mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 09:19:41 +01:00
* Lots of cleanups. Removed all QVariantMaps that we didn't really need. This needs testing, desperately.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include "artist.h"
#include "album.h"
#include "collection.h"
#include "database/database.h"
#include "databasecommand_collectionstats.h"
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ DatabaseCommand_AddFiles::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
int albumpos = m.value( "albumpos" ).toInt();
int year = m.value( "year" ).toInt();
int fileid = 0;
int fileid = 0, artistid = 0, albumid = 0, trackid = 0;
query_file_del.bindValue( 0, url );
@ -127,53 +129,67 @@ DatabaseCommand_AddFiles::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
if( added % 100 == 0 )
if( added % 1000 == 0 )
qDebug() << "Inserted" << added;
// get internal IDs for art/alb/trk
fileid = query_file.lastInsertId().toInt();
// insert the new fileid, set the url for our use:
m.insert( "id", fileid );
if( !source()->isLocal() )
m["url"] = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" )
.arg( source()->userName() )
.arg( fileid );
// this is the qvariant(map) the remote will get
v = m;
if( !source()->isLocal() )
url = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" )
.arg( source()->userName() )
.arg( url );
bool isnew;
m["artistid"] = dbi->artistId( artist, isnew );
if( m["artistid"].toInt() < 1 ) continue;
m["trackid"] = dbi->trackId( m["artistid"].toInt(), track, isnew );
if( m["trackid"].toInt() < 1 ) continue;
m["albumid"] = dbi->albumId( m["artistid"].toInt(), album, isnew );
artistid = dbi->artistId( artist, isnew );
if ( artistid < 1 )
trackid = dbi->trackId( artistid, track, isnew );
if ( trackid < 1 )
albumid = dbi->albumId( artistid, album, isnew );
// Now add the association
query_filejoin.bindValue( 0, fileid );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 1, m["artistid"].toInt() );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 2, m["albumid"].toInt() > 0 ? m["albumid"].toInt() : QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 3, m["trackid"].toInt() );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 1, artistid );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 2, albumid > 0 ? albumid : QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 3, trackid );
query_filejoin.bindValue( 4, albumpos );
if( !query_filejoin.exec() )
if ( !query_filejoin.exec() )
qDebug() << "Error inserting into file_join table";
query_trackattr.bindValue( 0, m["trackid"].toInt() );
query_trackattr.bindValue( 0, trackid );
query_trackattr.bindValue( 1, "releaseyear" );
query_trackattr.bindValue( 2, year );
QVariantMap attr;
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( m, false );
m["score"] = 1.0;
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( artist, track, album );
attr["releaseyear"] = m.value( "year" );
Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result( m, source()->collection() ) );
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artistptr = Tomahawk::Artist::get( artistid, artist, source()->collection() );
Tomahawk::album_ptr albumptr = Tomahawk::Album::get( albumid, album, artistptr, source()->collection() );
Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result() );
result->setModificationTime( mtime );
result->setSize( size );
result->setMimetype( mimetype );
result->setDuration( duration );
result->setBitrate( bitrate );
result->setArtist( artistptr );
result->setAlbum( albumptr );
result->setTrack( track );
result->setAlbumPos( albumpos );
result->setAttributes( attr );
result->setCollection( source()->collection() );
result->setScore( 1.0 );
result->setUrl( url );
result->setId( trackid );
QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> results;
results << result;
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include "databaseimpl.h"
#include "artist.h"
#include "album.h"
DatabaseCommand_AllTracks::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
@ -56,52 +59,54 @@ DatabaseCommand_AllTracks::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
int i = 0;
while( query.next() )
QVariantMap t;
Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result() );
QVariantMap attr;
QString url;
TomahawkSqlQuery attrQuery = dbi->newquery();
url = query.value( 7 ).toString();
if( m_collection->source()->isLocal() )
t["url"] = url;
result->setUrl( query.value( 7 ).toString() );
t["url"] = QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( m_collection->source()->userName() ).arg( url );
result->setUrl( QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( m_collection->source()->userName() ).arg( query.value( 7 ).toString() ) );
t["id"] = QString( "%1" ).arg( query.value( 0 ).toInt() );
t["artist"] = query.value( 1 ).toString();
t["artistid"] = query.value( 12 ).toUInt();
t["album"] = query.value( 2 ).toString();
t["albumid"] = query.value( 13 ).toUInt();
t["track"] = query.value( 3 ).toString();
t["size"] = query.value( 4 ).toInt();
t["duration"] = query.value( 5 ).toInt();
t["bitrate"] = query.value( 6 ).toInt();
t["mtime"] = query.value( 9 ).toInt();
t["mimetype"] = query.value( 10 ).toString();
t["albumpos"] = query.value( 11 ).toUInt();
t["trackid"] = query.value( 14 ).toUInt();
QString artist, track, album;
artist = query.value( 1 ).toString();
album = query.value( 2 ).toString();
track = query.value( 3 ).toString();
Tomahawk::query_ptr qry = Tomahawk::Query::get( artist, track, album );
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artistptr = Tomahawk::Artist::get( query.value( 12 ).toUInt(), artist, m_collection );
Tomahawk::album_ptr albumptr = Tomahawk::Album::get( query.value( 13 ).toUInt(), album, artistptr, m_collection );
result->setId( query.value( 14 ).toUInt() );
result->setArtist( artistptr );
result->setAlbum( albumptr );
result->setTrack( query.value( 3 ).toString() );
result->setSize( query.value( 4 ).toUInt() );
result->setDuration( query.value( 5 ).toUInt() );
result->setBitrate( query.value( 6 ).toUInt() );
result->setModificationTime( query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );
result->setMimetype( query.value( 10 ).toString() );
result->setAlbumPos( query.value( 11 ).toUInt() );
result->setScore( 1.0 );
result->setCollection( m_collection );
attrQuery.prepare( "SELECT k, v FROM track_attributes WHERE id = ?" );
attrQuery.bindValue( 0, t["trackid"] );
