Updates build process.

This commit is contained in:
Lars Jung 2013-08-13 00:36:39 +02:00
parent 3733d0c6d0
commit a296311b88
2 changed files with 59 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -2,82 +2,49 @@
'use strict';
var path = require('path'),
pkg = require('./package.json'),
root = path.resolve(__dirname),
src = path.join(root, 'src'),
build = path.join(root, 'build'),
jshint = {
// Enforcing Options
bitwise: true,
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
forin: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noempty: true,
plusplus: true,
trailing: true,
undef: true,
// Environments
browser: true,
// Globals
predef: [
handlebarsEnv = {
pkg: pkg
mapSrc = function (blob) {
return blob.source.replace(src, build).replace(/\.less$/, '.css').replace(/\.jade$/, '');
mapRoot = function (blob) {
return blob.source.replace(root, path.join(build, '_h5ai'));
module.exports = function (make) {
var Event = make.Event,
var path = require('path'),
pkg = require('./package.json'),
root = path.resolve(__dirname),
src = path.join(root, 'src'),
build = path.join(root, 'build'),
$ = make.fQuery,
moment = make.moment;
mapSrc = $.map.p(src, build).s('.less', '.css').s('.jade', ''),
mapRoot = $.map.p(root, build);
make.before(function () {
handlebarsEnv.stamp = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var moment = make.moment();
make.env = {
pkg: pkg,
stamp: moment.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
$.info({ method: 'before', message: pkg.version + ' ' + make.env.stamp });
make.target('check-version', [], 'add git info to dev builds').async(function (done, fail) {
if (!/-dev$/.test(pkg.version)) {
if (!/\+$/.test(pkg.version)) {
$.git(root, function (err, result) {
pkg.version += '-' + result.revListOriginMasterHead.length + '-' + result.revParseHead.slice(0, 7);
method: 'check-version',
message: 'version set to ' + pkg.version
pkg.version += result.buildSuffix;
$.info({ method: 'check-version', message: 'version set to ' + pkg.version });
@ -85,14 +52,34 @@ module.exports = function (make) {
make.target('clean', [], 'delete build folder').sync(function () {
$.rmfr($.I_AM_SURE, build);
make.target('lint', [], 'lint all JavaScript files with JSHint').sync(function () {
var jshint = {
// Enforcing Options
bitwise: true,
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
forin: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noempty: true,
plusplus: true,
trailing: true,
undef: true,
// Environments
browser: true
globals = {
'modulejs': true
$(src + '/_h5ai/client/js: **/*.js, ! lib/**')
.jshint(jshint, globals);
@ -102,28 +89,28 @@ module.exports = function (make) {
.modified(mapSrc, $(src + ': _h5ai/client/js/**'))
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': _h5ai/client/css/*.less')
.modified(mapSrc, $(src + ': _h5ai/client/css/**'))
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': **/*.jade')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': **, ! _h5ai/client/js/**, ! _h5ai/client/css/**, ! **/*.jade')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(root + ': README*, LICENSE*')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapRoot);
@ -133,28 +120,28 @@ module.exports = function (make) {
.modified(mapSrc, $(src + ': _h5ai/client/js/**'))
// .uglifyjs()
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': _h5ai/client/css/*.less')
.modified(mapSrc, $(src + ': _h5ai/client/css/**'))
// .cssmin()
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': **/*.jade')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(src + ': **, ! _h5ai/client/js/**, ! _h5ai/client/css/**, ! **/*.jade')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapSrc);
$(root + ': README*, LICENSE*')
.write($.OVERWRITE, mapRoot);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "h5ai",
"version": "0.23.0-dev",
"version": "0.23.0+",
"description": "a modern HTTP web server index",
"url": "http://larsjung.de/h5ai/",
"author": "Lars Jung",