ACLJobDelegateAllow %1 to
connect and stream from you?Allow StreamingDeny AccessACLJobItemTomahawk needs you to decide whether %1 is allowed to connect.AccountFactoryWrapperAdd AccountAccountFactoryWrapperDelegateOnlineConnecting...OfflineAccountListWidgetConnectionsConnect &AllDisconnect &AllActionCollection&Listen AlongStop &Listening Along&Follow in real-time&Listen Privately&Listen Publicly&Load Playlist&Load Station&Rename Playlist&Rename Station&Copy Playlist Link&Play&Stop&Previous Track&Next Track&QuitLoad &XSPF...U&pdate CollectionFully &Rescan CollectionShow Offline Sources&Configure Tomahawk...MinimizeZoomEnter Full ScreenHide Menu BarDiagnostics...About &Tomahawk...&Legal Information...&View LogfileCheck For Updates...0.8&Controls&Settings&HelpWhat's new in ..&WindowMain MenuAlbumInfoWidgetTracklistOther AlbumsSorry, we could not find any other albums for this artist!Sorry, we could not find any tracks for this album!Other Albums by %1AlbumModelAll albums from %1All albumsArtistInfoWidgetTop HitsRelated ArtistsAlbumsSorry, we could not find any albums for this artist!Sorry, we could not find any related artists!Sorry, we could not find any top hits for this artist!YOUR ARTIST RANKAudioControlsShuffleRepeatTime ElapsedTime RemainingPlaying from %1ShareLoveAudioEngineSorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the track '%1' by %2Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the artist '%1'Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the album '%1' by %2CategoryAddItemCreate new PlaylistCreate new StationNew Station%1 StationCategoryItemPlaylistsStationsClearButtonClearColumnItemDelegateUnknownColumnViewSorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results.ColumnViewPreviewWidgetComposer:Duration:Bitrate:Year:Age:%1 kbpsContextWidgetShow FootnotesHide FootnotesDashboardWidgetRecently Played TracksRecent AdditionsNewest Stations & PlaylistsDelegateConfigWrapperAboutDelete AccountConfig ErrorAbout this AccountDiagnosticsDialogTomahawk Diagnostics&Copy to ClipboardOpen &Log-fileEchonestSteererSteer this station:Much lessLessA bit lessKeep at currentA bit moreMoreMuch moreTempoLoudnessDanceabilityEnergySong HotttnesssArtist HotttnesssArtist FamiliarityBy DescriptionEnter a descriptionApply steering commandReset all steering commandsFilterHeaderFilter...FlexibleTreeViewThis playlist is currently empty.This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music!FlexibleViewThis playlist is currently empty.This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music!HatchetAccountConfigFormConnect to your Hatchet accountEnter One-time
Password (OTP)UsernameHatchet usernamePassword:Hatchet passwordLoginHistoryWidgetFrom:To:Recently Played TracksYour recently played tracks%1's recently played tracksSorry, we could not find any recent plays!HostDialogHost SettingsConfigure your external IP address or host name here. Make sure to manually forward the selected port to this host on your router.Static Host Name:Static Port:Automatically detect external IP addressInboxItemInboxInboxJobItemSent %1 by %2 to %3.%1 sent you %2 by %3.IndexingJobItemIndexing databaseInfoBarFilter...JSResolverScript Resolver Warning: API call %1 returned data synchronously.LastFmConfigScrobble tracks to Last.fmUsername:Password:Test LoginImport Playback HistorySynchronize Loved TracksLastfmContextLast.fmLatchedStatusItem%1 is listening along with you!LoadXSPFLoad XSPFPlaylist URLEnter URL......Automatically updateLoadXSPFDialogLoad XSPF FileXSPF Files (*.xspf)LovedTracksItemTop Loved TracksSorry, we could not find any loved tracks!The most loved tracks from all your friendsAll of your loved tracksAll of %1's loved tracksLoved TracksMetadataEditorTagsTitle:Title...Artist:Artist...Album:Album...Track Number:Duration:00.00Year:Bitrate:FileFile Name:File Name...File Size...File size...File Size:BackForwardPropertiesNetworkActivityWidgetTrending TracksHot