aktivieren
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF-Fehler
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Dies ist keine gültige XSPF-Playlist.
+ Failed to save tracksKonnte Stücke nicht abspeichern
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Einige Stücke in der Playlist enthalten weder Künstler noch Titel. Diese werden ignoriert.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Es tut uns leid, Tomahawk kann auf dein Audio-Gerät oder das gewünschte Stück nicht zugreifen und überspringt es deshalb. Vergewisser dich, dass ein geignetes Phonon-Backend mitsamt benötigten Plugins installiert ist.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Es tut uns leid, Tomahawk kann auf dein Audio-Gerät oder das gewünschte Stück nicht zugreifen und überspringt es deshalb.
+ StationStation
+ Create New StationNeue Station erstellen
+ Name:Name:
+ PlaylistPlaylist
+ Create New PlaylistNeue Playlist erstellen
+ PausePause
+ &PlayAbs&pielen
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 von %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Danke an:
+ About TomahawkÜber Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_el.ts b/lang/tomahawk_el.ts
index 5e3c43772..c76d4536b 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_el.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_el.ts
@@ -3849,157 +3849,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackΠίσω
+ Go back one pageΠήγαινε πίσω μία σελίδα
+ ForwardΜπροστά
+ Go forward one pageΠήγαινε μπροστά μία σελίδα
+ Hide Menu BarΑπόκρυψη Γραμμής Μενού
+ Show Menu BarΕμφανιση του κεντρικου μενου
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Αναζήτηση για οποιονδήποτε καλλιτέχνη, άλμπουμ ή τραγούδι...
+ &Main Menu&Κεντρικο Μενου
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenΈξοδος από Πλήρη Οθόνη
+ Enter Full ScreenΕισαγωγή σε Πλήρη Οθόνη
+ XSPF ErrorΣφάλμα XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Αυτή δεν είναι μια έγκυρη λίστα αναπαραγωγής XSPF.
+ Failed to save tracksΑποτυχία αποθήκευσης κομματιών.
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Μερικά κομμάτια στην λίστα αναπαραγωγής δεν περιέχουν έναν καλλιτέχνη ή έναν τίτλο. Θα αγνοηθούν.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Συγγνώμη, υπάρχει ένα πρόβλημα πρόσβασης στην συσκευή ήχου ή στο επιθυμητό κομμάτι, το τρέχον κομμάτι θα παραλειφθεί. Σιγουρευτείτε ότι έχετε εγκαταστήσει ένα κατάλληλο Phonon backend και τα απαιτούμενα πρόσθετα.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Συγγνώμη, υπάρχει ένα πρόβλημα πρόσβασης στην συσκευή ήχου ή στο επιθυμητό κομμάτι, το τρέχον κομμάτι θα παραλειφθεί.
+ StationΣταθμός
+ Create New StationΔημιουργία Νέου Σταθμού
+ Name:Όνομα:
+ PlaylistΛίστας Αναπαραγωγής
+ Create New PlaylistΔημιουργία Νέας Λίστας Αναπαραγωγής
+ PauseΠαύση
+ &Play&Αναπαραγωγή
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 από %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Χάρη στους:
+ About TomahawkΣχετικά με το Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_en.ts b/lang/tomahawk_en.ts
index 4bc8a11f0..f219f0876 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_en.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_en.ts
@@ -3853,157 +3853,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackBack
+ Go back one pageGo back one page
+ ForwardForward
+ Go forward one pageGo forward one page
+ Hide Menu BarHide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu BarShow Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu&Main Menu
+ Play
+ Play
+ Next
+ Next
+ Love
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenExit Full Screen
+ Enter Full ScreenEnter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracksFailed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ StationStation
+ Create New StationCreate New Station
+ Name:Name:
+ PlaylistPlaylist
+ Create New PlaylistCreate New Playlist
+ PausePause
+ &Play&Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 by %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Thanks to:
+ About TomahawkAbout Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_en_GB.ts b/lang/tomahawk_en_GB.ts
index ad1508082..3e2458a38 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_en_GB.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_en_GB.ts
@@ -3853,157 +3853,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackBack
+ Go back one pageGo back one page
+ ForwardForward
+ Go forward one pageGo forward one page
+ Hide Menu BarHide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu BarShow Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu&Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenExit Full Screen
+ Enter Full ScreenEnter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracksFailed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plug-ins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ StationStation
+ Create New StationCreate New Station
+ Name:Name:
+ PlaylistPlaylist
+ Create New PlaylistCreate New Playlist
+ PausePause
+ &Play&Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 by %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Thanks to:
+ About TomahawkAbout Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_es.ts b/lang/tomahawk_es.ts
index 32465c7d0..2f4910918 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_es.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_es.ts
@@ -3853,157 +3853,183 @@ Intente ajustar los filtros para reproducir nuevas canciones.
