ACLJobDelegate Allow %1 to connect and stream from you? Allow Streaming Deny Access ACLJobItem Tomahawk needs you to decide whether %1 is allowed to connect. AccountFactoryWrapper Add Account AccountFactoryWrapperDelegate Online Connecting... Offline AccountListWidget Connections Connect &All Disconnect &All ActionCollection &Listen Along Stop &Listening Along &Follow in real-time &Listen Privately &Listen Publicly &Load Playlist &Load Station &Rename Playlist &Rename Station &Copy Playlist Link &Play &Stop &Previous Track &Next Track &Quit Load &XSPF... U&pdate Collection Fully &Rescan Collection Show Offline Sources &Configure Tomahawk... Minimize Zoom Enter Full Screen Hide Menu Bar Diagnostics... About &Tomahawk... &Legal Information... &View Logfile Check For Updates... 0.8 &Controls &Settings &Help What's new in .. &Window Main Menu AlbumInfoWidget Tracklist Other Albums Sorry, we could not find any other albums for this artist! Sorry, we could not find any tracks for this album! Other Albums by %1 AlbumModel All albums from %1 All albums ArtistInfoWidget Top Hits Related Artists Albums Sorry, we could not find any albums for this artist! Sorry, we could not find any related artists! Sorry, we could not find any top hits for this artist! YOUR ARTIST RANK AudioControls Shuffle Repeat Time Elapsed Time Remaining Playing from %1 Share Love AudioEngine Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the track '%1' by %2 Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the artist '%1' Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the album '%1' by %2 CategoryAddItem Create new Playlist Create new Station New Station %1 Station CategoryItem Playlists Stations ClearButton Clear ColumnItemDelegate Unknown ColumnView Sorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results. ColumnViewPreviewWidget Composer: Duration: Bitrate: Year: Age: %1 kbps ContextWidget Show Footnotes Hide Footnotes DashboardWidget Recently Played Tracks Recent Additions Newest Stations & Playlists DelegateConfigWrapper About Delete Account Config Error About this Account DiagnosticsDialog Tomahawk Diagnostics &Copy to Clipboard Open &Log-file EchonestSteerer Steer this station: Much less Less A bit less Keep at current A bit more More Much more Tempo Loudness Danceability Energy Song Hotttnesss Artist Hotttnesss Artist Familiarity By Description Enter a description Apply steering command Reset all steering commands FilterHeader Filter... FlexibleTreeView This playlist is currently empty. This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music! FlexibleView This playlist is currently empty. This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music! HatchetAccountConfig Form Connect to your Hatchet account Enter One-time Password (OTP) Username Hatchet username Password: Hatchet password Login HistoryWidget From: To: Recently Played Tracks Your recently played tracks %1's recently played tracks Sorry, we could not find any recent plays! HostDialog Host Settings Configure your external IP address or host name here. Make sure to manually forward the selected port to this host on your router. Static Host Name: Static Port: Automatically detect external IP address InboxItem Inbox InboxJobItem Sent %1 by %2 to %3. %1 sent you %2 by %3. IndexingJobItem Indexing database InfoBar Filter... JSResolver Script Resolver Warning: API call %1 returned data synchronously. LastFmConfig Scrobble tracks to Username: Password: Test Login Import Playback History Synchronize Loved Tracks LastfmContext LatchedStatusItem %1 is listening along with you! LoadXSPF Load XSPF Playlist URL Enter URL... ... Automatically update LoadXSPFDialog Load XSPF File XSPF Files (*.xspf) LovedTracksItem Top Loved Tracks Sorry, we could not find any loved tracks! The most loved tracks from all your friends All of your loved tracks All of %1's loved tracks Loved Tracks MetadataEditor Tags Title: Title... Artist: Artist... Album: Album... Track Number: Duration: 00.00 Year: Bitrate: File File Name: File Name... File Size... File size... File Size: Back Forward Properties NetworkActivityWidget Trending Tracks Hot Playlists Trending Artists NewPlaylistWidget Enter a title for the new playlist: Tomahawk offers a variety of ways to help you create playlists and find music you enjoy! Just enter a genre or tag name and Tomahawk will suggest a few songs to get you started with your new playlist: &Create Playlist Create a new playlist NewReleasesWidget New Releases PlayableModel Artist Title Composer Album Track Duration Bitrate Age Year Size Origin Accuracy Perfect match Very good match Good match Vague match Bad match Very bad match Not available Searching... Name PlaylistItemDelegate played %1 by you played %1 by %2 PlaylistLargeItemDelegate played %1 by you e.g. played 3 hours ago by you played %1 by %2 e.g. played 3 hours ago by SomeSource added %1 e.g. added 3 hours ago <b>%1</b> e.g. by SomeArtist PlaylistModel A playlist