PlaylistsTrending ArtistsNewPlaylistWidgetEnter a title for the new playlist:Tomahawk offers a variety of ways to help you create playlists and find music you enjoy!Just enter a genre or tag name and Tomahawk will suggest a few songs to get you started with your new playlist:&Create PlaylistCreate a new playlistNewReleasesWidgetNew ReleasesPlayableModelArtistTitleComposerAlbumTrackDurationBitrateAgeYearSizeOriginAccuracyPerfect matchVery good matchGood matchVague matchBad matchVery bad matchNot availableSearching...NamePlaylistItemDelegateplayed %1 by youplayed %1 by %2PlaylistLargeItemDelegateplayed %1 by youe.g. played 3 hours ago by youplayed %1 by %2e.g. played 3 hours ago by SomeSourceadded %1e.g. added 3 hours ago<b>%1</b>e.g. by SomeArtistPlaylistModelA playlist you created %1.A playlist by %1, created %2.All tracks by %1 on album %2All tracks by %1PlaylistTypeSelectorDlgNew PlaylistJust a regular old playlist... Give it a name, drag in some tracks, and go!Don't know exactly what you want? Give Tomahawk a few pointers and let it build a playlist for you!Name:New Playlist...Create Manual PlaylistCreate Automatic PlaylistPlaylistViewThis playlist is currently empty.This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music!ProxyDialogProxy SettingsHostname of proxy serverHostPortProxy loginUserPasswordProxy passwordNo Proxy Hosts:
(Overrides system proxy)localhost * (space separated)Use proxy for DNS lookups?QObject%n year(s) ago%n year(s)%n month(s) ago%n month(s)%n week(s) ago%n week(s)%n day(s) ago%n day(s)%n hour(s) ago%n hour(s)%1 minutes ago%1 minutesjust nowFriend FindersMusic FindersStatus Updaters%1 Config%1 ConfigurationSongs Beginning of a sentence summaryNo configured filters! and Inserted between items in a list of two, Inserted between items in a list.Inserted when ending a sentence summary, and Inserted between the last two items in a list of more than twoand Inserted before the last item in a listand Inserted before the sorting summary in a sentence summaryQSQLiteResultNo queryParameter count mismatchQueueViewOpen QueueOpen Queue - %n item(s)Close QueueRelatedArtistsContextRelated ArtistsResolverConfigDelegateNot found: %1Failed to load: %1ScriptCollectionHeaderReload CollectionScriptEngineResolver Error: %1:%2 %3SSL ErrorYou have asked Tomahawk to connect securely to <b>%1</b>, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure:<br><br><b>%2</b><br><br>Do you want to trust this connection?Trust certificateSearchLineEditSearchSearchWidgetSearch: %1Results for '%1'TracksArtistsAlbumsSorry, we could not find any tracks!ServentAutomatically detecting external IP failed: Could not parse JSON response.Automatically detecting external IP failed: %1SettingsDialogCollectionAdvancedAllSome changed settings will not take effect until Tomahawk is restartedServicesInstall from fileConfigure the accounts and services used by Tomahawk to search and retrieve music, find your friends and update your status.Manage how Tomahawk finds music on your computer.Configure Tomahawk's advanced settings, including network connectivity settings, browser interaction and more.Open DirectoryInstall resolver from fileTomahawk Resolvers (*.axe *.js);;All files (*)Resolver installation from file %1 failed.Delete all Access Control entries?Do you really want to delete all Access Control entries? You will be asked for a decision again for each peer that you connect to.InformationSettings_AccountsFilter by capability:Settings_AdvancedRemote Peer Connection MethodActive (your host needs to be directly reachable)Automatic port forward with UPnP (recommended)Manual port forwardHost Settings...SOCKS ProxyUse SOCKS ProxyProxy Settings...Other SettingsAllow web browsers to interact with Tomahawk (recommended)Allow other computers to interact with Tomahawk (not recommended yet)Send reports after Tomahawk crashedShow notification when a new song starts to playClear All Access Control EntriesSettings_CollectionPath to scan for music files:+-The Echo Nest supports keeping track of your catalog metadata