attrQuery.bindValue( 0, result->dbid() );
while ( attrQuery.next() )
attr[ attrQuery.value( 0 ).toString() ] = attrQuery.value( 1 ).toString();
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( t, false );
t["score"] = 1.0;
Tomahawk::result_ptr result = Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result( t, m_collection ) );
result->setAttributes( attr );
QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> results;
results << result;
query->addResults( results );
qry->addResults( results );
ql << query;
ql << qry;
if ( ++i % 1000 == 0 )
if ( ++i % 5000 == 0 )
emit tracks( ql, m_collection );
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DatabaseCommand_LoadFile::DatabaseCommand_LoadFile( const QString& id, QObject*
DatabaseCommand_LoadFile::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
QVariantMap r;
Tomahawk::result_ptr r;
// file ids internally are really ints, at least for now:
bool ok;
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ DatabaseCommand_LoadFile::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
r = dbi->file( fid );
} while( false );
emit result( Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result( r, Tomahawk::collection_ptr() ) ) );
emit result( r );
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual QString commandname() const { return "loadfile"; }
void result( const Tomahawk::result_ptr result );
void result( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result );
QString m_id;
@ -56,14 +56,8 @@ void DatabaseCommand_LoadPlaylistEntries::generateEntries( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
e->setLastmodified( 0 ); // TODO e->lastmodified = query.value(6).toInt();
e->setResultHint( query.value( 8 ).toString() );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "artist", query.value( 2 ).toString() );
m.insert( "album", query.value( 3 ).toString() );
m.insert( "track", query.value( 1 ).toString() );
m.insert( "resulthint", query.value( 8 ).toString() );
m.insert( "qid", uuid() );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( m, false );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( query.value( 2 ).toString(), query.value( 1 ).toString(), query.value( 3 ).toString(), false );
q->setResultHint( query.value( 8 ).toString() );
e->setQuery( q );
m_entrymap.insert( e->guid(), e );
@ -26,11 +26,7 @@ DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback::postCommitHook()
connect( this, SIGNAL( trackPlayed( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ),
source().data(), SLOT( onPlaybackFinished( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "track", m_track );
m.insert( "artist", m_artist );
m.insert( "qid", uuid() );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( m );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( m_artist, m_track, QString(), uuid() );
if ( m_action == Finished )
@ -44,12 +44,7 @@ DatabaseCommand_PlaybackHistory::exec( DatabaseImpl* dbi )
if ( query_track.next() )
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "track", query_track.value( 0 ).toString() );
m.insert( "artist", query_track.value( 1 ).toString() );
m.insert( "qid", uuid() );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( m );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( query_track.value( 1 ).toString(), query_track.value( 0 ).toString(), QString(), uuid() );
ql << q;
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
using namespace Tomahawk;
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::DatabaseCommand_Resolve( const QVariant& v )
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::DatabaseCommand_Resolve( const query_ptr& query )
: DatabaseCommand()
, m_v( v )
, m_query( query )
@ -18,39 +18,16 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::DatabaseCommand_Resolve( const QVariant& v )
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::exec( DatabaseImpl* lib )
const QMap<QString, QVariant> map = m_v.toMap();
const Tomahawk::QID qid = map.value( "qid" ).toString();
const QString artistname = map.value( "artist" ).toString();
const QString albumname = map.value( "album" ).toString();
const QString trackname = map.value( "track" ).toString();
const QString resulthint = map.value( "resulthint" ).toString();
collection_ptr coll;
QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> res;
if ( !resulthint.isEmpty() )
if ( !m_query->resultHint().isEmpty() )
qDebug() << "Using result-hint to speed up resolving:" << resulthint;
qDebug() << "Using result-hint to speed up resolving:" << m_query->resultHint();
QVariantMap m = lib->result( resulthint );
if ( !m.isEmpty() )
Tomahawk::result_ptr result = lib->result( m_query->resultHint() );
if ( !result.isNull() )
if ( m.value( "srcid" ).toUInt() > 0 )
source_ptr s = SourceList::instance()->get( m.value( "srcid" ).toUInt() );
if ( !s.isNull() )
coll = s->collection();
coll = SourceList::instance()->getLocal()->collection();
if ( !coll.isNull() )
res << Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result( m, coll ) );
emit results( qid, res );
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
@ -64,14 +41,14 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::exec( DatabaseImpl* lib )
typedef QPair<int, float> scorepair_t;
// STEP 1
QList< int > artists = lib->searchTable( "artist", artistname, 10 );
QList< int > tracks = lib->searchTable( "track", trackname, 10 );
QList< int > albums = lib->searchTable( "album", albumname, 10 );
QList< int > artists = lib->searchTable( "artist", m_query->artist(), 10 );
QList< int > tracks = lib->searchTable( "track", m_query->track(), 10 );
QList< int > albums = lib->searchTable( "album", m_query->album(), 10 );
if( artists.length() == 0 || tracks.length() == 0 )
//qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << artistname << trackname;
emit results( qid, res );
qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->artist() << m_query->track();
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
@ -109,73 +86,68 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::exec( DatabaseImpl* lib )
while( files_query.next() )
QVariantMap m;
m["mtime"] = files_query.value( 1 ).toString();
m["size"] = files_query.value( 2 ).toInt();
m["hash"] = files_query.value( 3 ).toString();
m["mimetype"] = files_query.value( 4 ).toString();
m["duration"] = files_query.value( 5 ).toInt();
m["bitrate"] = files_query.value( 6 ).toInt();