you created %1. A playlist by %1, created %2. All tracks by %1 on album %2 All tracks by %1 PlaylistTypeSelectorDlg New Playlist Just a regular old playlist... Give it a name, drag in some tracks, and go! Don't know exactly what you want? Give Tomahawk a few pointers and let it build a playlist for you! Name: New Playlist... Create Manual Playlist Create Automatic Playlist PlaylistView This playlist is currently empty. This playlist is currently empty. Add some tracks to it and enjoy the music! ProxyDialog Proxy Settings Hostname of proxy server Host Port Proxy login User Password Proxy password No Proxy Hosts: (Overrides system proxy) localhost * (space separated) Use proxy for DNS lookups? QObject %n year(s) ago %n year(s) %n month(s) ago %n month(s) %n week(s) ago %n week(s) %n day(s) ago %n day(s) %n hour(s) ago %n hour(s) %1 minutes ago %1 minutes just now Friend Finders Music Finders Status Updaters %1 Config %1 Configuration Songs Beginning of a sentence summary No configured filters! and Inserted between items in a list of two , Inserted between items in a list . Inserted when ending a sentence summary , and Inserted between the last two items in a list of more than two and Inserted before the last item in a list and Inserted before the sorting summary in a sentence summary QSQLiteResult No query Parameter count mismatch QueueView Open Queue Open Queue - %n item(s) Close Queue RelatedArtistsContext Related Artists ResolverConfigDelegate Not found: %1 Failed to load: %1 ScriptCollectionHeader Reload Collection ScriptEngine Resolver Error: %1:%2 %3 SSL Error You have asked Tomahawk to connect securely to <b>%1</b>, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure:<br><br><b>%2</b><br><br>Do you want to trust this connection? Trust certificate SearchLineEdit Search SearchWidget Search: %1 Results for '%1' Tracks Artists Albums Sorry, we could not find any tracks! Servent Automatically detecting external IP failed: Could not parse JSON response. Automatically detecting external IP failed: %1 SettingsDialog Collection Advanced All Some changed settings will not take effect until Tomahawk is restarted Services Install from file Configure the accounts and services used by Tomahawk to search and retrieve music, find your friends and update your status. Manage how Tomahawk finds music on your computer. Configure Tomahawk's advanced settings, including network connectivity settings, browser interaction and more. Open Directory Install resolver from file Tomahawk Resolvers (*.axe *.js);;All files (*) Resolver installation from file %1 failed. Delete all Access Control entries? Do you really want to delete all Access Control entries? You will be asked for a decision again for each peer that you connect to. Information Settings_Accounts Filter by capability: Settings_Advanced Remote Peer Connection Method Active (your host needs to be directly reachable) Automatic port forward with UPnP (recommended) Manual port forward Host Settings... SOCKS Proxy Use SOCKS Proxy Proxy Settings... Other Settings Allow web browsers to interact with Tomahawk (recommended) Allow other computers to interact with Tomahawk (not recommended yet) Send reports after Tomahawk crashed Show notification when a new song starts to play Clear All Access Control Entries Settings_Collection Path to scan for music files: + - The Echo Nest supports keeping track of your catalog metadata and using it to craft personalized radios. Enabling this option will allow you (and all your friends) to create automatic playlists and stations based on your personal taste profile. Upload collection list to The Echo Nest to enable user radio Watch for changes Time between scans, in seconds: SlideSwitchButton On Off SocialPlaylistWidget Popular New Albums From Your Friends Most Played Playlists Most Played Tracks You Don't Have SocialWidget Facebook Twitter Tweet Listening to "%1" by %2. %3 Listening to "%1" by %2 on "%3". %4 %1 characters left SourceDelegate Track Album Artist Local Top 10 All available tracks Drop to send tracks Show Hide SourceInfoWidget Recent Albums Latest Additions Recently Played Tracks New Additions My recent activity Recent activity from %1 SourceItem Latest Additions Recently Played SuperCollection Latest additions to your collection Latest additions to %1's collection Sorry, we could not find any recent additions! SourceTreeView &Copy Link &Delete %1 Add to my Playlists Add to my Automatic Playlists Add to my Stations &Export Playlist playlist automatic playlist station Would you like to delete the %1 <b>"%2"</b>? e.g. Would you like to delete the playlist named Foobar? Delete Save XSPF Playlists (*.xspf) SourcesModel Group Collection Playlist Automatic Playlist Station Browse Search History My Music Cloud Recently Played New Releases Friends SpotifyConfig Configure your Spotify account Username or Facebook Email Log In Right click on any Tomahawk playlist to sync it to Spotify. Select All Sync Starred tracks to Loved tracks High Quality Streams Use this to force Spotify to never announce listening data to Social Networks Always run in Private Mode Spotify playlists to keep in sync: Delete Tomahawk playlist when removing synchronization Username: Password: SpotifyPlaylistUpdater Delete associated Spotify playlist? StatsGauge out of %1 TemporaryPageItem Copy Artist Link Copy Album Link Copy Track Link Tomahawk::Accounts::AccountDelegate Add Account Remove %1 downloads Online Connecting... Offline Tomahawk::Accounts::AccountModel Manual Install Required Unfortunately, automatic installation of this resolver is not available or disabled for your platform.