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synced 2025-03-18 22:39:47 +01:00
Modify documentor to document arguments
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,83 +57,84 @@ Each of the generator properties (like `name`, `address`, and `lorem`) are calle
### `Faker\Provider\DateTime`
amPm() // 'am'
century() // 'V'
date() // '2008-11-27'
dateTime() // 2005-08-16 20:39:21
dateTimeBetween() // 1999-02-02 11:42:52
dateTimeThisCentury() // 1964-04-04 11:02:02
dateTimeThisDecade() // 2010-03-10 05:18:58
dateTimeThisMonth() // 2011-10-05 12:51:46
dateTimeThisYear() // 2011-09-19 09:24:37
dayOfMonth() // '29'
dayOfWeek() // 'Thursday'
iso8601() // '2003-10-21T16:05:52+0000'
month() // '06'
monthName() // 'November'
time() // '15:02:34'
unixTime() // 1061306726
year() // '1991'
amPm // 'am'
century // 'V'
date($format = 'Y-m-d') // '2008-11-27'
dateTime // 2005-08-16 20:58:39
dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-30 years', $endDate = 'now') // 1999-02-02 12:05:31
dateTimeThisCentury // 1964-04-04 11:24:41
dateTimeThisDecade // 2010-03-10 05:41:37
dateTimeThisMonth // 2011-10-05 13:14:25
dateTimeThisYear // 2011-09-19 09:47:16
dayOfMonth // '29'
dayOfWeek // 'Thursday'
iso8601 // '2003-10-21T16:24:11+0000'
month // '06'
monthName // 'November'
time($format = 'H:i:s') // '15:17:03'
unixTime // 1061307820
year // '1991'
### `Faker\Provider\Internet`
domainName() // 'mueller.info'
domainWord() // 'von'
email() // 'cshields@rosenbaum.com'
freeEmail() // 'dayna55@gmail.com'
freeEmailDomain() // 'yahoo.com'
ipv4() // ''
ipv6() // '35cd:186d:3e23:2986:ef9f:5b41:42a4:e6f1'
safeEmail() // 'nbatz@example.org'
tld() // 'info'
url() // 'http://www.runolfsdottir.com/'
userName() // 'tremblay.haylie'
domainName // 'mueller.info'
domainWord // 'von'
email // 'cshields@rosenbaum.com'
freeEmail // 'dayna55@gmail.com'
freeEmailDomain // 'yahoo.com'
ipv4 // ''
ipv6 // '35cd:186d:3e23:2986:ef9f:5b41:42a4:e6f1'
safeEmail // 'nbatz@example.org'
tld // 'info'
url // 'http://www.runolfsdottir.com/'
userName // 'tremblay.haylie'
### `Faker\Provider\Lorem`
lorem() // 'Fuga totam reiciendis qui architecto fugiat. (...)'
paragraph() // 'Sed a nam et sint autem. Aut officia aut. Blanditiis et ducimus.'
paragraphs() // array('Amet et est. (...)', 'Sequi cum culpa rem. Rerum exercitationem est.')
sentence() // 'Sit vitae voluptas sint non.'
sentences() // array('Ut optio quos qui illo error nihil.', 'Vero a officia id corporis incidunt.', 'Provident esse hic eligendi quos culpa ut.')
word() // 'aut'
words() // array('porro', 'sed', 'magni')
lorem($nbParagraphs = 3) // 'Fuga totam reiciendis qui architecto fugiat. (...)'
paragraph($nbSentences = 3) // 'Sed a nam et sint autem. Aut officia aut. Blanditiis et ducimus.'
paragraphs($nb = 3) // array('Amet et est. (...)', 'Sequi cum culpa rem. Rerum exercitationem est.')
sentence($nbWords = 3) // 'Sit vitae voluptas sint non.'
sentences($nb = 3) // array('Ut optio quos qui illo error nihil.', 'Vero a officia id corporis incidunt.', 'Provident esse hic eligendi quos culpa ut.')