m["artist"] = files_query.value( 10 ).toString();
m["artistid"] = files_query.value( 15 ).toUInt();
m["album"] = files_query.value( 11 ).toString();
m["albumid"] = files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt();
m["track"] = files_query.value( 12 ).toString();
m["srcid"] = files_query.value( 13 ).toInt();
m["albumpos"] = files_query.value( 14 ).toUInt();
m["sid"] = uuid();
Tomahawk::result_ptr result( new Tomahawk::Result() );
source_ptr s;
const QString url_str = files_query.value( 0 ).toString();
if( files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt() == 0 )
s = SourceList::instance()->getLocal();
m["url"] = url_str;
m["source"] = "Local Database"; // TODO
result->setUrl( url_str );
s = SourceList::instance()->get( files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt() );
if( s.isNull() )
qDebug() << "Skipping result for offline sourceid:" << files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt();
// will happen for valid sources which are offline (and thus not in the sourcelist)
Q_ASSERT( false );
m.insert( "url", QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );
m.insert( "source", s->friendlyName() );
result->setUrl( QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );
float score = how_similar( m_v.toMap(), m );
//qDebug() << "Score calc:" << timer.elapsed() << "ms";
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( files_query.value( 15 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 10 ).toString(), s->collection() );
Tomahawk::album_ptr album = Tomahawk::Album::get( files_query.value( 16 ).toUInt(), files_query.value( 11 ).toString(), artist, s->collection() );
m["score"] = score;
result->setModificationTime( files_query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
result->setSize( files_query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
result->setMimetype( files_query.value( 4 ).toString() );
result->setDuration( files_query.value( 5 ).toUInt() );
result->setBitrate( files_query.value( 6 ).toUInt() );
result->setArtist( artist );
result->setAlbum( album );
result->setTrack( files_query.value( 12 ).toString() );
result->setRID( uuid() );
result->setAlbumPos( files_query.value( 14 ).toUInt() );
result->setId( files_query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );
float score = how_similar( m_query, result );
result->setScore( score );
if( score < MINSCORE )
coll = s->collection();
res << Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result( m, coll ) );
result->setCollection( s->collection() );
res << result;
emit results( qid, res );
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
// TODO make clever (ft. featuring live (stuff) etc)
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::how_similar( const QVariantMap& q, const QVariantMap& r )
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::how_similar( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q, const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
// query values
const QString qArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q.value( "artist" ).toString() );
const QString qAlbumname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q.value( "album" ).toString() );
const QString qTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q.value( "track" ).toString() );
const QString qArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->artist() );
const QString qAlbumname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->album() );
const QString qTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->track() );
// result values
const QString rArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r.value( "artist" ).toString() );
const QString rAlbumname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r.value( "album" ).toString() );
const QString rTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r.value( "track" ).toString() );
const QString rArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->artist()->name() );
const QString rAlbumname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->album()->name() );
const QString rTrackname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->track() );
// normal edit distance
int artdist = levenshtein( qArtistname, rArtistname );
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class DLLEXPORT DatabaseCommand_Resolve : public DatabaseCommand
explicit DatabaseCommand_Resolve( const QVariant& v );
explicit DatabaseCommand_Resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query );
virtual QString commandname() const { return "dbresolve"; }
virtual bool doesMutates() const { return false; }
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ signals:
public slots:
QVariant m_v;
Tomahawk::query_ptr m_query;
float how_similar( const QVariantMap& q, const QVariantMap& r );
float how_similar( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q, const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r );
static int levenshtein( const QString& source, const QString& target );
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
#include "database/database.h"
#include "databasecommand_updatesearchindex.h"
#include "sourcelist.h"
#include "result.h"
#include "artist.h"
#include "album.h"
/* !!!! You need to manually generate schema.sql.h when the schema changes:
cd src/libtomahawk/database
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@
DatabaseImpl::DatabaseImpl( const QString& dbname, Database* parent )
: QObject( (QObject*) parent )
, m_lastartid( 0 )
@ -152,39 +156,59 @@ DatabaseImpl::updateSchema( int currentver )
DatabaseImpl::file( int fid )
QVariantMap m;
Tomahawk::result_ptr r = Tomahawk::result_ptr( new Tomahawk::Result() );
TomahawkSqlQuery query = newquery();
query.exec( QString( "SELECT url, mtime, size, md5, mimetype, duration, bitrate, "
"file_join.artist, file_join.album, file_join.track, "
"(select name from artist where id = file_join.artist) as artname, "
"(select name from album where id = file_join.album) as albname, "
"(select name from track where id = file_join.track) as trkname "
"(select name from track where id = file_join.track) as trkname, "
"source "
"FROM file, file_join "
"WHERE file.id = file_join.file AND file.id = %1" )
.arg( fid ) );
if( query.next() )
m["url"] = query.value( 0 ).toString();
m["mtime"] = query.value( 1 ).toString();
m["size"] = query.value( 2 ).toInt();
m["hash"] = query.value( 3 ).toString();
