2017-05-06 10:08:39 +01:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Cachet .
* ( c ) Alt Three Services Limited
* For the full copyright and license information , please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code .
return [
// Setup form fields
'setup' => [
'email' => 'כתובת דוא"ל' ,
'username' => 'Username' ,
'password' => 'סיסמא' ,
'site_name' => 'שם האתר' ,
'site_domain' => 'Site Domain' ,
'site_timezone' => 'בחר איזור זמן' ,
'site_locale' => 'בחר שפה' ,
'enable_google2fa' => 'Enable Google Two Factor Authentication' ,
'cache_driver' => 'Cache Driver' ,
'queue_driver' => 'Queue Driver' ,
'session_driver' => 'Session Driver' ,
'mail_driver' => 'Mail Driver' ,
'mail_host' => 'Mail Host' ,
'mail_address' => 'Mail From Address' ,
'mail_username' => 'Mail Username' ,
'mail_password' => 'Mail Password' ,
// Login form fields
'login' => [
'login' => 'Username or Email' ,
'email' => 'כתובת דוא"ל' ,
'password' => 'סיסמא' ,
'2fauth' => 'Authentication Code' ,
'invalid' => 'Invalid username or password' ,
'invalid-token' => 'Invalid token' ,
'cookies' => 'You must enable cookies to login.' ,
'rate-limit' => 'Rate limit exceeded.' ,
'remember_me' => 'Remember me' ,
// Incidents form fields
'incidents' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'status' => 'ס ט ט ו ס ' ,
'component' => 'Component' ,
2018-01-21 18:52:08 +00:00
'component_status' => 'Component Status' ,
2017-05-06 10:08:39 +01:00
'message' => 'הודעה' ,
'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.' ,
'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?' ,
'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?' ,
2018-01-21 21:01:42 +00:00
'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.' ,
2017-05-06 10:08:39 +01:00
'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility' ,
'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident' ,
'stickied' => 'Stickied' ,
'not_stickied' => 'Not Stickied' ,
'public' => 'Viewable by public' ,
'logged_in_only' => 'Only visible to logged in users' ,
'templates' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'template' => 'תבנית' ,
'twig' => 'Incident Templates can make use of the <a href="http://twig.sensiolabs.org/" target="_blank">Twig</a> templating language.' ,
'schedules' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'status' => 'ס ט ט ו ס ' ,
'message' => 'הודעה' ,
'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.' ,
'scheduled_at' => 'When is this maintenance scheduled for?' ,
'completed_at' => 'When did this maintenance complete?' ,
'templates' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'template' => 'תבנית' ,
'twig' => 'Incident Templates can make use of the <a href="http://twig.sensiolabs.org/" target="_blank">Twig</a> templating language.' ,
// Components form fields
'components' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'status' => 'ס ט ט ו ס ' ,
'group' => 'קבוצה' ,
'description' => 'הגדרה' ,
'link' => 'קישור' ,
'tags' => 'טאגים' ,
'tags-help' => 'מופרד באמצעות פסיקים.' ,
'enabled' => 'Component enabled?' ,
'groups' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'collapsing' => 'Expand/Collapse options' ,
'visible' => 'Always expanded' ,
'collapsed' => 'Collapse the group by default' ,
'collapsed_incident' => 'Collapse the group, but expand if there are issues' ,
'visibility' => 'Visibility' ,
'visibility_public' => 'Visible to public' ,
'visibility_authenticated' => 'Visible only to logged in users' ,
// Action form fields
'actions' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'description' => 'הגדרה' ,
'start_at' => 'Schedule start time' ,
'timezone' => 'Timezone' ,
'schedule_frequency' => 'Schedule frequency (in seconds)' ,
'completion_latency' => 'Completion latency (in seconds)' ,
'group' => 'קבוצה' ,
'active' => 'Active?' ,
'groups' => [
'name' => 'Group Name' ,
// Metric form fields
'metrics' => [
'name' => 'שם' ,
'suffix' => 'סיומת' ,
'description' => 'הגדרה' ,
'description-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.' ,