+ BackAtrás
+ Go back one pageIr una página hacia atrás
+ ForwardAdelante
+ Go forward one pageIr una página hacia adelante
+ Hide Menu BarOcultar barra de menús
+ Show Menu BarMostrar barra de menús
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Buscar un artista, álbum o pista…
+ &Main Menu&Menú principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenSalir de pantalla completa
+ Enter Full ScreenModo a pantalla completa
+ XSPF ErrorError de XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Esta no es una lista de reproducción XSPF válida.
+ Failed to save tracksFallo al guardar pistas
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Algunas pistas en la lista de reproducción no contienen artista ni título. Éstas se ignorarán.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Se ha producido un error al acceder al dispostivo de audio o a la pista deseada. Asegúrese de que ha instalado un backend de Phonon adecuado y los plugins necesarios.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Se ha producido un error al acceder al dispostivo de audio o a la pista deseado y se va saltar.
+ StationEstación
+ Create New StationCrear estación nueva
+ Name:Nombre:
+ PlaylistLista de reproducción
+ Create New PlaylistCrear lista de reproducción nueva
+ PausePausar
+ &Play&Reproducir
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 por %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Gracias a:
+ About TomahawkAcerca de Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_fi.ts b/lang/tomahawk_fi.ts
index 0a3d6ec31..cb52b825b 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_fi.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_fi.ts
@@ -3856,157 +3856,183 @@ kappaleen %2%4 %3.
+ BackTakaisin
+ Go back one pageMene yksi sivu takaisin
+ ForwardEteenpäin
+ Go forward one pageMene yksi sivu eteenpäin
+ Hide Menu BarPiilota valikkorivi
+ Show Menu BarNäytä valikkorivi
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Hae artistia, albumia tai kappaletta…
+ &Main Menu&Päävalikko
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenPoistu koko näytöstä
+ Enter Full ScreenSiirry koko näyttöön
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF-virhe
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Tämä ei ole kelvollinen XSPF-soittolista.
+ Failed to save tracksKappaleiden tallentaminen epäonnistui
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Joillakin soittolistan kappaleilla ei ole artistia ja nimeä. Ne jätetään huomiotta.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Valitettavasti äänilaitteen tai halutun kappaleen kanssa on ongelmia ja nykyinen kappale ohitetaan. Varmista, että sopiva Phononin taustaosa ja vaaditut liitännäiset on asennettu.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Valitettavasti äänilaitteen tai halutun kappaleen kanssa on ongelmia ja nykyinen kappale ohitetaan.
+ StationAsema
+ Create New StationLuo uusi asema
+ Name:Nimi:
+ PlaylistSoittolista
+ Create New PlaylistLuo uusi soittolista
+ PauseTauko
+ &Play&Soita
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 artistilta %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 – %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010–2013
+ Thanks to:Kiitokset:
+ About TomahawkTietoa Tomahawkista
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_fr.ts b/lang/tomahawk_fr.ts
index c339fc991..67435b5e2 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_fr.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_fr.ts
@@ -3849,157 +3849,183 @@ Essayez de changer les filtres pour avoir de nouveaux morceaux à jouer.Tomahawk
+ BackRetour
+ Go back one pageReculer d'une page
+ ForwardAvancer
+ Go forward one pageAvancer d'une page
+ Hide Menu BarMasquer la barre de menu
+ Show Menu BarAfficher la barre de menu
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Chercher un artiste, un album, ou un morceau...
+ &Main Menu&Menu Principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenQuitter le mode plein écran
+ Enter Full ScreenActiver le mode plein écran
+ XSPF ErrorErreur XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Ceci n'est pas une liste de lecture XSPF valide.