m["mimetype"] = query.value( 4 ).toString();
m["duration"] = query.value( 5 ).toInt();
m["bitrate"] = query.value( 6 ).toInt();
m["artistid"] = query.value( 7 ).toInt();
m["albumid"] = query.value( 8 ).toInt();
m["trackid"] = query.value( 9 ).toInt();
m["artist"] = query.value( 10 ).toString();
m["album"] = query.value( 11 ).toString();
m["track"] = query.value( 12 ).toString();
Tomahawk::source_ptr s;
const QString url_str = query.value( 0 ).toString();
if ( query.value( 13 ).toUInt() == 0 )
s = SourceList::instance()->getLocal();
s = SourceList::instance()->get( query.value( 13 ).toUInt() );
if ( s.isNull() )
return r;
r->setUrl( QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( query.value( 7 ).toUInt(), query.value( 10 ).toString(), s->collection() );
Tomahawk::album_ptr album = Tomahawk::Album::get( query.value( 8 ).toUInt(), query.value( 11 ).toString(), artist, s->collection() );
r->setUrl( query.value( 0 ).toString() );
r->setModificationTime( query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
r->setSize( query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
r->setMimetype( query.value( 4 ).toString() );
r->setDuration( query.value( 5 ).toUInt() );
r->setBitrate( query.value( 6 ).toUInt() );
r->setArtist( artist );
r->setAlbum( album );
r->setTrack( query.value( 12 ).toString() );
r->setId( query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );
r->setCollection( s->collection() );
r->setScore( 1.0 );
//qDebug() << m;
return m;
return r;
@ -430,12 +454,12 @@ DatabaseImpl::album( int id )
DatabaseImpl::result( const QString& url )
TomahawkSqlQuery query = newquery();
Tomahawk::source_ptr s;
QVariantMap m;
Tomahawk::result_ptr res;
QString fileUrl;
if ( url.contains( "servent://" ) )
@ -445,7 +469,7 @@ DatabaseImpl::result( const QString& url )
fileUrl = parts.at( 1 );
if ( s.isNull() )
return m;
return res;
else if ( url.contains( "file://" ) )
@ -482,43 +506,40 @@ DatabaseImpl::result( const QString& url )
if( query.next() )
Tomahawk::source_ptr s;
const QString url_str = query.value( 0 ).toString();
if( searchlocal )
if ( query.value( 13 ).toUInt() == 0 )
m["url"] = url_str;
m["source"] = "Local Database"; // TODO
s = SourceList::instance()->getLocal();
Tomahawk::source_ptr s;
s = SourceList::instance()->get( query.value( 13 ).toUInt() );
if( s.isNull() )
if ( s.isNull() )
//qDebug() << "Skipping result for offline sourceid:" << files_query.value( 13 ).toUInt();
// will happen for valid sources which are offline (and thus not in the sourcelist)
return m;
return res;
m.insert( "url", QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );
m.insert( "source", s->friendlyName() );
res->setUrl( QString( "servent://%1\t%2" ).arg( s->userName() ).arg( url_str ) );
m["mtime"] = query.value( 1 ).toString();
m["size"] = query.value( 2 ).toInt();
m["hash"] = query.value( 3 ).toString();
m["mimetype"] = query.value( 4 ).toString();
m["duration"] = query.value( 5 ).toInt();
m["bitrate"] = query.value( 6 ).toInt();
m["artist"] = query.value( 10 ).toString();
m["artistid"] = query.value( 15 ).toUInt();
m["album"] = query.value( 11 ).toString();
m["albumid"] = query.value( 16 ).toUInt();
m["track"] = query.value( 12 ).toString();
m["srcid"] = query.value( 13 ).toInt();
m["albumpos"] = query.value( 14 ).toUInt();
m["sid"] = uuid();
m["score"] = 1.0;
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( query.value( 15 ).toUInt(), query.value( 10 ).toString(), s->collection() );
Tomahawk::album_ptr album = Tomahawk::Album::get( query.value( 16 ).toUInt(), query.value( 11 ).toString(), artist, s->collection() );
res->setModificationTime( query.value( 1 ).toUInt() );
res->setSize( query.value( 2 ).toUInt() );
res->setMimetype( query.value( 4 ).toString() );
res->setDuration( query.value( 5 ).toInt() );
res->setBitrate( query.value( 6 ).toInt() );
res->setArtist( artist );
res->setAlbum( album );
res->setScore( 1.0 );
res->setTrack( query.value( 12 ).toString() );
res->setAlbumPos( query.value( 14 ).toUInt() );
res->setRID( uuid() );
res->setId( query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );
return m;
return res;
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "tomahawksqlquery.h"
#include "fuzzyindex.h"
#include "typedefs.h"
class Database;
@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ public:
QVariantMap artist( int id );
QVariantMap album( int id );
QVariantMap track( int id );
QVariantMap file( int fid );
QVariantMap result( const QString& url );
Tomahawk::result_ptr file( int fid );
Tomahawk::result_ptr result( const QString& url );
static bool scorepairSorter( const QPair<int,float>& left, const QPair<int,float>& right )
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "database/database.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_resolve.h"
DatabaseResolver::DatabaseResolver( int weight )
: Resolver()
, m_weight( weight )
@ -12,14 +13,12 @@ DatabaseResolver::DatabaseResolver( int weight )
DatabaseResolver::resolve( const QVariant& v )
DatabaseResolver::resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
//qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << v;
DatabaseCommand_Resolve* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_Resolve( query );
DatabaseCommand_Resolve* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_Resolve( v );
connect( cmd, SIGNAL( results( Tomahawk::QID, QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr> ) ),
SLOT( gotResults( Tomahawk::QID, QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr> ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( cmd, SIGNAL( results( Tomahawk::QID, QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > ) ),
SLOT( gotResults( Tomahawk::QID, QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>( cmd ) );
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual unsigned int preference() const { return 100; }
virtual unsigned int timeout() const { return 1000; }
virtual void resolve( const QVariant& v );
virtual void resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query );
private slots:
void gotResults( const Tomahawk::QID qid, QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr> results );
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ Servent::triggerDBSync()
if ( src.isNull() || src->isLocal() )
if ( src->controlConnection() ) // source online?
if ( src->controlConnection() && src->controlConnection()->dbSyncConnection() ) // source online?