<br /><br />Please use "Install from file" above, by fetching it from your distribution or compiling it yourself. Further instructions can be found here:<br /><br /> Tomahawk::Accounts::GoogleWrapper Configure this Google Account Google Address: Enter your Google login to connect with your friends using Tomahawk! Tomahawk::Accounts::GoogleWrapperFactory Connect to Google Talk to find your friends Tomahawk::Accounts::GoogleWrapperSip Enter Google Address Add Friend Enter Google Address: Tomahawk::Accounts::HatchetAccountConfig Logged in as: %1 Log out Log in Continue Tomahawk::Accounts::HatchetAccountFactory Connect to your Hatchet account Tomahawk::Accounts::LastFmAccountFactory Scrobble your tracks to, and find freely downloadable tracks to play Tomahawk::Accounts::LastFmConfig Testing... Test Login Importing %1 e.g. Importing 2012/01/01 Importing History... History Incomplete. Resume Text on a button that resumes import Playback History Imported Failed Success Could not contact server Synchronizing... Synchronization Finished Tomahawk::Accounts::ResolverAccountFactory Resolver installation error: cannot open bundle. Resolver installation error: incomplete bundle. Resolver installation error: bad metadata in bundle. Resolver installation error: platform mismatch. Resolver installation error: Tomahawk %1 or newer is required. Tomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccount Sync with Spotify Re-enable syncing with Spotify Create local copy Subscribe to playlist changes Re-enable playlist subscription Stop subscribing to changes Enable Spotify collaborations Disable Spotify collaborations Stop syncing with Spotify Tomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccountConfig Logging in... Failed: %1 Logged in as %1 Log Out Log In Tomahawk::Accounts::SpotifyAccountFactory Play music from and sync your playlists with Spotify Premium Tomahawk::Accounts::TelepathyConfigStorage the KDE instant messaging framework KDE Instant Messaging Accounts Tomahawk::Accounts::XmppAccountFactory Log on to your Jabber/XMPP account to connect to your friends Tomahawk::Accounts::XmppConfigWidget Account provided by %1. You forgot to enter your username! Your Xmpp Id should look like an email address Example: Tomahawk::Accounts::ZeroconfAccount Local Network Tomahawk::Accounts::ZeroconfFactory Local Network Automatically connect to Tomahawks on the local network Tomahawk::Collection Collection This collection is empty. Tomahawk::ContextMenu &Play Add to &Queue Add to &Playlist Send to &Friend Continue Playback after this &Track Stop Playback after this &Track &Love &Go to "%1" Go to "%1" &Copy Track Link Mark as &Listened &Remove Items &Remove Item Copy Album &Link Copy Artist &Link Un-&Love Properties... Tomahawk::DatabaseCommand_AllAlbums Unknown Tomahawk::DropJobNotifier playlist artist track album Fetching %1 from database Parsing %1 %2 Tomahawk::DynamicControlList Click to collapse Tomahawk::DynamicModel Could not find a playable track. Please change the filters or try again. Failed to generate preview with the desired filters Tomahawk::DynamicSetupWidget Type: Generate Tomahawk::DynamicView Add some filters above to seed this station! Press Generate to get started! Add some filters above, and press Generate to get started! Tomahawk::DynamicWidget Station ran out of tracks! Try tweaking the filters for a new set of songs to play. Tomahawk::EchonestControl Similar To Limit To Artist name is from user No users with Echo Nest Catalogs enabled. Try enabling option in Collection settings similar to Enter any combination of song name and artist here... Less More 0 BPM 500 BPM 0 secs 3600 secs -100 dB 100 dB -180%1 180%1 Major Minor C C Sharp D E Flat E F F Sharp G A Flat A B Flat B Ascending Descending Tempo Duration Loudness Artist Familiarity Artist Hotttnesss Song Hotttnesss Latitude Longitude Mode Key Energy Danceability is not Studio Song type: The song was recorded in a studio. Live Song type: The song was a life performance. Acoustic Song type Electric Song type Christmas Song type: A christmas song At Least At Most only by ~%1 similar to ~%1 with genre ~%1 from no one My Collection from my radio from %1 radio Variety Adventurousness very low low moderate high very high with %1 %2 about %1 BPM about %n minute(s) long