+ Failed to save tracksÉchec de la sauvegarde des pistes
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Certaines pistes dans la liste de lecture ne contiennent pas d'artiste ou de titre. Elles seront ignorées.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Désolé, il y a un problème d'accès à votre matériel audio ou la piste en cours va être sautée. Vérifiez que vous avez un backend Phonon et les plugins requis installés.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Désolé, il y a un problème d'accès à votre matériel audio ou la piste en cours , celle-ci va être sautée.
+ StationStation
+ Create New StationCréer une nouvelle station
+ Name:Nom :
+ PlaylistListe de lecture
+ Create New PlaylistCréer une nouvelle liste de lecture
+ PausePause
+ &Play&Lire
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 par %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Droit d'auteur 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Merci a:
+ About TomahawkA propos de Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_gl.ts b/lang/tomahawk_gl.ts
index 0ce5e9709..ad1e8dddd 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_gl.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_gl.ts
@@ -3848,158 +3848,184 @@ Proba a trocar os filtros para ter outra lista música para escoitar. Tomahawk
+ BackAtrás
+ Go back one pageIr unha páxina atrás
+ ForwardAdiante
+ Go forward one pageIr unha páxina adiante
+ Hide Menu BarAgochar a barra de menú
+ Show Menu BarMostrar a barra de menú
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Buscar a calquera artista, álbum ou canción...
+ &Main MenuMenú &principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenSaír da pantalla ao completo
+ Enter Full ScreenEntrar na pantalla ao completo
+ XSPF ErrorErro XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Esta non é unha lista de XSPF válida.
+ Failed to save tracksFallou o gardado de pistas
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Algunhas pistas na lista de reprodución non indican nin artista nin o título. Ignoraranse.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Hai un problema accedendo ao teu dispositivo de son ou a pista que quere así que se omitirá. Asegúrate de ter o motor Phonon e os engadidos necesarios instalados.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Hai un problema accedendo ao teu dispositivo de son ou a pista que quere así que se omitirá.
+ Station
+ Create New StationCrear unha nova emisión
+ Name:Nome:
+ PlaylistLista de reprodución
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePausa
+ &Play&Reproducir
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 por %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1.- %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Agradecementos:
+ About TomahawkAcerca de Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_hi_IN.ts b/lang/tomahawk_hi_IN.ts
index f9e5c0577..79f054b0e 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_hi_IN.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_hi_IN.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_hu.ts b/lang/tomahawk_hu.ts
index 8f8a9e30b..bcfd36138 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_hu.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_hu.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF hiba
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Nem érvényes XSPF lejátszólista.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ StationRádióállomás
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ PlaylistLejátszólista
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About TomahawkTomahawkról
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_id.ts b/lang/tomahawk_id.ts
index 3198a1aa0..11c93548a 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_id.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_id.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_it.ts b/lang/tomahawk_it.ts
index 31eb7aefb..81919f42d 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_it.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_it.ts
@@ -3839,157 +3839,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackIndietro
+ Go back one pageVai indietro di una pagina
+ ForwardAvanti
+ Go forward one pageVai avanti di una pagina
+ Hide Menu BarNascondi barra menu
+ Show Menu BarMostra barra menu
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Cerca qualunque artista, album o canzone...
+ &Main Menu&Menu principale
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenEsci da schermo intero
+ Enter Full ScreenModalità schermo intero
+ XSPF ErrorErrore XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Questa non è una valida playlist XSPF.
+ Failed to save tracksErrore nel salvare le tracce
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Alcune tracce nella playlist non contengono l'artista e il titolo. Verrano ignorate.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Spiacente, c'è un problema nell'accedere al tuo dispositivo audio o alla traccia desiderata, questa traccia verrà saltata. Assicurati di avere le giuste librerie Phonon e i plugin necessari installati.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Spiacente, c'è un problema nell'accedere al tuo dispositivo audio o alla traccia desiderata, questa traccia verrà saltata.
