'Panel de Control', // Incidents 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Ereignisse & Termine', 'incidents' => 'Vorfälle', 'logged' => '{0} Es gibt keine Vorfälle, gute Arbeit.|Du hast einen Vorfall gemeldet.|Du hast :count Vorfälle gemeldet.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Vorlage erstellen', 'incident-templates' => 'Vorfall Vorlagen', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfall hinzufügen', 'success' => 'Incident added.', 'failure' => 'There was an error adding the incident, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfall bearbeiten', 'success' => 'Vorfall aktualisiert.', 'failure' => 'There was an error editing the incident, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'El incidente se ha eliminado y no se mostrará en tu página de estado.', 'failure' => 'The incident could not be deleted, please try again.', ], // Incident templates 'templates' => [ 'title' => 'Plantillas de incidente', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfallvorlage erstellen', 'message' => 'Deberías añadir una plantilla de incidente.', 'success' => 'Your new incident template has been created.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the incident template.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Vorlage bearbeiten', 'success' => 'The incident template has been updated.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong updating the incident template', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'La plantilla de incidente se ha eliminado.', 'failure' => 'The incident template could not be deleted, please try again.', ], ], ], // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Geplante Wartungen', 'logged' => '{0} No hay planificaciones, buen trabajo.|Has registrado una planificación.|Has registrado :count planificaciones.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Geplant am :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', 'success' => 'Schedule added.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong adding the schedule, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Edit Scheduled Maintenance', 'success' => 'Schedule has been updated!', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong editing the schedule, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'The scheduled maintenance has been deleted and will not show on your status page.', 'failure' => 'The scheduled maintenance could not be deleted, please try again.', ], ], // Components 'components' => [ 'components' => 'Komponenten', 'component_statuses' => 'Komponentenstatus', 'listed_group' => 'Gruppiert unter :name', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Komponente hinzufügen', 'message' => 'Sie sollten eine Komponente erstellen.', 'success' => 'Component created.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the component, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Komponente bearbeiten', 'success' => 'Component updated.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the component, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'El componente se ha eliminado!', 'failure' => 'The component could not be deleted, please try again.', ], // Component groups 'groups' => [ 'groups' => 'Komponentgruppe|Komponentgruppen', 'no_components' => 'Sie sollten eine Komponentengruppe hinzufügen.', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Eine Komponentengruppe hinzufügen', 'success' => 'Component group added.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the component group, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Komponentengruppe bearbeiten', 'success' => 'Component group updated.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the component group, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'El grupo de componentes se ha eliminado!', 'failure' => 'The component group could not be deleted, please try again.', ], ], ], // Metrics 'metrics' => [ 'metrics' => 'Metriken', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Metrik erstellen', 'message' => 'Deberías añadir una métrica.', 'success' => 'Metric created.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the metric, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Metrik bearbeiten', 'success' => 'Metric updated.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the metric, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'La métrica se ha eliminado y no se mostrará más en tu página de estado.', 'failure' => 'The metric could not be deleted, please try again.', ], ], // Subscribers 'subscribers' => [ 'subscribers' => 'Abonnenten', 'description' => 'Subscribers will receive email updates when incidents are created or components are updated.', 'verified' => 'Verifiziert', 'not_verified' => 'Nicht verifiziert', 'subscriber' => ':email, subscribed :date', 'no_subscriptions' => 'Subscribed to all updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Einen neuen Abonnenten hinzufügen', 'success' => 'Abonnent hinzugefügt.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong adding the subscriber, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Abonnent aktualisieren', 'success' => 'Abonnent aktualisiert.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong editing the subscriber, please try again.', ], ], // Team 'team' => [ 'team' => 'Team', 'member' => 'Mitglied', 'profile' => 'Profil', 'description' => 'Teammitglieder werden die Möglichkeit haben, Komponente sowie Vorfälle hinzuzufügen und zu verändern.', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Neues Teammitglied hinzufügen', 'success' => 'Team member added.', 'failure' => 'The team member could not be added, please try again.', ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => 'Profil aktualisieren', 'success' => 'Profile updated.', 'failure' => 'Something went wrong updating the profile, please try again.', ], 'delete' => [ 'success' => 'Benutzer aktualisiert.', 'failure' => 'The team member could not be added, please try again.', ], 'invite' => [ 'title' => 'Invitar a un nuevo miembro al equipo', 'success' => 'Se ha enviado una invitación', 'failure' => 'The invite could not be sent, please try again.', ], ], // Settings 'settings' => [ 'settings' => 'Einstellungen', 'app-setup' => [ 'app-setup' => 'Anwendungsinstallation', 'images-only' => 'Es können nur Bilder hochgeladen werden.', 'too-big' => 'Die von Ihnen hochgeladene Datei ist zu groß. Laden Sie ein Bild welches kleiner als :size ist hoch', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics' => 'Analytics', ], 'localization' => [ 'localization' => 'Localization', ], 'customization' => [ 'customization' => 'Customization', 'header' => 'Custom Header HTML', 'footer' => 'Custom Footer HTML', ], 'security' => [ 'security' => 'Sicherheit', 'two-factor' => 'Nutzer ohne Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung', ], 'stylesheet' => [ 'stylesheet' => 'Stylesheet', ], 'theme' => [ 'theme' => 'Theme', ], 'edit' => [ 'success' => 'Einstellungen gespeichert.', 'failure' => 'Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.', ], ], // Login 'login' => [ 'login' => 'Anmelden', 'logged_in' => 'Sie sind angemeldet.', 'welcome' => 'Willkommen zurück!', 'two-factor' => 'Bitte geben Sie Ihren Token ein.', ], // Sidebar footer 'help' => 'Hilfe', 'status_page' => 'Statusseite', 'logout' => 'Abmelden', // Notifications 'notifications' => [ 'notifications' => 'Benachrichtigungen', 'awesome' => 'Großartig.', 'whoops' => 'Hoppla.', ], // Welcome modal 'welcome' => [ 'welcome' => 'Bienvenido a tu página de estado!', 'message' => 'Ihre Statusseite ist fast fertig! Vielleicht möchten Sie diese zusätzlichen Einstellungen konfigurieren', 'close' => 'Take me straight to my dashboard', 'steps' => [ 'component' => 'Komponenten erstellen', 'incident' => 'Vorfälle erstellen', 'customize' => 'Personalisieren', 'team' => 'Benutzer hinzufügen', 'api' => 'API Token generieren', 'two-factor' => 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung', ], ], ];