word // 'aut'
words($nb = 3) // array('porro', 'sed', 'magni')
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Address`
address() // '8888 Cummings Vista Apt. 101, Susanbury, NY 95473'
buildingNumber() // '484'
city() // 'West Judge'
cityPrefix() // 'Lake'
citySuffix() // 'borough'
country() // 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'
postcode() // '17916'
secondaryAddress() // 'Suite 961'
state() // 'NewMexico'
stateAbbr() // 'OH'
streetAddress() // '439 Karley Loaf Suite 897'
streetName() // 'Keegan Trail'
streetSuffix() // 'Keys'
address // '8888 Cummings Vista Apt. 101
Susanbury, NY 95473'
buildingNumber // '484'
city // 'West Judge'
cityPrefix // 'Lake'
citySuffix // 'borough'
country // 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'
postcode // '17916'
secondaryAddress // 'Suite 961'
state // 'NewMexico'
stateAbbr // 'OH'
streetAddress // '439 Karley Loaf Suite 897'
streetName // 'Keegan Trail'
streetSuffix // 'Keys'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Company`
bs() // 'e-enable robust architectures'
catchPhrase() // 'Monitored regional contingency'
company() // 'Bogan-Treutel'
companySuffix() // 'and Sons'
bs // 'e-enable robust architectures'
catchPhrase // 'Monitored regional contingency'
company // 'Bogan-Treutel'
companySuffix // 'and Sons'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\Name`
firstName() // 'Maynard'
lastName() // 'Zulauf'
name() // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
prefix() // 'Ms.'
suffix() // 'Jr.'
firstName // 'Maynard'
lastName // 'Zulauf'
name // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
prefix // 'Ms.'
suffix // 'Jr.'
### `Faker\Provider\en_US\PhoneNumber`
phoneNumber() // '132-149-0269x3767'
phoneNumber // '132-149-0269x3767'
## Localization
`Faker\Factory` can take a locale as an argument, to return localized data. If no localized provider is found, the factory fallbacks to the default locale.
@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ class Documentor
if ($methodName == '__construct') {
$parameters = array();
foreach ($reflmethod->getParameters() as $reflparameter) {
$parameter = '$'. $reflparameter->getName();
if ($reflparameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
$parameter .= ' = ' . var_export($reflparameter->getDefaultValue(), true);
$parameters []= $parameter;
$parameters = $parameters ? '('. join(', ', $parameters) . ')' : '';
$example = $this->generator->format($methodName);
if (is_array($example)) {
$example = "array('". join("', '", $example) . "')";
@ -31,7 +40,7 @@ class Documentor
} elseif (is_string($example)) {
$example = var_export($example, true);
$formatters[$providerClass][$methodName] = $example;
$formatters[$providerClass][$methodName . $parameters] = $example;
@ -8,31 +8,51 @@ class DateTime extends \Faker\Provider\Base
protected static $century = array('I','II','III','IV','V','VI','VII','VIII','IX','X','XI','XII','XIII','XIV','XV','XVI','XVII','XVIII','XIX','XX','XX1');
* @example 1061306726
public static function unixTime()
return mt_rand(0, time());
* @example DateTime('2005-08-16 20:39:21')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTime()
return new \DateTime('@' . static::unixTime());
* @example '2003-10-21T16:05:52+0000'
public static function iso8601()
return static::date(\DateTime::ISO8601);
* @example '2008-11-27'
public static function date($format = 'Y-m-d')
return static::dateTime()->format($format);
* @example '15:02:34'
public static function time($format = 'H:i:s')
return static::dateTime()->format($format);
* @example DateTime('1999-02-02 11:42:52')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTimeBetween($startDate = "-30 years", $endDate = "now")
$startTimestamp = strtotime($startDate);
@ -41,57 +61,94 @@ class DateTime extends \Faker\Provider\Base
return new \DateTime('@' . $timestamp);
* @example DateTime('1964-04-04 11:02:02')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTimeThisCentury()
return static::dateTimeBetween("-100 year");
* @example DateTime('2010-03-10 05:18:58')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTimeThisDecade()
return static::dateTimeBetween("-10 year");
* @example DateTime('2011-09-19 09:24:37')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTimeThisYear()
return static::dateTimeBetween("-1 year");
* @example DateTime('2011-10-05 12:51:46')
* @return \DateTime
public static function dateTimeThisMonth()
return static::dateTimeBetween("-1 month");
* @example 'am'
public static function amPm()
return static::dateTime()->format('a');
* @example '22'
public static function dayOfMonth()
return static::dateTime()->format('d');
* @example 'Tuesday'
public static function dayOfWeek()
return static::dateTime()->format('l');
* @example '7'
public static function month()
return static::dateTime()->format('m');
* @example 'September'
public static function monthName()
return static::dateTime()->format('F');
* @example 1673
public static function year()
return static::dateTime()->format('Y');
* @example 'XVII'
public static function century()
return static::randomElement(static::$century);
@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ $documentor = new Faker\Documentor($generator);
### `<?php echo $provider ?>`
<?php foreach ($formatters as $formatter => $example): ?>
<?php echo str_pad($formatter . '()', 20) ?><?php if ($example): ?> // <?php echo $example ?> <?php endif; ?>
<?php echo str_pad($formatter, 23) ?><?php if ($example): ?> // <?php echo $example ?> <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
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