+ StationStazione
+ Create New StationCrea una nuova stazione
+ Name:Nome:
+ PlaylistPlaylist
+ Create New PlaylistCrea una playlist nuova
+ PausePausa
+ &PlayRi&produci
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 di %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Grazie a:
+ About TomahawkInfo su Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ja.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ja.ts
index d6ad850f5..efbf079c1 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ja.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ja.ts
@@ -3845,157 +3845,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Backプレイリスト
+ Go back one page前のページ
+ Forward次へ
+ Go forward one page次のページ
+ Hide Menu Barメニューバーを隠す
+ Show Menu Barメニューバーを表示
+ Search for any artist, album or song...アーティスト、又はアルバムや曲で検索して下さい
+ &Main Menuメインメニュー
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPFエラー
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.このプレイリストは有利なXSPFプレイリストではありません。
+ Failed to save tracksトラックの保存に失敗しました。
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.プレイリストにアーティストもタイトルの無いトラックが見つかりました。この項目は無視されます。
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.オーディオデバイス、又は要求トラックをアクセスすることができませんでしたので、このトラックは無視されます。適しているPhononのバックエンドを確認の上、必須プラグインのインストールを確認して下さい。
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.オーディオデバイス、又は要求トラックをアクセスすることができませんでしたので、このトラックは無視されます。
+ Stationステーション
+ Create New Station新規ステーションを作成
+ Name:名前:
+ Playlistプレイリスト
+ Create New Playlist新規プレイリストを作成
+ Pause一時停止
+ &Play再生
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 by %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Thanks to:
+ About TomahawkTomahawkについて
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_lt.ts b/lang/tomahawk_lt.ts
index 7da4d00a6..337166573 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_lt.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_lt.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackAtgal
+ Go back one pageGrįžti vienu puslapiu atgal
+ ForwardPirmyn
+ Go forward one pageEiti vienu puslapiu pirmyn
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF klaida
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracksNepavyko išsaugoti takelių
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ StationStotis
+ Create New StationSukurti naują stotį
+ Name:Pavadinimas:
+ PlaylistGrojaraštis
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePristabdyti
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Autorinės teisės 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Dėkojame:
+ About TomahawkApie Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_nl.ts b/lang/tomahawk_nl.ts
index ec7aa81c4..370fd10bf 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_nl.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_nl.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_pl.ts b/lang/tomahawk_pl.ts
index 5d02e64fa..fb133970a 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_pl.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_pl.ts
@@ -3843,157 +3843,183 @@ Spróbuj poprawić filtry aby uzyskać nowy zestaw piosenek do odtworzenia.Tomahawk
+ BackWstecz
+ Go back one pageCofnij o jedną stronę
+ ForwardNaprzód
+ Go forward one pagePrzejdź naprzód o jedną stronę
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorBłąd XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.To nie jest poprawna lista XSPF.
+ Failed to save tracksNie udało się zapisać utworów
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Niektóre utwory na liście nie zawierają artysty i tytułu. Zostaną one zignorowane.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Przepraszamy, wystąpił problem z połączeniem z twoim urządzeniem audio lub z żądanym utworem, zostanie on pominięty.
+ Station
+ Create New StationUtwórz Nową Stację
+ Name:Nazwa:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePauza
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 wykonawcy %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Podziękowania dla:
+ About TomahawkO Tomahawku
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_pt_BR.ts b/lang/tomahawk_pt_BR.ts
index 3a5fb3f2a..5bc08a88e 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_pt_BR.ts
@@ -3843,157 +3843,183 @@ Tente ajustar os filtros para ouvir um novo conjunto de músicas.
+ BackVoltar
+ Go back one pageVoltar uma página
+ ForwardAvançar
+ Go forward one pageAvançar uma página
+ Hide Menu BarEsconder barra de menu
+ Show Menu BarMostrar barra de menu
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Pesquisar por qualquer artista, álbum ou música...
+ &Main Menu&Menu principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorErro de XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Esta não é uma lista de reprodução XSPF válida.
+ Failed to save tracksFalha ao salvar faixas
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Algumas faixas da lista de reprodução não contem artista e título. Estas serão ignoradas.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Desculpe, há um problema ao acessar sua placa de áudio ou a faixa desejada, a faixa atual será ignorada. Certifique-se de ter um backend do Phonon adequado e os plugins necessários instalados.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Desculpe, há um problema ao acessar sua placa de áudio ou a faixa desejada, a faixa atual será ignorada.