about %1 dB at around %1%2 %3 in %1 in a %1 key sorted in %1 %2 order with a %1 mood in a %1 style where genre is %1 where song type is %1 where song type is not %1 Tomahawk::GroovesharkParser Error fetching Grooveshark information from the network! Tomahawk::InfoSystem::ChartsPlugin Artists Albums Tracks Tomahawk::InfoSystem::FdoNotifyPlugin on 'on' is followed by an album name %1%4 %2%3. %1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english) by preposition to link track and artist %1 sent you %2%4 %3. %1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english) %1 sent you "%2" by %3. %1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist on "%1" %1 is an album name "%1" by %2%3. %1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing Tomahawk::InfoSystem::LastFmInfoPlugin Top Tracks Loved Tracks Hyped Tracks Top Artists Hyped Artists Tomahawk::InfoSystem::NewReleasesPlugin Albums Tomahawk::InfoSystem::SnoreNotifyPlugin Notify User Now Playing Unresolved track Playback Stopped You received a Song recomondation on 'on' is followed by an album name %1%4 %2%3. %1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english) by preposition to link track and artist on "%1" %1 is an album name "%1" by %2%3. %1 is a title, %2 is an artist and %3 is replaced by either the previous message or nothing %1 sent you %2%4 %3. %1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist, %4 is the preposition used to link track and artist ('by' in english) %1 sent you "%2" by %3. %1 is a nickname, %2 is a title, %3 is an artist Tomahawk::ItunesParser Error fetching iTunes information from the network! Tomahawk::JSPFLoader New Playlist Failed to save tracks Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored. XSPF Error This is not a valid XSPF playlist. Tomahawk::LatchManager &Catch Up &Listen Along Tomahawk::LocalCollection My Collection After you have scanned your music collection you will find your tracks right here. Tomahawk::RemoteCollection Collection of %1 Tomahawk::ScriptCollection %1 Collection Name of a collection based on a resolver, e.g. Subsonic Collection Tomahawk::ShortenedLinkParser Network error parsing shortened link! Tomahawk::Source Scanning (%L1 tracks) Scanning Checking Syncing Importing Saving (%1%) Online Offline Tomahawk::SpotifyParser Error fetching Spotify information from the network! Tomahawk::Track and You you and %n other(s) %n people loved this track sent you this track %1 Tomahawk::Widgets::Dashboard Dashboard An overview of your friends' recent activity Tomahawk::Widgets::DashboardWidget No recently created playlists in your network. Tomahawk::Widgets::NetworkActivity Trending What's hot amongst your friends Tomahawk::Widgets::NetworkActivityWidget Charts Last Week Loved Tracks Top Loved Recently Loved Sorry, we are still loading the charts. Sorry, we couldn't find any trending tracks. Last Month Last Year Overall Tomahawk::Widgets::WhatsHot Charts Tomahawk::Widgets::WhatsNew_0_8 What's new in 0.8? An overview of the changes and additions since 0.7. Tomahawk::XspfUpdater Automatically update from XSPF TomahawkApp My Collection Updating database Updating database %1 Automatically detecting external IP failed. TomahawkSettings Local Network TomahawkTrayIcon &Stop Playback after current Track Hide Tomahawk Window Show Tomahawk Window Currently not playing. Play Pause &Love Un-&Love &Continue Playback after current Track TomahawkUtils Configure Accounts Invite TomahawkWindow Tomahawk Back Go back one page Forward Go forward one page Hide Menu Bar Show Menu Bar Search for any artist, album or song... &Main Menu Play Next Love Unlove Exit Full Screen Enter Full Screen XSPF Error This is not a valid XSPF playlist. Failed to save tracks Some tracks in the playlist do not contain an artist and a title. They will be ignored. Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Make sure you have a suitable Phonon backend and required plugins installed. Sorry, there is a problem accessing your audio device or the desired track, current track will be skipped. Station Create New Station Name: Playlist Create New Playlist Copyright 2010 - 2014 Pause &Play %1 by %2 track, artist name %1 - %2 current track, some window title <h2><b>Tomahawk %1<br/>(%2)</h2> <h2><b>Tomahawk %1</h2> Thanks to: About Tomahawk TopTracksContext Top Hits TrackInfoWidget Similar Tracks Sorry, but we could not find similar tracks for this song! # PLAYS / ARTIST YOUR SONG RANK You've listened to this track %n time(s). You've never listened to this track before. You first listened to it on %1. You've listened to %1 %n time(s). You've never listened to %1 before. TrackView Sorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results. TransferStatusItem from streaming artist - track from friend to streaming artist - track to friend TreeItemDelegate Unknown TreeModel All Artists TreeView Sorry, your filter '%1' did not match any results. Type selector Artist Artist