# Create a metric This documentation will guide you through the metric creation. You need to know [what is a metric][1]. ## Filling the form Creating a metric is as simple as filling a form. You just need to know what do the fields mean. To access to the metrics creation, follow these steps: - Log into your Cachet instance. - Once on the Dashboard click `Metrics` in the sidebar. - Click the `Create a metric` button. And you are there! You should be able to see the metric form. Let's explain the fields: - `Name`: The name of the metric as it will be shown on the status page. Example: "API response time". - `Suffix`: The suffix that will be added in the tooltip when you put your mouse over the point on the metric. Usually it's the unit of the raw data. Example: "ms". If you send "42" to the metric, then "42ms" would be show in the tooltip. - `Description`: A description of the metric. What is the usage of the metric? What does it measure? Example: "The average response time of our API". - `Calculation of metrics`: What computation should be done on your data before displaying them in the metric? It may be either _Sum_ or _Average_. Example: _Average_ to compute the average reponse time for a given time. - `Default view`: The default view of the metric. Viewing the datas of 1 year ago is not useful, but it's about your preference to see datas of the last hour, 12 hours, week or month. Example: _Last 12 hours_ because you want to see the last 12 hours of data by default. It's only the default view, this can be changed in a select box. - `Decimal places` The number of decimal of the point that is displayed. If you are computing the average of something it's almost sure that you'll get an average with a coma, line 42,424242. Example: 2 to get 42,42 instead of a long number. - `How many minutes of threshold between metric points?`: The number of minutes between the points in the metric. According to your needs it may be 1, 5 or even 30. It's really up to you. Example: 60 to get one point every hour. - `Display chart on the status page?`: If checked, this chart will be displayed on the status page. But it's possible to create the metric and not showing it. - `Visibility`: Who should be able to see the chart? You have three choices: - `Visible to authenticated users`: It means that people won't be able to see it except if they are authenticated. Useful if it's an internal metric. - `Visible to everybody`: It means that every user, even not authenticated, will be able to see the chart. - `Always hidden`: It means that nobody will be able to see the chart. [1]: index.md