and using it to craft personalized radios. Enabling this option
will allow you (and all your friends) to create automatic playlists
and stations based on your personal taste profile.Upload collection list to The Echo Nest to enable user radioWatch for changesTime between scans, in seconds:SlideSwitchButtonOnOffSocialPlaylistWidgetPopular New Albums From Your FriendsMost Played PlaylistsMost Played Tracks You Don't HaveSocialWidgetFacebookTwitterTweetListening to "%1" by %2. %3Listening to "%1" by %2 on "%3". %4%1 characters leftSourceDelegateTrackAlbumArtistLocalTop 10All available tracksDrop to send tracksShowHideSourceInfoWidgetRecent AlbumsLatest AdditionsRecently Played TracksNew AdditionsMy recent activityRecent activity from %1SourceItemLatest AdditionsRecently PlayedSuperCollectionLatest additions to your collectionLatest additions to %1's collectionSorry, we could not find any recent additions!SourceTreeView&Copy Link&Delete %1Add to my PlaylistsAdd to my Automatic PlaylistsAdd to my Stations&Export Playlistplaylistautomatic playliststationWould you like to delete the %1 <b>"%2"</b>?e.g. Would you like to delete the playlist named Foobar?DeleteSave XSPFPlaylists (*.xspf)SourcesModelGroupCollectionPlaylistAutomatic PlaylistStationBrowseSearch HistoryMy MusicCloudRecently PlayedNew ReleasesFriendsSpotifyConfigConfigure your Spotify accountUsername or Facebook EmailLog InRight click on any Tomahawk playlist to sync it to Spotify.Select AllSync Starred tracks to Loved tracksHigh Quality StreamsUse this to force Spotify to never announce listening data to Social NetworksAlways run in Private ModeSpotify playlists to keep in sync:Delete Tomahawk playlist when removing synchronizationUsername:Password:SpotifyPlaylistUpdaterDelete associated Spotify playlist?StatsGaugeout of %1TemporaryPageItemCopy Artist LinkCopy Album LinkCopy Track LinkTomahawk::Accounts::AccountDelegateAdd AccountRemove%1 downloadsOnlineConnecting...OfflineTomahawk::Accounts::AccountModelManual Install RequiredUnfortunately, automatic installation of this resolver is not available or disabled for your platform.<br /><br />Please use "Install from file" above, by fetching it from your distribution or compiling it yourself. Further instructions can be found here:<br /><br /> this Google AccountGoogle Address:Enter your Google login to connect with your friends using Tomahawk!username@gmail.comTomahawk::Accounts::GoogleWrapperFactoryConnect to Google Talk to find your friendsTomahawk::Accounts::GoogleWrapperSipEnter Google AddressAdd FriendEnter Google Address:Tomahawk::Accounts::HatchetAccountConfigLogged in as: %1Log outLog inContinueTomahawk::Accounts::HatchetAccountFactoryConnect to your Hatchet accountTomahawk::Accounts::LastFmAccountFactoryScrobble your tracks to, and find freely downloadable tracks to playTomahawk::Accounts::LastFmConfigTesting...Test LoginImporting %1e.g. Importing 2012/01/01Importing History...History Incomplete. ResumeText on a button that resumes importPlayback History ImportedFailedSuccessCould not contact serverSynchronizing...Synchronization FinishedTomahawk::Accounts::ResolverAccountFactoryResolver installation error: cannot open bundle.Resolver installation error: incomplete bundle.Resolver installation error: bad metadata in bundle.Resolver installation error: platform mismatch.Resolver installation error: Tomahawk %1 or newer is required.Tomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccountSync with SpotifyRe-enable syncing with SpotifyCreate local copySubscribe to playlist changesRe-enable playlist subscriptionStop subscribing to changesEnable Spotify collaborationsDisable Spotify collaborationsStop syncing with SpotifyTomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccountConfigLogging in...Failed: %1Logged in as %1Log OutLog InTomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccountFactoryPlay music from and sync your playlists with Spotify PremiumTomahawk::Accounts::TelepathyConfigStoragethe KDE instant messaging frameworkKDE Instant Messaging AccountsTomahawk::Accounts::XmppAccountFactoryLog on to your Jabber/XMPP account to connect to your friendsTomahawk::Accounts::XmppConfigWidgetAccount provided by %1.You forgot to enter your username!Your Xmpp Id should look like an email address