Description User Radio Song Genre Mood Style Adventurousness Variety Tempo Duration Loudness Danceability Energy Artist Familiarity Artist Hotttnesss Song Hotttnesss Longitude Latitude Mode Key Sorting Song Type ViewManager Inbox Listening suggestions from your friends Cloud collections aren't supported in the flat view yet. We will have them covered soon. Switch to another view to navigate them. SuperCollection Combined libraries of all your online friends Recently Played Tracks Recently played tracks from all your friends Sorry, we could not find any recent plays! No listening suggestions here. WhatsNewWidget_0_8 Inbox Open URL Trending Beats GMusic IPv6+ Design Android Send your friends songs you think they should check out. Just drag and drop them onto your friend's avatar to send. All of the songs your friends send you will show up in your Inbox. Love that your friends and influencers are posting music links across the web and your social networks but hate that they are links for music services you don’t use? Just drag Rdio, Deezer, Beats Music and other music service URLs into Tomahawk and have them automatically play from your preferred source. Get a quick look at all of the songs, playlists and artists that are trending across your network. Check out the hot songs your friends are listening to, and their playlists that are trending with their friends. Or just listen to a dynamic playlist of your network’s latest Loves, most Loved or top played songs - from last week to all-time. Beats Music (recently acquired by Apple) is now available as a resolver. This means that Beats Music subscribers can enjoy Tomahawk Stations playlists from their friends that use other services, and can easily drop Spotify, Rdio and other service links into Tomahawk and have those playlists, albums and tracks stream from your Beats account. Welcome Beats Music subscribers! Google Music is another of our latest supported services - both for your music you've uploaded to the Google Music "locker" as well as their full streaming catalog for your Google Play Music All Access subscribers. Tomahawk now supports multiple IP addresses (IPv6). This improves the discoverability and connection between Tomahawk users on the same local network - particularly large networks often found in work and university settings. Lots of new views - artist pages, album pages, track pages and more. A new Loved Widget shows what friends have loved tracks throughout the app. Some cleaner fonts, some new colors. Retina display support and more. <html><head/><body><p>Tomahawk for Android is now in beta! All of the same resolvers are supported in the Android app - plus a couple of additional ones in Rdio &amp; Deezer. Create a <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#fff;">Hatchet</span></a> account to sync all of your playlists from your desktop to your mobile. Find current and future music influencers with Hatchet accounts (from across a range of music service providers) and follow them to discover and hear what they love. Even when you are listening to other music apps, Tomahawk can capture all of that playback data and add it to your Hatchet profile.</p></body></html> WikipediaContext Wikipedia XMPPBot Terms for %1: No terms found, sorry. Hotttness for %1: %2 Familiarity for %1: %2 Lyrics for "%1" by %2: %3 XSPFLoader Failed to parse contents of XSPF playlist Some playlist entries were found without artist and track name, they will be omitted Failed to fetch the desired playlist from the network, or the desired file does not exist New Playlist XmlConsole Xml stream console Filter Save log Disabled By JID By namespace uri By all attributes Visible stanzas Information query Message Presence Custom Close Save XMPP log to file OpenDocument Format (*.odf);;HTML file (*.html);;Plain text (*.txt) XmppConfigWidget Xmpp Configuration Configure this Xmpp account Enter your Xmpp login to connect with your friends using Tomahawk! Configure Login Information Xmpp ID: e.g. Password: An account with this name already exists! Advanced Xmpp Settings Server: Port: Lots of servers don't support this (e.g. GTalk, Publish currently playing track Enforce secure connection XmppSipPlugin User Interaction Host is unknown Item not found Authorization Error Remote Stream Error Remote Connection failed Internal Server Error System shutdown Conflict Unknown Do you want to add <b>%1</b> to your friend list? No Compression Support Enter Jabber ID No Encryption Support No Authorization Support No Supported Feature Add Friend Enter Xmpp ID: Add Friend... XML Console... I'm sorry -- I'm just an automatic presence used by Tomahawk Player ( If you are getting this message, the person you are trying to reach is probably not signed on, so please try again later! Authorize User ZeroconfConfig Local Network configuration This plugin will automatically find other users running Tomahawk on your local network Connect automatically when Tomahawk starts