h5ai - a beautified Apache index
Live example
View a [sample folder](http://repo.larsjung.de/h5ai-sample)
*(the files are all empty to save webspace)*
1. Copy the `h5ai` folder to the web-root directory of your server or alternativly set an alias `/h5ai/` to
this folder.
2. Add the content of file `dot.htaccess` to the `.htaccess` file in the directory
you want to be styled (you might have to create this file). This directory and any subdirectories will be
styled by h5ai.
### v0.2.3
* more refactoring in main.js
* added custom js support, and global includes
### v0.2.2
* refactored a lot, added some comments
* included fixes from [NumEricR](http://github.com/NumEricR/h5ai)
* added top/bottom message support, only basicly styled
### v0.2.1
* fixed croped filenames
* fixed missing .png extension in header
* added some color to the links
* added changelog
### v0.2
* added icon view
[Lars Jung](http://larsjung.de)
[h5ai on github](http://github.com/larrrs/h5ai)
This project is licensed under the [CC BY-SA 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
It is based on the awesome [HTML5 Boilerplate](http://html5boilerplate.com) and the beautiful
[Faenza icon set](http://tiheum.deviantart.com/art/Faenza-Icons-173323228), please respect their rights.