'display-chart' => 'Display chart on status page?' ,
'default-value' => 'Default value' ,
'calc_type' => 'Calculation of metrics' ,
'type_sum' => 'Sum' ,
'type_avg' => 'Average' ,
'places' => 'Decimal places' ,
'default_view' => 'Default view' ,
'threshold' => 'How many minutes of threshold between metric points?' ,
'visibility' => 'Visibility' ,
'visibility_authenticated' => 'Visible to authenticated users' ,
'visibility_public' => 'Visible to everybody' ,
'visibility_hidden' => 'Always hidden' ,
'points' => [
'value' => 'ערך' ,
// Settings
'settings' => [
// Application setup
'app-setup' => [
2018-01-21 21:01:42 +00:00
'site-name' => 'שם האתר' ,
'site-url' => 'כתובת url של האתר' ,
'display-graphs' => 'להציג גרפים בדף של ס ט ט ו ס ?' ,
'about-this-page' => 'About this page' ,
'days-of-incidents' => 'כמה ימים של אירועים להראות?' ,
'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).' ,
'banner' => 'Banner Image' ,
'banner-help' => " It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide . " ,
'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?' ,
'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?' ,
'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)' ,
'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?' ,
'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)' ,
'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.' ,
'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?' ,
2017-05-06 10:08:39 +01:00
'analytics' => [
'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code' ,
'analytics_gosquared' => 'GoSquared Analytics code' ,
'analytics_piwik_url' => 'URL of your Piwik instance (without http(s)://)' ,
'analytics_piwik_siteid' => 'Piwik\'s site id' ,
'localization' => [
'site-timezone' => 'Site timezone' ,
'site-locale' => 'Site language' ,
'date-format' => 'Date format' ,
'incident-date-format' => 'Incident timestamp format' ,
'security' => [
'allowed-domains' => 'Allowed domains' ,
'allowed-domains-help' => 'Comma separated. The domain set above is automatically allowed by default.' ,
'stylesheet' => [
'custom-css' => 'Custom Stylesheet' ,
'theme' => [
'background-color' => 'Background color' ,
'background-fills' => 'Background fills (components, incidents, footer)' ,
'banner-background-color' => 'Banner background color' ,
'banner-padding' => 'Banner padding' ,
'fullwidth-banner' => 'Enable fullwidth banner?' ,
'text-color' => 'Text color' ,
'dashboard-login' => 'Show dashboard button in the footer?' ,
'reds' => 'Red (used for errors)' ,
'blues' => 'Blue (used for information)' ,
'greens' => 'Green (used for success)' ,
'yellows' => 'Yellow (used for alerts)' ,
'oranges' => 'Orange (used for notices)' ,
'metrics' => 'Metrics fill' ,
'links' => 'Links' ,
'user' => [
'username' => 'Username' ,
'email' => 'כתובת דוא"ל' ,
'password' => 'סיסמא' ,
'api-token' => 'API Token' ,
'api-token-help' => 'Regenerating your API token will prevent existing applications from accessing Cachet.' ,
'gravatar' => 'Change your profile picture at Gravatar.' ,
'user_level' => 'User Level' ,
'levels' => [
'admin' => 'Admin' ,
'user' => 'User' ,
'2fa' => [
'help' => 'Enabling two factor authentication increases security of your account. You will need to download <a href="https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en">Google Authenticator</a> or a similar app on to your mobile device. When you login you will be asked to provide a token generated by the app.' ,
'team' => [
'description' => 'Invite your team members by entering their email addresses here.' ,
'email' => 'Email #:id' ,
'general' => [
'timezone' => 'Select Timezone' ,
// Buttons
2018-01-16 14:07:48 +00:00
'add' => 'Add' ,
'save' => 'Save' ,
'update' => 'Update' ,
'create' => 'Create' ,
'edit' => 'Edit' ,
'delete' => 'Delete' ,
'submit' => 'Submit' ,
'cancel' => 'Cancel' ,
'remove' => 'Remove' ,
'invite' => 'Invite' ,
'signup' => 'Sign Up' ,
'manage_updates' => 'Manage Updates' ,
2017-05-06 10:08:39 +01:00
// Other
'optional' => '* Optional' ,
2017-05-06 10:10:36 +00:00