'gd', // Whether all characters supplied must be replaced with their closest ASCII counterparts 'ascii' => false, // Image shape: circle or square 'shape' => 'circle', // Image width, in pixel 'width' => 100, // Image height, in pixel 'height' => 100, // Number of characters used as initials. If name consists of single word, the first N character will be used 'chars' => 2, // font size 'fontSize' => 48, // convert initial letter in uppercase 'uppercase' => false, // Fonts used to render text. // If contains more than one fonts, randomly selected based on name supplied // You can provide absolute path, path relative to folder resources/laravolt/avatar/fonts/, or mixed. 'fonts' => ['OpenSans-Bold.ttf', 'rockwell.ttf'], // List of foreground colors to be used, randomly selected based on name supplied 'foregrounds' => [ '#FFFFFF', ], // List of background colors to be used, randomly selected based on name supplied 'backgrounds' => [ '#f44336', '#E91E63', '#9C27B0', '#673AB7', '#3F51B5', '#2196F3', '#03A9F4', '#00BCD4', '#009688', '#4CAF50', '#8BC34A', '#CDDC39', '#FFC107', '#FF9800', '#FF5722', ], 'border' => [ 'size' => 1, // border color, available value are: // 'foreground' (same as foreground color) // 'background' (same as background color) // or any valid hex ('#aabbcc') 'color' => 'foreground', ], ];