James Brooks 528517540a Apply fixes from StyleCI
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2018-01-16 14:11:12 +00:00

243 lines
10 KiB

* This file is part of Cachet.
* (c) Alt Three Services Limited
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
return [
// Setup form fields
'setup' => [
'email' => '電郵地址',
'username' => '用戶名',
'password' => '密碼',
'site_name' => '網站名稱',
'site_domain' => '網站域名',
'site_timezone' => '選擇你的時區',
'site_locale' => '選擇你的語言',
'enable_google2fa' => '啟用 Google 兩步驗證',
'cache_driver' => '緩存驅動',
'queue_driver' => 'Queue Driver',
'session_driver' => '會話驅動',
'mail_driver' => 'Mail Driver',
'mail_host' => 'Mail Host',
'mail_address' => 'Mail From Address',
'mail_username' => 'Mail Username',
'mail_password' => 'Mail Password',
// Login form fields
'login' => [
'login' => 'Username or Email',
'email' => '電郵地址',
'password' => '密碼',
'2fauth' => '驗證碼',
'invalid' => 'Invalid username or password',
'invalid-token' => '錯誤的驗證碼',
'cookies' => '您必須啟用 cookies 來進行登錄。',
'rate-limit' => 'Rate limit exceeded.',
'remember_me' => 'Remember me',
// Incidents form fields
'incidents' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'status' => '狀態',
'component' => '組件',
'message' => '訊息',
'message-help' => '你可以使用 Markdown 。',
'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?',
'notify_subscribers' => '通知訂閱者',
'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility',
'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident',
'stickied' => 'Stickied',
'not_stickied' => 'Not Stickied',
'public' => '公共可見',
'logged_in_only' => '僅登錄用戶可見',
'templates' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'template' => '範本',
'twig' => 'Incident Templates can make use of the <a href="http://twig.sensiolabs.org/" target="_blank">Twig</a> templating language.',
'schedules' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'status' => '狀態',
'message' => '訊息',
'message-help' => '你可以使用 Markdown 。',
'scheduled_at' => 'When is this maintenance scheduled for?',
'completed_at' => 'When did this maintenance complete?',
'templates' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'template' => '範本',
'twig' => 'Incident Templates can make use of the <a href="http://twig.sensiolabs.org/" target="_blank">Twig</a> templating language.',
// Components form fields
'components' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'status' => '狀態',
'group' => '組別',
'description' => '描述',
'link' => '連結',
'tags' => '標籤',
'tags-help' => '請以半角逗號分隔。',
'enabled' => '啟用',
'groups' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'collapsing' => 'Expand/Collapse options',
'visible' => 'Always expanded',
'collapsed' => 'Collapse the group by default',
'collapsed_incident' => 'Collapse the group, but expand if there are issues',
'visibility' => 'Visibility',
'visibility_public' => 'Visible to public',
'visibility_authenticated' => 'Visible only to logged in users',
// Action form fields
'actions' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'description' => '描述',
'start_at' => 'Schedule start time',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'schedule_frequency' => 'Schedule frequency (in seconds)',
'completion_latency' => 'Completion latency (in seconds)',
'group' => '組別',
'active' => 'Active?',
'groups' => [
'name' => 'Group Name',
// Metric form fields
'metrics' => [
'name' => '名稱',
'suffix' => '後綴',
'description' => '描述',
'description-help' => '你可以使用 Markdown 。',
'display-chart' => '在狀態頁上顯示圖表?',
'default-value' => '默認值',
'calc_type' => '圖表計算方法',
'type_sum' => '總和',
'type_avg' => '平均',
'places' => '小數點位數',
'default_view' => 'Default view',
'threshold' => 'How many minutes of threshold between metric points?',
'visibility' => 'Visibility',
'visibility_authenticated' => 'Visible to authenticated users',
'visibility_public' => 'Visible to everybody',
'visibility_hidden' => 'Always hidden',
'points' => [
'value' => '值',
// Settings
'settings' => [
// Application setup
'app-setup' => [
'site-name' => '網站名稱',
'site-url' => '網站 URL',
'display-graphs' => '在狀態頁上顯示圖片?',
'about-this-page' => '關於本站',
'days-of-incidents' => '顯示多少天前的事件?',
'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).',
'banner' => 'Banner Image',
'banner-help' => '橫幅寬度建議少於 930px 。',
'subscribers' => '允許用戶訂閱郵件通知嗎?',
'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)',
'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?',
'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)',
'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.',
'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?',
'analytics' => [
'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics 代碼',
'analytics_gosquared' => 'GoSquared Analytics 代碼',
'analytics_piwik_url' => '輸入Piwik實例的URL(不含http(s)://)',
'analytics_piwik_siteid' => 'Piwik 的站點 id',
'localization' => [
'site-timezone' => '站點時區',
'site-locale' => '站點語言',
'date-format' => '日期格式',
'incident-date-format' => '事件的時間戳格式',
'security' => [
'allowed-domains' => '允許的域',
'allowed-domains-help' => '請以半角逗號分隔。以上域名將會自動允許訪問。',
'stylesheet' => [
'custom-css' => 'Custom Stylesheet',
'theme' => [
'background-color' => 'Background color',
'background-fills' => '區塊填充色(組件, 事件, 頁尾)',
'banner-background-color' => '横幅背景色',
'banner-padding' => '横幅Padding值',
'fullwidth-banner' => '横幅全寬?',
'text-color' => 'Text color',
'dashboard-login' => '在頁尾顯示 管理後臺 的入口?',
'reds' => '紅(用於錯誤類提示)',
'blues' => '藍 (用於信息類提示)',
'greens' => '綠 (用於成功類提示)',
'yellows' => '黃 (用於警告類提示)',
'oranges' => '橙 (用於通知類提示)',
'metrics' => '圖表填充色',
'links' => '鏈接',
'user' => [
'username' => '用戶名',
'email' => '電郵地址',
'password' => '密碼',
'api-token' => 'API 密鑰',
'api-token-help' => '重新生成 API 密鑰將會導致現存的應用程序無法訪問 Cachet 。',
'gravatar' => '修改您的 Gravatar 頭像。',
'user_level' => '用戶等級',
'levels' => [
'admin' => '管理員',
'user' => '普通用戶',
'2fa' => [
'help' => '啟用兩步認證會使得你的賬戶更加安全。您需要下載 <a href="https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=zh-hant">Google Authenticator</a> 或類似的應用程序到您的設備上。啓用後,你需要提供由該應用程序生成的驗證碼方可登錄。',
'team' => [
'description' => '請輸入您要邀請的團隊成員的郵件地址:',
'email' => 'Email #:id',
'general' => [
'timezone' => 'Select Timezone',
// Buttons
'add' => '增加',
'save' => '儲存',
'update' => '更新',
'create' => '建立',
'edit' => '編輯',
'delete' => '刪除',
'submit' => '送出',
'cancel' => '取消',
'remove' => '移除',
'invite' => '邀請',
'signup' => '註冊',
'manage_updates' => 'Manage Updates',
// Other
'optional' => '* 可選項目',