'last_updated' => '最后更新于 :timestamp',
'status' => [
0 => '未知',
1 => '运行正常',
2 => '性能问题',
3 => '部分中断',
4 => '严重中断',
'group' => [
'other' => '其他组件',
// Incidents
'incidents' => [
'none' => '无故障报告',
'past' => '历史状态',
'stickied' => '已关注的故障',
'scheduled' => '计划维护',
'scheduled_at' => ',计划于 :timestamp',
'posted' => '发布于 :timestamp',
'posted_at' => '发布于 :timestamp',
'status' => [
1 => '确认中',
2 => '修复中',
3 => '已更新',
4 => '已解决',
// Schedule
'schedules' => [
'status' => [
0 => '即将进行',
1 => '正在进行',
2 => '已完成',
// Service Status
'service' => [
'good' => '[0,1] 系统工作正常|[2,*] 所有系统工作正常',
'bad' => '[0,1] 系统出现了问题|[2,*] 一些系统出现了问题',
'major' => '[0,1] 系统出现重大故障|[2,*] 一些系统出现重大故障',
'api' => [
'regenerate' => '重新生成 API 密钥',
'revoke' => '注销 API 密钥',
// Metrics
'metrics' => [
'filter' => [
'last_hour' => '上个小时',
'hourly' => '最近12小时',
'weekly' => '周',
'monthly' => '月',
// Subscriber
'subscriber' => [
'subscribe' => '订阅最新的更新。',
'unsubscribe' => '使用这个链接取消订阅: :link',
'button' => '订阅',
'manage' => [
'no_subscriptions' => '您当前已订阅所有更新。',
'my_subscriptions' => '您当前已订阅下列更新',
'manage_at_link' => 'Manage your subscriptions at :link',
'email' => [
'subscribe' => '订阅电子邮件更新。',
'subscribed' => '您已经订阅电子邮件通知,请检查您的电子邮件进行确认。',
'verified' => '您的电子邮件订阅已确认。谢谢!',
'manage' => '管理您的订阅',
'unsubscribe' => '取消电子邮件订阅。',
'unsubscribed' => '您的电子邮件订阅已被取消。',
'failure' => '邮件订阅失败。',
'already-subscribed' => '无法订阅,因为这个邮箱地址 ( :email ) 已经在订阅列表中了。',
'signup' => [
'title' => '注册',
'username' => '用户名',
'email' => '电子邮箱',
'password' => '密码',
'success' => '您的账号已注册成功。',
'failure' => '注册失败。',
'system' => [
'update' => '有新版的Cachet可用,您可以点击这里获取更新咨询',
// Modal
'modal' => [
'close' => '关闭',
'subscribe' => [
'title' => '订阅组件状态更新',
'body' => '请输入您用于接收订阅该组件更新通知的电子邮箱。如果您已经订阅,您应已收到关于这个组件的一系列电子邮件。',
'button' => '订阅',
// Meta descriptions
'meta' => [
'description' => [
'incident' => 'Details and updates about the :name incident that occurred on :date',
'schedule' => 'Details about the scheduled maintenance period :name starting :startDate',
'subscribe' => 'Subscribe to :app in order to receive updates of incidents and scheduled maintenance periods',
'overview' => '始终保持对 :app 服务状态的关注。',
// Other
'home' => '主屏幕',
'powered_by' => '由 Cachet 驱动。',
'timezone' => '时间将以 :timezone 时区显示。',
'about_this_site' => '关于我们',
'rss-feed' => 'RSS',
'atom-feed' => 'Atom',
'feed' => '状态源',