username@jabber.orgTomahawk::Accounts::ZeroconfAccountLocal NetworkTomahawk::Accounts::ZeroconfFactoryLocal NetworkAutomatically connect to Tomahawks on the local networkTomahawk::CollectionCollectionThis collection is empty.Tomahawk::ContextMenu&PlayAdd to &QueueAdd to &PlaylistSend to &FriendContinue Playback after this &TrackStop Playback after this &Track&Love&Go to "%1"Go to "%1"&Copy Track LinkMark as &Listened&Remove Items&Remove ItemCopy Album &LinkCopy Artist &LinkUn-&LoveProperties...Tomahawk::DatabaseCommand_AllAlbumsUnknownTomahawk::DropJobNotifierplaylistartisttrackalbumFetching %1 from databaseParsing %1 %2Tomahawk::DynamicControlListClick to collapseTomahawk::DynamicModelCould not find a playable track.
Please change the filters or try again.Failed to generate preview with the desired filtersTomahawk::DynamicSetupWidgetType:GenerateTomahawk::DynamicViewAdd some filters above to seed this station!Press Generate to get started!Add some filters above, and press Generate to get started!Tomahawk::DynamicWidgetStation ran out of tracks!
Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play.Tomahawk::EchonestControlSimilar ToLimit ToArtist nameisfrom userNo users with Echo Nest Catalogs enabled. Try enabling option in Collection settingssimilar toEnter any combination of song name and artist here...LessMore0 BPM500 BPM0 secs3600 secs-100 dB100 dB-180%1180%1MajorMinorCC SharpDE FlatEFF SharpGA FlatAB FlatBAscendingDescendingTempoDurationLoudnessArtist FamiliarityArtist HotttnesssSong HotttnesssLatitudeLongitudeModeKeyEnergyDanceabilityis notStudioSong type: The song was recorded in a studio.LiveSong type: The song was a life performance.AcousticSong typeElectricSong typeChristmasSong type: A christmas songAt LeastAt Mostonly by ~%1similar to ~%1with genre ~%1from no oneMy Collectionfrom my radiofrom %1 radioVarietyAdventurousnessvery lowlowmoderatehighvery highwith %1 %2about %1 BPMabout %n minute(s) longabout %1 dBat around %1%2 %3in %1in a %1 keysorted in %1 %2 orderwith a %1 moodin a %1 stylewhere genre is %1where song type is %1where song type is not %1Tomahawk::GroovesharkParserError fetching Grooveshark information from the network!Tomahawk::InfoSystem::ChartsPluginArtistsAlbumsTracksTomahawk::InfoSystem::FdoNotifyPluginon'on' is followed by an album name%1%4 %2%3.%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)bypreposition to link track and artist%1 sent you
%2%4 %3.%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)%1 sent you "%2" by %3.%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artiston "%1"%1 is an album name"%1" by %2%3.%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothingTomahawk::InfoSystem::LastFmInfoPluginTop TracksLoved TracksHyped TracksTop ArtistsHyped ArtistsTomahawk::InfoSystem::NewReleasesPluginAlbumsTomahawk::InfoSystem::SnoreNotifyPluginNotify UserNow PlayingUnresolved trackPlayback StoppedYou received a Song recomondationon'on' is followed by an album name%1%4 %2%3.%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)bypreposition to link track and artiston "%1"%1 is an album name"%1" by %2%3.%1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing%1 sent you