+ StationEstação
+ Create New StationCriar uma nova estação
+ Name:Nome:
+ PlaylistPlaylist
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePIN do Twitter
+ &PlayRe&produzir
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 de %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Agradecimentos:
+ About TomahawkSobre o Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ro.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ro.ts
index bd01f1aa4..f53594497 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ro.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ro.ts
@@ -3853,157 +3853,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackÎnapoi
+ Go back one pageMergi înapoi o pagină
+ ForwardÎnainte
+ Go forward one pageMergi înainte o pagină
+ Hide Menu BarAscunde bara de meniu
+ Show Menu BarArată bara de meniu
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Caută orice artist, album sau piesă...
+ &Main Menu&Meniu principal
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenIeșire din modul pe tot ecranul
+ Enter Full ScreenPe tot ecranul
+ XSPF ErrorEroare XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Aceasta nu este o listă de redare XSPF validă.
+ Failed to save tracksSalvarea pieselor a eșuat
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Unele piese din lista de redare nu conțin un artist și un titlu. Vor fi ignorate.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Ne pare rău, a apărut o problemă la accesarea dispozitivului audio sau a piesei dorite, piesa curentă va fi sărită. Asigură-te că ai o platformă Phonon potrivită și că modulele necesare sunt instalate.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Ne pare rău, a apărut o problemă la accesarea dispozitivului audio sau a piesei dorite, piesa curentă va fi sărită.
+ StationStație
+ Create New StationCreează o nouă stație
+ Name:Nume:
+ PlaylistListă de redare
+ Create New PlaylistCreează o nouă listă de redare
+ PausePauză
+ &Play&Redare
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 de %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Mulțumiri:
+ About TomahawkDespre Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_ru.ts b/lang/tomahawk_ru.ts
index 080a39a56..80813acdb 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_ru.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_ru.ts
@@ -3851,157 +3851,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackНазад
+ Go back one pageПерейти на предыдущую страницу
+ ForwardВперед
+ Go forward one pageПерейдите на следующую страницу
+ Hide Menu BarСпрятать Строку Меню
+ Show Menu BarПоказать Строку Меню
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Поиск любого исполнителя, альбома или песни ...
+ &Main Menu&Главное меню
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenВыход из полноэкранного режима
+ Enter Full ScreenПереход в полноэкранный режим
+ XSPF ErrorОшибка XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Это не является допустимым XSPF плейлистом.
+ Failed to save tracksНе удалось сохранить песни
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Некоторые песни в плей-листе не содержат исполнителя и название. Они будут проигнорированы.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.К сожалению, есть проблемы с доступом к аудио устройству или данной песне, текущая песня будет пропущена. Убедитесь, что у вас есть подходящий Phonon backend и необходимые плагины установлены.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.К сожалению, есть проблемы с доступом к аудио устройству или данной песне, текущая песня будет пропущена.
+ StationСтанция
+ Create New StationСоздать Новую Станцию
+ Name:Имя:
+ PlaylistПлей-лист
+ Create New Playlist
+ PauseПауза
+ &Play&Играть
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Авторское право 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Благодарность
+ About TomahawkО Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_sq.ts b/lang/tomahawk_sq.ts
index 50b244bac..dbb553801 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_sq.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_sq.ts
@@ -3843,157 +3843,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ BackMbrapa
+ Go back one pageShko mbrapa një faqe
+ ForwardPërpara
+ Go forward one pageShko përpara një faqe
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Kërko për çdo artist, album apo këngë...
+ &Main Menu&Menuja Kryesore
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenDil Ekran të Plotë
+ Enter Full ScreenFutu Ekran të Plotë
+ XSPF ErrorGabim XSPF
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Kjo nuk është listë e vlefshme XSPF.
+ Failed to save tracksDështoi në ruajtjen e këngëve
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Disa këngë në listë nuk përmbajnë artist apo titull. Do të injorohen.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ StationStacion
+ Create New StationKrijo Stacion Te Ri
+ Name:Emri:
+ PlaylistLista
+ Create New Playlist
+ PausePushim
+ &Play&Luaj
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 nga %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Faleminderit nga:
+ About TomahawkRreth Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_sv.ts b/lang/tomahawk_sv.ts
index ecae28e84..7cb9d627c 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_sv.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_sv.ts
@@ -3850,157 +3850,183 @@ Försök att ändra i filtrerna för att få en ny låtlista
+ BackTillbaka
+ Go back one pageGå tillbaks en sida
+ ForwardFramåt
+ Go forward one pageGå framåt en sida
+ Hide Menu BarGöm Menyrad
+ Show Menu BarVisa Menyrad
+ Search for any artist, album or song...Sök efter valfri artist, album eller låt...