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Pipeline::resolve( QID qid, bool prioritized )
Pipeline::reportResults( QID qid, const QList< result_ptr >& results )
unsigned int state = 0;
int state = 0;
QMutexLocker lock( &m_mut );
@ -154,9 +154,15 @@ Pipeline::reportResults( QID qid, const QList< result_ptr >& results )
state = m_qidsState.value( qid ) - 1;
if ( state )
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "replacing" << qid << state;
m_qidsState.insert( qid, state );
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "removing" << qid << state;
m_qidsState.remove( qid );
if ( !results.isEmpty() )
@ -252,9 +258,21 @@ Pipeline::shunt( const query_ptr& q )
// resolvers aren't allowed to block in this call:
//qDebug() << "Dispaching to resolver" << r->name();
unsigned int state = m_qidsState.value( q->id() );
m_qidsState.insert( q->id(), state + 1 );
r->resolve( q->toVariant() );
QMutexLocker lock( &m_mut );
int state = 0;
qDebug() << "Checking qidsstate:" << q->id();
if ( m_qidsState.contains( q->id() ) )
state = m_qidsState.value( q->id() );
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "inserting to qidsstate:" << q->id() << state + 1;
m_qidsState.insert( q->id(), state + 1 );
r->resolve( q );
@ -22,14 +22,25 @@ PlaylistEntry::~PlaylistEntry() {}
PlaylistEntry::setQueryVariant( const QVariant& v )
m_query = Tomahawk::Query::get( v, false );
QVariantMap m = v.toMap();
QString artist = m.value( "artist" ).toString();
QString album = m.value( "album" ).toString();
QString track = m.value( "track" ).toString();
m_query = Tomahawk::Query::get( artist, track, album, false );
PlaylistEntry::queryVariant() const
return m_query->toVariant();
QVariantMap m;
m[ "artist" ] = m_query->artist();
m[ "album" ] = m_query->album();
m[ "track" ] = m_query->track();
return m;
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ CollectionFlatModel::addCollection( const collection_ptr& collection )
onTracksAdded( collection->tracks(), collection );
connect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
connect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
SLOT( onTracksAddingFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
SLOT( onTracksAddingFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
if ( collection->source()->isLocal() )
setTitle( tr( "Your Collection" ) );
@ -166,18 +166,18 @@ CollectionModel::addCollection( const collection_ptr& collection )
emit loadingStarts();
connect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<QVariant>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<QVariant>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
connect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
connect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
SLOT( onTracksAddingFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
SLOT( onTracksAddingFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
CollectionModel::removeCollection( const collection_ptr& collection )
disconnect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<QVariant>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
this, SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<QVariant>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
disconnect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
this, SLOT( onTracksAdded( QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>, Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
disconnect( collection.data(), SIGNAL( tracksFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ),
this, SLOT( onTracksAddingFinished( Tomahawk::collection_ptr ) ) );
@ -188,24 +188,13 @@ CollectionModel::removeCollection( const collection_ptr& collection )
CollectionModel::onTracksAdded( const QList<QVariant>& tracks, const collection_ptr& collection )
CollectionModel::onTracksAdded( const QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>& tracks, const collection_ptr& collection )
// int c = rowCount( QModelIndex() );
PlItem* plitem;
foreach( const QVariant& v, tracks )
foreach( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, tracks )
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( v, false );
// FIXME: needs merging
// Manually add a result, since it's coming from the local collection
QVariantMap t = query->toVariant().toMap();
t["score"] = 1.0;
QList<result_ptr> results;
result_ptr result = result_ptr( new Result( t, collection ) );
results << result;
query->addResults( results );
PlItem* parent = m_rootItem;
if ( parent->hash.contains( query->artist() ) )
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ signals:
void trackCountChanged( unsigned int tracks );
private slots:
void onTracksAdded( const QList<QVariant>& tracks, const Tomahawk::collection_ptr& collection );
void onTracksAdded( const QList<Tomahawk::query_ptr>& tracks, const Tomahawk::collection_ptr& collection );
void onTracksAddingFinished( const Tomahawk::collection_ptr& collection );
void onSourceOffline( Tomahawk::source_ptr src );
@ -284,11 +284,8 @@ EchonestGenerator::appendRadioType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParams& p
EchonestGenerator::queryFromSong(const Echonest::Song& song)
QVariantMap track;
track[ "artist" ] = song.artistName();
// track[ "album" ] = song.release(); // TODO should we include it? can be quite specific
track[ "track" ] = song.title();
return Query::get( track );
return Query::get( song.artistName(), song.title(), QString() );
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include <QtAlgorithms>
#include "database/database.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_logplayback.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_playbackhistory.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_loadplaylistentries.h"
#include "pipeline.h"
#include "sourcelist.h"
@ -11,30 +14,27 @@ using namespace Tomahawk;
Query::get( const QVariant& v, bool autoResolve )
Query::get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid )
query_ptr q = query_ptr( new Query( v, autoResolve ) );
query_ptr q = query_ptr( new Query( artist, track, album, qid ) );
if ( autoResolve )
if ( !qid.isEmpty() )
Pipeline::instance()->resolve( q );
return q;
Query::Query( const QVariant& v, bool autoResolve )
: m_v( v )
, m_solved( false )
Query::Query( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid )
: m_solved( false )
, m_artist( artist )
, m_album( album )
, m_track( track )
, m_duration( -1 )
QVariantMap m = m_v.toMap();
m_artist = m.value( "artist" ).toString();
m_album = m.value( "album" ).toString();
m_track = m.value( "track" ).toString();
m_qid = m.value( "qid" ).toString();
if ( autoResolve )
if ( !qid.isEmpty() )
connect( Database::instance(), SIGNAL( indexReady() ), SLOT( refreshResults() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
