's //IF NEW REPLY if (isset($_POST['thread'])) { //get thread info include (__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . phpClean($_POST['thread_number']) . "/info.php"); if ($info_locked == 1) { error('This thread is locked...'); } if(!isset($_FILES['file']) || $_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { if (strlen($post_body) < $config['reply_body_min']) { error('Reply too short. Min: 10.'); } } else { if ($config['reply_file_only'] == false) { if (strlen($post_body) < $config['reply_body_min']) { error('Reply too short. Min: 10.'); } } } if (strlen($post_body) > $config['reply_body_max']) { error('Reply too long. Max: 4000.'); } } //WORDFILTERS, CITATIONS, ETC. if ($post_body != '') { //citations (probably gonna be a pain to fix dead links later?) //todo //add quotes $post_body = preg_replace("/^\s*>.*$/m", "$0", $post_body); //add replyquotes $post_body = preg_replace("/^\s*<.*$/m", "$0", $post_body); //AsciiArt [aa] $post_body = preg_replace("/\[aa\](.+?)\[\/aa\]/ms", "$0", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[aa\]/", "", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[\/aa\]/", "", $post_body); //Code [code] $post_body = preg_replace("/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/ms", "
", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[code\]/", "", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[\/code\]/", "", $post_body); //Spoilers $post_body = preg_replace("/\[spoiler\](.+?)\[\/spoiler\]/ms", "$0", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[spoiler\]/", "", $post_body); $post_body = preg_replace("/\[\/spoiler\]/", "", $post_body); //remove newlines from start and end of string $post_body = ltrim($post_body); //start $post_body = rtrim($post_body); //end //add newlines $post_body = preg_replace('/\n/i', '
', $post_body); //WORDFILTERS foreach ($config['wordfilters'] as $key => $wordfilter) { $post_body = preg_replace($wordfilter[0], $wordfilter[1], $post_body); } } //Requirements met? //max lines? if (preg_match_all('/
/', $post_body) > $config['max_lines']) { error('Too many new lines. Max 40.'); } if ($captcha_required == true) { if(isset($_POST['captcha'])){ session_start(); if (($captcha_required == true) && ($_SESSION['captcha_text'] != strtolower($_POST['captcha']))) { error('Wrong captcha!! How annoying...'); } else { session_destroy(); } } else { error('No captcha entered.'); } } if ($post_name === '') { $post_name = $default_name; } if (strlen($post_name) > 256) { error('Name too long. Max 256.'); } if (strlen($post_email) > 256) { error('Email too long. Max 256.'); } if (strlen($post_subject) > 256) { error('Subject too long. Max 256.'); } //IF NEW THREAD if (isset($_POST['index'])) { if (strlen($post_body) > $config['post_body_max']) { error('Post too long. Max: 4000.'); } if (strlen($post_body) < $config['post_body_min']) { error('Comment too short. Min: 10.'); } } //ARE WE POSTING? if ((isset($post_board)) && (isset($_POST['index']))) { //SHOULD IT EXIST? if (!isset($config['boards'][$post_board])) { error('This board shouldn\'t exist...'); } //IF NOT EXIST, CREATE DIRECTORY if (!file_exists(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards')) { mkdir(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards', 0755, true); } if ((!file_exists(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board) && (isset($config['boards'][$post_board])) === true)) { mkdir(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board, 0755, true); } if ($config['boards'][$post_board]['locked'] == 1) { error('This board is locked. Sneaky.'); } //IS THIS OUR FIRST THREAD? // if no file in folder if (dir_is_empty(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board)) { file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php', 1); //create post count } //CREATE THREAD FOLDER $counter = file_get_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php'); //CHECK FOR AND HANDLE FILES include __dir__ . '/includes/filehandler.php'; $current_count = $counter; mkdir(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $current_count, 0755, true); //create thread folder //COLLECT POST INFORMATION $create_OP = ''; //SAVE POST INFORMATION $current_count = $counter; file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $current_count . '/OP.php', $create_OP); //INCREMENT COUNTER $counter = file_get_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php'); $newcount = $counter + 1; file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php', $newcount); // UpdateOP($database_folder, $post_board, $current_count, 1, 0, $current_count, 1, $info_sticky, $info_locked, $info_autosage); //information about thread and replies UpdateThreads($database_folder, $post_board, $current_count); //update recents.php and board bumps. UpdateRecents($database_folder, $post_board, $current_count, $recent_replies); include __dir__ . '/includes/update-frontpage.php'; PostSuccess($prefix_folder . $main_file . '/?board=' . $post_board . '&thread=' . $counter . '#' . $counter, true); } if ((isset($post_board)) && (isset($_POST['thread']))) { $post_is_thread = phpClean($_POST['thread']); $post_thread_number = phpClean($_POST['thread_number']); //board exists? if (!isset($config['boards'][$post_board])) { error('This board shouldn\'t exist...'); } //thread exists? if (($post_is_thread == 'thread') && (file_exists(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $post_thread_number . '/OP.php'))) { //THREAD EXISTS //CREATE/INCREASE COUNTER+LAST BUMPED. to do: (reset bump on post deletion by user or mod, do elsewhere) $counter = file_get_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php'); //CHECK FOR AND HANDLE FILES include __dir__ . '/includes/filehandler.php'; $newcount = $counter + 1; //save it as last bumped if not sage tho if (!isset($_POST['sage']) && $info_autosage == 0) { file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $post_thread_number . '/bumped.php', $counter); } //save it as last post number file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/counter.php', $newcount); //counter handled... moving on: //POST STUFF //COLLECT POST INFORMATION $create_reply = ''; //SAVE POST INFORMATION $current_count = $counter; file_put_contents(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $post_thread_number . '/' . $current_count . '.php', $create_reply); //how many replies do we have? //FIND REPLIES $replies_ = []; $replies_ = glob(__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $post_thread_number . "/*"); $reply_counter = 0; foreach ($replies_ as $reply) { if (is_numeric(basename($reply, '.php'))) { $reply_counter += 1; } } //how many unique posters do we have? $ip_counter = 1; $ips_ = []; //Get OP IP include (__dir__ . '/' . $database_folder . '/boards/' . $post_board . '/' . $post_thread_number . "/OP.php"); $ips_ = []; $ips_[] = $op_ip; //Get replies ips foreach ($replies_ as $reply) { include ($reply); $ips_[] = $reply_ip; } $ip_counter = count(array_unique($ips_)); UpdateOP($database_folder, $post_board, $post_thread_number, 0, $reply_counter, $current_count, $ip_counter, $info_sticky, $info_locked, $info_autosage); UpdateThreads($database_folder, $post_board, $current_count); //update recents.php and board bumps. UpdateRecents($database_folder, $post_board, $post_thread_number, $recent_replies); //update recents.php and board bumps. include __dir__ . '/includes/update-frontpage.php'; PostSuccess($prefix_folder . $main_file . '/?board=' . $post_board . '&thread=' . $post_thread_number . '#' . $current_count, true); } } error('This shouldn\'t happen..'); ?>