From fbfbcd0439c3d62ebed656ada4e5c40a64e78aef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lars Jung Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 14:52:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Separates translations. --- src/_h5ai/config.js | 364 +++------------------------------ src/_h5ai/js/inc/core/langs.js | 32 +-- src/_h5ai/js/inc/ext/l10n.js | 64 +++++- src/_h5ai/l10n/bg.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/cs.json | 16 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/de.json | 17 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/el.json | 16 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/en.json | 18 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/es.json | 13 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/fr.json | 15 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/hu.json | 15 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/it.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/ja.json | 14 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/lv.json | 15 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/nb.json | 14 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/nl.json | 10 + src/_h5ai/l10n/pl.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/pt.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/ro.json | 14 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/ru.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/sk.json | 12 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/sr.json | 14 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/sv.json | 10 + src/_h5ai/l10n/tr.json | 13 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/zh-cn.json | 13 ++ src/_h5ai/l10n/zh-tw.json | 13 ++ 26 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/bg.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/cs.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/de.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/el.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/en.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/es.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/fr.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/hu.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/it.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/ja.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/lv.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/nb.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/nl.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/pl.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/pt.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/ro.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/ru.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/sk.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/sr.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/sv.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/tr.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/zh-cn.json create mode 100644 src/_h5ai/l10n/zh-tw.json diff --git a/src/_h5ai/config.js b/src/_h5ai/config.js index 6c012efe..2fc253f2 100644 --- a/src/_h5ai/config.js +++ b/src/_h5ai/config.js @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ var H5AI_CONFIG = { }, /* - Make entries selectable. At the moment only needed for packaged download. + Make entries selectable. At the moment only needed for packaged download and delete. */ "select": { "enabled": true @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ var H5AI_CONFIG = { - /*** File types mapped to file extensions. In alphabetical order. ***/ + /*** File types mapped to file extensions ***/ "types": { "archive": [".tar.bz2", ".tar.gz", ".tgz"], @@ -384,343 +384,33 @@ var H5AI_CONFIG = { - /*** Available translations. ***/ + /*** Available translations ***/ "langs": { + /* defaults */ + "en": "english", - /* "en" in first place as a reference, otherwise in alphabetical order. */ - "en": { - "lang": "english", - "details": "details", - "icons": "icons", - "name": "Name", - "lastModified": "Last modified", - "size": "Size", - "parentDirectory": "Parent Directory", - "empty": "empty", - "folders": "folders", - "files": "files", - "download": "download", - "noMatch": "no match", - "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", /* syntax as specified on */ - "filter": "filter", - "delete": "delete" - }, - - "bg": { - "lang": "български", - "details": "детайли", - "icons": "икони", - "name": "Име", - "lastModified": "Последна промяна", - "size": "Размер", - "parentDirectory": "Предходна директория", - "empty": "празно", - "folders": "папки", - "files": "файлове" - }, - - "cs": { - "lang": "čeština", - "details": "podrobnosti", - "icons": "ikony", - "name": "Název", - "lastModified": "Upraveno", - "size": "Velikost", - "parentDirectory": "Nadřazený adresář", - "empty": "prázdný", - "folders": "složek", - "files": "souborů", - "download": "stáhnout", - "noMatch": "žádná shoda", - "dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm", - "filter": "filtr" - }, - - "de": { - "lang": "deutsch", - "details": "Details", - "icons": "Icons", - "name": "Name", - "lastModified": "Geändert", - "size": "Größe", - "parentDirectory": "Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis", - "empty": "leer", - "folders": "Ordner", - "files": "Dateien", - "download": "Download", - "noMatch": "keine Treffer", - "dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm", - "filter": "Filter", - "delete": "Löschen" - }, - - "el": { - "lang": "ελληνικά", - "details": "λεπτομέρειες", - "icons": "εικονίδια", - "name": "Όνομα", - "lastModified": "Τελευταία τροποποίηση", - "size": 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a/src/_h5ai/js/inc/core/langs.js +++ b/src/_h5ai/js/inc/core/langs.js @@ -1,34 +1,12 @@ modulejs.define('core/langs', ['config', '_'], function (config, _) { - var defaults = { - lang: 'unknown', - details: 'details', - icons: 'icons', - name: 'Name', - lastModified: 'Last modified', - size: 'Size', - parentDirectory: 'Parent Directory', - empty: 