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synced 2025-01-17 12:48:26 +01:00
358 lines
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358 lines
9.6 KiB
import fs from 'fs'
import path, { resolve, basename } from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import svgParse from 'parse-svg-path'
import svgpath from 'svgpath'
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import { minify } from 'html-minifier';
import { parseSync } from 'svgson'
import { optimize } from 'svgo'
import cp from 'child_process'
import minimist from 'minimist'
export const getCurrentDirPath = () => {
return path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
export const HOME_DIR = resolve(getCurrentDirPath(), '..')
export const ICONS_SRC_DIR = resolve(HOME_DIR, 'src/_icons')
export const ICONS_DIR = resolve(HOME_DIR, 'icons')
export const PACKAGES_DIR = resolve(HOME_DIR, 'packages')
export const getArgvs = () => {
return minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
export const getPackageDir = (packageName) => {
return `${PACKAGES_DIR}/${packageName}`
* Return project package.json
* @returns {any}
export const getPackageJson = () => {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(resolve(HOME_DIR, 'package.json'), 'utf-8'))
* Reads SVGs from directory
* @param directory
* @returns {string[]}
export const readSvgDirectory = (directory) => {
return fs.readdirSync(directory).filter((file) => path.extname(file) === '.svg')
export const readSvgs = () => {
const svgFiles = readSvgDirectory(ICONS_DIR)
return svgFiles.map(svgFile => {
const name = basename(svgFile, '.svg'),
namePascal = toPascalCase(`icon ${name}`),
contents = readSvg(svgFile, ICONS_DIR).trim(),
path = resolve(ICONS_DIR, svgFile),
obj = parseSync(contents.replace('<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>', ''));
return {
* Read SVG
* @param fileName
* @param directory
* @returns {string}
export const readSvg = (fileName, directory) => {
return fs.readFileSync(path.join(directory, fileName), 'utf-8')
* Create directory if not exists
* @param dir
export const createDirectory = (dir) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
* Get SVG name
* @param fileName
* @returns {string}
export const getSvgName = (fileName) => {
return path.basename(fileName, '.svg')
* Convert string to CamelCase
* @param string
* @returns {*}
export const toCamelCase = (string) => {
return string.replace(/^([A-Z])|[\s-_]+(\w)/g, (match, p1, p2) => p2 ? p2.toUpperCase() : p1.toLowerCase())
export const toPascalCase = (string) => {
const camelCase = toCamelCase(string);
return camelCase.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + camelCase.slice(1);
export const addFloats = function(n1, n2) {
return Math.round((parseFloat(n1) + parseFloat(n2)) * 1000) / 1000
export const optimizePath = function(path) {
let transformed = svgpath(path).rel().round(3).toString()
return svgParse(transformed).map(function(a) {
return a.join(' ')
export const optimizeSVG = (data) => {
return optimize(data, {
js2svg: {
indent: 2,
pretty: true
plugins: [
name: 'preset-default',
params: {
overrides: {
mergePaths: false
export function buildIconsObject(svgFiles, getSvg) {
return svgFiles
.map(svgFile => {
const name = path.basename(svgFile, '.svg');
const svg = getSvg(svgFile);
const contents = getSvgContents(svg);
return { name, contents };
.reduce((icons, icon) => {
icons[icon.name] = icon.contents;
return icons;
}, {});
function getSvgContents(svg) {
const $ = cheerio.load(svg);
return minify($('svg').html(), { collapseWhitespace: true });
export const asyncForEach = async (array, callback) => {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array)
export const createScreenshot = async (filePath) => {
await cp.exec(`rsvg-convert -x 2 -y 2 ${filePath} > ${filePath.replace('.svg', '.png')}`)
await cp.exec(`rsvg-convert -x 4 -y 4 ${filePath} > ${filePath.replace('.svg', '@2x.png')}`)
export const generateIconsPreview = async function(files, destFile, {
columnsCount = 19,
paddingOuter = 7,
color = '#354052',
background = '#fff',
png = true
} = {}) {
const padding = 20,
iconSize = 24
const iconsCount = files.length,
rowsCount = Math.ceil(iconsCount / columnsCount),
width = columnsCount * (iconSize + padding) + 2 * paddingOuter - padding,