+ &Main Menu&Huvudmeny
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full ScreenGå ur fullskärmsläge
+ Enter Full ScreenFullskärmsläge
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF-fel
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.Detta är inte en giltig XSPF-spellista.
+ Failed to save tracksMisslyckades med att spara spår
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Några spår i spellistan innehåller inte någon artist och titel. De kommer att ignoreras.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Tyvärr! Det uppstod ett problem med kontakten till ditt ljudkort eller det önskade spåret. Nuvarande spår kommer att hoppas över. Kontrollera att du har en lämplig Phonon-backend och alla nödvändiga plugins installerade
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.Tyvärr blev det problem att hitta din ljudenhet eller den valda låten! Nuvarande låt kommer att hoppas över
+ StationStation
+ Create New StationSkapa ny station
+ Name:Namn:
+ PlaylistSpellista
+ Create New PlaylistSkapa en ny spellista
+ PausePaus
+ &Play&Spela
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%1 av %2
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:Tack till:
+ About TomahawkOm Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_tr.ts b/lang/tomahawk_tr.ts
index 7d0916ae6..de33daeb7 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_tr.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_tr.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_vi.ts b/lang/tomahawk_vi.ts
index cab606d3b..d75adfa0f 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_vi.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_vi.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_vi_VN.ts b/lang/tomahawk_vi_VN.ts
index 1a12122a4..f84b64fd9 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_vi_VN.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_vi_VN.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_zh.ts b/lang/tomahawk_zh.ts
index b514aae65..5b8d52567 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_zh.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_zh.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF Error
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_zh_CN.ts b/lang/tomahawk_zh_CN.ts
index 7f9d0ce38..b7e226f11 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_zh_CN.ts
@@ -3850,157 +3850,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back后退
+ Go back one page转向上一页
+ Forward下一个
+ Go forward one page转向下一页
+ Hide Menu Bar隐藏菜单栏
+ Show Menu Bar显示菜单栏
+ Search for any artist, album or song...搜索任意艺人,专辑,或歌曲...
+ &Main Menu主菜单
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen退出全屏模式
+ Enter Full Screen进入全屏模式
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF 错误
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.这不是一个合法的 XSPF 播放列表。
+ Failed to save tracks保存歌曲失败。
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.播放列表中的一些歌曲缺失艺术家和标题,它们将被忽略。
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.抱歉,访问音频设备或者指定的歌曲时出错。当前歌曲将被跳过。请确认你正在使用合适的 Phonon 后端并安装了必要的插件。
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.抱歉,在访问音频设备或者指定的歌曲时出错。当前歌曲将被跳过。
+ Station电台
+ Create New Station创建新电台
+ Name:名字:
+ Playlist播放列表
+ Create New Playlist创建新列表
+ Pause暂停
+ &Play播放
+ %1 by %2track, artist name%2 的 %1
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title%1 - %2
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013版权所有 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:感谢:
+ About Tomahawk关于 Tomahawk
diff --git a/lang/tomahawk_zh_TW.ts b/lang/tomahawk_zh_TW.ts
index 1728ac0f9..537578535 100644
--- a/lang/tomahawk_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/lang/tomahawk_zh_TW.ts
@@ -3837,157 +3837,183 @@ Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.
+ Back
+ Go back one page
+ Forward
+ Go forward one page
+ Hide Menu Bar
+ Show Menu Bar
+ Search for any artist, album or song...
+ &Main Menu
+ Play
+ Next
+ Love
+ Unlove
+ Exit Full Screen
+ Enter Full Screen
+ XSPF ErrorXSPF 錯誤
+ This is not a valid XSPF playlist.
+ Failed to save tracks無法儲存曲目
+ Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.
+ Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.
+ Station
+ Create New Station
+ Name:名稱:
+ Playlist
+ Create New Playlist
+ Pause暫停
+ &Play
+ %1 by %2track, artist name
+ %1 - %2current track, some window title
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2>
+ <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>
+ Copyright 2010 - 2013
+ Thanks to:
+ About Tomahawk