@ -119,12 +119,8 @@ Query::id() const
if ( m_qid.isEmpty() )
m_qid = uuid();
QVariantMap m = m_v.toMap();
m.insert( "qid", m_qid );
m_v = m;
return m_qid;
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
#include "dllmacro.h"
class DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback;
class DatabaseCommand_PlaybackHistory;
class DatabaseCommand_LoadPlaylistEntries;
namespace Tomahawk
@ -18,11 +22,13 @@ class DLLEXPORT Query : public QObject
static query_ptr get( const QVariant& v, bool autoResolve = true );
explicit Query( const QVariant& v, bool autoResolve );
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_PlaybackHistory;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_LoadPlaylistEntries;
QVariant toVariant() const { return m_v; }
static query_ptr get( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid = QString() );
explicit Query( const QString& artist, const QString& track, const QString& album, const QID& qid );
/// returns list of all results so far
QList< result_ptr > results() const;
@ -41,16 +47,25 @@ public:
unsigned int lastPipelineWeight() const { return m_lastpipelineweight; }
void setLastPipelineWeight( unsigned int w ) { m_lastpipelineweight = w; }
void setArtist( const QString& artist ) { m_artist = artist; }
void setAlbum( const QString& album ) { m_album = album; }
void setTrack( const QString& track ) { m_track = track; }
void setResultHint( const QString& resultHint ) { m_resultHint = resultHint; }
void setDuration( int duration ) { m_duration = duration; }
// void setQID( const QString& qid ) { m_qid = qid; }
/// for debug output:
QString toString() const
return QString( "Query(%1, %2 - %3)" ).arg( id() ).arg( artist() ).arg( track() );
QString resultHint() const { return m_resultHint; }
QString artist() const { return m_artist; }
QString album() const { return m_album; }
QString track() const { return m_track; }
int duration() const { return m_duration; }
void resultsAdded( const QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr>& );
void resultsRemoved( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& );
@ -75,15 +90,18 @@ private:
void checkResults();
mutable QMutex m_mut;
mutable QVariant m_v;
QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > m_results;
bool m_solved;
mutable QID m_qid;
unsigned int m_lastpipelineweight;
int m_duration;
QString m_artist;
QString m_album;
QString m_track;
QString m_resultHint;
}; //ns
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
virtual unsigned int weight() const = 0;
virtual unsigned int preference() const { return 100; };
virtual unsigned int timeout() const = 0;
virtual void resolve( const QVariant& ) = 0;
virtual void resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query ) = 0;
//virtual QWidget * configUI() { return 0; };
@ -2,39 +2,18 @@
#include "album.h"
#include "collection.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_resolve.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_alltracks.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_addfiles.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_loadfile.h"
using namespace Tomahawk;
Result::Result() {}
Result::Result( const QVariant& v, const collection_ptr& collection )
: QObject()
, m_v( v )
, m_collection( collection )
, m_year( 0 )
QVariantMap m = m_v.toMap();
m_artist = Artist::get( m.value( "artistid" ).toUInt(), m.value( "artist" ).toString(), collection );
m_album = Album::get( m.value( "albumid" ).toUInt(), m.value( "album" ).toString(), m_artist, collection );
m_track = m.value( "track" ).toString();
m_url = m.value( "url" ).toString();
m_mimetype = m.value( "mimetype" ).toString();
m_duration = m.value( "duration" ).toUInt();
m_bitrate = m.value( "bitrate" ).toUInt();
m_size = m.value( "size" ).toUInt();
m_albumpos = m.value( "albumpos" ).toUInt();
m_modtime = m.value( "mtime" ).toUInt();
m_score = m.value( "score" ).toFloat();
m_year = 0;
m_id = m.value( "id" ).toUInt();
if ( !m_collection.isNull() )
connect( m_collection->source().data(), SIGNAL( online() ), SLOT( onOnline() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( m_collection->source().data(), SIGNAL( offline() ), SLOT( onOffline() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
@ -97,7 +76,7 @@ Result::toString() const
Result::toQuery() const
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( toVariant(), false );
Tomahawk::query_ptr query = Tomahawk::Query::get( artist()->name(), track(), album()->name() );
return query;
@ -126,3 +105,26 @@ Result::onOffline()
// qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << toString();
emit statusChanged();
Result::setArtist( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist )
m_artist = artist;
Result::setAlbum( const Tomahawk::album_ptr& album )
m_album = album;
Result::setCollection( const Tomahawk::collection_ptr& collection )
m_collection = collection;
connect( m_collection->source().data(), SIGNAL( online() ), SLOT( onOnline() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( m_collection->source().data(), SIGNAL( offline() ), SLOT( onOffline() ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
#include "dllmacro.h"
class DatabaseCommand_Resolve;
class DatabaseCommand_AllTracks;
class DatabaseCommand_AddFiles;
class DatabaseCommand_LoadFile;
namespace Tomahawk
@ -17,9 +22,13 @@ class DLLEXPORT Result : public QObject
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_Resolve;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_AllTracks;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_AddFiles;
friend class ::DatabaseCommand_LoadFile;
explicit Result( const QVariant& v, const collection_ptr& collection );
explicit Result();
virtual ~Result();
QVariant toVariant() const { return m_v; }
@ -42,6 +51,21 @@ public:
unsigned int modificationTime() const { return m_modtime; }
int year() const { return m_year; }
void setScore( float score ) { m_score = score; }
void setId( unsigned int id ) { m_id = id; }
void setRID( RID id ) { m_rid = id; }
void setCollection( const Tomahawk::collection_ptr& collection );
void setArtist( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist );
void setAlbum( const Tomahawk::album_ptr& album );
void setTrack( const QString& track ) { m_track = track; }
void setUrl( const QString& url ) { m_url = url; }
void setMimetype( const QString& mimetype ) { m_mimetype = mimetype; }
void setDuration( unsigned int duration ) { m_duration = duration; }
void setBitrate( unsigned int bitrate ) { m_bitrate = bitrate; }
void setSize( unsigned int size ) { m_size = size; }
void setAlbumPos( unsigned int albumpos ) { m_albumpos = albumpos; }
void setModificationTime( unsigned int modtime ) { m_modtime = modtime; }
QVariantMap attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