height = rowsCount * (iconSize + padding) + 2 * paddingOuter - padding
let svgContentSymbols = '',
svgContentIcons = '',
x = paddingOuter,
y = paddingOuter
files.forEach(function(file, i) {
let name = path.basename(file, '.svg')
let svgFile = fs.readFileSync(file),
svgFileContent = svgFile.toString()
svgFileContent = svgFileContent.replace('<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"', `<symbol id="${name}"`)
.replace(' width="24" height="24"', '')
.replace('</svg>', '</symbol>')
.replace(/\n\s+/g, '')
svgContentSymbols += `\t${svgFileContent}\n`
svgContentIcons += `\t<use xlink:href="#${name}" x="${x}" y="${y}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" />\n`
x += padding + iconSize
if (i % columnsCount === columnsCount - 1) {
x = paddingOuter
y += padding + iconSize
const svgContent = `<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 ${width} ${height}" width="${width}" height="${height}" style="color: ${color}"><rect x="0" y="0" width="${width}" height="${height}" fill="${background}"></rect>\n${svgContentSymbols}\n${svgContentIcons}\n</svg>`
fs.writeFileSync(destFile, svgContent)
if (png) {
await createScreenshot(destFile)
export const printChangelog = function(newIcons, modifiedIcons, renamedIcons, pretty = false) {
if (newIcons.length > 0) {
if (pretty) {
console.log(`### ${newIcons.length} new icons:\n`)
newIcons.forEach(function(icon, i) {
console.log(`- \`${icon}\``)
} else {
let str = ''
str += `${newIcons.length} new icons: `
newIcons.forEach(function(icon, i) {
str += `\`${icon}\``
if ((i + 1) <= newIcons.length - 1) {
str += ', '
if (modifiedIcons.length > 0) {
let str = ''
str += `Fixed icons: `
modifiedIcons.forEach(function(icon, i) {
str += `\`${icon}\``
if ((i + 1) <= modifiedIcons.length - 1) {
str += ', '
if (renamedIcons.length > 0) {
console.log(`Renamed icons: `)
renamedIcons.forEach(function(icon, i) {
console.log(`- \`${icon[0]}\` renamed to \`${icon[1]}\``)
export const getCompileOptions = () => {
const compileOptions = {
includeIcons: [],
strokeWidth: null,
fontForge: 'fontforge'
if (fs.existsSync('../compile-options.json')) {
try {
const tempOptions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../compile-options.json').toString())
if (typeof tempOptions !== 'object') {
throw 'Compile options file does not contain an json object'
if (typeof tempOptions.includeIcons !== 'undefined') {
if (!Array.isArray(tempOptions.includeIcons)) {
throw 'property inludeIcons is not an array'
compileOptions.includeIcons = tempOptions.includeIcons
if (typeof tempOptions.includeCategories !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof tempOptions.includeCategories === 'string') {
tempOptions.includeCategories = tempOptions.includeCategories.split(' ')
if (!Array.isArray(tempOptions.includeCategories)) {
throw 'property includeCategories is not an array or string'
const tags = Object.entries(require('./tags.json'))
tempOptions.includeCategories.forEach(function(category) {
category = category.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + category.slice(1)
for (const [icon, data] of tags) {
if (data.category === category && compileOptions.includeIcons.indexOf(icon) === -1) {
if (typeof tempOptions.excludeIcons !== 'undefined') {
if (!Array.isArray(tempOptions.excludeIcons)) {
throw 'property excludeIcons is not an array'
compileOptions.includeIcons = compileOptions.includeIcons.filter(function(icon) {
return tempOptions.excludeIcons.indexOf(icon) === -1
if (typeof tempOptions.excludeOffIcons !== 'undefined' && tempOptions.excludeOffIcons) {
// Exclude `*-off` icons
compileOptions.includeIcons = compileOptions.includeIcons.filter(function(icon) {
return !icon.endsWith('-off')
if (typeof tempOptions.strokeWidth !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof tempOptions.strokeWidth !== 'string' && typeof tempOptions.strokeWidth !== 'number') {
throw 'property strokeWidth is not a string or number'
compileOptions.strokeWidth = tempOptions.strokeWidth.toString()
if (typeof tempOptions.fontForge !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof tempOptions.fontForge !== 'string') {
throw 'property fontForge is not a string'
compileOptions.fontForge = tempOptions.fontForge
} catch (error) {
throw `Error reading compile-options.json: ${error}`
return compileOptions