%2%4 %3.%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english)%1 sent you "%2" by %3.%1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artistTomahawk::ItunesParserError fetching iTunes information from the network!Tomahawk::JSPFLoaderNew PlaylistFailed to save tracksSome tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.XSPF ErrorThis is not a valid XSPF playlist.Tomahawk::LatchManager&Catch Up&Listen AlongTomahawk::LocalCollectionMy CollectionAfter you have scanned your music collection you will find your tracks right here.Tomahawk::RemoteCollectionCollection of %1Tomahawk::ScriptCollection%1 CollectionName of a collection based on a resolver, e.g. Subsonic CollectionTomahawk::ShortenedLinkParserNetwork error parsing shortened link!Tomahawk::SourceScanning (%L1 tracks)ScanningCheckingSyncingImportingSaving (%1%)OnlineOfflineTomahawk::SpotifyParserError fetching Spotify information from the network!Tomahawk::Track and Youyouand%n other(s)%n peopleloved this tracksent you this track %1Tomahawk::Widgets::DashboardDashboardAn overview of your friends' recent activityTomahawk::Widgets::DashboardWidgetNo recently created playlists in your network.Tomahawk::Widgets::NetworkActivityTrendingWhat's hot amongst your friendsTomahawk::Widgets::NetworkActivityWidgetChartsLast WeekLoved TracksTop LovedRecently LovedSorry, we are still loading the charts.Sorry, we couldn't find any trending tracks.Last MonthLast YearOverallTomahawk::Widgets::WhatsHotChartsTomahawk::Widgets::WhatsNew_0_8What's new in 0.8?An overview of the changes and additions since 0.7.Tomahawk::XspfUpdaterAutomatically update from XSPFTomahawkAppMy CollectionUpdating database
Updating database
%1Automatically detecting external IP failed.TomahawkSettingsLocal NetworkTomahawkTrayIcon&Stop Playback after current TrackHide Tomahawk WindowShow Tomahawk WindowCurrently not playing.PlayPause&LoveUn-&Love&Continue Playback after current TrackTomahawkUtilsConfigure AccountsInviteTomahawkWindowTomahawkBackGo back one pageForwardGo forward one pageHide Menu BarShow Menu BarSearch for any artist, album or song...&Main MenuPlayNextLoveUnloveExit Full ScreenEnter Full ScreenXSPF ErrorThis is not a valid XSPF playlist.Failed to save tracksSome tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed.Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped.StationCreate New StationName:PlaylistCreate New PlaylistCopyright 2010 - 2014Pause&Play%1 by %2track, artist name%1 - %2current track, some window title<h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2><h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2>Thanks to:About TomahawkTopTracksContextTop HitsTrackInfoWidgetSimilar TracksSorry, but we could not find similar tracks for this song!# PLAYS / ARTISTYOUR SONG RANKYou've listened to this track %n time(s).You've never listened to this track before.You first listened to it on %1.You've listened to %1 %n time(s).You've never listened to %1 before.TrackViewSorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results.TransferStatusItemfromstreaming artist - track from friendtostreaming artist - track to friendTreeItemDelegateUnknownTreeModelAll ArtistsTreeViewSorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results.Type selectorArtistArtist DescriptionUser RadioSongGenreMoodStyleAdventurousnessVarietyTempoDurationLoudnessDanceabilityEnergyArtist FamiliarityArtist HotttnesssSong HotttnesssLongitudeLatitudeModeKeySortingSong TypeViewManagerInboxListening suggestions from your friendsCloud collections aren't supported in the flat view yet. We will have them covered soon. Switch to another view to navigate them.SuperCollectionCombined libraries of all your online friendsRecently Played TracksRecently played tracks from all your friendsSorry, we could not find any recent plays!No listening suggestions here.WhatsNewWidget_0_8InboxOpen URLTrendingBeatsGMusicIPv6+DesignAndroidSend your friends songs you think they should check out. Just drag and drop them onto your friend's avatar to send. All of the songs your friends send you will show up in your Inbox.Love that your friends and influencers are posting music links across the web and your social networks