import {EventProcessor} from "./EventProcessor.js"; import {Player} from "./Player.js"; import {SoundType} from "./Enums.js"; import {SoundRepository} from "./SoundRepository.js"; export class Game { #world #hud #stats #pointer #round = 1 #paused = false #started = false #options = false #readyCallback #endCallback #soundRepository #hudDebounceTicks = 1 #bombTimerId = null; eventProcessor score = null alivePlayers = [0, 0] buyList = [] players = [] playerMe = null playerSpectate = null constructor(world, hud, stats) { this.#world = world this.#hud = hud this.#stats = stats this.eventProcessor = new EventProcessor(this) this.#soundRepository = new SoundRepository() } pause(msg, score, timeMs) { console.log("Pause: " + msg + " for " + timeMs + "ms") clearInterval(this.#bombTimerId) this.#world.reset() const game = this this.players.forEach(function (player) { if (player.getId() === game.playerMe.getId()) { if (game.playerSpectate.getId() !== game.playerMe.getId()) { // reset spectate camera to our player const camera = game.#world.getCamera() camera.removeFromParent() player.get3DObject().getObjectByName('head').add(camera) game.playerSpectate = game.playerMe } } else { player.respawn() } }) if (!this.#started) { this.#gameStartOrHalfTimeOrEnd() this.#started = true } this.#paused = true this.score = score this.#hud.pause(msg, timeMs) this.#hud.requestFullScoreBoardUpdate(this.score) } unpause() { this.#paused = false this.#hud.clearTopMessage() console.log("Game unpause") } end(msg) { console.log('Game ended') this.#gameStartOrHalfTimeOrEnd() if (this.#endCallback) { this.#endCallback(msg) } } roundStart(aliveAttackers, aliveDefenders) { console.log("Starting round " + this.#round) this.alivePlayers[0] = aliveDefenders this.alivePlayers[1] = aliveAttackers this.#hud.clearAlerts() this.#hud.roundStart(this.#options.setting.round_time_ms) } roundEnd(attackersWins, newRoundNumber, score) { let winner = attackersWins ? 'Attackers' : 'Defenders' console.log("Round " + this.#round + " ended. Round wins: " + winner) this.score = score; this.#round = newRoundNumber this.#hud.displayTopMessage(winner + ' wins') this.#hud.requestFullScoreBoardUpdate(this.score) } halfTime() { this.#gameStartOrHalfTimeOrEnd() } #gameStartOrHalfTimeOrEnd() { this.#world.playSound('538422__rosa-orenes256__referee-whistle-sound.wav', null, true) } playSound(data) { if (data.type === SoundType.ITEM_ATTACK && data.player === this.playerSpectate.getId()) { this.attackFeedback(data.item) } if (data.type === SoundType.ITEM_PICKUP) { this.#world.itemPickup(data.position, data.item) } if (data.type === SoundType.BULLET_HIT && data.surface) { this.#world.bulletWallHit(data.position, data.surface) } if (data.type === SoundType.ITEM_DROP) { this.#world.itemDrop(data.position, data.item) if (data.player === this.playerSpectate.getId()) { this.dropFeedback(data.item) } } let soundName = this.#soundRepository.getSoundName(data.type, data.item, data.player, data.surface, this.playerSpectate.getId()) if (!soundName) { return } let myPlayerTypes = [SoundType.ITEM_RELOAD, SoundType.PLAYER_STEP, SoundType.ITEM_ATTACK, SoundType.ITEM_BUY, SoundType.BOMB_PLANTING, SoundType.BOMB_PLANTED, SoundType.ITEM_PICKUP] let myPlayerSound = (data.player && data.player === this.playerSpectate.getId() && myPlayerTypes.includes(data.type)) this.#world.playSound(soundName, data.position, myPlayerSound) } bombPlanted(timeMs, position) { const world = this.#world world.spawnBomb(position) const bombSecCount = Math.round(timeMs / 1000) this.#hud.bombPlanted(bombSecCount) const tenSecWarningSecCount = Math.round(timeMs / 1000 - 10) let tickSecondsCount = 0; let bombTimerId = setInterval(function () { if (tickSecondsCount === bombSecCount) { clearInterval(bombTimerId) } if (tickSecondsCount === tenSecWarningSecCount) { world.playSound('88532__northern87__woosh-northern87.wav', null, true) } world.playSound('536422__rudmer-rotteveel__setting-electronic-timer-1-beep.wav', position, false) tickSecondsCount++; }, 1000) this.#bombTimerId = bombTimerId } bombDefused() { clearInterval(this.#bombTimerId) } isPaused() { return this.