2018-01-16 14:05:42 +00:00

131 lines
4.6 KiB

* This file is part of Cachet.
* (c) Alt Three Services Limited
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
return [
// Components
'components' => [
'last_updated' => '最終更新 :timestamp',
'status' => [
0 => '不明',
1 => '稼働中',
2 => 'パフォーマンスに関する問題あり',
3 => '一部停止中',
4 => '大規模な停止中',
'group' => [
'other' => 'その他のコンポーネント',
// Incidents
'incidents' => [
'none' => 'インシデントはありません',
'past' => '過去のインシデント',
'stickied' => 'Stickied Incidents',
'scheduled' => '計画メンテナンス',
'scheduled_at' => ', 予定日時 :timestamp',
'posted' => '投稿日時 :timestamp',
'posted_at' => 'Posted at :timestamp',
'status' => [
1 => '調査中',
2 => '特定済み',
3 => '監視中',
4 => '修正済み',
// Schedule
'schedules' => [
'status' => [
0 => 'Upcoming',
1 => 'In Progress',
2 => '完了',
// Service Status
'service' => [
'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational',
'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues',
'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues',
'api' => [
'regenerate' => 'APIキーの再生成',
'revoke' => 'APIキーの削除',
// Metrics
'metrics' => [
'filter' => [
'last_hour' => '過去1時間',
'hourly' => '過去12時間',
'weekly' => '週',
'monthly' => '月',
// Subscriber
'subscriber' => [
'subscribe' => '最新のアップデート情報を購読する',
'unsubscribe' => '登録解除はこちら :link',
'button' => '購読',
'manage' => [
'no_subscriptions' => 'You\'re currently subscribed to all updates.',
'my_subscriptions' => 'You\'re currently subscribed to the following updates.',
'email' => [
'subscribe' => 'メールによるアップデート情報の購読',
'subscribed' => 'You\'ve been subscribed to email notifications, please check your email to confirm your subscription.',
'verified' => 'Your email subscription has been confirmed. Thank you!',
'manage' => 'Manage your subscription',
'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe from email updates.',
'unsubscribed' => 'Your email subscription has been cancelled.',
'failure' => 'Something went wrong with the subscription.',
'already-subscribed' => 'Cannot subscribe :email because they\'re already subscribed.',
'signup' => [
'title' => '新規登録',
'username' => 'ユーザー名',
'email' => 'Email',
'password' => 'パスワード',
'success' => 'アカウントが作成されました。',
'failure' => '新規登録に失敗しました。',
'system' => [
'update' => 'Cachetの新しいバージョンがあります。アップデートの方法については<a href="">こちら</a>を参照して下さい!',
// Modal
'modal' => [
'close' => '閉じる',
'subscribe' => [
'title' => 'Subscribe to component updates',
'body' => 'Enter your email address to subscribe to updates for this component. If you\'re already subscribed, you\'ll already receive emails for this component.',
'button' => '購読',
// Other
'home' => 'Home',
'description' => 'Stay up to date with the latest service updates from :app.',
'powered_by' => 'Powered by <a href="" class="links">Cachet</a>.',
'timezone' => 'Times are shown in :timezone.',
'about_this_site' => 'このサイトについて',
'rss-feed' => 'RSS',
'atom-feed' => 'Atom',
'feed' => 'ステータスフィード',