but hate that they are links for music services you don’t use? Just drag Rdio, Deezer, Beats Music and other music service URLs into Tomahawk and have them automatically play from your preferred source.Get a quick look at all of the songs, playlists and artists that are trending across your network. Check out the hot songs your friends are listening to, and their playlists that are trending with their friends. Or just listen to a dynamic playlist of your network’s latest Loves, most Loved or top played songs - from last week to all-time. Beats Music (recently acquired by Apple) is now available as a resolver. This means that Beats Music subscribers can enjoy Tomahawk Stations playlists from their friends that use other services, and can easily drop Spotify, Rdio and other service links into Tomahawk and have those playlists, albums and tracks stream from your Beats account. Welcome Beats Music subscribers!Google Music is another of our latest supported services - both for your music you've uploaded to the Google Music "locker" as well as their full streaming catalog for your Google Play Music All Access subscribers.Tomahawk now supports multiple IP addresses (IPv6). This improves the discoverability and connection between Tomahawk users on the same local network - particularly large networks often found in work and university settings.Lots of new views - artist pages, album pages, track pages and more. A new Loved Widget shows what friends have loved tracks throughout the app. Some cleaner fonts, some new colors. Retina display support and more.<html><head/><body><p>Tomahawk for Android is now in beta! All of the same resolvers are supported in the Android app - plus a couple of additional ones in Rdio & Deezer. Create a <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#fff;">Hatchet</span></a> account to sync all of your playlists from your desktop to your mobile. Find current and future music influencers with Hatchet accounts (from across a range of music service providers) and follow them to discover and hear what they love. Even when you are listening to other music apps, Tomahawk can capture all of that playback data and add it to your Hatchet profile.</p></body></html>WikipediaContextWikipediaXMPPBot
Terms for %1:
No terms found, sorry.
Hotttness for %1: %2
Familiarity for %1: %2
Lyrics for "%1" by %2:
XSPFLoaderFailed to parse contents of XSPF playlistSome playlist entries were found without artist and track name, they will be omittedFailed to fetch the desired playlist from the network, or the desired file does not existNew PlaylistXmlConsoleXml stream consoleFilterSave logDisabledBy JIDBy namespace uriBy all attributesVisible stanzasInformation queryMessagePresenceCustomCloseSave XMPP log to fileOpenDocument Format (*.odf);;HTML file (*.html);;Plain text (*.txt)XmppConfigWidgetXmpp ConfigurationConfigure this Xmpp accountEnter your Xmpp login to connect with your friends using Tomahawk!ConfigureLogin InformationXmpp ID:e.g. user@example.comPassword:An account with this name already exists!Advanced Xmpp SettingsServer:Port:Lots of servers don't support this (e.g. GTalk, currently playing trackEnforce secure connectionXmppSipPluginUser InteractionHost is unknownItem not foundAuthorization ErrorRemote Stream ErrorRemote Connection failedInternal Server ErrorSystem shutdownConflictUnknownDo you want to add <b>%1</b> to your friend list?No Compression SupportEnter Jabber IDNo Encryption SupportNo Authorization SupportNo Supported FeatureAdd FriendEnter Xmpp ID:Add Friend...XML Console...I'm sorry -- I'm just an automatic presence used by Tomahawk Player ( If you are getting this message, the person you are trying to reach is probably not signed on, so please try again later!Authorize UserZeroconfConfigLocal Network configurationThis plugin will automatically find other users running Tomahawk on your local networkConnect automatically when Tomahawk starts