#paused } isPlaying() { return this.#started } onReady(callback) { this.#readyCallback = callback } onEnd(callback) { this.#endCallback = callback } gameStart(options) { this.#options = options this.#hud.startWarmup(options.warmupSec * 1000) const playerId = options.playerId if (this.players[playerId]) { throw new Error("My Player is already set!") } this.playerMe = new Player(options.player, this.#world.createPlayerMe()) this.players[playerId] = this.playerMe; this.playerSpectate = this.playerMe if (this.#readyCallback) { this.#readyCallback(this.#options) } } playerKilled(playerIdDead, playerIdCulprit, wasHeadshot, killItemId) { const culpritPlayer = this.players[playerIdCulprit] const deadPlayer = this.players[playerIdDead] deadPlayer.died() this.alivePlayers[deadPlayer.getTeamIndex()]-- this.#hud.showKill(,, wasHeadshot,, killItemId ) if (playerIdDead === this.playerSpectate.getId()) { this.spectatePlayer() } } spectatePlayer(directionNext = true) { if (this.playerMe.isAlive() || this.alivePlayers[this.playerMe.getTeamIndex()] === 0) { return } let teammates = this.getMyTeamPlayers() if (!directionNext) { teammates = [...teammates].reverse() } const startId = this.playerSpectate.getId() let match = teammates.find((player) => startId > player.getId() && player.isAlive()) if (!match) { match = teammates.find((player) => player.isAlive()) } const camera = this.#world.getCamera() camera.removeFromParent() match.get3DObject().getObjectByName('head').add(camera) this.playerSpectate = match } createPlayer(data) { const player = new Player(data, this.#world.spawnPlayer(data.color, this.playerMe.isAttacker() !== data.isAttacker)) if (this.players[]) { throw new Error('Player already exist with id ' + } this.players[] = player return player } attackFeedback(item) { if ( > 0) { this.#hud.showShot(item) } } dropFeedback(item) { this.#hud.showDropAnimation(item) } equip(slotId) { if (![slotId]) { return false } this.playerSpectate.equip(slotId) this.#hud.equip(slotId, return true } tick(state) { this.#stats.begin() const game = this (event) { game.eventProcessor.process(event) }) if (this.#options === false) { return } state.players.forEach(function (serverState) { let player = game.players[] if (player === undefined) { player = game.createPlayer(serverState) } game.updatePlayerData(player, serverState) }) this.#render() this.#stats.end() } updatePlayerData(player, serverState) { player.get3DObject().getObjectByName('head').position.y = serverState.heightSight player.get3DObject().position.set(serverState.position.x, serverState.position.y, -serverState.position.z) if ( === { // if player on my team if ( !== { this.#hud.updateMyTeamPlayerMoney(, } player.updateData(serverState) } else { = serverState.item = serverState.isAttacker } if (this.playerMe.getId() === || this.playerSpectate.getId() === { if (this.playerSpectate.isInventoryChanged(serverState)) { this.equip(serverState.item.slot) } } else { this.updateOtherPlayersModels(player.get3DObject(), serverState) } } updateOtherPlayersModels(playerObject, data) { playerObject.rotation.y = serverHorizontalRotationToThreeRadian(data.look.horizontal) const body = playerObject.getObjectByName('body') if (body.position.y !== data.heightBody) { // update body height position if changed body.position.y = data.heightBody } } getMyTeamPlayers() { let meIsAttacker = this.playerMe.isAttacker() return this.players.filter((player) => player.isAttacker() === meIsAttacker) } meIsAlive() { return this.playerMe.isAlive() } meIsSpectating() { return (!this.meIsAlive()) } setPointer(pointer) { this.#pointer = pointer } getPlayerMeRotation() { return threeRotationToServer(this.#pointer.getObject().rotation) } getPlayerSpectateRotation() { if (this.playerSpectate.getId() === this.playerMe.getId()) { return this.getPlayerMeRotation() } return [,] } requestPointerLock() { if (this.#pointer.isLocked) { return } this.#pointer.lock() } requestPointerUnLock() { if (!this.#pointer.isLocked) { return } this.#pointer.unlock() } #render() { if (this.#started && --this.#hudDebounceTicks === 0) { this.#hudDebounceTicks = 4 this.#hud.updateHud( } this.#world.render() } }