2016-01-29 22:05:05 +00:00

120 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* This file is part of Cachet.
* (c) Alt Three Services Limited
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
return [
| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
| the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
| as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages here.
'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
'active_url' => 'attribute: אינו כתובת URL חוקית.',
'after' => 'attribute: חייב להיות תאריך אחרי date:',
'alpha' => 'attribute: יכולים להכיל רק אותיות.',
'alpha_dash' => 'attribute: יכולה להכיל רק אותיות, מספרים, מקפים.',
'alpha_num' => 'attribute: יכולים להכיל רק אותיות ומספרים.',
'array' => 'attribute: חייב להיות מערך.',
'before' => 'The :attribute must be a date before :date.',
'between' => [
'numeric' => 'attribute: חייב להיות בין min: ו max:',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.',
'boolean' => 'שדה attribute: חייב להיות true או false.',
'confirmed' => 'The :attribute confirmation does not match.',
'date' => 'attribute: אינו תאריך חוקי.',
'date_format' => 'The :attribute does not match the format :format.',
'different' => 'The :attribute and :other must be different.',
'digits' => 'attribute: חייב להיות digits: ספרות.',
'digits_between' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.',
'email' => 'The :attribute must be a valid email address.',
'exists' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'filled' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
'image' => 'attribute: חייב להיות תמונה.',
'in' => 'attribute: הנבחר אינו חוקית.',
'integer' => 'attribute: צריכה להיות מספר שלם.',
'ip' => 'attribute: חייב להיות כתובת IP חוקית.',
'json' => 'The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.',
'max' => [
'numeric' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max.',
'file' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute may not have more than :max items.',
'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'min' => [
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
'not_in' => 'attribute: הנבחר אינו חוקי.',
'numeric' => 'attribute: חייב להיות מספר.',
'regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
'required_if' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.',
'required_unless' => 'The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.',
'required_with' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
'required_with_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
'required_without' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.',
'required_without_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.',
'same' => 'The :attribute and :other must match.',
'size' => [
'numeric' => 'attribute: חייב להיות size:',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be :size characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must contain :size items.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be a string.',
'timezone' => 'The :attribute must be a valid zone.',
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'url' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention "attribute.rule" to name the lines. This makes it quick to
| specify a specific custom language line for a given attribute rule.
'custom' => [
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
| Custom Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as E-Mail Address instead
| of "email". This simply helps us make messages a little cleaner.
'attributes' => [],