# - Try to find GLOOX # Find GLOOX headers, libraries and the answer to all questions. # # GLOOX_FOUND True if gloox got found # GLOOX_INCLUDE_DIR Location of gloox headers # GLOOX_LIBRARIES List of libaries to use gloox # # Copyright (c) 2009 Nigmatullin Ruslan # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # FIND_PATH( GLOOX_INCLUDE_DIR "gloox/gloox.h" ) FIND_LIBRARY( GLOOX_LIBRARIES gloox ) if( GLOOX_LIBRARIES AND GLOOX_INCLUDE_DIR ) message( STATUS "Found gloox: ${GLOOX_LIBRARIES}" ) set( GLOOX_FOUND 1 ) else( GLOOX_LIBRARIES AND GLOOX_INCLUDE_DIR ) message( STATUS "Could NOT find gloox" ) endif( GLOOX_LIBRARIES AND GLOOX_INCLUDE_DIR )