'empty', - folders: 'folders', - files: 'files', - download: 'download', - noMatch: 'no match', - dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', - filter: 'filter' - }, + var langs = {}; - translations = {}, + _.each(_.extend({}, config.langs), function (trans, lang) { - parse = function (langs) { + langs[lang] = trans; + }); - _.each(langs, function (trans, lang) { - - translations[lang] = _.extend({}, defaults, trans); - }); - }; - - parse(_.extend({}, config.langs)); - - return translations; + return langs; }); diff --git a/src/_h5ai/js/inc/ext/l10n.js b/src/_h5ai/js/inc/ext/l10n.js index c16e2b77..cbc92122 100644 --- a/src/_h5ai/js/inc/ext/l10n.js +++ b/src/_h5ai/js/inc/ext/l10n.js @@ -7,6 +7,23 @@ modulejs.define('ext/l10n', ['_', '$', 'core/settings', 'core/langs', 'core/form useBrowserLang: true }, + defaultTranslations = { + lang: 'english', + details: 'details', + icons: 'icons', + name: 'Name', + lastModified: 'Last modified', + size: 'Size', + parentDirectory: 'Parent Directory', + empty: 'empty', + folders: 'folders', + files: 'files', + download: 'download', + noMatch: 'no match', + dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', + filter: 'filter' + }, + settings = _.extend({}, defaults, allsettings.l10n), template = '' + @@ -17,8 +34,35 @@ modulejs.define('ext/l10n', ['_', '$', 'core/settings', 'core/langs', 'core/form storekey = 'h5ai.language', + loaded = { + en: _.extend({}, defaultTranslations) + }, currentLang = null, + loadLanguage = function (lang, callback) { + + if (loaded[lang]) { + + callback(loaded[lang]); + } else { + + $.ajax({ + url: allsettings.h5aiAbsHref + 'l10n/' + lang + '.json', + dataType: 'json', + success: function (json) { + + loaded[lang] = _.extend({}, defaultTranslations, json); + callback(loaded[lang]); + }, + error: function () { + + loaded[lang] = _.extend({}, defaultTranslations); + callback(loaded[lang]); + } + }); + } + }, + localize = function (langs, lang, useBrowserLang) { var storedLang = store.get(storekey); @@ -40,26 +84,26 @@ modulejs.define('ext/l10n', ['_', '$', 'core/settings', 'core/langs', 'core/form lang = 'en'; } - currentLang = langs[lang]; - if (currentLang) { + loadLanguage(lang, function (currentLang) { + $.each(currentLang, function (key, value) { $('.l10n-' + key).text(value); }); $('.lang').text(lang); $('.langOption').removeClass('current'); $('.langOption.' + lang).addClass('current'); - } - format.setDefaultDateFormat(currentLang.dateFormat); + format.setDefaultDateFormat(currentLang.dateFormat); - $('#extended .entry .date').each(function () { + $('#extended .entry .date').each(function () { - var $this = $(this); + var $this = $(this); - $this.text(format.formatDate($'time'))); + $this.text(format.formatDate($'time'))); + }); + + $('#filter input').attr('placeholder', currentLang.filter); }); - - $('#filter input').attr('placeholder', currentLang.filter); }, initLangSelector = function (langs) { @@ -77,7 +121,7 @@ modulejs.define('ext/l10n', ['_', '$', 'core/settings', 'core/langs', 'core/form $.each(sortedLangsKeys, function (idx, lang) { $(langOptionTemplate) .addClass(lang) - .text(lang + ' - ' + langs[lang].lang) + .text(lang + ' - ' + (_.isString(langs[lang]) ? langs[lang] : langs[lang].lang)) .appendTo($ul) .click(function () { store.put(storekey, lang); diff --git a/src/_h5ai/l10n/bg.json b/src/_h5ai/l10n/bg.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58cf98ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_h5ai/l10n/bg.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "lang": "български", + "details": "детайли", + "icons": "икони", + "name": "Име", + "lastModified": "Последна промяна", + "size": "Размер", + "parentDirectory": "Предходна директория", + "empty": "празно", + "folders": "папки", + "files": "файлове" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/_h5ai/l10n/cs.json b/src/_h5ai/l10n/cs.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6162436c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_h5ai/l10n/cs.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "lang": "čeština", + "details": "podrobnosti", + "icons": "ikony", + "name": "Název", + "lastModified": "Upraveno", + "size": "Velikost", + "parentDirectory": "Nadřazený adresář", + "empty": "prázdný", + "folders": "složek", + "files": "souborů", + "download": "stáhnout", + "noMatch": "žádná shoda", + "dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm", + "filter": "filtr" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/_h5ai/l10n/de.json b/src/_h5ai/l10n/de.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf157c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_h5ai/l10n/de.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "lang": "deutsch", + "details": "Details", + "icons": "Icons", + "name": "Name", + "lastModified": "Geändert", + "size": "Größe", + "parentDirectory": "Übergeordnetes 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@@ +/* only here as a reference, these values are the hardcoded defaults */ +{ + "lang": "english", + "details": "details", + "icons": "icons", + "name": "Name", + "lastModified": "Last modified", + "size": "Size", + "parentDirectory": "Parent Directory", + "empty": "empty", + "folders": "folders", + "files": "files", + "download": "download", + "noMatch": "no match", + "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", /* syntax as specified on */ + "filter": "filter", + "delete": "delete" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/_h5ai/l10n/es.json b/src/_h5ai/l10n/es.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69aba445 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_h5ai/l10n/es.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "lang": "español", + "details": "Detalles", + "icons": "Íconos", + "name": "Nombre", + "lastModified": "Última modificación", + "size": "Tamaño", + "parentDirectory": "Directorio superior", + "empty": "vacío", + "folders": "Directorios", + "files": "Archivos", + "download": "Descargar" +} \ No newline at end of file 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