void setAttributes( const QVariantMap& map ) { m_attributes = map; updateAttributes(); }
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ SourceList::add( const source_ptr& source )
collection_ptr coll( new RemoteCollection( source ) );
source->addCollection( coll );
emit sourceAdded( source );
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ XSPFLoader::gotBody()
p->setLastmodified( 0 );
p->setAnnotation( e.firstChildElement( "annotation" ).text() );
QVariantMap v;
v.insert( "duration", e.firstChildElement( "duration" ).text().toInt() / 1000 );
v.insert( "artist", e.firstChildElement( "creator" ).text() );
v.insert( "album", e.firstChildElement( "album" ).text() );
v.insert( "track", e.firstChildElement( "title" ).text() );
QString artist, album, track;
artist = e.firstChildElement( "creator" ).text();
album = e.firstChildElement( "album" ).text();
track = e.firstChildElement( "title" ).text();
p->setQuery( Tomahawk::Query::get( v ) );
p->setQuery( Tomahawk::Query::get( artist, track, album ) );
p->query()->setDuration( e.firstChildElement( "duration" ).text().toInt() / 1000 );
m_entries << p;
@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ void ScriptResolver::handleMsg( const QByteArray& msg )
foreach( const QVariant& rv, reslist )
qDebug() << "RES" << rv;
Tomahawk::result_ptr rp( new Tomahawk::Result( rv, coll ) );
Tomahawk::result_ptr rp( new Tomahawk::Result() );
rp->setCollection( coll );
results << rp;
Tomahawk::Pipeline::instance()->reportResults( qid, results );
@ -128,13 +129,12 @@ void ScriptResolver::cmdExited(int code, QProcess::ExitStatus status)
void ScriptResolver::resolve( const QVariant& v )
void ScriptResolver::resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
QVariantMap m = v.toMap();
m.insert( "_msgtype", "rq" );
/* m.insert( "_msgtype", "rq" );
const QByteArray msg = m_serializer.serialize( m );
sendMsg( msg );
sendMsg( msg );*/
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <qjson/qobjecthelper.h>
#include "resolver.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "result.h"
class ScriptResolver : public Tomahawk::Resolver
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ public:
virtual unsigned int preference() const { return m_preference; }
virtual unsigned int timeout() const { return m_timeout; }
virtual void resolve( const QVariant& v );
virtual void resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query );
QString exe() const { return m_cmd; }
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Q_OBJECT
Api_v1(QxtAbstractWebSessionManager * sm, QObject * parent = 0 )
: QxtWebSlotService(sm, parent)
Api_v1( QxtAbstractWebSessionManager* sm, QObject* parent = 0 )
: QxtWebSlotService( sm, parent )
@ -42,21 +42,28 @@ public slots:
// authenticating uses /auth_1
// we redirect to /auth_2 for the callback
void auth_1( QxtWebRequestEvent* event ) {
void auth_1( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
qDebug() << "AUTH_1 HTTP" << event->url.toString();
if( !event->url.hasQueryItem( "website" ) || !event->url.hasQueryItem( "name" ) ) {
if ( !event->url.hasQueryItem( "website" ) || !event->url.hasQueryItem( "name" ) )
qDebug() << "Malformed HTTP resolve request";
send404( event );
QString formToken = uuid();
if( event->url.hasQueryItem( "json" ) ) { // JSON response
if ( event->url.hasQueryItem( "json" ) )
// JSON response
QVariantMap m;
m[ "formtoken" ] = formToken;
sendJSON( m, event );
} else { // webpage request
// webpage request
QString authPage = RESPATH "www/auth.html";
QHash< QString, QString > args;
if( event->url.hasQueryItem( "receiverurl" ) )
@ -68,13 +75,14 @@ public slots:
void auth_2( QxtWebRequestEvent* event ) {
void auth_2( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
qDebug() << "AUTH_2 HTTP" << event->url.toString();
QUrl url = event->url;
url.setEncodedQuery( event->content->readAll() );
if( !url.hasQueryItem( "website" ) || !url.hasQueryItem( "name" ) || !url.hasQueryItem( "formtoken" ) ) {
if( !url.hasQueryItem( "website" ) || !url.hasQueryItem( "name" ) || !url.hasQueryItem( "formtoken" ) )
qDebug() << "Malformed HTTP resolve request";
qDebug() << url.hasQueryItem( "website" ) << url.hasQueryItem( "name" ) << url.hasQueryItem( "formtoken" );
send404( event );
@ -85,14 +93,19 @@ public slots:
QString name = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( url.queryItemValue( "name" ).toUtf8() );
QByteArray authtoken = uuid().toLatin1();
qDebug() << "HEADERS:" << event->headers;
if( !url.hasQueryItem( "receiverurl" ) && url.queryItemValue( "receiverurl" ).isEmpty() ) { //no receiver url, so do it ourselves
if( !url.hasQueryItem( "receiverurl" ) && url.queryItemValue( "receiverurl" ).isEmpty() )
//no receiver url, so do it ourselves
QString receiverUrl = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( url.queryItemValue( "receiverurl" ).toUtf8() );
if( url.hasQueryItem( "json" ) ) {
if( url.hasQueryItem( "json" ) )
QVariantMap m;
m[ "authtoken" ] = authtoken;
sendJSON( m, event );
} else {
QString authPage = RESPATH "www/auth.na.html";
QHash< QString, QString > args;
args[ "authcode" ] = authPage;
@ -100,7 +113,10 @@ public slots:
args[ "name" ] = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( url.queryItemValue( "name" ).toUtf8() );
sendWebpageWithArgs( event, authPage, args );
} else { // do what the client wants
// do what the client wants
QUrl receiverurl = QUrl( url.queryItemValue( "receiverurl" ).toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode );
receiverurl.addEncodedQueryItem( "authtoken", "#" + authtoken );
qDebug() << "Got receiver url:" << receiverurl.toString();
@ -115,7 +131,7 @@ public slots:
// all v1 api calls go to /api/
void api(QxtWebRequestEvent* event)
void api( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
qDebug() << "HTTP" << event->url.toString();
@ -124,42 +140,44 @@ public slots:
const QString method = url.queryItemValue( "method" );
if( method == "stat" ) return stat(event);
if( method == "resolve" ) return resolve(event);
if( method == "get_results" ) return get_results(event);
if( method == "stat" ) return stat( event );
if( method == "resolve" ) return resolve( event );
if( method == "get_results" ) return get_results( event );
send404( event );
// request for stream: /sid/<id>
void sid(QxtWebRequestEvent* event, QString unused = "")
void sid( QxtWebRequestEvent* event, QString unused = "" )
using namespace Tomahawk;
RID rid = event->url.path().mid(5);
RID rid = event->url.path().mid( 5 );
qDebug() << "Request for sid " << rid;
result_ptr rp = Pipeline::instance()->result( rid );
if( rp.isNull() )
return send404( event );
QSharedPointer<QIODevice> iodev = Servent::instance()->getIODeviceForUrl( rp );
if( iodev.isNull() )
return send404( event ); // 503?
QxtWebPageEvent* e = new QxtWebPageEvent( event->sessionID, event->requestID, iodev );
e->streaming = iodev->isSequential();
e->contentType = rp->mimetype().toAscii();
e->headers.insert("Content-Length", QString::number( rp->size() ) );
postEvent( e );
void send404( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
qDebug() << "404" << event->url.toString();
QxtWebPageEvent* wpe = new QxtWebPageEvent(event->sessionID, event->requestID, "<h1>Not Found</h1>");
QxtWebPageEvent* wpe = new QxtWebPageEvent( event->sessionID, event->requestID, "<h1>Not Found</h1>" );
wpe->status = 404;
wpe->statusMessage = "not feventound";
postEvent( wpe );
@ -169,19 +187,25 @@ public slots:
qDebug() << "Got Stat request:" << event->url.toString();
m_storedEvent = event;
if( !event->content.isNull() )
qDebug() << "BODY:" << event->content->readAll();
if( event->url.hasQueryItem( "auth" ) ) { // check for auth status
if( event->url.hasQueryItem( "auth" ) )
// check for auth status
DatabaseCommand_ClientAuthValid* dbcmd = new DatabaseCommand_ClientAuthValid( event->url.queryItemValue( "auth" ), this );
connect( dbcmd, SIGNAL( authValid( QString, QString, bool ) ), this, SLOT( statResult( QString, QString, bool ) ) );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(dbcmd) );
} else {
statResult( QString(), QString(), false );
void statResult( const QString& clientToken, const QString& name, bool valid ) {
void statResult( const QString& clientToken, const QString& name, bool valid )
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "name", "playdar" );
m.insert( "version", "0.1.1" ); // TODO (needs to be >=0.1.1 for JS to work)
@ -194,31 +218,30 @@ public slots:
void resolve( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
if( !event->url.hasQueryItem("artist") ||
!event->url.hasQueryItem("track") )
if( !event->url.hasQueryItem( "artist" ) ||
!event->url.hasQueryItem( "track" ) )
qDebug() << "Malformed HTTP resolve request";
QString qid;
if( event->url.hasQueryItem("qid") ) qid = event->url.queryItemValue("qid");
else qid = uuid();
if( event->url.hasQueryItem( "qid" ) )
qid = event->url.queryItemValue( "qid" );
qid = uuid();
QVariantMap m;
m.insert( "artist", event->url.queryItemValue("artist") );
m.insert( "album", event->url.queryItemValue("album") );
m.insert( "track", event->url.queryItemValue("track") );
m.insert( "qid", qid );
Tomahawk::query_ptr qry = Tomahawk::Query::get( m );
Tomahawk::query_ptr qry = Tomahawk::Query::get( event->url.queryItemValue( "artist" ), event->url.queryItemValue( "track" ), event->url.queryItemValue( "album" ), qid );
QVariantMap r;
r.insert( "qid", qid );
sendJSON( r, event );
void staticdata( QxtWebRequestEvent* event ) {
if( event->url.path().contains( "playdar_auth_logo.gif" ) ) {
void staticdata( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
if( event->url.path().contains( "playdar_auth_logo.gif" ) )
// TODO handle
@ -245,7 +268,12 @@ public slots:
r.insert( "refresh_interval", 1000 );
r.insert( "poll_limit", 6 );
r.insert( "solved", qry->solved() );
r.insert( "query", qry->toVariant() );
QVariantMap m;
m[ "artist" ] = qry->artist();
m[ "album" ] = qry->album();
m[ "track" ] = qry->track();
r.insert( "query", m );
QVariantList res;
foreach( Tomahawk::result_ptr rp, qry->results() )
@ -261,6 +289,7 @@ public slots:
QJson::Serializer ser;
QByteArray ctype;
QByteArray body = ser.serialize( m );
if( event->url.hasQueryItem("jsonp") && !event->url.queryItemValue( "jsonp" ).isEmpty() )
ctype = "text/javascript; charset=utf-8";
@ -271,6 +300,7 @@ public slots:
ctype = "appplication/json; charset=utf-8";
QxtWebPageEvent * e = new QxtWebPageEvent( event->sessionID, event->requestID, body );
e->contentType = ctype;
e->headers.insert( "Content-Length", QString::number( body.length() ) );
@ -280,7 +310,8 @@ public slots:
// load an html template from a file, replace args from map
// then serve
void sendWebpageWithArgs( QxtWebRequestEvent* event, const QString& filenameSource, const QHash< QString, QString >& args ) {
void sendWebpageWithArgs( QxtWebRequestEvent* event, const QString& filenameSource, const QHash< QString, QString >& args )
if( !QFile::exists( filenameSource ) )
qWarning() << "Passed invalid file for html source:" << filenameSource;
@ -288,7 +319,8 @@ public slots:
f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
QByteArray html = f.readAll();
foreach( const QString& param, args.keys() ) {
foreach( const QString& param, args.keys() )
html.replace( QString( "<%%1%>" ).arg( param.toUpper() ), args.value( param ).toUtf8() );
@ -296,11 +328,9 @@ public slots:
postEvent( e );
void index(QxtWebRequestEvent* event)
void index( QxtWebRequestEvent* event )
send404( event );
@ -141,10 +141,7 @@ void XMPPBot::handleMessage(const Message& msg, MessageSession* session)
if ( tokens.count() < 2 )
QVariantMap qv;
qv["artist"] = tokens.first().trimmed();
qv["track"] = tokens.last().trimmed();
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( qv );
Tomahawk::query_ptr q = Tomahawk::Query::get( tokens.first().trimmed(), tokens.last().trimmed(), QString() );
connect( q.data(), SIGNAL( resultsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> ) ),
SLOT( onResultsAdded( QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> ) ) );
Reference in New Issue
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